In [27]:
import pandas as pd
import re
import math
from nltk.classify import NaiveBayesClassifier
import collections
import nltk
In [28]:
# Let's pull in the tweets from the extracted ICE tweets
df = pd.read_csv('')
In [41]:
# Let's take a look at it
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# OK, now that we have that, let's save it to a text file. This will help get a quick way to look at the text
df['text'].to_csv('training_data/test.txt', index=False)
Now we're going to completely switch gears and build a model to determine whether a statement is positive or negative. We're going to use quotes from movies review, which is a bit of a stretch, but it's a place to start. This method is from Andy Bromberg's webpage. My goal is to build on it, but for now let's just try to get it working
In [31]:
#I have two files, one of positive statements (from movie reviews) and the other with negative. To run this
#download the files from Andy Bromberg's GitHub page:
positive_statements = 'C:/Users/HMGSYS/Google Drive/JupyterNotebooks/Data4Democracy/training_data/pos.txt'
negative_statements = 'C:/Users/HMGSYS/Google Drive/JupyterNotebooks/Data4Democracy/training_data/neg.txt'
#And I also have our file we just created with ICERaids tweets
test_statements = 'C:/Users/HMGSYS/Google Drive/JupyterNotebooks/Data4Democracy/training_data/test.txt'
In [32]:
#creates a feature selection mechanism that uses all words
def make_full_dict(words):
return dict([(word, True) for word in words])
In [33]:
# Let's open the files and create lists with all the words in them
posFeatures = []
negFeatures = []
mytestFeatures = []
with open(positive_statements, 'r') as posSentences:
for i in posSentences:
posWords = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", i.rstrip())
posWords = [make_full_dict(posWords), 'pos']
with open(negative_statements, 'r') as negSentences:
for i in negSentences:
negWords = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", i.rstrip())
negWords = [make_full_dict(negWords), 'neg']
# Now let's do the same with our test data
with open(test_statements, 'r') as mytestSentences:
for i in mytestSentences:
mytestWords = re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", i.rstrip())
# We're going to label them as positive so we can check the accuracy
mytestWords = [make_full_dict(mytestWords), 'pos']
In [43]:
# Let's take a quick look at our result
Now we have two big lists: posFeatures and negFeatures. These are lists of lists, where each internal list is a collection of all the words that are in a positive movie review. Inside those lists are two things: a dictionary and a string. The dictionary is a mapping of every word in the review to a boolean (True). The string is either 'pos' or 'neg' depending on which corpus it came from.
In [35]:
#selects 3/4 of the features to be used for training and 1/4 to be used for testing
posCutoff = int(math.floor(len(posFeatures)*3/4))
negCutoff = int(math.floor(len(negFeatures)*3/4))
mytestCutoff = int(math.floor(len(mytestFeatures)*3/4))
#Now this is a bit tricky because we have testFeatures and mytestFeatures. testFeatures is from the Bromberg model
#mytestFeatures is me throwing our test (ICERaids) tweets into the same process
trainFeatures = posFeatures[:posCutoff] + negFeatures[:negCutoff]
testFeatures = posFeatures[posCutoff:] + negFeatures[negCutoff:]
#This last one doesn't change
mytestFeatures = mytestFeatures
In [36]:
# We'll start with a Naive Bayes Classifier. There's a lot more we could do here but it's a start
classifier = NaiveBayesClassifier.train(trainFeatures)
#initiates referenceSets and testSets
referenceSets = collections.defaultdict(set)
testSets = collections.defaultdict(set)
In [37]:
# puts correctly labeled sentences in referenceSets and the predictively labeled version in testsets
for i, (features, label) in enumerate(testFeatures):
predicted = classifier.classify(features)
In [38]:
#prints metrics to show how well the feature selection did
print ('train on %d instances, test on %d instances' % (len(trainFeatures), len(testFeatures)))
print ('accuracy:', nltk.classify.util.accuracy(classifier, testFeatures))
print ('pos precision:', nltk.scores.precision(referenceSets['pos'], testSets['pos']))
print ('pos recall:', nltk.scores.recall(referenceSets['pos'], testSets['pos']))
print ('neg precision:', nltk.scores.precision(referenceSets['neg'], testSets['neg']))
print ('neg recall:', nltk.scores.recall(referenceSets['neg'], testSets['neg']))
Now we have a Naive Bayes Classifier that looks at words in movie reviews and predicts whether that review is positive or negative. As it stands, the accuracy is only 77%, which means that we're on the right path (better than just guessing) but it's not very impressive. Still, we have a bunch of words that correlate with a positive or negative review. Let's take a look at some of the most predictive words and see what we've got
In [39]:
Those words aren't great for determining someone's thoughts about ICE raids. "Engrossing" is definintely a movie word. It's also interesting that "flaws" is such a positive word.
OK, now for the moment of truth - let's see what percentage of tweets about the ICE raids this model classifies as positive. Remember, it only got 77% right for movie reviews, so this could be wildly inaccurate.
In [40]:
print ('This model predicts that {:.1%} of tweets about the ICE raids have been positive'
.format(nltk.classify.util.accuracy(classifier, mytestFeatures)))
Well, we got significantly over 50%. Can we conclude that the majority of tweets about this have been positive? Perhaps. We could also check it every month or so to see how this number changes over time.
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