Indicadores climatológicos

El siguiente ejercicio te permitirá generar indicadores para el Estado de Aguascalientes, como base se va a utilizar la base de datos de la RNEAA.

In [1]:
# importar librerías
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline"ggplot")

In [2]:
# leer csv
df = pd.read_csv("/Users/jorgemauricio/Documents/Research/INIFAP_Course/data/ags_curso.csv")

In [3]:
# estructura del DataFrame

numero nombre longitud latitud fecha prec temt radg humr
0 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 12:30:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 12:45:00 0.0 25.6 733.1 15.0
2 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 13:00:00 0.0 26.0 678.9 13.0
3 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 13:15:00 0.0 26.9 690.6 13.0
4 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 13:30:00 0.0 26.5 649.1 13.0

In [4]:
# información del DataFrame

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 16579988 entries, 0 to 16579987
Data columns (total 9 columns):
numero      int64
nombre      object
longitud    float64
latitud     float64
fecha       object
prec        float64
temt        float64
radg        float64
humr        float64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(1), object(2)
memory usage: 1.1+ GB

In [5]:
# información estadística del DataFrame

numero longitud latitud prec temt radg humr
count 1.657999e+07 1.657999e+07 1.657999e+07 1.608549e+07 1.620985e+07 1.619631e+07 1.618895e+07
mean 2.827274e+04 -1.023456e+02 2.199849e+01 1.487568e-02 1.731362e+01 2.112363e+02 5.136799e+01
std 8.670123e+04 1.966635e-01 1.754575e-01 2.445433e-01 6.541935e+00 2.989865e+02 2.593395e+01
min 2.000000e+00 -1.027694e+02 2.166045e+01 0.000000e+00 -3.530000e+01 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00
25% 1.347300e+04 -1.024591e+02 2.186480e+01 0.000000e+00 1.290000e+01 0.000000e+00 2.900000e+01
50% 1.883300e+04 -1.022952e+02 2.197800e+01 0.000000e+00 1.710000e+01 5.900000e+00 5.000000e+01
75% 2.457600e+04 -1.022548e+02 2.214189e+01 0.000000e+00 2.210000e+01 3.990000e+02 7.300000e+01
max 8.600300e+05 -1.019693e+02 2.236372e+01 6.500000e+01 5.990000e+01 1.754800e+03 1.002000e+02

In [6]:
# Generar columnas año, mes, día
df["year"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df["fecha"]).year
df["month"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df["fecha"]).month
df["day"] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df["fecha"]).day

In [7]:
# estructura del DataFrame

numero nombre longitud latitud fecha prec temt radg humr year month day
0 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 12:30:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN 2013 2 1
1 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 12:45:00 0.0 25.6 733.1 15.0 2013 2 1
2 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 13:00:00 0.0 26.0 678.9 13.0 2013 2 1
3 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 13:15:00 0.0 26.9 690.6 13.0 2013 2 1
4 2 La Mirinda -102.251778 22.248528 2013-02-01 13:30:00 0.0 26.5 649.1 13.0 2013 2 1


In [8]:

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 16579988 entries, 0 to 16579987
Data columns (total 12 columns):
numero      int64
nombre      object
longitud    float64
latitud     float64
fecha       object
prec        float64
temt        float64
radg        float64
humr        float64
year        int64
month       int64
day         int64
dtypes: float64(6), int64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 1.5+ GB

In [9]:
# agrupar los datos por año-mes
grouped = df.groupby(["year","month"]).mean()["temt"]

In [10]:

year  month
2002  1        11.853054
      2        13.372540
      3        17.235664
      4        20.533007
      5        21.894923
      6        20.785087
      7        18.408299
      8        18.810446
      9        18.541447
      10       17.646300
      11       13.887801
      12       12.124774
2003  1        12.477704
      2        15.300384
      3        16.833842
      4        20.629804
      5        22.886388
      6        21.346458
      7        18.500804
      8        18.678122
      9        18.403783
      10       16.768168
      11       15.606743
      12       11.568482
2004  1        11.792875
      2        13.112940
      3        17.062617
      4        18.603223
      5        20.401408
      6        18.801826
2015  12       13.261391
2016  1        11.373800
      2        14.369435
      3        15.959561
      4        19.310787
      5        22.544154
      6        20.525451
      7        19.125877
      8        18.875327
      9        18.661513
      10       17.479644
      11       14.522078
      12       14.391465
2017  1        13.486195
      2        15.097054
      3        17.353727
      4        19.476889
      5        22.460648
      6        22.242937
      7        19.117961
      8        19.797200
      9        18.290243
      10       17.016021
      11       15.530292
      12       12.680674
2018  1        12.261707
      2        15.687238
      3        18.504761
      4        19.916105
      5        19.917451
Name: temt, Length: 197, dtype: float64

In [11]:
# desplegar la información en gráfica

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x12a812dd8>

In [12]:
# modificar los parámetros para una mejor visualización

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x116dd6e48>

In [13]:
# agregar título a la gráfica
grouped.plot(title="Temperatura media mensual", figsize=(20,5))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10a016588>

In [14]:
# modificar el tamaño de la letra 
grouped.plot(title="Temperatura media mensual", figsize=(20,5), fontsize=8)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10a02c390>

In [15]:
# gráfica de caja y bigotes
grouped.plot(title="Temperatura media mensual", kind="box")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1138ba898>

In [16]:
# gráfica de área
grouped.plot(title="Temperatura media mensual", kind="area", figsize=(20,5))

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1138d4b00>

In [17]:
# gráfica histograma
grouped.plot(title="Temperatura media mensual", kind="hist", bins=50)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1138d4710>


In [18]:
# agrupar los datos por año-mes
grouped_temp_radg = df.groupby(["year","month"]).mean()[["temt","radg"]]

In [19]:

temt radg
year month
2002 1 11.853054 185.526266
2 13.372540 199.544974
3 17.235664 243.073733
4 20.533007 251.797823
5 21.894923 250.845596
6 20.785087 231.018067
7 18.408299 208.677697
8 18.810446 237.935301
9 18.541447 190.865857
10 17.646300 187.207327
11 13.887801 152.472069
12 12.124774 147.886374
2003 1 12.477704 141.121024
2 15.300384 199.155279
3 16.833842 229.501237
4 20.629804 227.258615
5 22.886388 245.332896
6 21.346458 216.805584
7 18.500804 210.252117
8 18.678122 214.621792
9 18.403783 177.589992
10 16.768168 179.692703
11 15.606743 174.073904
12 11.568482 154.585526
2004 1 11.792875 135.389573
2 13.112940 192.778962
3 17.062617 207.054471
4 18.603223 243.947838
5 20.401408 231.761142
6 18.801826 193.454130
... ... ... ...
2015 12 13.261391 154.792460
2016 1 11.373800 183.143195
2 14.369435 208.043647
3 15.959561 223.982423
4 19.310787 238.546162
5 22.544154 263.678111
6 20.525451 235.350917
7 19.125877 227.878003
8 18.875327 201.014298
9 18.661513 198.649927
10 17.479644 201.522764
11 14.522078 153.550053
12 14.391465 163.134329
2017 1 13.486195 177.672025
2 15.097054 215.181112
3 17.353727 231.849638
4 19.476889 258.229011
5 22.460648 262.679785
6 22.242937 235.289950
7 19.117961 216.907352
8 19.797200 220.131584
9 18.290243 180.665320
10 17.016021 188.043319
11 15.530292 182.912336
12 12.680674 141.758374
2018 1 12.261707 159.467309
2 15.687238 176.913783
3 18.504761 233.700489
4 19.916105 253.518905
5 19.917451 199.861684

197 rows × 2 columns

In [20]:
# modificar los parámetros para una mejor visualización

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118d8c4a8>

In [21]:
# utilizamos el parametro secondary_y, para generar una gráfica con dos escalas de valores para Y

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x118dbe6a0>

In [22]:

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x119079da0>

In [23]:
# utilizamos el parametro secondary_y, para generar una gráfica con dos escalas de valores para Y
grouped_temp_radg.plot(figsize=(20,5),secondary_y="radg", kind="area")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1192cdcf8>

In [24]:
# agrupar los datos por año-mes media para temperatura y acumulado para radiación
# utilizamos el método .agg
grouped_temp_radg = df.groupby(["year","month"]).agg({"temt": "mean", "radg": "sum"})

In [25]:

temt radg
year month
2002 1 11.853054 4.753554e+06
2 13.372540 4.827392e+06
3 17.235664 6.501007e+06
4 20.533007 6.524837e+06
5 21.894923 1.037146e+07
6 20.785087 9.564379e+06
7 18.408299 8.425362e+06
8 18.810446 1.023836e+07
9 18.541447 8.097484e+06
10 17.646300 9.903642e+06
11 13.887801 7.811754e+06
12 12.124774 4.979630e+06
2003 1 12.477704 7.546729e+06
2 15.300384 9.635929e+06
3 16.833842 1.224527e+07
4 20.629804 1.176472e+07
5 22.886388 1.288807e+07
6 21.346458 1.157764e+07
7 18.500804 1.186789e+07
8 18.678122 1.139706e+07
9 18.403783 9.532498e+06
10 16.768168 1.013611e+07
11 15.606743 9.525324e+06
12 11.568482 8.740884e+06
2004 1 11.792875 7.655468e+06
2 13.112940 1.019724e+07
3 17.062617 1.170769e+07
4 18.603223 1.331467e+07
5 20.401408 1.310470e+07
6 18.801826 1.058581e+07
... ... ... ...
2015 12 13.261391 1.565927e+07
2016 1 11.373800 1.852677e+07
2 14.369435 1.968675e+07
3 15.959561 2.264686e+07
4 19.310787 2.318716e+07
5 22.544154 2.667658e+07
6 20.525451 2.303874e+07
7 19.125877 2.294982e+07
8 18.875327 2.032456e+07
9 18.661513 1.975037e+07
10 17.479644 2.036287e+07
11 14.522078 1.503163e+07
12 14.391465 1.649924e+07
2017 1 13.486195 1.795109e+07
2 15.097054 1.967573e+07
3 17.353727 2.344023e+07
4 19.476889 2.505260e+07
5 22.460648 2.653276e+07
6 22.242937 2.302124e+07
7 19.117961 2.193671e+07
8 19.797200 2.274752e+07
9 18.290243 1.820528e+07
10 17.016021 1.912495e+07
11 15.530292 1.780999e+07
12 12.680674 1.432369e+07
2018 1 12.261707 1.611242e+07
2 15.687238 1.611172e+07
3 18.504761 2.332050e+07
4 19.916105 2.473406e+07
5 19.917451 4.129142e+06

197 rows × 2 columns

In [26]:
# utilizamos el parametro secondary_y, para generar una gráfica con dos escalas de valores para Y

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1192f83c8>

In [27]:
# agrupar los datos por año-mes media para temperatura y acumulado para radiación
# utilizamos el método .agg
grouped_temp_radg = df.groupby(["year","month","day"]).agg({"temt": "mean", "radg": "sum"})

In [28]:
# utilizamos el parametro secondary_y, para generar una gráfica con dos escalas de valores para Y

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1196eb208>

In [29]:
# clasificar los datos a modo de tabla para desplegarlos en un heatmap
table = pd.pivot_table(df, values="radg", index=["year"], columns=["month"], aggfunc=np.sum)

In [30]:
# visualizar la tabla de datos

month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2002 4.753554e+06 4.827392e+06 6.501007e+06 6.524837e+06 1.037146e+07 9.564379e+06 8.425362e+06 1.023836e+07 8.097484e+06 9.903642e+06 7.811754e+06 4.979630e+06
2003 7.546729e+06 9.635929e+06 1.224527e+07 1.176472e+07 1.288807e+07 1.157764e+07 1.186789e+07 1.139706e+07 9.532498e+06 1.013611e+07 9.525324e+06 8.740884e+06
2004 7.655468e+06 1.019724e+07 1.170769e+07 1.331467e+07 1.310470e+07 1.058581e+07 1.265438e+07 1.188296e+07 9.274217e+06 9.479159e+06 8.775255e+06 6.945530e+06
2005 8.316504e+06 8.333842e+06 2.047389e+07 2.160953e+07 2.244168e+07 2.091999e+07 1.908733e+07 1.753577e+07 1.822662e+07 1.680034e+07 1.619221e+07 1.337512e+07
2006 1.489818e+07 1.696635e+07 2.111463e+07 2.079987e+07 2.000169e+07 1.978014e+07 1.801066e+07 1.735503e+07 1.531263e+07 1.482624e+07 1.439425e+07 1.308611e+07
2007 1.214080e+07 1.542964e+07 1.919337e+07 2.001224e+07 2.109577e+07 1.902941e+07 1.867414e+07 1.820819e+07 1.676628e+07 1.696581e+07 1.460856e+07 1.366851e+07
2008 1.459878e+07 1.648275e+07 2.092485e+07 2.144438e+07 2.090420e+07 1.850817e+07 1.630183e+07 1.717804e+07 1.408044e+07 1.562649e+07 1.557908e+07 1.396770e+07
2009 1.437805e+07 1.623838e+07 1.964957e+07 2.160701e+07 2.074506e+07 1.790515e+07 1.913271e+07 1.978960e+07 1.632766e+07 1.629413e+07 1.646189e+07 1.549770e+07
2010 1.670977e+07 1.635344e+07 2.452585e+07 2.529115e+07 2.686267e+07 2.379024e+07 1.845536e+07 2.256227e+07 1.859516e+07 2.106578e+07 1.815934e+07 1.682469e+07
2011 1.742280e+07 1.877277e+07 2.321728e+07 2.441414e+07 2.550498e+07 2.207972e+07 1.852796e+07 2.118839e+07 1.757060e+07 1.656875e+07 1.530680e+07 1.377118e+07
2012 1.309835e+07 1.302327e+07 2.212204e+07 2.399893e+07 2.478618e+07 2.187257e+07 2.156144e+07 2.076262e+07 1.953198e+07 2.120741e+07 1.601971e+07 1.538273e+07
2013 1.570611e+07 2.016146e+07 2.470986e+07 2.567296e+07 2.633313e+07 2.488821e+07 2.260767e+07 2.324621e+07 1.669166e+07 1.948618e+07 1.524446e+07 1.442073e+07
2014 1.773469e+07 1.996232e+07 2.525900e+07 2.593278e+07 2.394038e+07 2.242144e+07 2.421002e+07 2.453515e+07 1.961353e+07 2.033730e+07 1.597321e+07 1.589465e+07
2015 1.611160e+07 1.720223e+07 1.959965e+07 2.177300e+07 2.464114e+07 2.026471e+07 2.308344e+07 2.354972e+07 1.971573e+07 1.805584e+07 1.708031e+07 1.565927e+07
2016 1.852677e+07 1.968675e+07 2.264686e+07 2.318716e+07 2.667658e+07 2.303874e+07 2.294982e+07 2.032456e+07 1.975037e+07 2.036287e+07 1.503163e+07 1.649924e+07
2017 1.795109e+07 1.967573e+07 2.344023e+07 2.505260e+07 2.653276e+07 2.302124e+07 2.193671e+07 2.274752e+07 1.820528e+07 1.912495e+07 1.780999e+07 1.432369e+07
2018 1.611242e+07 1.611172e+07 2.332050e+07 2.473406e+07 4.129142e+06 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [31]:
sns.heatmap(table, cmap="jet")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x11a3825c0>

In [32]:
# clasificar los datos a modo de tabla para desplegarlos en un heatmap
table = pd.pivot_table(df, values="temt", index=["year"], columns=["month"], aggfunc=np.mean)

In [33]:

month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
2002 11.853054 13.372540 17.235664 20.533007 21.894923 20.785087 18.408299 18.810446 18.541447 17.646300 13.887801 12.124774
2003 12.477704 15.300384 16.833842 20.629804 22.886388 21.346458 18.500804 18.678122 18.403783 16.768168 15.606743 11.568482
2004 11.792875 13.112940 17.062617 18.603223 20.401408 18.801826 18.870573 19.071716 17.877133 17.591523 14.515085 12.107631
2005 12.952439 14.310387 15.717076 20.552392 21.100684 22.784069 20.101423 18.466042 18.554089 17.913193 14.906006 13.121264
2006 12.845169 15.661265 17.917984 21.279324 20.745968 20.704739 19.422403 18.392826 17.814273 17.028267 13.856144 11.784284
2007 12.894556 14.033121 17.543815 18.996491 21.040718 20.214225 18.672715 19.174060 18.394154 17.159313 14.717313 14.132377
2008 12.700440 14.935172 15.591914 19.467483 20.498863 20.027687 17.756224 18.403829 17.465796 16.489623 13.521373 12.866517
2009 13.817054 15.495753 17.489632 19.607437 21.143257 21.204639 20.449539 20.273531 18.604594 17.681830 13.736638 12.666722
2010 11.192598 11.724359 15.554290 18.714304 22.043616 22.030071 18.961810 20.017745 19.183290 16.486446 13.973845 11.948180
2011 12.757255 15.262044 18.320824 21.251306 22.948073 22.046337 19.926413 20.399508 18.815223 16.982242 14.674907 13.873519
2012 12.852651 13.834257 17.865886 19.507728 21.777711 21.146649 18.932040 19.156390 18.080216 18.383174 15.218251 13.861247
2013 12.718886 15.502203 15.911603 19.687044 21.280746 21.238686 18.599792 19.199263 18.311740 17.403865 14.455535 12.609174
2014 11.577726 15.541744 16.877446 19.853264 19.994759 20.281365 18.980338 19.196448 18.682586 17.658574 13.774634 13.296175
2015 13.560528 14.314376 14.984587 18.884233 20.351771 19.764993 18.742667 19.196780 18.719777 17.294607 16.672582 13.261391
2016 11.373800 14.369435 15.959561 19.310787 22.544154 20.525451 19.125877 18.875327 18.661513 17.479644 14.522078 14.391465
2017 13.486195 15.097054 17.353727 19.476889 22.460648 22.242937 19.117961 19.797200 18.290243 17.016021 15.530292 12.680674
2018 12.261707 15.687238 18.504761 19.916105 19.917451 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN

In [34]:
sns.heatmap(table, cmap="jet")

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x119b2b630>

In [35]:
sns.heatmap(table, cmap="jet", linewidths=.2)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x117779eb8>

In [36]:
sns.heatmap(table, cmap="jet", linewidths=.2, annot=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1179d9cf8>

Regresión Lineal

In [40]:
# verificar estación con mayor número de registros

San Carlos     572819
Santa Lucía    572818
Medio Kilo     572818
La Salada      572817
Don Primo      572817
Name: nombre, dtype: int64

In [41]:
# selecionar solo los registros de la estación San Carlos
df_san_carlos = df.loc[df["nombre"] == "San Carlos"]

In [42]:
# verificar el corte de información

numero nombre longitud latitud fecha prec temt radg humr year month day
4844988 13475 San Carlos -102.099722 22.089722 2002-01-01 00:00:00 NaN NaN NaN NaN 2002 1 1
4844989 13475 San Carlos -102.099722 22.089722 2002-01-01 00:15:00 0.0 8.5 0.0 32.0 2002 1 1
4844990 13475 San Carlos -102.099722 22.089722 2002-01-01 00:30:00 0.0 10.0 1.0 31.0 2002 1 1
4844991 13475 San Carlos -102.099722 22.089722 2002-01-01 00:45:00 0.0 10.3 1.0 30.0 2002 1 1
4844992 13475 San Carlos -102.099722 22.089722 2002-01-01 01:00:00 0.0 10.7 1.0 31.0 2002 1 1

In [49]:
# agrupar la información por años
grouped_sc = df_san_carlos.groupby("year").mean()

In [50]:

plt.title("Temperatura media anual")
plt.ylabel("Temperatura promedio")

In [51]:
# Para modelar los datos, vamos a necesitar de la libreria sklearn
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression as LinReg

In [52]:
# generar los valores para x y y
x = grouped_sc.index.values.reshape(-1, 1)
y = grouped_sc['temt'].values

In [53]:
# generar el modelo
reg = LinReg(), y)
y_preds = reg.predict(x)
print("Certeza: " + str(reg.score(x, y)))

Certeza: 0.0438332907382

In [63]:
# desplegar los valores
plt.figure(figsize = (15, 5))
plt.title("Regresión lineal")
plt.plot(x, y_preds)
plt.scatter(x, y, c = "b")

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x11d42d198>

In [64]:
# realizar una predicción

array([ 17.03544685])

In [ ]: