In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from scipy import ndimage
import numpy as np
from import fits
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling import models, fitting, Fittable2DModel, Parameter
from ccdproc import CCDData, combine, Combiner, flat_correct, trim_image
I'm going to be fitting a model to the alignment box image. This model will be the alignment box itself, plus a single 2D gaussian star. The following class is an astropy.models
model of the trapezoidal shape of the MOSFIRE alignment box.
In [2]:
class mosfireAlignmentBox(Fittable2DModel):
amplitude = Parameter(default=1)
x_0 = Parameter(default=0)
y_0 = Parameter(default=0)
x_width = Parameter(default=1)
y_width = Parameter(default=1)
def evaluate(x, y, amplitude, x_0, y_0, x_width, y_width):
'''MOSFIRE Alignment Box.
Typical widths are 22.5 pix horizontally and 36.0 pix vertically.
Angle of slit relative to pixels is 3.78 degrees.
slit_angle = -3.7 # in degrees
x0_of_y = x_0 + (y-y_0)*np.sin(slit_angle*np.pi/180)
x_range = np.logical_and(x >= x0_of_y - x_width / 2.,
x <= x0_of_y + x_width / 2.)
y_range = np.logical_and(y >= y_0 - y_width / 2.,
y <= y_0 + y_width / 2.)
result =[np.logical_and(x_range, y_range)], [amplitude], 0)
if isinstance(amplitude, u.Quantity):
return Quantity(result, unit=amplitude.unit, copy=False)
return result
def input_units(self):
if self.x_0.unit is None:
return None
return {'x': self.x_0.unit,
'y': self.y_0.unit}
def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit):
return OrderedDict([('x_0', inputs_unit['x']),
('y_0', inputs_unit['y']),
('x_width', inputs_unit['x']),
('y_width', inputs_unit['y']),
('amplitude', outputs_unit['z'])])
This is a simple helper function which I stole from my CSU_initializer
project. It may not be necessary as I am effectively fitting the location of the alignment box twice.
In [3]:
def fit_edges(profile):
fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
amp1_est = profile[profile == min(profile)][0]
mean1_est = np.argmin(profile)
amp2_est = profile[profile == max(profile)][0]
mean2_est = np.argmax(profile)
g_init1 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=amp1_est, mean=mean1_est, stddev=2.)
g_init1.amplitude.max = 0
g_init1.amplitude.min = amp1_est*0.9
g_init1.stddev.max = 3
g_init2 = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=amp2_est, mean=mean2_est, stddev=2.)
g_init2.amplitude.min = 0
g_init2.amplitude.min = amp2_est*0.9
g_init2.stddev.max = 3
model = g_init1 + g_init2
fit = fitter(model, range(0,horizontal_profile.shape[0]), horizontal_profile)
# Check Validity of Fit
if abs(fit.stddev_0.value) <= 3 and abs(fit.stddev_1.value) <= 3\
and fit.amplitude_0.value < -1 and fit.amplitude_1.value > 1\
and fit.mean_0.value > fit.mean_1.value:
x1 = fit.mean_0.value
x2 = fit.mean_1.value
x1 = None
x2 = None
return x1, x2
Rather than take time to obtain a sky frame for each mask alignment, I am going to treat the sky background as a constant over the alignment box area (roughly 4 x 7 arcsec). To do that, I need to flat field the image.
Note that this flat field is built using data from a different night than the alignment box image we will be processing.
In [4]:
filepath = '../../../KeckData/MOSFIRE_FCS/'
dark =, 'm180130_0001.fits'), unit='adu')
flatfiles = ['m180130_0320.fits',
flats = []
for i,file in enumerate(flatfiles):
flat =, file), unit='adu')
flat = flat.subtract(dark)
In [5]:
flat_combiner = Combiner(flats)
scaling_func = lambda arr: 1/
flat_combiner.scaling = scaling_func
masterflat = flat_combiner.median_combine()
# masterflat.write('masterflat.fits', overwrite=True)
In [6]:
# align1 =, 'm180130_0052.fits'), unit='adu')
align1 =, 'm180210_0254.fits'), unit='adu')
align1ds = align1.subtract(dark)
align1f = flat_correct(align1ds, masterflat)
In [7]:
# box_loc = (1257, 432) # for m180130_0052
# box_loc = (1544, 967) # for m180210_0254
box_loc = (821, 1585) # for m180210_0254
# box_loc = (1373, 1896) # for m180210_0254
# box_loc = (791, 921) # for m180210_0254
# box_loc = (1268, 301) # for m180210_0254
box_size = 30
fits_section = f'[{box_loc[0]-box_size:d}:{box_loc[0]+box_size:d}, {box_loc[1]-box_size:d}:{box_loc[1]+box_size:d}]'
region = trim_image(align1f, fits_section=fits_section)
The code below estimates the center of the alignment box
In [8]:
threshold_pct = 70
window = > np.percentile(, threshold_pct)
alignment_box_position = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(window)
The code below finds the edges of the box and measures its width and height.
