In [1]:
# Configure slide scrolling
from import ConfigManager
cm = ConfigManager()
cm.update('livereveal', {
'width': 1024,
'height': 768,
'scroll': True,
In [2]:
# Share functions used in multiple notebooks
%run Shared-Functions.ipynb
The dataset used in this notebook is from Andrew Ng's course on Machine Learning on Coursera.
Linear regression has been in use for hundreds of years. What place does it have in the shiny (relatively) new field of machine learning? It's the same end result you've learned in statsistics classes, but in a way much simpler. The method for getting there is via the steps of machine learning outlined in the Nuts and Bolts notebook. We'll go through these steps again in this notebook.
You're the CEO of a restaurant franchise. Your restaurants operate in a number of small towns. You're thinking of how to grow the business. Where's the best place to put the next restaurant?
For each restaurant your company owns and operates, you have the population (in 10,000s) of the town the restaurant is located in and the most recent year's profit (in \$10,000s) generated by the restaurant. You'd like to use this data to make some profit predictions and use these to prioritize locations for new restaurants.
Let's have a look at this data.
In [3]:
# Load up the packages to investigate the data
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
In [4]:
import os
# OS-independent way to navigate the file system
# Data directory is one directory up in relation to directory of this notebook
data_dir_root = os.path.normpath(os.getcwd() + os.sep + os.pardir)
# Where the file is
file_url = data_dir_root + os.sep + "Data" + os.sep + "food-truck-profits.txt"
# Load the data into a dataframe
data = pd.read_csv(file_url, header=None, names=['Population', 'Profit'])
In [5]:
# Quick check on what we have
This means that the dataset has 97 rows and 2 columns. Let's see what the data looks like.
The first few rows of our data look like this:
In [6]:
In [7]:
# Visualize the data
data.plot.scatter(x='Population', y='Profit', figsize=(8,6));
The complete data set can be described using the traditional statistical descriptors:
In [8]:
# Calculate some useful statistics showing how the data is distributed
For this data, we have a single input or feature -- town population. We have 97 different town populations in our dataset. That's 97 different values for our single input variable. Keep in mind that each value is in 10,000s. So multipy the value you see by 10,000 to get the actual value of the population.
In [9]:
# Here are the input values
# Number of columns in our dataset
cols = data.shape[1]
# Inputs are in the first column - indexed as 0
X = data.iloc[:, 0:cols-1]
# Alternatively, X = data['Population']
print("Number of columns in the dataset {}".format(cols))
print("First few inputs\n {}".format(X.head()))
In [10]:
# The last few values of X
The output is annual restaurant profit. For each value of the input we have a value for the output. Keep in mind that each value is in \$10,000s. So multipy the value you see by \$10,000 to get the actual annual profit for the restaurant.
Let's look at some of these output values.
In [11]:
# Here are the output vaues
# Outputs are in the second column - indexed as 1
y = data.iloc[:, cols-1:cols]
# Alternatively, y = data['Profits']
# See a sample of the outputs
In [12]:
# Last few items of the ouput
Once we've identified the inputs and the output, the task is easy to define: given the inputs, predict the output. So in this case, given a town's population, predict the profit a restarurant would generate.
As we saw in the Nuts and Bolts session, a model is a way of transforming the inputs into the output.
For every row of the dataset, we use the same weights $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$ to multiply each corresponding feature value in that row and summing like so:
$$(w_{0} * x_{0}) + (w_{1} * x_{1})$$Depending on the values of the $w$ values and the features, this gives us a value for the output -- $\hat{y}$ -- in that row of the dataset.
Once again, as we saw in the ML-Nuts-and-Bolts notebook, a model is a way of transforming the inputs into the output.
For every row of the dataset, we use the same weights $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$ to multiply each corresponding feature value in that row and summing like so:
$$(w_{0} * x_{0}) + (w_{1} * x_{1})$$Remember from the Nuts and Bolts notebook that $w_{0}$ is called the intercept and the value of $x_{0}$ is 1 for all rows.
Depending on the values of the $w$s and the features, this gives us a value for the output -- $\hat{y}$ -- in that row of the dataset.
Because our datasets typically have lots of rows, applying a model to a dataset means hundreds, if not millions of equations like the one above -- in fact, one for each row of the dataset. The beautiful thing is matrix notation can express these millions of equations in a compact way using just a single line.
To see how matrix notation does this neat trick, first separate the dataset into the input features matrix $X$, the output values matrix $Y$.
Specifically, let
$$X = \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 6.1101 \\ 1 & 5.5277 \\ \vdots & \vdots \\ 1 & 13.394 \\ 1 & 5.4369 \end{bmatrix}$$and
$$Y = \begin{bmatrix} 17.5920 \\ 9.1302 \\ \vdots \\ 9.05510 \\ 0.61705 \end{bmatrix}$$In this simple dataset both $X$ and $Y$ are matrices with 97 rows; $X$ has 2 columns while $Y$ has only 1 column. In matrix notation, their dimensions are written as (97 x 2) and (97 x 1) respectively. The 'x' sign is not a multiplication as we usually take it but a way of saying we have a matrix dimension of (m rows x n columns).
Three Rules of Matrices to Keep in Mind (the only ones we'll need)
The equivalent of writing
$$ (w_{0} * x_{0}^{(1)}) + (w_{1} * x_{1}^{(1)}) = y^{(1)} \\ (w_{0} * x_{0}^{(2)}) + (w_{1} * x_{1}^{(2)}) = y^{(2)} \\ (w_{0} * x_{0}^{(3)}) + (w_{1} * x_{1}^{(3)}) = y^{(3)} \\ (w_{0} * x_{0}^{(4)}) + (w_{1} * x_{1}^{(4)}) = y^{(4)} \\ \vdots \\ (w_{0} * x_{0}^{(96)}) + (w_{1} * x_{1}^{(96)}) = y^{(96)} \\ (w_{0} * x_{0}^{(97)}) + (w_{1} * x_{1}^{(97)}) = y^{(97)} \\ $$is to write instead:
$$X \cdot W^{T} = Y$$where X and Y are the matrices above, $\cdot$ is the symbol for "multipying" or taking the dot product of X and Y, and W is a matrix that looks like
$$W = \begin{bmatrix} w_{0} \\ w_{1} \\ \end{bmatrix}$$It's as simple as that to represent in one line something that would other wise take hundreds of lines! And that's why matrix notation is handy.
As we saw in the description of the model, $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$ are the parameters of our model.
Let's pick a row from the dataset, assume values of -10 and 1 respectively for $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$, and see what we get for the value of $\hat{y}$. We'll also subtract this from the actual ouput value of the row $y$ and define our penalty as a function of $\hat{y} - y$.
[We'll use the power of matrix multiplication to do these calculations without any fuss. If you're interested in the details, have a look at the computePenalty function in the Shared-Functions notebook.]
Terminology The penalty always operates on a row of the dataset. When the penalties for every row of the dataset gets summed, that quantity is called the cost. So there's a penalty function that is applied to every row; sum the outputs of the penalty function over the rows of the dataset and you arrive at the cost. Sometimes people refer to the penalty function as the cost function. That's OK, there's not much harm done.
In [13]:
# A Handful of Penalty Functions
# Generate the error range
x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
[penaltyPlot(x, pen) for pen in penaltyFunctions.keys()];
In [14]:
penalty(X,y,[-10, 1], VPenalty)
In [15]:
penalty(X,y,[-10, 1], invertedVPenalty)
The cost of getting it wrong is defined as a function $J(W)$:
$$J(W) = \frac{1}{2m} \sum_{i=1}^{m} (h_{W}x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)})^2$$What we're saying here: For each input, transform it using $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$. This will give us a number. Subtract from this number the actual value of the output for that input. This gives us another number. Take this number and square it. This gives us our final result for that particular input. Add each of these final results -- one for each input we have in our dataset -- and divide it by $2m$ -- that is, twice the number of data points in our data set. This last division step is to make the cost of getting it wrong relative to the size of the dataset -- think of it simply as a mathematical convenience.
This way of writing things expresses exactly the same thing as writing out a series of equations would. That's why matrix notation is so powerful and widely used -- the matrix notation helps keep things short and sweet.
In [16]:
# Visualize what np.meshgrid does when used with plot
w0 = np.linspace(1,5,5)
w1 = np.linspace(1,5,5)
W0, W1 = np.meshgrid(w0,w1)
plt.plot(W0,W1, marker='*', color='g', linestyle='none');
In [17]:
# Plot the cost surface
# From
# See Also: Helpful matplotlib tutorial at
# Set up a grid over w0,w1 values
w0 = np.linspace(-10,10,50)
w1 = np.linspace(-10,10,50)
W0, W1 = np.meshgrid(w0,w1)
# Get the penalty value for each point on the grid
# See the Shared-Functions.ipynb notebook for the list of defined penalty functions
# List of penalty functions in dict penaltyFunctions
penalties = np.array([penalty(X,y,[w_0,w_1], squaredPenalty) for w_0,w_1 in zip(np.ravel(W0), np.ravel(W1))])
Z = penalties.reshape(W0.shape)
# Create the plot
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1, projection='3d')
ax.set_title("Cost Surface for a " + penaltyFunctions[squaredPenalty] + " Function")
p = ax.plot_surface(W0, W1, Z, rstride=4, cstride=4)
In [18]:
# Contour Lines
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
plt.contour(Z, cmap=cm.RdBu,vmin=abs(Z).min(), vmax=abs(Z).max(), extent=[-10,10,-10,10])
In [19]:
# Heatmap or Colormap
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
p = ax.pcolor(W0, W1, Z, cmap=cm.RdBu, vmin=abs(Z).min(), vmax=abs(Z).max())
cb = fig.colorbar(p)
The cost function might have a minimum but how can we possibly find it? We can't use the brute force method of choosing every possible combination of values for $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$ -- there are an infinite number of combinations and we'll never finish our task.
This is where the concept of gradient descent comes in. Imagine starting anywhere on the surface, say at $w_{0}$ at -10 and $w_{1}$ at -10. That's at the left front edge of the surface plot you've just seen. If we took a step in the direction where the slope under our feet is steepest, then we would be one step closer to the "bottom" of the surface. So let's take that step and then take the next step in the direction where the slope under our feet is steepest. That gets us even lower and in the right direction to the bottom. Eventually, after a number of these steps, you'll get to the bottom.
Let's look at this a bit more systematically.
That's the idea. To make it work, we have to write out an expression for the next set of parameter values to try. And it turns out that for the cost function $J(W)$, there is a well-worked out way to write these values for $w_{0}$ and $w_{1}$ based on the direction of the steepest slope.
How To Choose the Next Set of Values for $W$
$$w_{j} := w_{j} - \frac{\alpha}{m} \ [\sum_{i=1}^{m} (h_{W}(x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}) x_{j}^{(i)}]$$Here's what we'll do.
In [20]:
# Initialize the parameter values W and pick the penalty function
W_init = [1,-1.0]
penalty_function = squaredPenalty
In [21]:
# Test out the penalty function in the Shared-Functions notebook
penalty(X, y, W_init, penalty_function)
In [22]:
# Test out the gradientDescent function in the Shared-Functions notebook
gradientDescent(X, y, W_init, num_iterations=5)
Run the iterative gradient descent method to determine the optimal parameter values.
In [23]:
# Set hyper-parameters
num_iters = 50 # number of iterations
learning_rate = 0.0005 # the learning rate
In [24]:
# Run gradient descent and capture the progression
# of cost values and the ultimate optimal W values
%time W_opt, final_penalty, running_w, running_penalty = gradientDescent(X, y, W_init, num_iters, learning_rate)
# Get the optimal W values and the last few cost values
W_opt, final_penalty, running_w[-5:], running_penalty[-5:]
We can see that the Ws are changing even after 5000 interations...but at the 4th decimal place. Similarly, the penalty is changing (decreasing) in the 100s place.
In [25]:
# How the penalty changes as the number of iterations increase
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))
ax.plot(np.arange(num_iters), running_penalty, 'g')
ax.set_xlabel('Number of Iterations')
ax.set_title('Cost vs. Iterations Over the Dataset for a Specific Learning Rate');
In [26]:
In [27]:
w0 = np.array([param[0].flatten() for param in running_w][1:]).flatten()
w1 = np.array([param[1] for param in running_w][1:]).flatten()
len(w0), len(w1), len(np.arange(num_iters))
In [28]:
# How the Ws change as the number of iterations increase
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,6), nrows=1, ncols=2, sharey=False)
ax1.plot(np.arange(num_iters), w0, 'g')
ax1.set_xlabel('Number of Iterations')
ax1.set_title(r'$w_{0}$ vs. Iterations Over the Dataset')
ax2.plot(np.arange(num_iters), w1, 'y')
ax2.set_xlabel('Number of Iterations')
ax2.set_title(r'$w_{1}$ vs. Iterations Over the Dataset')
In [29]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(14,6))
ax.plot(np.arange(num_iters), w0, 'g', label="w0")
ax.plot(np.arange(num_iters), w1, 'y', label="w1")
In [30]:
W_opt[0,0], W_opt[1,0]
In [31]:
