In [1]:
%load_ext watermark
%watermark -u -d -v -p numpy,matplotlib,scipy,pandas,sklearn,mlxtend

last updated: 2017-03-14 

CPython 2.7.10
IPython 5.3.0

numpy 1.12.0
matplotlib 2.0.0
scipy 0.15.1
pandas 0.19.2
sklearn 0.18.1
mlxtend 0.5.1

In [2]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import division, print_function
from collections import defaultdict
import itertools
import numpy as np
from scipy import interp
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
import seaborn.apionly as sns
import matplotlib as mpl

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix, roc_curve, auc, classification_report
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score, StratifiedShuffleSplit, KFold, StratifiedKFold
from mlxtend.feature_selection import SequentialFeatureSelector as SFS

import composition as comp
import composition.analysis.plotting as plotting
color_dict = comp.analysis.get_color_dict()

/home/jbourbeau/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/sklearn/ DeprecationWarning: This module was deprecated in version 0.18 in favor of the model_selection module into which all the refactored classes and functions are moved. Also note that the interface of the new CV iterators are different from that of this module. This module will be removed in 0.20.
  "This module will be removed in 0.20.", DeprecationWarning)

Define analysis free parameters

[ back to top ]

In [5]:
bin_midpoints, _, counts, counts_err = comp.get1d('/home/jbourbeau/PyUnfold/unfolded_output_h3a.root', 'NC', 'Unf_ks_ACM/bin0')

Whether or not to train on 'light' and 'heavy' composition classes, or the individual compositions

In [6]:
comp_class = True
comp_list = ['light', 'heavy'] if comp_class else ['P', 'He', 'O', 'Fe']

Get composition classifier pipeline

In [7]:
pipeline_str = 'GBDT'
pipeline = comp.get_pipeline(pipeline_str)

Define energy binning for this analysis

In [8]:
energybins = comp.analysis.get_energybins()

Data preprocessing

[ back to top ]

  1. Load simulation/data dataframe and apply specified quality cuts
  2. Extract desired features from dataframe
  3. Get separate testing and training datasets
  4. Feature transformation

In [9]:
sim_train, sim_test = comp.preprocess_sim(comp_class=comp_class, return_energy=True)

sim quality cut event flow:
             IceTopQualityCuts:    1.0    1.0
         lap_InIce_containment:  0.776  0.776
              InIceQualityCuts:  0.786   0.75
                 num_hits_1_60:  0.999   0.75

Selecting the following features:
Number training events = 208926
Number testing events = 89540

In [10]:
# Compute the correlation matrix
df_sim = comp.load_dataframe(datatype='sim', config='IC79')
feature_list, feature_labels = comp.analysis.get_training_features()

sim quality cut event flow:
             IceTopQualityCuts:    1.0    1.0
         lap_InIce_containment:  0.776  0.776
              InIceQualityCuts:  0.786   0.75
                 num_hits_1_60:  0.999   0.75

In [11]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df_sim[df_sim.MC_comp_class == 'light'].avg_inice_radius.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, ax=ax, alpha=0.75)
df_sim[df_sim.MC_comp_class == 'heavy'].avg_inice_radius.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, ax=ax, alpha=0.75)

/home/jbourbeau/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: This figure includes Axes that are not compatible with tight_layout, so its results might be incorrect.
  warnings.warn("This figure includes Axes that are not "

In [12]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df_sim[df_sim.MC_comp_class == 'light'].invcharge_inice_radius.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, ax=ax, alpha=0.75)
df_sim[df_sim.MC_comp_class == 'heavy'].invcharge_inice_radius.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, ax=ax, alpha=0.75)

In [13]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
df_sim[df_sim.MC_comp_class == 'light'].max_inice_radius.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, ax=ax, alpha=0.75)
df_sim[df_sim.MC_comp_class == 'heavy'].max_inice_radius.plot(kind='hist', bins=50, ax=ax, alpha=0.75)

In [14]:
corr = df_sim[feature_list].corr()
# Generate a mask for the upper triangle
mask = np.zeros_like(corr, dtype=np.bool)
mask[np.triu_indices_from(mask)] = True

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
sns.heatmap(corr, mask=mask, cmap='RdBu_r', center=0,
            square=True, xticklabels=feature_labels, yticklabels=feature_labels,
            linewidths=.5, cbar_kws={'label': 'Covariance'}, annot=True, ax=ax)
# outfile = args.outdir + '/feature_covariance.png'
# plt.savefig(outfile)