In [9]:
gradx = np.gradient(, axis=1)
horizontal_profile = np.sum(gradx, axis=0)
grady = np.gradient(, axis=0)
vertical_profile = np.sum(grady, axis=1)
In [10]:
h_edges = fit_edges(horizontal_profile)
print(h_edges, h_edges[0]-h_edges[1])
In [11]:
v_edges = fit_edges(vertical_profile)
print(v_edges, v_edges[0]-v_edges[1])
This code estimates the initial location of the star. The fit to the star is quite rudimentary and could be replaced by more sophisticated methods.
In [12]:
maxr =
starloc = (np.where( == maxr)[0][0], np.where( == maxr)[1][0])
In [19]:
boxamplitude = 1 #np.percentile(, 90)
star_amplitude = - boxamplitude
box = mosfireAlignmentBox(boxamplitude, alignment_box_position[1], alignment_box_position[0],\
abs(h_edges[0]-h_edges[1]), abs(v_edges[0]-v_edges[1]))
box.amplitude.fixed = True
box.x_width.min = 10
box.y_width.min = 10
star = models.Gaussian2D(star_amplitude, starloc[0], starloc[1])
star.amplitude.min = 0
star.x_stddev.min = 1
star.x_stddev.max = 8
star.y_stddev.min = 1
star.y_stddev.max = 8
sky = models.Const2D(np.percentile(, 90))
sky.amplitude.min = 0
model = box*(sky + star)
In [20]:
fitter = fitting.LevMarLSQFitter()
y, x = np.mgrid[:2*box_size+1, :2*box_size+1]
fit = fitter(model, x, y,
In [21]:
# Do stupid way of generating an image from the model for visualization (replace this later)
modelim = np.zeros((61,61))
fitim = np.zeros((61,61))
for i in range(0,60):
for j in range(0,60):
modelim[j,i] = model(i,j)
fitim[j,i] = fit(i,j)
resid =
In [22]:
for i,name in enumerate(fit.param_names):
print(f"{name:15s} = {fit.parameters[i]:.2f}")
In [23]:
plt.imshow(, vmin=fit.amplitude_1.value*0.9, vmax=fit.amplitude_1.value+fit.amplitude_2.value)
plt.imshow(modelim, vmin=fit.amplitude_1.value*0.9, vmax=fit.amplitude_1.value+fit.amplitude_2.value)
plt.imshow(fitim, vmin=fit.amplitude_1.value*0.9, vmax=fit.amplitude_1.value+fit.amplitude_2.value)
plt.imshow(resid, vmin=-1000, vmax=1000)
Show the image with an overlay marking the determined center of the alignment box and the position of the star.
Please note that this code fits the location of the box and so it can confirm the FCS operation has placed the box in a consistent location when checked against the header.
It should also be able to message and automatically respond if the star is not found or is very faint (i.e. it has lower than expected flux).
In [24]:
pixelscale = u.pixel_scale(0.1798*u.arcsec/u.pixel)
FWHMx = 2*(2*np.log(2))**0.5*fit.x_stddev_2 * u.pix
FWHMy = 2*(2*np.log(2))**0.5*fit.y_stddev_2 * u.pix
FWHM = (FWHMx**2 + FWHMy**2)**0.5/2**0.5
stellar_flux = 2*np.pi*fit.amplitude_2.value*fit.x_stddev_2.value*fit.y_stddev_2.value
plt.imshow(, vmin=fit.amplitude_1.value*0.9, vmax=fit.amplitude_1.value+fit.amplitude_2.value)
plt.plot([fit.x_mean_2.value], [fit.y_mean_2.value], 'go', ms=10)
plt.text(fit.x_mean_2.value+1, fit.x_mean_2.value-1, 'Star', color='green', fontsize=18)
plt.plot([fit.x_0_0.value], [fit.y_0_0.value], 'bx', ms=15)
plt.text(fit.x_0_0.value+2, fit.y_0_0.value, 'Box Center', color='blue', fontsize=18)
boxpos_x = box_loc[1] - box_size + fit.x_0_0.value
boxpos_y = box_loc[0] - box_size + fit.y_0_0.value
starpos_x = box_loc[1] - box_size + fit.x_mean_2.value
starpos_y = box_loc[0] - box_size + fit.y_mean_2.value
print(f"Sky Brightness = {fit.amplitude_1.value:.0f} ADU")
print(f"Box X Center = {boxpos_x:.0f}")
print(f"Box Y Center = {boxpos_y:.0f}")
print(f"Stellar FWHM = {, equivalencies=pixelscale):.2f}")
print(f"Stellar Xpos = {starpos_x:.0f}")
print(f"Stellar Xpos = {starpos_y:.0f}")
print(f"Stellar Amplitude = {fit.amplitude_2.value:.0f} ADU")
print(f"Stellar Flux (fit) = {stellar_flux:.0f} ADU")
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