In [1]:
# Import Libraries

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
from sympy import *
x, y, z, t, Day_Of_Year  = symbols('x y z t Day_Of_Year')
import pandas as pd
from pandas import set_option # Option to restrict display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
%matplotlib inline

In [2]:
# Defining constants
S0 = 1367.63 # Solar constant
Dis_n = [0,1,2]
Dis_an = [1.00011,0.034221,0.000719]
Dis_bn = [0,0.00128,0.000077]
Dec_n = [0,1,2,3]
Dec_an = [0.006918,-0.399912,-0.006758,-0.002697]
Dec_bn = [0,0.070257,0.000907,0.00148]
Lattitude = 49.7
Area = 1.6368 # Area in m^2 that is to be covered by solar panels. 1.6368 for 255 W panel
Atm = .75 # Proportion of solar energy that makes it to the earth's surface
Panel_Efficiency = .16 # Efficiency of solar panels in converting solar energy to electricity
radiation_through_clouds = 0.7

First, I'm going to define a function that will print the power (watts per square meter)that the earth would receive from the sun if there were no atmosphere.

In [3]:
def Solar_Power_Calculator(Day_Of_Year,Lattitude,Hour_of_Day):
    '''This function will tell you how much power the sun is '''
    # Calculating Theta D
    ThetaD = (2*np.pi*Day_Of_Year)/365
    # Calculating distance
    # Constants for calculating distance
    Dis_n = [0,1,2]
    Dis_an = [1.00011,0.034221,0.000719]
    Dis_bn = [0,0.00128,0.000077]

    Dis1 = Dis_an[0]*np.cos(Dis_n[0]*ThetaD)+Dis_bn[0]*np.sin(Dis_n[0]*ThetaD)
    Dis2 = Dis_an[1]*np.cos(Dis_n[1]*ThetaD)+Dis_bn[1]*np.sin(Dis_n[1]*ThetaD)
    Dis3 = Dis_an[2]*np.cos(Dis_n[2]*ThetaD)+Dis_bn[2]*np.sin(Dis_n[2]*ThetaD)

    # Calculate Distance
    Distance = Dis1+Dis2+Dis3

    # Constants for calculating declination
    Dec_n = [0,1,2,3]
    Dec_an = [0.006918,-0.399912,-0.006758,-0.002697]
    Dec_bn = [0,0.070257,0.000907,0.00148]

    Dec1 = Dec_an[0]*np.cos(Dec_n[0]*ThetaD)+Dec_bn[0]*np.sin(Dec_n[0]*ThetaD)
    Dec2 = Dec_an[1]*np.cos(Dec_n[1]*ThetaD)+Dec_bn[1]*np.sin(Dec_n[1]*ThetaD)
    Dec3 = Dec_an[2]*np.cos(Dec_n[2]*ThetaD)+Dec_bn[2]*np.sin(Dec_n[2]*ThetaD)
    Dec4 = Dec_an[3]*np.cos(Dec_n[3]*ThetaD)+Dec_bn[3]*np.sin(Dec_n[3]*ThetaD)

    # Calculate Dec_radians
    Dec_radians = Dec1+Dec2+Dec3+Dec4
    Dec_degrees = np.degrees(Dec_radians)

    # For Hour Angle
    Hour_angle = np.radians(Hour_of_Day*15)

    # For Radians and Cos Solar Zenith Angle
    radians = np.pi/180*Lattitude
    CSZA = np.sin(radians)*np.sin(Dec_radians)+np.cos(radians)*np.cos(Dec_radians)*np.cos(Hour_angle)# Cos Solar Zenith Angle

    # Calculate Energy/Area (W/m^2)
    Watts_Per_SqMeter = S0*Distance*CSZA*Atm


In [4]:


Now I'm going to take the above function and do the same thing except make it print the number of Wh in one square meter for a year.

In [5]:
# Making a list called total of Theta D for every day of the year
year = list(range(1,366))
ThetaD_list = []
for i in year:


In [6]:
def Solar_Energy_Calculator(lattitude, panel_efficiency, area):
    '''This function calculates the energy that can be generated in any given place in the 
    world over one year sans clouds.  
    Inputs: lattitude, panel_efficiency (a number between 0 and 1), and area (of solar panels
    in square meters).'''
    # Making Distance and Dec_radians lists for each day of the year
    radians = np.pi/180*lattitude
    Hours = [12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11] # A list of all the hours of the day
    Solar_Flux = 0 # Energy generated from given area of solar panels in one hour
    Watts_Every_Hour = [] # A list that will become the Wh/m^2 every hour for a year
    kWh = 0 # A number that will become the total kWh in one place in one year.
    for i in ThetaD_list:
        # Calculate the Distance
        Dis1 = Dis_an[0]*np.cos(Dis_n[0]*i)+Dis_bn[0]*np.sin(Dis_n[0]*i)
        Dis2 = Dis_an[1]*np.cos(Dis_n[1]*i)+Dis_bn[1]*np.sin(Dis_n[1]*i)
        Dis3 = Dis_an[2]*np.cos(Dis_n[2]*i)+Dis_bn[2]*np.sin(Dis_n[2]*i)
        Distance = Dis1+Dis2+Dis3
        # Calculate the Declination
        Dec1 = Dec_an[0]*np.cos(Dec_n[0]*i)+Dec_bn[0]*np.sin(Dec_n[0]*i)
        Dec2 = Dec_an[1]*np.cos(Dec_n[1]*i)+Dec_bn[1]*np.sin(Dec_n[1]*i)
        Dec3 = Dec_an[2]*np.cos(Dec_n[2]*i)+Dec_bn[2]*np.sin(Dec_n[2]*i)
        Dec4 = Dec_an[3]*np.cos(Dec_n[3]*i)+Dec_bn[3]*np.sin(Dec_n[3]*i)
        Dec_radians = Dec1+Dec2+Dec3+Dec4
        Dec_degrees = (np.degrees(Dec_radians))
        for i in Hours:
            Hour_angle = np.radians(i*15)
            CSZA = (np.sin(radians)*np.sin(Dec_radians)) + (np.cos(radians)*np.cos(Dec_radians)*np.cos(Hour_angle))
            if CSZA < 0:
                CSZA = 0
            Solar_Flux = (S0)*Distance*CSZA*Atm*panel_efficiency*area
    kWh = sum(Watts_Every_Hour)/1000

In [ ]:

Loading Cloud Data

The cloud cover data I am using is International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP). To understand this data in its raw form, visualize a map of the world overlayed by a grid of squares. Each square is 2.5 degrees in width and height, so the grid is 144 x 72 (longitude x latitude) and has a total of 10368 squares. Each number in the data is the average annual cloud cover percentage for a single square. The first number represents average cloud cover in the -90 degrees latitude, -180 degrees longitude box. Longitude varies first, and begins at -180 degrees and proceeds eastward to +180 degrees. Latitude begins at -90 degrees and proceeds northward to +90 degrees.

In [8]:
# First, I'm loading the raw cloud cover data.
cloud_dat = pd.read_csv('../data/weather.txt',sep='\s+')

In [9]:

000048.818 000048.818.1 000048.818.2 000048.818.3 000048.818.4 000048.818.5 000048.818.6 000048.818.7 000048.818.8 000048.818.9 ... 000065.317.39 000065.317.40 000065.317.41 000065.317.42 000065.317.43 000065.317.44 000065.317.45 000065.317.46 000065.317.47 000065.317.48

0 rows × 10368 columns

In [ ]:
# Right now the data is in 1 row and 10368 columns, so it requires some 
# cleaning up

In [ ]:
# After transposing, the data is in 1 column and 10368 rows
cloud_dat = cloud_dat.transpose()

In [ ]:
# Now I will change the name of the column of data and reset the index
cloud_dat = cloud_dat.reset_index()
# Here is a glimpse of what the data looks like now

In [ ]:
# Next, I load a dataframe that I created in excel with three columns 
# (month, lattitude, and longitude) that have been filled in to line up 
# with the 'data' object.  
clouds = pd.read_excel('../../data/blank_weather.xlsx',sep='\s+')

In [ ]:
# Now, we will add a fourth column to 'clouds' that is our data
clouds['cloud_ratio'] = cloud_dat['cloud_ratio']

Now, 'clouds' is a nice looking dataframe that includes lattitude, longitude, and average sun that gets through the clouds for every month and the entire world

Now I will make a function that takes lattitude and longitude as an input and returns sun_ratio for each month as an output

In [ ]:
Watts = Solar_Energy_Calculator(49.7,.16,1.68)

In [ ]:
def find_sun(lat,long):
    '''This function finds the ratio of clouds for any lattitude and longitude and converts
    it into the ratio of radiation that reaches the earth.
    inputs: lattitude, longitude
    output: radiation ratio'''
    x = clouds.loc[(clouds['lattitude'] <= lat) & (clouds['lattitude'] > (lat-2.5)) & (clouds['longitude'] <= long) & (clouds['longitude'] > (long-2.5))]
    radiation_ratio = 1-((float(x.iloc[0,2])*0.6)/100)

In [ ]:
radiation = find_sun(49,-123)

In [ ]:
def apply_clouds(watts,radiation):
    '''This function takes a list of watts without clouds and radiation ratio due to clouds
    and gives you a list of the real solar generation prediction.'''
    energy = []
    for i in watts:

In [ ]:
final = apply_clouds(Watts,radiation)

In [ ]:
final = pd.DataFrame(final)
final = final.reset_index()
final['Day'] = final['Day']/24

In [ ]:
jan = sum(final.Power[0:1000])

In [ ]:

Making a Plot of the Data

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# change figure size

# add data to plot (x-axis, y-axis, )

# add title
plt.title('Power Output',fontsize=24)

# modify axis limits

# add axis labels
plt.ylabel('Average Power Generation (Watts)',fontsize=16)
plt.xlabel('Day of Year',fontsize=16)

# save figure to graphs directory

# show plot

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