verify pyEMU Influence class

In [27]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd
import pyemu

instaniate pyemu object and drop prior info. Then reorder the jacobian and save as binary. This is needed because the pest utilities require strict order between the control file and jacobian

In [40]:
pst = pyemu.Pst("freyberg.pst")
pst.pestpp_options = {}
inf = pyemu.Influence(jco="",pst=pst,verbose=False)

pick just a few parameters since infstat is super picky about this

In [41]:
par = inf.pst.parameter_data
adj_pars = par.loc[par.pargp=="hk","parnme"][:10].values.tolist()
fixed_pars = [pname for pname in inf.pst.adj_par_names if pname not in adj_pars]
jco_ord = inf.jco.get(inf.pst.obs_names,adj_pars)
ord_base = "freyberg_ord_infstat"
inf.pst.parameter_data.loc[fixed_pars,"partrans"] = "fixed"
#jco_ord.to_binary(ord_base + ".jco")  
#inf.pst.control_data.parsaverun = ' '
inf.pst.control_data.noptmax = 0

run pest one time since it is super picky about the format of the .res file

In [42]:
os.system("pest.exe "+ord_base+'.pst')


Write the .jco since pest just stomped on it

In [43]:
jco_ord.to_binary(ord_base + ".jco")

In [8]:
os.system("infstat freyberg_ord")


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