Parser Code Lab - Answer Section

Intended Audience

This answer section is for those that have successfully completed the parser code lab and are looking for one example answer.

Just to re-iterate, this is only one example answer, this can be done in several different ways, some might even be considerably better than the supplied one. With that caveat... please read on:

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# Copyright 2014 The Plaso Project Authors.
# Please see the AUTHORS file for details on individual authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Parser for an example simple log file, used as a code lab example."""

import logging

# A library that contains the EventObject and few convenience EventObjects.
from import time_events

# This library contains formatters and timestamp information, such as timestamp
# description "ontology" or shorthands.
from plaso.lib import eventdata

# A library that contains all timestamp manipulations.
from plaso.lib import timelib

# Import the parser manager.
from plaso.parsers import manager

# A library that contains assistants for text parsing.
from plaso.parsers import text_parser

The Log File

Start by saving the example log file so we can start working with it.

In [ ]:
import tempfile

mystery_path = u''

# The content of the mystery log file.
text_to_enter = r"""date,user,request,result,action,extra
03/04/2013 21:20:32.3411,foobar,get all the data,no data here,GET,some weird stuff happening here
03/12/2013 13:41:52.1231,foobar,get all the data,"data loading,stuff happening, here it is",GET,1235 bytes transferred
06/05/2013 02:02:12.3421,john,insert data,success,PUT,1023 bytes inserted into attribute database
07/12/2013 06:23:42.7019,john,get all the data,no data here,GET,seems to be an empty database
12/24/2013 18:00:00.1234,dude,get some data,"gathering data, please wait",GET,10 bytes transferred
01/14/2014 12:24:10.562,mike,get some data,"gathering data,please wait",GET,123155324 bytes transferred

# Write the content of the buffer to a temporary file.
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as fh:
  mystery_path =

print u'Test file created: {}'.format(mystery_path)

Here is one example of the solution to parsing this mysterious log file.

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class MysteryExampleParser(text_parser.TextCSVParser):
    """Parses the example mysterious text file created for this codelab."""
    # Typically this would be a very descriptive name, such as "myproduct_accesslog" or "syslog"
    # or something in that genre, but for the purposes of the code lab we name it something distinct
    # and vague at the same time.
    NAME = 'codelab_mystery_logfile'
    DESCRIPTION = 'Parses the example mysterious text file created for this codelab.'
    # We don't need to set this, since the file is already comma separated and that is the default
    # value of the text parser.
    # There is a single header line for this format, so we need to define this value here.
    # We can also notice that some lines do have commas in them, and that they use a quote character
    # to denote that. So we do need to set this variable if we want the text file to be properly
    # parsed.
    QUOTE_CHAR = '"'
    # The column definition is quite simple in this case, since we do have that in the header itself.
    COLUMNS = [u'date', u'user', u'request', u'result', u'action', u'extra']
    # Define the valid action fields.
    _ACTION_FIELDS = [u'GET', u'PUT']
    def VerifyRow(self, parser_context, row):
        """Verify that this is truly our mystery file."""
        # We need this to be both accurate and fast. That is we need this function here to accurately
        # determine if this is truly the correct log file, and we need it done quickly (since a lot of
        # files will be sent here for verification).
        # One thing to notice is that we don't need to verify the number of columns here, that is already
        # done, we can assume that if we get to this function that we have the following conditions met:
        #   1. This is a text file (although that check sometimes fail, so really we can make the
        #      assumption that this is very likely a text file).
        #   2. That the text file has the correct number of columns set, that is it is len(self.COLUMNS).
        # We then need to return either True or False (and we can do some debug logs as well)
        # One thing we notice, and this is something that would obviously need to be clearly
        # examined and confirmed is that the field "action" seems to have fixed values, so we can 
        # check to see if we have a valid action field.
        if row['action'] not in self._ACTION_FIELDS:
            logging.debug(u'Unknown action field <{:s}>, not a {:s}'.format(
                row['action'], self.parser_name))
            return False
        # We can also verify that the date is actually set and produces a valid timestamp.
        timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(row['date'])

        if not timestamp:
            logging.debug(u'Timestamp: <{}> not correctly formed.'.format(row['date']))
            return False
        # We might make some additional verification here, but for now let this be enough.
        return True
    def ParseRow(self, parser_context, row_offset, row, file_entry=None):
        """Parse a single row from the mysterious log file."""
        # This is the call back function that gets called for each row parsed in that text file.
        # We therefore need to yield an EventObject for each row.
        # This can be done in several different ways, we can for instance calculate the timestamp
        # here and pass that on to an EventObject, and process some of the arguments in the row
        # or simply just pass them all into a convenience EventObject and have that take care of it.
        # The python notion of **attribute takes a dict object and passes that on as parameters to the
        # function, an example:
        #    a = {'foo': 'bar', 'stuff': 'more'}
        #    FooFunction(**a)
        # Would be equivilant to:
        #    FooFunction(foo='bar', stuff='more')
        # For the purpose of this codelab we can assume that the text file logs timestamps in
        # a local time zone of the computer that generated the log entry, so we need to pass in
        # the timezone.
        event_object = MysteryLogEvent(row_offset, parser_context.timezone, **row)
            event_object, parser_name=self.NAME, file_entry=file_entry)


Since we decided to "outsource" all the processing to the event object itself we need to define that and have it contain at least some minimum logic.

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class MysteryLogEvent(time_events.TimestampEvent):
  """A convenience EventObject for events extracted from the mysterious log file."""
  DATA_TYPE = 'text:codelab:mystery'
  def __init__(self, offset, zone, date, user, request, result, action, extra):
    """Initializes the mysterious log file event.

        offset: Offset to where the record lies.
        zone: The timezone of the record.
        date: A string containing the timestamp of the event, in the form of: "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.MS".
        user: The username that made the query.
        request: String containing the request.
        result: Result string that comes back from the request.
        action: A short string containing the type of request made, ex: GET, PUT.
        extra: String containing extra information from the record.
    # Calculate the timestamp based on the timezone of the computer this record
    # got extracted from.
    timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(date, zone)
    # Call the parent class, this is necessary BTW to set additional attributes, etc.
    # The parent of TimestampEvent needs the following:
    #    timestamp: The timestamp of the event.
    #    timestamp_desc: The description of the timestamp, eg: "Last Written Time", etc.
    #    data_type: The data type of the event object (remember 1:1 mapping to the formatter).
    super(MysteryLogEvent, self).__init__(
        timestamp, eventdata.EventTimestamp.WRITTEN_TIME, self.DATA_TYPE)
    # Set the other attributes of the event as well.
    self.request = request
    self.result = result
    self.action = action
    self.extra = extra
    self.offset = offset
    # Notice that we set the username differently, that is it is not stored as "self.user".
    # This may not be obvious, but we need to have some consistency despite the event objects
    # being loosely defined. For that we have constructed (albeit ATM very limited) ontology
    # to make sure we name attribute names that have the same meaning consistently across
    # parsers. That makes filtering and output considerably easier.
    # Please refer to:
    self.username = user

[optional code segment] Remember if you make changes to the parser you need to de-register it before you run the code segment again (to register it):

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And then we need to define the formatter, so that the message strings can be properly formatted.

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from plaso import formatters
from plaso.formatters import interface as formatter_interface
from plaso.formatters import manager as formatter_manager

class MysteryLogFormatter(formatter_interface.ConditionalEventFormatter):
  """Class that formats events from the mysterious log file."""
  # Remember, this has to be a 1:1 mapping to the data type defined in the event object.
  DATA_TYPE = 'text:codelab:mystery'
  # The format string needs to include ALL the attributes we deem to be important enough
  # enough to be part of the message string, EXCLUDING those that are provided by other
  # fields. What attributes are included in other fields? That may not be as clear or
  # easily discovered, but typically that is:
  #    hostname
  #    username
  # That is information that you would typically associate to a common enough field that
  # would be included by default in the output formatting.
  # Also remember, each attribute name should be contained within brackets ({}) and only
  # one attribute name per entry in the list.
      u'Request: [{action}]',
      u'With answer: {result}',
      u'Additional information: {extra}']
  FORMAT_STRING_SHORT_PIECES = [u'[{action}]:', u'{request}']
  SOURCE_LONG = 'Mysterious Log File'
# This is not part of the "regular code", this is just added to make this codelab work.
formatter = MysteryLogFormatter()
if not hasattr(formatter_manager.EventFormatterManager, 'event_formatters'):
  formatter_manager.EventFormatterManager.event_formatters = {}
formatter_manager.EventFormatterManager.event_formatters[formatter.DATA_TYPE] = formatter

[optional code segment] If you make changes to the formatter, you need to remove it from the registration before you register it again.

In [ ]:
# This is OPTIONAL code, no need to run unless you make changes to the formatter and want to update
# the registration (as in get the changes checked in).
# You may need to change this to reflect the class name of the formatter.
formatter_name = 'MysteryLogFormatter'

# No need to change the code below.
formatter_data_type = ''
if formatter_name in formatter_manager.DefaultFormatter.classes:
  print 'Formatter registered, removing.'
  formatter_data_type = formatter_manager.DefaultFormatter.classes[formatter_name].DATA_TYPE
  del formatter_manager.DefaultFormatter.classes[formatter_name]
  print 'Formatter deleted.'
if formatter_data_type and formatter_data_type in formatter_manager.EventFormatterManager.event_formatters:
  print 'Removing the data type [{}] from the registration.'.format(formatter_data_type)
  del formatter_manager.EventFormatterManager.event_formatters[formatter_data_type]

And finally we need to create a unit test to make sure we are parsing the file properly.

In [ ]:
import unittest
from plaso.parsers import test_lib

class MysteryParserTest(test_lib.ParserTestCase):
  """Tests for the mysterious log file parser."""

  def setUp(self):
    """Sets up the needed objects used throughout the test."""
    self._parser = MysteryExampleParser()

  def testParse(self):
    """Tests the Parse function."""
    test_file = mystery_path
    event_queue_consumer = self._ParseFile(self._parser, test_file)
    event_generator = self._ParseFile(self._parser, test_file)
    event_objects = self._GetEventObjectsFromQueue(event_queue_consumer)

    # At bare minimum we need to test that the parser successfully parsed
    # all the lines.
    self.assertEquals(len(event_objects), 6)

    # Read in at least one (or more) event objects and make sure we are parsing
    # them correctly. For instance let's test time parsing.
    event_object = event_objects[1]

    # We may need to adjust this to the timezone of the machine. Here we make
    # the assumption that the file was gathered from a machine that used
    # UTC as it's timezone, we may want to change that assumption.
    self.assertEquals(event_object.timestamp, 1363095712123100)
    # Add here some tests to make sure we are parsing/extracting attribute names.

    # And now we need to test our formatter, create a message string and test it.
    expected_msg = (
        u'Request: [GET] get all the data With answer: data loading,stuff happening, here it is '
        u'Additional information: 1235 bytes transferred')
    expected_msg_short = u'[GET]: get all the data'

    self._TestGetMessageStrings(event_object, expected_msg, expected_msg_short)
    # Let's make few more tests at least.
    self.assertEquals(event_object.action, u'GET')
    self.assertEquals(event_object.username, 'foobar')
    # Did you notice that one event object (there were more than one, but we can pick one)
    # that had the quote character, let's test to see if that was successfull.
    event_object = event_objects[4]
    # The result field was the one we were interested in.
    self.assertEquals(event_object.result, u'gathering data, please wait')
    self.assertEquals(event_object.username, 'dude')

And run these tests to make sure we have everything covered.

In [ ]:
my_suite = unittest.TestSuite()

results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(my_suite)

if results.errors:
  print u'Errors came up while trying to run test.'
  for error in results.errors:
    if isinstance(error, basestring):
      print error
      for sub_error in error:
        print sub_error
elif results.failures:
  print u'Failures came up while trying to run test.'
  for failure in results.failures:
    if isinstance(failure, basestring):
      print failure
      for sub_failure in failure:
        print sub_failure
  print u'All came out clean.'
  print results

Another example of the solution, would be something like this... remember that there are plenty of solutions available:

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class AnotherMysteryLogEvent(time_events.TimestampEvent):
  """A convenience EventObject for events extracted from the mysterious log file."""
  # We are going to use the same data type as in the other solution, just
  # changing some of our approach.
  DATA_TYPE = 'text:codelab:mystery'
  def __init__(self, timestamp, user, request, result, action, extra):
    """Initializes the mysterious log file event.

      timestamp: The timestamp when the entry was created.
      user: The username that made the query.
      request: String containing the request.
      result: Result string that comes back from the request.
      action: A short string containing the type of request made, ex: GET, PUT.
      extra: String containing extra information from the record.
    # The only difference here and the other approach is that we pass in
    # the timestamp directly here, and thus we can skip the zone and date
    # attributes.
    super(AnotherMysteryLogEvent, self).__init__(
        timestamp, eventdata.EventTimestamp.WRITTEN_TIME, self.DATA_TYPE)
    # Set the other attributes of the event as well.
    self.request = request
    self.result = result
    self.action = action
    self.extra = extra
    # Notice that we set the username differently, that is it is not stored as "self.user".
    # This may not be obvious, but we need to have some consistency despite the event objects
    # being loosely defined. For that we have constructed (albeit ATM very limited) ontology
    # to make sure we name attribute names that have the same meaning consistently across
    # parsers. That makes filtering and output considerably easier.
    # Please refer to:
    self.username = user

class AnotherMysteryExampleParser(text_parser.TextCSVParser):
  """Parses the example mysterious text file created for this codelab."""
  # Keep this to something very similar as the other name, except slightly different.
  NAME = 'codelab_mystery_logfile_take_two'
  DESCRIPTION = 'Parses the example mysterious text file created for this codelab.'
  # Keep the same header line and quote character.
  QUOTE_CHAR = '"'
  # The column definition is quite simple in this case, since we do have that in the header itself.
  COLUMNS = [u'date', u'user', u'request', u'result', u'action', u'extra']
  # Define the valid action fields.
  def VerifyRow(self, parser_context, row):
    """Verify that this is truly our mystery file."""
    # There is no need to change this from the original one.
    if row['action'] not in self._ACTION_FIELDS:
      logging.debug(u'Unknown action field <{:s}>, not a {:s}'.format(
          row['action'], self.parser_name))
      return False
    # We can also verify that the date is actually set and produces a valid timestamp.
    timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(row['date'])

    if not timestamp:
      logging.debug(u'Timestamp: <{}> not correctly formed.'.format(row['date']))
      return False
    # We might make some additional verification here, but for now let this be enough.
    return True
  def ParseRow(self, parser_context, row_offset, row, file_entry=None):
    """Parse a single row from the mysterious log file."""
    # Let's change the ParseRow call back function here.
    # Calculate the timestamp.
    timestamp = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(row['date'], parser_context.timezone)
    # Here (difference between the first approach) we check to see if we get
    # a proper timestamp value out of the logline and if not we don't produce
    # an event object. If the log file would contain "corrupted" or "bad" date
    # strings that would result in an error in the FromTimeString function we
    # would produce an event object with the timestamp of ZERO (seen as coming
    # from Epoch time). The questio is, do we want that behavior, or do we want
    # to ignore such records? This is a decision we need to make in the parser.
    # Here in this approach we've decided we do not want to include such records.
    if not timestamp:
      logging.debug(u'Unable to extract timestamp from row: <{}>'.format(u' - '.join(
    # Now we have a timestamp and we can create the event object.
    event_object = AnotherMysteryLogEvent(
        timestamp, row['user'], row['request'], row['result'], row['action'],
        event_object, parser_name=self.NAME, file_entry=file_entry)

Let's create another test case for this parser, basing it on the previous one so we can re-use most parts of it.

In [ ]:
class AnotherMysteryParserTest(MysteryParserTest):
  """Tests for the mysterious log file parser."""

  def setUp(self):
    """Sets up the needed objects used throughout the test."""
    self._parser = AnotherMysteryExampleParser()

And let's run all the tests:

In [ ]:
my_suite = unittest.TestSuite()

results = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=3).run(my_suite)

if results.errors:
  print u'Errors came up while trying to run test.'
  for error in results.errors:
    if isinstance(error, basestring):
      print error
      for sub_error in error:
        print sub_error
elif results.failures:
  print u'Failures came up while trying to run test.'
  for failure in results.failures:
    if isinstance(failure, basestring):
      print failure
      for sub_failure in failure:
        print sub_failure
  print u'All came out clean.'
  print results

Clean Up

During our test code we created a temporary file, that we may want to delete. To delete it, use the code below:

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import os

if mystery_path: