FCWKernel Benchmark

In [1]:
import numpy as np
import time

Import Citeseer Dataset

The citeseer dataset is a set of academic papers and between those. The goal is to predict the topic of the paper.

  • citeseer.content is a table of document-ids, bag of words representation and the label, indicating the topic the document belongs to
  • citeseer.cites specifies citation edges between document-ids

The following calls result in the feature matrix "features", vectors "ids" and "labels" and the adjacency matrix A.

In [2]:
from util.DatasetUtil import LINQ
from sklearn import preprocessing

f = open('data/citeseer/citeseer.content', 'r')
[ids, features, labels] = LINQ.readContent(f)
num_nodes = len(labels)

# transform labels into consecutive integers starting at 0
le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
labels = le.transform(labels)

Read adjacency matrix. Note that a few paper-ids appear in the adjacency list, but do not have a content entry.

In [3]:
f = open('data/citeseer/citeseer.cites', 'r')
A = LINQ.readAdjacencyMatrix(f, num_nodes, ids)

'197556' missing in content
'ghani01hypertext' missing in content
'38137' missing in content
'95786' missing in content
'nielsen00designing' missing in content
'flach99database' missing in content
'khardon99relational' missing in content
'kohrs99using' missing in content
'kohrs99using' missing in content
'raisamo99evaluating' missing in content
'raisamo99evaluating' missing in content
'wang01process' missing in content
'hahn98ontology' missing in content
'tobies99pspace' missing in content
'293457' missing in content
'gabbard97taxonomy' missing in content
'weng95shoslifn' missing in content

The following variables represent indexes after a random train/test split.

In [4]:
from sklearn import cross_validation
test_size = 0.3 # percentage of unlabeled data
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(np.array(range(num_nodes)), 
                                                                     labels, test_size=test_size, random_state=0)

Number of nodes and features

In [5]:
print features.shape

(3312, 3703)

Number of labels

In [6]:
num_labels = max(labels)+1
print num_labels


Proportion of labels

In [7]:
r = [0.0 for i in range(num_labels)]
for l in labels:
    r[l] += 1
r = map(lambda x: x/num_nodes, r)
print r

[0.07518115942028986, 0.17995169082125603, 0.21165458937198067, 0.15338164251207728, 0.20169082125603865, 0.17814009661835747]

Number of Links

In [8]:
print (A != 0).sum(0).sum()/2


Bag-Of-Words Kernel

Create linear bag-of-words kernel BOWK (content-only) and measure duration in seconds.

In [9]:
from util import Kernel

start = time.clock()
BOWK = Kernel.LinearKernel(features) 
print time.clock()-start


train SVM

In [10]:
from sklearn import svm

BOWK_train = BOWK[X_train][:,X_train]
BOWK_model = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=1, verbose=True).fit(BOWK_train, y_train)


Test accuracy which is the percentage of correctly predicted labels in the test set.

In [11]:
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

BOWK_test = BOWK[X_test,:][:,X_train];
score = accuracy_score(BOWK_model.predict(BOWK_test), y_test)
print str(score)


CW Kernel

Compute a CWK using 10 hop random walks and absorbing probability alpha=0.5.

In [12]:
import CWKernel

start = time.clock()
[CWKLabel_train, CWKLabel_test] =  CWKernel.CWKernel(A, X_train, labels[X_train], X_test, 
                                                     max(labels)+1, 10, alpha=0.5)
print time.clock()-start


In [13]:
CWK_model = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=0.1, verbose=True, shrinking=False).fit(CWKLabel_train, y_train)


In [14]:
score = accuracy_score(CWK_model.predict(CWKLabel_test), y_test)
print str(score)


FCW Kernel

For FCWK additionally supply a node kernel, which in our case is simply the linear bag of words kernel we created earlier.

In [15]:
start = time.clock()
[CWK_train, CWK_test] =  CWKernel.CWFeatureKernel(A, X_train, X_test, 10, node_kernel=BOWK, alpha=0.5)
print time.clock()-start


In [16]:
CWK_model = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=0.1, verbose=True, shrinking=False).fit(CWK_train, y_train)


In [17]:
score = accuracy_score(CWK_model.predict(CWK_test), y_test)
print str(score)


Cross Validate FCWK on Citeseer

In [18]:
def cross_validate(apply_classifier, labels, n_folds=3):
    y = labels
    kf = cross_validation.KFold(len(labels), n_folds, shuffle=True)
    scores = []
    for train, test in kf:
        [CWK_train, CWK_test] =  apply_classifier(train, test)
        CWK_model = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=0.1, verbose=True, shrinking=False).fit(CWK_train, y[train])
        score = accuracy_score(CWK_model.predict(CWK_test), y[test])
        print "finished fold: " + str(score)
    print np.mean(scores)

In [19]:
def apply_FCWK_factory(A, node_kernel):
    X = np.array(range(len(labels)))
    def apply_FCWK(train_ind, test_ind):
            return CWKernel.CWFeatureKernel(A, X[train_ind], 
                            X[test_ind], 10, 
    return apply_FCWK

In [20]:
cross_validate(apply_FCWK_factory(A, BOWK), labels, n_folds=3)

[LibSVM]finished fold: 0.746376811594
[LibSVM]finished fold: 0.789855072464
[LibSVM]finished fold: 0.765398550725

Cora Dataset

In [21]:
f = open('data/cora/cora.content', 'r')
[ids, features, labels] = LINQ.readContent(f)
num_nodes = len(labels)

le = preprocessing.LabelEncoder()
labels = le.transform(labels)

In [22]:
f = open('data/cora/cora.cites', 'r')
A = LINQ.readAdjacencyMatrix(f, num_nodes, ids)

In [23]:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = cross_validation.train_test_split(np.array(range(num_nodes)), labels, test_size=0.5, random_state=0)

Number of nodes and features

In [24]:

(2708, 1433)

Number of classes

In [25]:
num_labels = max(labels)+1
print num_labels


Proportion of labels

In [26]:
r = [0.0 for i in range(num_labels)]
for l in labels:
    r[l] += 1
r = map(lambda x: x/num_nodes, r)
print r

[0.11004431314623338, 0.15435745937961595, 0.3020679468242245, 0.15731166912850814, 0.08013293943870015, 0.06646971935007386, 0.129615952732644]

Number of links

In [27]:
print (A != 0).sum(0).sum()/2


In [28]:
BOWK = Kernel.LinearKernel(features)

In [29]:
start = time.clock()
[CWK_train, CWK_test] =  CWKernel.CWFeatureKernel(A, X_train, X_test, 10, alpha=0.5, node_kernel=BOWK)
print time.clock()-start


In [30]:
CWK_model = svm.SVC(kernel='precomputed', C=1, verbose=True, shrinking=False).fit(CWK_train, y_train)


In [31]:
score = accuracy_score(CWK_model.predict(CWK_test), y_test)
print str(score)


Cross Validate FCWK on Cora

In [32]:
cross_validate(apply_FCWK_factory(A, BOWK), labels, n_folds=3)

[LibSVM]finished fold: 0.870431893688
[LibSVM]finished fold: 0.900332225914
[LibSVM]finished fold: 0.852549889135