This tutorial uses the same example as the example introduction. In other words:
In [1]:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
import chaospy
from chaospy.example import (
coordinates, exponential_model, distribution)
Point collection method is a broad term, as it covers multiple approaches. But in a nutshell:
This approach does not require the samples to follow any distribution, nor does it require the polynomial expansion to have any particular properties, like e.g. orthogonality. In practice however, when focusing on statistical properties (like mean and variance), it makes sense to have the number of samples in an area roughly proportional to the probability density function. This can be achieved in a few ways, but most common is to either use random samples/low discrepancy sequences, or abscissas from a quadrature scheme. And in the same way, even though the polynomials do not have to be orthogonal, in practice using orthogonal polynomials are shown to be more numerical stable.
Below, we will compare the Halton sequence and compare it to optimal Gaussian quadrature.
In [2]:
# Sampling schemes we want to include
rules = ["halton", "gaussian"]
# Generate samples for different orders:
samples = {
"halton": distribution.sample((10+1)**2, rule="halton"),
"gaussian": chaospy.generate_quadrature(
10, distribution, rule="gaussian")[0]
samples["halton"].shape, samples["gaussian"].shape
The two schemes represents two different approaches. One is meant to mimic random samples, while the other is designed for quadrature.
In [3]:
# increase figure width to better fit two plots
pyplot.rc("figure", figsize=[9, 4])
for idx, rule in enumerate(rules):
pyplot.subplot(1, 2, idx+1)
# Show samples as 2-dimensional scatter plot
pyplot.scatter(*samples[rule], marker="x", color="k")
# Make scatter ficutres pretty
pyplot.xlabel("init (normal)")
pyplot.ylabel("rate (uniform)") if not idx else None
pyplot.axis([0.9, 2.1, 0.1, 0.2])
In [4]:
# Evaluate model predictor for every sample
evaluations = {
rule: numpy.array([exponential_model(sample)
for sample in samples[rule].T])
for rule in rules
evaluations["halton"].shape, evaluations["gaussian"].shape
These model evaluations can be visualized, however ti is hard to observe the difference between the two schemes from these plots.
In [5]:
for idx, rule in enumerate(rules):
pyplot.subplot(1, 2, idx+1)
# Make a plot line for the first 50 evaluations
for evals in evaluations[rule][::3]:
pyplot.plot(coordinates, evals, "k-", alpha=0.3)
# Make plot pretty
pyplot.xlabel("coordinates $t$")
pyplot.ylabel("model evaluations $u$") if not idx else None
pyplot.axis([0, 10, 0, 2])
In [6]:
polynomial_order = 4
polynomial_expansion = chaospy.orth_ttr(
polynomial_order, distribution)
Here the polynomials are function of two variables: $q_0, q_1$, which in the context of the order of distribution
refer to respectively $I$ and $a$ in the original problem.
The created expansion is orthogonal with respect to each other in a weighted Hilbert space:
$$ \langle \Phi_n, \Phi_m \rangle = \mbox E(\Phi_n\Phi_m) = \delta_{nm} \|\Phi_n\|^2 \qquad \|\Phi_n\| = \sqrt{\langle\Phi_n, \Phi_n\rangle} $$where $\delta_{nm}$ is the Kronecker's delta.
In other words:
In [7]:
outer_product = chaospy.outer(
polynomial_expansion[:6], polynomial_expansion[:6])
normed_inner_products = (
chaospy.E(outer_product, distribution)/
chaospy.E(polynomial_expansion[:6]**2, distribution)
It is worth noting that scaling upwards, calculating $\mathbb E[\Phi_n^2]$ is known to tend to be numerically unstable.
It is more accurately calculated either using some quadrature scheme, or using the coefficients from the three terms recursion.
The latter can be retrieved by passing the flag retall=True
to chaospy.orth_ttr
In [8]:
_, norms = chaospy.orth_ttr(
polynomial_order, distribution, retall=True)
norms[:3], chaospy.E(polynomial_expansion[:3]**2, distribution)
With all samples $Q_1, ..., Q_N$, model evaluations $U_1, ..., U_N$ and polynomial expansion $\Phi_1, ..., \Phi_M$, we can put everything together to solve the equations:
$$ U_n = \sum_{m=1}^M c_m(t) \Phi_m(Q_n) \qquad n = 1, ..., N $$with respect to the coefficients $c_1, ..., c_M$.
This can be done using the helper function chaospy.fit_regression
In [9]:
model_approximations = {
rule: chaospy.fit_regression(
polynomial_expansion, samples[rule], evaluations[rule])
for rule in rules
This approximation can also be done manually, using the solution for least squares:
$$ [\hat c_m]_m = \left([\Phi_m(Q_n)]_{mn}^T [\Phi_m(Q_n)]_{mn}\right)^{-1} [\Phi_m(Q_n)]_{mn}^T [U_n]_n $$Or using code:
In [10]:
phi = polynomial_expansion(*samples["halton"]).T
ptp = phi.T @ phi
pty = phi.T @ evaluations["halton"]
c_hat = numpy.linalg.inv(ptp) @ pty
The coefficients can then be combined together with the original polynomial expansion:
In [11]:
alternative_approximation = chaospy.sum(
c_hat.T*polynomial_expansion, axis=1).T
In [12]:
for idx, rule in enumerate(rules):
pyplot.subplot(1, 2, idx+1)
# Estimate mean and variance
expected = chaospy.E(
model_approximations[rule], distribution)
variance = chaospy.Var(
model_approximations[rule], distribution)
# Create band one standard deviation away from mean
pyplot.fill_between(coordinates, expected-variance**0.5,
expected+variance**0.5, alpha=0.3,
color="k", label="standard deviation")
pyplot.plot(coordinates, expected, "k-",
label="Estimated expected value")
# Make plot pretty
pyplot.xlabel("coordinates $t$")
pyplot.axis([0, 10, 0, 2])
if idx:
pyplot.ylabel("Model evaluations $u$")
It is hard to assess how well these models are doing from the final estimation alone. They look about the same. So to compare results, we do error analysis. To do so, we use the reference analytical solution and error function as defined in example introduction.
In [13]:
from chaospy.example import error_mean, error_variance
To illustrate the difference in a common format, we plot error as a function of the number of samples used in a logarithmic plot.
In [14]:
# Estimate mean and variance for various number of samples
polynomial_orders = list(range(2, 6))
for idx, rule in enumerate(rules):
pyplot.subplot(1, 2, idx+1)
sample_sizes = []
errors_mean = []
errors_variance = []
for order in polynomial_orders:
# Perform analysis for a specific order
samples = (
distribution.sample((order+1)**2, rule="halton")
if rule == "halton"
else chaospy.generate_quadrature(
order, distribution, rule="gaussian")[0]
evaluations = [exponential_model(sample)
for sample in samples.T]
polynomial_expansion = chaospy.orth_ttr(
order, distribution)
model_approximation = chaospy.fit_regression(
polynomial_expansion, samples, evaluations)
# Store results
chaospy.E(model_approximation, distribution)))
chaospy.Var(model_approximation, distribution)))
# Error plot for mean
pyplot.loglog(sample_sizes, errors_mean,
"ko-", label="mean")
# Error plot for variance
pyplot.loglog(sample_sizes, errors_variance,
"ko--", label="variance")
# Make plot pretty
min(sample_sizes), max(sample_sizes), 1e-16, 1e-3])
pyplot.xlabel("Number of samples")
pyplot.legend() if idx else pyplot.ylabel("Error")
It is worth noting that Halton is not doing poorly, as much as the Gaussian approach doing so much better. Though this can be the case some times, the effect most often drops drastically with the number of dimensions.