# Create 100 equally spaced values going from the minimum value of population
# to the maximum value of the population in the dataset.
x = np.linspace(data.Population.min(), data.Population.max(), 100)
f = (W_opt[0, 0] * 1) + (W_opt[1, 0] * x)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,5))
ax.plot(x, f, 'g', label='Prediction')
ax.scatter(data.Population, data.Profit, label='Training Data')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Predicted Profit vs. Population Size');
In [32]:
# First 5 population values in the dataset
In [33]:
# Prediction of profit for the first 5 populations in the dataset
#populations = [5, 6, 12, 14, 15]
populations = X[0:5].values.flatten()
profits = [W_opt[0, 0] + (W_opt[1, 0] * pop * 10000) for pop in populations]
print(['${:5,.0f}'.format(profit) for profit in profits])
In [34]:
# How predictions change as the learning rate and the
# number of iterations are changed
learning_rates = [0.001, 0.009]
epochs = [10, 500] # epoch is another way of saying num_iters
In [35]:
# All combinations of learning rates and epochs
from itertools import permutations
combos = [list(zip(epochs, p)) for p in permutations(learning_rates)]
In [36]:
# get it into the right format to plug into the gradient descent function
combos_list = []
for i in range(len(combos)):
for j in range(len(combos[i])):
combos_list.append([combos[i][j][0], combos[i][j][1]])
In [37]:
gdResults = [gradientDescent(X, y, \
W_init, combos_list[i][0], combos_list[i][1]) for i in range(len(combos_list))]
In [38]:
W_values = [gdResults[i][0] for i in range(len(gdResults))]
len(gdResults), len(W_values)
In [39]:
# Test it out
# From
cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet')
plot_colors = cmap(np.linspace(0, 1, len(combos_list)))
for i, (combo, color) in enumerate(zip(combos_list, plot_colors), 1):
plt.plot(x, np.sin(x)/i, label=combo, c=color)
In [40]:
# Create 100 equally spaced values going from the minimum value of population
# to the maximum value of the population in the dataset.
x = np.linspace(data.Population.min(), data.Population.max(), 100)
f_list = [(W_values[i][0] * 1) + (W_values[i][1] * x).T for i in range(len(W_values))]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
#[ax.plot(x, f_list[i], 'r', label=combos_list[i]) for i in range(len(f_list))]
for i, (combo, color) in enumerate(zip(combos_list, plot_colors), 1):
ax.plot(x, f_list[i-1], label=combo, c=color)
ax.scatter(data.Population, data.Profit, label='Dataset')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Predicted Profit as Number of Iterations and Learning Rate Change');
In [41]:
# We're using the optimal W values obtained when the learning rate = 0.001
# and the number of iterations = 500
predictions = [(W_values[3][0] * 1) + (W_values[3][1] * pop) for pop in [50000, 100000, 160000, 180000]]
# Get into the right form form printing
preds = np.array(predictions).squeeze()
print(['${:5,.0f}'.format(pred) for pred in preds])
In [42]:
# We'll use the values of num_iters and learning_rate defined above
print("num_iters: {}".format(num_iters))
print("learning rate: {}".format(learning_rate))
In [43]:
# Vary the size of the dataset
dataset_sizes = [2, 5, 10, 25, 50, len(X)]
gdResults = [gradientDescent(X[0:dataset_sizes[i]], y[0:dataset_sizes[i]], \
W_init, num_iters, learning_rate) for i in range(len(dataset_sizes))]
In [44]:
# This allows us to color our plot lines differently without explicitly specifying colors
cmap2 = plt.get_cmap('jet')
plot_colors2 = cmap2(np.linspace(0, 1, len(dataset_sizes)))
In [45]:
W_values = [gdResults[i][0] for i in range(len(gdResults))]
In [46]:
# Create 100 equally spaced values going from the minimum value of population
# to the maximum value of the population in the dataset.
x = np.linspace(data.Population.min(), data.Population.max(), 100)
f_list = [(W_values[i][0] * 1) + (W_values[i][1] * x).T for i in range(len(W_values))]
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,8))
#[ax.plot(x, f_list[i], 'y', label=dataset_sizes[i]) for i in range(len(f_list))]
for i, (dataset, color) in enumerate(zip(dataset_sizes, plot_colors2), 1):
ax.plot(x, f_list[i-1], label=dataset, c=color)
ax.scatter(data.Population, data.Profit, label='Dataset')
ax.legend(loc='upper left')
ax.set_title('Predicted Profit as Dataset Size Changes')
We took the steps we learned in the ML-Nuts-and-Bolts notebook and applied them to one of the simplest problems in data science. The problem may have been simple but the concepts or the way of looking at the problem is what's important. We looked at the problem through the eyes of a machine -- one that learns a set of optimal parameters from a dataset. The optimal values depend on the penalty function, the learning rate, and the number of iterations. And of course the optimal values definitely depend on the dataset -- that's what it is to learn from experience!
In the next notebook we'll extend our techniques to regression with multiple input variables.