In [1]:
A fragment of the Motion Dataset (by Eugene Hu) is included in the package for testing purposes. It can be loaded as "motionfrag", and it is normalized
In [2]:
The CRBM receives as inputs:
Also receives the following hyperparameters:
In [3]:
crbm_mfrag <- train.crbm(motionfrag$batchdata,
batch_size = 100,
n_hidden = 100,
delay = 6,
training_epochs = 10,
learning_rate = 1e-3,
momentum = 0.5,
rand_seed = 1234
There are 3 methods: predict.crbm, forward.crbm and backward.crbm
In [4]:
first_sequence <- motionfrag$batchdata[1:motionfrag$seqlen[1],];
crbm_pred1 <- predict(crbm_mfrag, first_sequence);
In [5]:
first_sequence <- motionfrag$batchdata[1:motionfrag$seqlen[1],];
act_1 <- forward.crbm(crbm_mfrag, first_sequence);
In [6]:
activations <- act_1[(crbm_mfrag$delay+1):nrow(act_1),];
corresp_hist <- motionfrag$batchdata[1:motionfrag$seqlen[1]-1,];
rec_1 <- backward.crbm(crbm_mfrag, activations, corresp_hist);
Function forecast.crbm predicts future inputs for a time series. It uses the last element of the input series, plus the n-1:n-d elements as history, to forecast the inputs for the expected n_samples
In [7]:
first_sequence <- motionfrag$batchdata[1:motionfrag$seqlen[1],];
crbm_pred2 <- forecast.crbm(crbm_mfrag, first_sequence, n_samples = 50);
You can pass a trained CRBM as initial values for a new CRBM. The properties of the CRBM must match with the CRBM passed as init_crbm. The function returns a new updated copy of the old CRBM
In [8]:
crbm_mf2 <- train.crbm(motionfrag$batchdata,
batch_size = 100,
n_hidden = 100,
delay = 6,
training_epochs = 10,
learning_rate = 1e-3,
momentum = 0.5,
rand_seed = 1234,
init_crbm = crbm_mfrag
In [9]:
rm (list = ls());
In [10]:
To load the "motionfrag" data without using the compiled package, you can load and prepare it from the RDS file, using the following function.
The function will return a list with the batchdata, the seqlen, and the data_mean and data_std of the data once normalized
In [11]:
load_data <- function(filename)
mat_dict <- readRDS(filename);
Motion <- mat_dict[['Motion']];
n_seq <- length(Motion);
# assume data is MIT format for now
indx <- c(1:9, 14, 19:21, 26, 31:33, 38, 43:45, 50, 55:57, 61:63, 67:69, 73:75,
79:81, 85:87, 91:93, 97:99, 103:105);
##row1 <- Motion[[c(1,1)]][1,];
##offsets <- array(row1[c(10:12, 16:18, 22:24, 28:30, 34:36, 40:42, 46:48, 52:54,
## 58:60, 64:66, 70:72, 76:78, 82:84, 88:90, 94:96, 100:102,
## 106:108)], c(3, length(row1)/3) );
# collapse sequences
batchdata <- rbind(Motion[[c(1,1)]][,indx],
data_mean <- colMeans(batchdata);
data_std <- apply(batchdata, 2, sd);
batchdata <- t((t(batchdata) - data_mean) / data_std);
# get sequence lengths
seqlen <- sapply(1:3, function(x) nrow(Motion[[c(x,1)]]));
list(batchdata = batchdata, seqlen = seqlen, data_mean = data_mean, data_std = data_std);
In [12]:
dataset <- load_data('../datasets/motion.rds');
In [13]:
crbm <- train_crbm (dataset,
batch_size = 100,
n_hidden = 100,
delay = 6,
training_epochs = 200,
learning_rate = 1e-3,
momentum = 0.5,
rand_seed = 1234
There are 3 methods: predict_crbm, forward_crbm and backward_crbm
In [14]:
first_sequence <- dataset$batchdata[1:dataset$seqlen[1],];
crbm_pred1 <- predict_crbm(crbm, first_sequence);
The native version also accepts the history to be passed as a parameter, then the batchdata will not be treated as time series, but as a set of inputs with its respective history to be treated.
The history parameter bust contain d inputs, ordered from newest to older: for each input i in batchdata, history contains i for t-1:t-d in one single row
In [15]:
batchdata <- dataset$batchdata;
# pick some starting points for each sequence
data_idx <- c(100, 200, 400, 600);
orig_data <- batchdata[data_idx,];
hist_idx <- c(sapply(data_idx, function(x) x - 1:crbm$delay));
orig_history <- t(array(as.vector(t(batchdata[hist_idx,])), c(crbm$delay * crbm$n_visible, length(data_idx))));
aux <- predict_crbm(crbm, orig_data, history = orig_history);
In [16]:
first_sequence <- dataset$batchdata[1:dataset$seqlen[1],];
act_1 <- forward_crbm(crbm, first_sequence);
In [17]:
batchdata <- dataset$batchdata;
# pick some starting points for each sequence
data_idx <- c(100, 200, 400, 600);
orig_data <- batchdata[data_idx,];
hist_idx <- c(sapply(data_idx, function(x) x - 1:crbm$delay));
orig_history <- t(array(as.vector(t(batchdata[hist_idx,])), c(crbm$delay * crbm$n_visible, length(data_idx))));
aux <- forward_crbm(crbm, orig_data, history = orig_history);
In [18]:
activations <- act_1[(crbm$delay+1):nrow(act_1),];
corresp_hist <- dataset$batchdata[1:dataset$seqlen[1]-1,];
rec_1 <- backward_crbm(crbm, activations, corresp_hist);
In the native R version, the forecasting function allows to introduce data as a single time series (picking the newest element n and generating history n-1:n-d automatically), or introduce manually history, so original data is not treated as a same time series.
In [19]:
idx <- dataset$seqlen[1];
first_sequence <- dataset$batchdata[1:idx,, drop=FALSE];
crbm_pred2 <- forecast_crbm(crbm, orig_data = first_sequence, orig_history = NULL, n_samples = 50, n_gibbs = 30);
And now here with independent series. Notice that the history must be "hand crafted", and admits several head series
In [20]:
batchdata <- dataset$batchdata;
# pick some starting points for each sequence
data_idx <- c(100, 200, 400, 600);
orig_data <- batchdata[data_idx,];
hist_idx <- c(sapply(data_idx, function(x) x - 1:crbm$delay));
orig_history <- t(array(as.vector(t(batchdata[hist_idx,])), c(crbm$delay * crbm$n_visible, length(data_idx))));
generated_series.aux <- forecast_crbm(crbm, orig_data, orig_history, n_samples = 100, n_gibbs = 30);
# append initialization
oh.temp <- aperm(array(as.vector(orig_history), c(length(data_idx), crbm$n_visible, crbm$delay)),c(1,3,2));
generated_series <- abind(oh.temp[,crbm$delay:1,], generated_series.aux, along = 2);
dimnames(generated_series) <- NULL;
In [21]:
par(mfrow = c(ceiling(length(data_idx)/2),2));
for (i in 1:length(data_idx))
start <- data_idx[i];
plot.true <- batchdata[(start - crbm$delay):(start + 100 - crbm$delay - 1), 2];
plot.pred <- generated_series[i, 1:100, 2];
plot(plot.true, col = "blue", type = "l", lty = 2, xlab = "", ylab = data_idx[i],
xlim = c(-10,100), ylim = c(min(plot.true, plot.pred),max(plot.true, plot.pred)));
lines(plot.pred, col = "green");
legend("topleft", legend = c("True", "Predicted"), col = c("blue","green"),
lty = c(2,1), cex = 0.75, y.intersp = 1);