Comparing estimators for π₀

Setting the scene

In [1]:
using MultipleTesting

In [2]:
using Distributions
using DataFrames
using Gadfly

In [3]:

Simulating p-value distributions

We simulate p-values under the null and alternative hypothesis by drawing from random variable distributions. For the null hypothesis, p-values are uniformly distributed in the interval [0,1]; p-values under the alternative hypothesis are modelled by a Beta distribution with a momotonically decreasing density.

In [4]:
π₀ = 0.7
bum = BetaUniformMixtureModel(π₀, 0.5, 3.0)

MixtureModel{Distributions.Distribution{Distributions.Univariate,Distributions.Continuous}}(K = 2)
components[1] (prior = 0.3000): Distributions.Beta{Float64}(α=0.5, β=3.0)
components[2] (prior = 0.7000): Distributions.Uniform{Float64}(a=0.0, b=1.0)

In [5]:
h₁, h₀ = components(bum);

In [6]:
x = linspace(0.01, 1.0, 200);
colors = ["olive drab", "steel blue", "firebrick"]
p = plot(
         layer(x = x, y = pdf.(bum, x), Geom.line, Theme(default_color = colors[1])),
         layer(x = x, y = pdf.(h₀, x), Geom.line, Theme(default_color = colors[2])),
         layer(x = x, y = pdf.(h₁, x), Geom.line, Theme(default_color = colors[3])),
         Guide.xlabel("p-value"), Guide.ylabel("density"),
         Guide.manual_color_key("", ["H", "H₀", "H₁"], colors)
draw(SVG(20cm, 13cm), p)

p-value 0.0 0.5 1.0 H H₀ H₁ 0 5 10 density

Assessing π₀ estimators

We assess the performance of three estimators for π₀, the fraction of tests under the null hypothesis. Here, we compare different estimators in the package (skipping the Oracle one though, for obvious reasons). Using the mixture model from above, we simulate p-values with a true π₀ of 0.7, i.e. 30% of the p-values come from the alternative model.

In [7]:
estimators = filter(x -> != :Oracle, subtypes(Pi0Estimator))

9-element Array{Union{DataType, UnionAll},1}:

In [8]:
m = 200;

In [9]:
pi0hat = zeros(m, length(estimators))
for i in 1:m
    pvals = PValues(rand(bum, m))
    for (j, e) in enumerate(estimators)
        pi0hat[i,j] = estimate_pi0(pvals, e())

In [10]:
df = convert(DataFrame, pi0hat)
names!(df, [ for e in estimators])
df = stack(df, collect(1:length(estimators)))
names!(df, [:estimator, :π̂₀]);

In [11]:
p = plot(
         layer(yintercept = [π₀], Geom.hline(style = :dot, color = "black")),
         layer(df, x = :estimator, y = :π̂₀, color = :estimator, Geom.boxplot),
         Scale.x_discrete(labels = x -> ""),
         Guide.yticks(ticks = collect(0:0.2:1))
f = draw(SVG(20cm, 13cm), p)

estimator BUM CensoredBUM ConvexDecreasing FlatGrenander LeastSlope RightBoundary Storey StoreyBootstrap TwoStep estimator 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 π̂₀

Visualizing the estimated π₀ for the estimators shows us a typical bias-variance tradeoff: For example, Storey's bootstrap has a small bias with regard to the true value (black horizontal line), but exhibits a large degree of variablity. In contrast, the Two Step and the Least Slope estimators have lower variability, while clearly overestimating π₀.