/home/jbourbeau/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if xticklabels == []:
/home/jbourbeau/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/seaborn/ FutureWarning: elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but in the future will perform elementwise comparison
  if yticklabels == []:

In [15]:
label_replacement = {feature: labels for feature, labels in zip(feature_list, feature_labels)}
with plt.rc_context({'text.usetex': False}):
    g = sns.pairplot(df_sim.sample(frac=1)[:1000], vars=feature_list, hue='MC_comp_class',
                     plot_kws={'alpha': 0.5, 'linewidth': 0},
                     diag_kws={'histtype': 'step', 'linewidth': 2, 'fill': True, 'alpha': 0.75, 'bins': 15})
    for i in range(len(feature_list)):
        for j in range(len(feature_list)):
            xlabel = g.axes[i][j].get_xlabel()
            ylabel = g.axes[i][j].get_ylabel()
            if xlabel in label_replacement.keys():
            if ylabel in label_replacement.keys():
    g.fig.get_children()[-1].set_title('Comp class')            
#     g.fig.get_children()[-1].set_bbox_to_anchor((1.1, 0.5, 0, 0))

In [16]:
data = comp.preprocess_data(comp_class=comp_class, return_energy=True)

data quality cut event flow:
             IceTopQualityCuts:    1.0    1.0
         lap_InIce_containment:    1.0    1.0
              InIceQualityCuts:    0.9    0.9
                 num_hits_1_60:    1.0    0.9

/home/jbourbeau/cr-composition/composition/ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in log10
  df['log_dEdX'] = np.log10(df['eloss_1500_standard'])
Selecting the following features:
Number testing events = 7212805

In [17]:
is_finite_mask = np.isfinite(data.X)
not_finite_mask = np.logical_not(is_finite_mask)
finite_data_mask = np.logical_not(np.any(not_finite_mask, axis=1))
data = data[finite_data_mask]

Run classifier over training and testing sets to get an idea of the degree of overfitting

In [12]:
clf_name = pipeline.named_steps['classifier'].__class__.__name__
print('=' * 30)
weights =**-1.7, sim_train.y)
#, sim_train.y, classifier__sample_weight=weights)
train_pred = pipeline.predict(sim_train.X)
train_acc = accuracy_score(sim_train.y, train_pred)
print('Training accuracy = {:.2%}'.format(train_acc))
test_pred = pipeline.predict(sim_test.X)
test_acc = accuracy_score(sim_test.y, test_pred)
print('Testing accuracy = {:.2%}'.format(test_acc))
print('=' * 30)

Training accuracy = 75.10%
Testing accuracy = 74.92%

In [13]:
num_features = len(feature_list)
importances = pipeline.named_steps['classifier'].feature_importances_
indices = np.argsort(importances)[::-1]

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for f in range(num_features):
    print('{}) {}'.format(f + 1, importances[indices[f]]))

plt.ylabel('Feature Importances'),

           feature_labels[indices], rotation=90)
plt.xlim([-1, len(feature_list)])

1) 0.501428544521
2) 0.405714273453
3) 0.092857144773

Fraction correctly identified

[ back to top ]

In [13]:
def get_frac_correct(train, test, pipeline, comp_list):
    assert isinstance(train, comp.analysis.DataSet), 'train dataset must be a DataSet'
    assert isinstance(test, comp.analysis.DataSet), 'test dataset must be a DataSet'
    assert train.y is not None, 'train must have true y values'
    assert test.y is not None, 'test must have true y values', train.y)
    test_predictions = pipeline.predict(test.X)
    correctly_identified_mask = (test_predictions == test.y)

    # Construct MC composition masks
    MC_comp_mask = {}
    for composition in comp_list:
        MC_comp_mask[composition] = (test.le.inverse_transform(test.y) == composition)
    MC_comp_mask['total'] = np.array([True]*len(test))
    reco_frac, reco_frac_err = {}, {}
    for composition in comp_list+['total']:
        comp_mask = MC_comp_mask[composition]
        # Get number of MC comp in each reco energy bin
        num_MC_energy = np.histogram(test.log_energy[comp_mask],
        num_MC_energy_err = np.sqrt(num_MC_energy)

        # Get number of correctly identified comp in each reco energy bin
        num_reco_energy = np.histogram(test.log_energy[comp_mask & correctly_identified_mask],
        num_reco_energy_err = np.sqrt(num_reco_energy)

        # Calculate correctly identified fractions as a function of MC energy
        reco_frac[composition], reco_frac_err[composition] = comp.ratio_error(
            num_reco_energy, num_reco_energy_err,
            num_MC_energy, num_MC_energy_err)
    return reco_frac, reco_frac_err

Calculate classifier generalization error via 10-fold CV

In [14]:
# Split training data into CV training and testing folds
kf = KFold(n_splits=10)
frac_correct_folds = defaultdict(list)
fold_num = 0
print('Fold ', end='')
for train_index, test_index in kf.split(sim_train.X):
    fold_num += 1
    print('{}...'.format(fold_num), end='')
    reco_frac, reco_frac_err = get_frac_correct(sim_train[train_index],
                                                pipeline, comp_list)
    for composition in comp_list:
frac_correct_gen_err = {key: np.std(frac_correct_folds[key], axis=0) for key in frac_correct_folds}
# scores = np.array(frac_correct_folds['total'])
# score = scores.mean(axis=1).mean()
# score_std = scores.mean(axis=1).std()

Fold 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...

In [15]:
avg_frac_correct_data = {'values': np.mean(frac_correct_folds['total'], axis=0), 'errors': np.std(frac_correct_folds['total'], axis=0)}
avg_frac_correct, avg_frac_correct_err = comp.analysis.averaging_error(**avg_frac_correct_data)

In [16]:
reco_frac, reco_frac_stat_err = get_frac_correct(sim_train, sim_test, pipeline, comp_list)

In [17]:
# Plot fraction of events correctlt classified vs energy
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for composition in comp_list + ['total']:
    err = np.sqrt(frac_correct_gen_err[composition]**2 + reco_frac_stat_err[composition]**2)
    plotting.plot_steps(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, reco_frac[composition], err, ax,
                        color_dict[composition], composition)
ax.set_ylabel('Fraction correctly identified')
ax.set_ylim([0.0, 1.0])
ax.set_xlim([energybins.log_energy_min, energybins.log_energy_max])
leg = plt.legend(loc='upper center', frameon=False,
          bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,  # horizontal
                          1.1),# vertical 
          ncol=len(comp_list)+1, fancybox=False)
# set the linewidth of each legend object
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:

cv_str = 'Accuracy: {:0.2f}\% (+/- {:0.1f}\%)'.format(avg_frac_correct*100, avg_frac_correct_err*100)
ax.text(7.4, 0.2, cv_str,
        ha="center", va="center", size=10,
        bbox=dict(boxstyle='round', fc="white", ec="gray", lw=0.8))

In [18]:
# Plot the two-class decision scores
classifier_score = pipeline.decision_function(sim_train.X)
light_mask = sim_train.le.inverse_transform(sim_train.y) == 'light'
heavy_mask = sim_train.le.inverse_transform(sim_train.y) == 'heavy'
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
score_bins = np.linspace(-1, 1, 50)
ax.hist(classifier_score[light_mask], bins=score_bins, label='light', alpha=0.75)
ax.hist(classifier_score[heavy_mask], bins=score_bins, label='heavy', alpha=0.75)

In [13]:
import multiprocessing as mp

kf = KFold(n_splits=10)
frac_correct_folds = defaultdict(list)

# Define an output queue
output = mp.Queue()

# define a example function
def rand_string(length, output):
    """ Generates a random string of numbers, lower- and uppercase chars. """
    rand_str = ''.join(random.choice(
                        + string.ascii_uppercase
                        + string.digits)
                   for i in range(length))

# Setup a list of processes that we want to run
processes = [mp.Process(target=get_frac_correct,
                              pipeline, comp_list)) for train_index, test_index in kf.split(sim_train.X)]

# Run processes
for p in processes:

# Exit the completed processes
for p in processes:

# Get process results from the output queue
results = [output.get() for p in processes]


KeyboardInterruptTraceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-13-f6bb1329c7ed> in <module>()
     33 # Get process results from the output queue
---> 34 results = [output.get() for p in processes]
     36 print(results)

/cvmfs/ in get(self, block, timeout)
    115             self._rlock.acquire()
    116             try:
--> 117                 res = self._recv()
    118                 self._sem.release()
    119                 return res



[ back to top ]

In [18]:
def get_num_comp_reco(train, test, pipeline, comp_list):
    assert isinstance(train, comp.analysis.DataSet), 'train dataset must be a DataSet'
    assert isinstance(test, comp.analysis.DataSet), 'test dataset must be a DataSet'
    assert train.y is not None, 'train must have true y values', train.y)
    test_predictions = pipeline.predict(test.X)

    # Get number of correctly identified comp in each reco energy bin
    num_reco_energy, num_reco_energy_err = {}, {}
    for composition in comp_list:
#         print('composition = {}'.format(composition))
        comp_mask = train.le.inverse_transform(test_predictions) == composition
#         print('sum(comp_mask) = {}'.format(np.sum(comp_mask)))
        num_reco_energy[composition] = np.histogram(test.log_energy[comp_mask],
        num_reco_energy_err[composition] = np.sqrt(num_reco_energy[composition])

    num_reco_energy['total'] = np.histogram(test.log_energy, bins=energybins.log_energy_bins)[0]
    num_reco_energy_err['total'] = np.sqrt(num_reco_energy['total'])
    return num_reco_energy, num_reco_energy_err

In [19]:
df_sim = comp.load_dataframe(datatype='sim', config='IC79')

sim quality cut event flow:
             IceTopQualityCuts:    1.0    1.0
         lap_InIce_containment:  0.776  0.776
              InIceQualityCuts:  0.786   0.75
                 num_hits_1_60:  0.999   0.75

In [20]:
df_sim[['log_dEdX', 'num_millipede_particles']].corr()

log_dEdX num_millipede_particles
log_dEdX 1.000000 -0.048842
num_millipede_particles -0.048842 1.000000

In [21]:
max_zenith_rad = df_sim['lap_zenith'].max()

In [22]:
# Get number of events per energy bin
num_reco_energy, num_reco_energy_err = get_num_comp_reco(sim_train, data, pipeline, comp_list)
import pprint
# Solid angle
solid_angle = 2*np.pi*(1-np.cos(max_zenith_rad))

[ 6.084369    6.02108021  6.19372399 ...,  6.34287938  5.58828732
[ 6.09036488  6.04362939  6.22640939 ...,  6.23452475  6.24879068
{'heavy': array([333373, 247362, 171104, 111037,  71072,  46386,  31339,  20151,
        12939,   8385,   5905,   3940,   2625,   1823,   1105,    760,
          457,    351,    181,     96,     59,     34,     21,     17,
            6,      8,      4]),
 'light': array([359917, 246830, 166187, 111450,  71146,  43352,  24185,  13594,
         7618,   4381,   2489,   1435,    915,    486,    300,    168,
           81,     45,     26,     11,      5,      6,      3,      3,
            1,      2,      1]),
 'total': array([693290, 494192, 337291, 222487, 142218,  89738,  55524,  33745,
        20557,  12766,   8394,   5375,   3540,   2309,   1405,    928,
          538,    396,    207,    107,     64,     40,     24,     20,
            7,     10,      5])}
{'heavy': array([ 577.38462051,  497.355004  ,  413.64719267,  333.22214812,
        266.59332325,  215.37409315,  177.02824633,  141.95421797,
        113.74972527,   91.56964563,   76.84399781,   62.76941931,
         51.23475383,   42.69660408,   33.24154028,   27.5680975 ,
         21.37755833,   18.734994  ,   13.45362405,    9.79795897,
          7.68114575,    5.83095189,    4.58257569,    4.12310563,
          2.44948974,    2.82842712,    2.        ]),
 'light': array([ 599.93082935,  496.81988688,  407.66039788,  333.84127965,
        266.73207531,  208.211431  ,  155.51527256,  116.59331027,
         87.2811549 ,   66.18912297,   49.88987873,   37.88139385,
         30.24896692,   22.04540769,   17.32050808,   12.9614814 ,
          9.        ,    6.70820393,    5.09901951,    3.31662479,
          2.23606798,    2.44948974,    1.73205081,    1.73205081,
          1.        ,    1.41421356,    1.        ]),
 'total': array([ 832.64037855,  702.98790886,  580.76759551,  471.68527643,
        377.11801866,  299.56301507,  235.63531145,  183.69812193,
        143.37712509,  112.98672488,   91.61877537,   73.31439149,
         59.49789912,   48.05205511,   37.48332963,   30.46309242,
         23.19482701,   19.89974874,   14.38749457,   10.34408043,
          8.        ,    6.32455532,    4.89897949,    4.47213595,
          2.64575131,    3.16227766,    2.23606798])}

In [23]:
frac_light = num_reco_energy['light'].sum()/num_reco_energy['total'].sum()


In [24]:
# Live-time information
goodrunlist = pd.read_table('/data/ana/CosmicRay/IceTop_GRL/IC79_2010_GoodRunInfo_4IceTop.txt', skiprows=[0, 3])

RunNum Good_i3 Good_it Good_it_L2 LiveTime(s) ActiveStrings ActiveDoms ActiveInIceDoms OutDir Comment(s)
0 115978 1 1 0 26856 - - - /data/exp/IceCube/2010/filtered/level2a/0531 NaN
1 115982 1 1 1 28548 - - - /data/exp/IceCube/2010/filtered/level2a/0531 NaN
2 115984 1 1 1 6984 - - - /data/exp/IceCube/2010/filtered/level2a/0601 NaN
3 115985 1 1 1 10476 - - - /data/exp/IceCube/2010/filtered/level2a/0601 NaN
4 115986 1 1 1 28872 - - - /data/exp/IceCube/2010/filtered/level2a/0601 NaN

In [25]:
livetimes = goodrunlist['LiveTime(s)']
livetime = np.sum(livetimes[goodrunlist['Good_it_L2'] == 1])
print('livetime (seconds) = {}'.format(livetime))
print('livetime (days) = {}'.format(livetime/(24*60*60)))

livetime (seconds) = 27114012
livetime (days) = 313.819583333

In [26]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for composition in comp_list + ['total']:
    # Calculate dN/dE
    y = num_reco_energy[composition]
    y_err = num_reco_energy_err[composition]

    plotting.plot_steps(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, y, y_err,
                        ax, color_dict[composition], composition)
ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
# ax.set_xlim([6.3, 8.0])
# ax.set_ylim([10**-6, 10**-1])
leg = plt.legend(loc='upper center', frameon=False,
          bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,  # horizontal
                          1.1),# vertical 
          ncol=len(comp_list)+1, fancybox=False)
# set the linewidth of each legend object
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:


In [27]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for composition in comp_list + ['total']:
    # Calculate dN/dE
    y = num_reco_energy[composition]
    y_err = num_reco_energy_err[composition]
    # Add time duration
#     y = y / livetime
#     y_err = y / livetime
    y, y_err = comp.analysis.ratio_error(y, y_err, livetime, 0.005*livetime)
    plotting.plot_steps(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, y, y_err,
                        ax, color_dict[composition], composition)
ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
ax.set_ylabel('Rate [s$^{-1}$]')
# ax.set_xlim([6.3, 8.0])
# ax.set_ylim([10**-6, 10**-1])
leg = plt.legend(loc='upper center', frameon=False,
          bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,  # horizontal
                          1.1),# vertical 
          ncol=len(comp_list)+1, fancybox=False)
# set the linewidth of each legend object
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:


In [28]:
df_sim, cut_dict_sim = comp.load_dataframe(datatype='sim', config='IC79', return_cut_dict=True)
selection_mask = np.array([True] * len(df_sim))
standard_cut_keys = ['IceTopQualityCuts', 'lap_InIce_containment',
#                 'num_hits_1_60', 'max_qfrac_1_60',
for key in standard_cut_keys:
    selection_mask *= cut_dict_sim[key]

df_sim = df_sim[selection_mask]

/home/jbourbeau/cr-composition/composition/ RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10
  df['log_dEdX'] = np.log10(df['eloss_1500_standard'])

In [23]:
def get_energy_res(df_sim, energy_bins):
    reco_log_energy = df_sim['lap_log_energy'].values 
    MC_log_energy = df_sim['MC_log_energy'].values
    energy_res = reco_log_energy - MC_log_energy
    bin_centers, bin_medians, energy_err = comp.analysis.data_functions.get_medians(reco_log_energy,
    return np.abs(bin_medians)

In [37]:
def counts_to_flux(counts, counts_err, eff_area=156390.673059, livetime=1):
    # Calculate dN/dE
    y = counts/energybins.energy_bin_widths
    y_err = counts_err/energybins.energy_bin_widths
    # Add effective area
    eff_area = np.array([eff_area]*len(y))
    eff_area_error = np.array([0.01 * eff_area]*len(y_err))
    y, y_err = comp.analysis.ratio_error(y, y_err, eff_area, eff_area_error)
    # Add solid angle
    y = y / solid_angle
    y_err = y_err / solid_angle
    # Add time duration
#     y = y / livetime
#     y_err = y / livetime
    livetime = np.array([livetime]*len(y))
    flux, flux_err = comp.analysis.ratio_error(y, y_err, livetime, 0.01*livetime)
    # Add energy scaling 
    scaled_flux = energybins.energy_midpoints**2.7 * flux
    scaled_flux_err = energybins.energy_midpoints**2.7 * flux_err

    return scaled_flux, scaled_flux_err

In [38]:
# Plot fraction of events vs energy
# fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6))
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
for composition in comp_list + ['total']:
    y, y_err = counts_to_flux(num_reco_energy[composition], num_reco_energy_err[composition], livetime=livetime)
    plotting.plot_steps(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, y, y_err, ax, color_dict[composition], composition)
ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
# ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{E}^{2.7} \\frac{\mathrm{dN}}{\mathrm{dE dA d\Omega dt}} \ [\mathrm{GeV}^{1.7} \mathrm{m}^{-2} \mathrm{sr}^{-1} \mathrm{s}^{-1}]$')
ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{E}^{2.7} \ J(E) \ [\mathrm{GeV}^{1.7} \mathrm{m}^{-2} \mathrm{sr}^{-1} \mathrm{s}^{-1}]$')
ax.set_xlim([6.4, 9.0])
ax.set_ylim([10**2, 10**5])
ax.grid(linestyle='dotted', which="both")
# Add 3-year scraped flux
df_proton = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/proton', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
df_helium = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/helium', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
df_light = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'energy':, 
                                  'flux': df_proton.flux + df_helium.flux})

df_oxygen = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/oxygen', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
df_iron = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/iron', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
df_heavy = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({'energy':, 
                                  'flux': df_oxygen.flux + df_iron.flux})

# if comp_class:
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_light.flux, label='3 yr light',
#             marker='.', ls=':')
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_heavy.flux, label='3 yr heavy',
#             marker='.', ls=':')
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_heavy.flux+df_light.flux, label='3 yr total',
#             marker='.', ls=':')
# else:
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_proton.flux, label='3 yr proton',
#             marker='.', ls=':')
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_helium.flux, label='3 yr helium',
#             marker='.', ls=':', color=color_dict['He'])
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_oxygen.flux, label='3 yr oxygen',
#             marker='.', ls=':', color=color_dict['O'])
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_iron.flux, label='3 yr iron',
#         marker='.', ls=':', color=color_dict['Fe'])
#     ax.plot(np.log10(, df_proton.flux+df_helium.flux+df_oxygen.flux+df_iron.flux, label='3 yr total',
#     marker='.', ls=':', color='C2')

leg = plt.legend(loc='upper center', frameon=False,
          bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,  # horizontal
                          1.15),# vertical 
          ncol=len(comp_list)+1, fancybox=False)
# set the linewidth of each legend object
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:


In [24]:
if not comp_class:
    # Add 3-year scraped flux
    df_proton = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/proton', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
    df_helium = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/helium', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
    df_oxygen = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/oxygen', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
    df_iron = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/iron', sep='\t', header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
    # Plot fraction of events vs energy
    fig, axarr = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 6))
    for composition, ax in zip(comp_list + ['total'], axarr.flatten()):
        # Calculate dN/dE
        y = num_reco_energy[composition]/energybins.energy_bin_widths
        y_err = num_reco_energy_err[composition]/energybins.energy_bin_widths
        # Add effective area
        y, y_err = comp.analysis.ratio_error(y, y_err, eff_area, eff_area_error)
        # Add solid angle
        y = y / solid_angle
        y_err = y_err / solid_angle
        # Add time duration
        y = y / livetime
        y_err = y / livetime
        y = energybins.energy_midpoints**2.7 * y
        y_err = energybins.energy_midpoints**2.7 * y_err
        plotting.plot_steps(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, y, y_err, ax, color_dict[composition], composition)
        # Load 3-year flux
        df_3yr = pd.read_csv('3yearscraped/{}'.format(composition), sep='\t',
                             header=None, names=['energy', 'flux'])
        ax.plot(np.log10(, df_3yr.flux, label='3 yr {}'.format(composition),
                        marker='.', ls=':', color=color_dict[composition])
        ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
        # ax.set_xscale("log", nonposy='clip')
        ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{E}^{2.7} \\frac{\mathrm{dN}}{\mathrm{dE dA d\Omega dt}} \ [\mathrm{GeV}^{1.7} \mathrm{m}^{-2} \mathrm{sr}^{-1} \mathrm{s}^{-1}]$')
        ax.set_xlim([6.3, 8])
        ax.set_ylim([10**3, 10**5])
        ax.grid(linestyle='dotted', which="both")



