Ipython Notebook2.0 supports interactive widgets and javascript. Consider doing: https://groups.google.com/a/continuum.io/forum/#!topic/anaconda/VxxwGoET1CE

In [18]:
%pylab inline

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

In [59]:
from PIL import Image
im = Image.new('L', (4,3))
imshow(im, cmap=cm.Greys_r, interpolation='nearest')

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x9c03b38>

In [53]:

Object `pic` not found.

In [20]:
from io import BytesIO

from IPython.core import display
from PIL import Image

def display_pil_image(im):
   """Displayhook function for PIL Images, rendered as PNG."""

   b = BytesIO()
   im.save(b, format='png')
   data = b.getvalue()

   ip_img = display.Image(data=data, format='png', embed=True)
   return ip_img._repr_png_()

# register display func with PNG formatter:
png_formatter = get_ipython().display_formatter.formatters['image/png']
dpi = png_formatter.for_type(Image.Image, display_pil_image)

In [22]:
from PIL import Image
from PIL.ImageDraw import Draw
img = Image.new("RGBA", (100, 100))
draw = Draw(img)
draw.rectangle(((0,0), (100, 100)), fill=(255, 100, 0))
# img.save("foo.png")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x6ad87f0>

In [ ]: