In [1]:
from __future__ import division, print_function
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import numpy as np
#import seaborn as sns
In [2]:
M = 2
w1, w2 = [2,2], [1,1] # means
sigma2 = 0.2 # standard deviations
N = 100
P1, P2 = 2/3, 1/3
def create_data(sigma1=0.7):
X = np.zeros((N, 2))
which_gaussian = np.zeros(N)
for n in range(N):
if np.random.rand() < P1: # sample from first Gaussian
X[n] = np.random.multivariate_normal(w1, np.eye(len(w1)) * sigma1**2)
which_gaussian[n] = 0
else: # sample from second Gaussian
X[n] = np.random.multivariate_normal(w2, np.eye(len(w2)) * sigma2**2)
which_gaussian[n] = 1
return X, which_gaussian
sigma1 = 0.7
X, which_gaussian = create_data(sigma1)
In [3]:
def plot_data(X, which_gaussian, centers, stds):
plt.scatter(*X[which_gaussian == 0].T, c='r', label='Cluster 1')
plt.scatter(*X[which_gaussian == 1].T, c='b', label='Cluster 2')
plt.plot(centers[0][0], centers[0][1], 'k+', markersize=15, label='Centers')
plt.plot(centers[1][0], centers[1][1], 'k+', markersize=15)
plt.gca().add_artist(plt.Circle(centers[0], stds[0], ec='k', fc='none'))
plt.gca().add_artist(plt.Circle(centers[1], stds[1], ec='k', fc='none'))
plot_data(X, which_gaussian, [w1, w2], [sigma1, sigma2])
plt.title('Ground truth')
See slide 18 of the lecture for an outline of the algorithm.
In [4]:
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
In [5]:
def variance(X):
"""Calculate a single variance value for the vectors in X."""
mu = X.mean(axis=0)
return np.mean([np.linalg.norm(x - mu)**2 for x in X])
def run_expectation_maximization(X, w=None, sigma_squared=None, verbose=False):
# Initialization.
P_prior = np.ones(2) * 1 / M
P_likelihood = np.zeros((N, M))
P_posterior = np.zeros((M, N))
mu = X.mean(axis=0) # mean of the original data
var = variance(X) # variance of the original data
if w is None:
w = np.array([mu + np.random.rand(M) - 0.5, mu + np.random.rand(M) - 0.5])
if sigma_squared is None:
sigma_squared = np.array([var + np.random.rand() - 0.5,var + np.random.rand() - 0.5])
#sigma_squared = np.array([var, var])
if verbose:
print('Initial centers:', w)
print('Initial variances:', sigma_squared)
theta = 0.001
distance = np.inf
step = 0
# Optimization loop.
while distance > theta:
#for i in range(1):
step += 1
if verbose:
print('Step', step)
# Store old parameter values to calculate distance later on.
w_old = w.copy()
sigma_squared_old = sigma_squared.copy()
P_prior_old = P_prior.copy()
if verbose:
print('Distances of X[0] to proposed centers:', np.linalg.norm(X[0] - w[0]), np.linalg.norm(X[0] - w[1]))
# E-Step: Calculate likelihood for each data point.
for (alpha, q), _ in np.ndenumerate(P_likelihood):
P_likelihood[alpha, q] = multivariate_normal.pdf(X[alpha], w[q], sigma_squared[q])
if verbose:
print('Likelihoods of X[0]:', P_likelihood[0])
# E-Step: Calculate assignment probabilities (posterior) for each data point.
for (q, alpha), _ in np.ndenumerate(P_posterior):
P_posterior[q, alpha] = (P_likelihood[alpha, q] * P_prior[q]) / np.sum([P_likelihood[alpha, r] * P_prior[r] for r in range(M)])
if verbose:
print('Assignment probabilities of X[0]:', P_posterior[:, 0])
distance = 0
# M-Step: Calculate new parameter values.
for q in range(M):
w[q] = np.sum([P_posterior[q, alpha] * X[alpha] for alpha in range(N)], axis=0) / np.sum(P_posterior[q])
#print(np.sum([P_posterior[q, alpha] * X[alpha] for alpha in range(N)], axis=0))
w_distance = np.linalg.norm(w[q] - w_old[q])
if verbose:
print('Distance of centers:', w_distance)
distance = max(distance, w_distance)
sigma_squared[q] = 1 / M * np.sum([np.linalg.norm(X[alpha] - w_old[q])**2 * P_posterior[q, alpha] for alpha in range(N)]) / np.sum(P_posterior[q])
sigma_squared_distance = np.abs(sigma_squared[q] - sigma_squared_old[q])
if verbose:
print('Distance of variances:', sigma_squared_distance)
distance = max(distance, sigma_squared_distance)
P_prior[q] = np.mean(P_posterior[q])
P_prior_distance = np.abs(P_prior[q] - P_prior_old[q])
if verbose:
print('Distance of priors:', P_prior_distance)
distance = max(distance, P_prior_distance)
if verbose:
print('Maximum distance:', distance)
print('New centers:', w)
print('New variances:', sigma_squared)
print('New priors:', P_prior)
which_gaussian_EM = P_posterior.argmax(axis=0)
return which_gaussian_EM, w, np.sqrt(sigma_squared), step
which_gaussian_em, cluster_centers_em, cluster_stds_em, num_steps_em = run_expectation_maximization(X, verbose=True)
In [6]:
plot_data(X, which_gaussian_em, cluster_centers_em, cluster_stds_em)
plt.title('Predicted by Expectation-Maximization')
For simplicity, we use the sklearn version of K-means here. The detailed algorithm was already implemented in a previous exercise.
In [7]:
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
In [8]:
def run_k_means(X):
km = KMeans(2)
which_gaussian_km = km.predict(X)
cluster_stds = np.array([np.sqrt(variance(X[which_gaussian_km == 0])), np.sqrt(variance(X[which_gaussian_km == 1]))])
return which_gaussian_km, km.cluster_centers_, cluster_stds
which_gaussian_km, cluster_centers_km, cluster_stds_km = run_k_means(X)
In [9]:
plot_data(X, which_gaussian_km, cluster_centers_km, cluster_stds_km)
plt.title('Predicted by K-Means')
K-means clusters the data point by establishing a straight separation line. This cannot fully capture the nature of the data, e.g. the points around the lower left Gaussian, which actually belong to the upper right Gaussian.
In [10]:
_, _, _, num_steps_em_km = run_expectation_maximization(X, cluster_centers_km, cluster_stds_km**2)
In [11]:
print('Took', num_steps_em, 'steps with random initalization')
print('Took', num_steps_em_km, 'steps with initialization from K-means')
In [12]:
sigma1s = [0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(sigma1s), 3, figsize=(15, 15), sharex=True, sharey=True)
for i, (sigma1, horizontal_axes) in enumerate(zip(sigma1s, axes)):
X, which_gaussian = create_data(sigma1)[0])
plot_data(X, which_gaussian, [w1, w2], [sigma1, sigma2])
if i == 0:
plt.title('Ground truth')
which_gaussian_em, cluster_centers_em, cluster_stds_em, num_steps_em = run_expectation_maximization(X)[1])
plot_data(X, which_gaussian_em, cluster_centers_em, cluster_stds_em)
if i == 0:
plt.title('Predicted by Expectation-Maximization')
which_gaussian_km, cluster_centers_km, cluster_stds_km = run_k_means(X)[2])
plot_data(X, which_gaussian_km, cluster_centers_km, cluster_stds_km)
if i == 0:
plt.title('Predicted by K-Means')
Each row corresponds to increasing $\sigma_1$ (the values are 0.1, 0.5, 1, 1.5).
K-means and Expectation-Maximization show similar results for small $\sigma_1$, i.e. if the clusters are clearly separated. With increasing $\sigma_1$, the Gaussians overlap more and more, and K-means fails to cluster them correctly.
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