[ back to top ]

In [56]:
bin_midpoints, _, counts, counts_err = comp.get1d('/home/jbourbeau/PyUnfold/unfolded_output_h3a.root', 'NC', 'Unf_ks_ACM/bin0')

In [57]:
light_counts = counts[::2]
heavy_counts = counts[1::2]
light_counts, heavy_counts

(array([  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   3.94173531e+05,
          2.63614250e+05,   1.71530094e+05,   1.14683633e+05,
          7.17663828e+04,   4.54102812e+04,   2.53020430e+04,
          1.44541113e+04,   8.22012500e+03,   4.64797754e+03,
          2.68499121e+03,   1.53414001e+03,   9.23193542e+02,
          5.25730347e+02,   3.50056732e+02,   2.16206818e+02,
          1.10547867e+02,   5.41976204e+01,   3.78875351e+01,
          1.34613190e+01,   6.46755743e+00,   6.38315153e+00,
          4.67412901e+00,   4.20421267e+00,   1.28977835e+00]),
 array([  0.00000000e+00,   0.00000000e+00,   2.99116469e+05,
          2.30577750e+05,   1.65760906e+05,   1.07803367e+05,
          7.04516172e+04,   4.43277188e+04,   3.02219570e+04,
          1.92908887e+04,   1.23368750e+04,   8.11802246e+03,
          5.70900879e+03,   3.84085986e+03,   2.61680640e+03,
          1.78326965e+03,   1.05494324e+03,   7.11793213e+02,
          4.27452148e+02,   3.41802368e+02,   1.69112457e+02,
          9.35386810e+01,   5.75324440e+01,   3.36168480e+01,
          1.93258705e+01,   1.57957869e+01,   5.71022177e+00]))

In [58]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for composition in comp_list + ['total']:
    y, y_err = counts_to_flux(num_reco_energy[composition], num_reco_energy_err[composition], livetime=livetime)
    plotting.plot_steps(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, y, y_err, ax, color_dict[composition], composition)
h3a_light_flux, h3a_flux_err = counts_to_flux(light_counts, np.sqrt(light_counts), livetime=livetime)
h3a_heavy_flux, h3a_flux_err = counts_to_flux(heavy_counts, np.sqrt(heavy_counts), livetime=livetime)

ax.plot(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, h3a_light_flux, ls=':', label='h3a light unfolded')
ax.plot(energybins.log_energy_midpoints, h3a_heavy_flux, ls=':', label='h3a heavy unfolded')

ax.set_yscale("log", nonposy='clip')
# ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{E}^{2.7} \\frac{\mathrm{dN}}{\mathrm{dE dA d\Omega dt}} \ [\mathrm{GeV}^{1.7} \mathrm{m}^{-2} \mathrm{sr}^{-1} \mathrm{s}^{-1}]$')
ax.set_ylabel('$\mathrm{E}^{2.7} \ J(E) \ [\mathrm{GeV}^{1.7} \mathrm{m}^{-2} \mathrm{sr}^{-1} \mathrm{s}^{-1}]$')
ax.set_xlim([6.4, 9.0])
ax.set_ylim([10**2, 10**5])
ax.grid(linestyle='dotted', which="both")

leg = plt.legend(loc='upper center', frameon=False,
          bbox_to_anchor=(0.5,  # horizontal
                          1.15),# vertical 
          ncol=len(comp_list)+1, fancybox=False)
# set the linewidth of each legend object
for legobj in leg.legendHandles:


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: