In [0]:
!pip install --upgrade jax jaxlib
In [0]:
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from jax import grad, jit, vmap
import jax.numpy as np
import numpy as np2
FIGSIZE = (9, 7)
#Initial locationl of depots/distribution centers
#Locations of centers of demand or supply
x_n = np.array([[-0.97,-80.7],
[-1.05, -80.45],
[-2.15, -79.92],
[-1.81, -79.53],
[-1.03, -79.47]])
#Quantities of demand/supply for each center
cantidades = np.array([[250],[200],[700],[150],[300]])
#Cost/(unit x distance)
costos = np.array([[1],[1],[1],[1],[1]])
def distancias(x,y):
x_rp = np.repeat(x,x_n.shape[0],0).reshape(-1,1)
y_rp = np.repeat(y,x_n.shape[0],0).reshape(-1,1)
dist_x = (x_rp - x_n[:,:1])**2
dist_y = (y_rp - x_n[:,1:2])**2
return np.sqrt(dist_x+dist_y).reshape((-1,1))
def funcion_costo(x0):
x = np.array([[x0[0,0]]])
y = np.array([[x0[0,1]]])
dist = distancias(x,y)
dist_costo = cantidades*costos*dist
return np.sum(dist_costo)
def funcion_costo_2(x,y):
dist = distancias(x,y)
dist_costo = cantidades*costos*dist
return np.sum(dist_costo)
gradiente_funcion = jit(grad(funcion_costo))
f2 = []
print("Costo Inicial: {:0.2f}".format(funcion_costo(x0)))
method = 'grad_desc'
for i in range(100):
if method == 'newton':
loss_val = funcion_costo(x0)
loss_vec = np.array([[loss_val, loss_val]])
x0 -= 0.005*loss_vec/gradiente_funcion(x0)
elif method == 'grad_desc':
step = 0.0001*gradiente_funcion(x0)
x0 -= step
print("Costo Final: {:0.2f}".format(funcion_costo(x0)))
xs = np.array(xs).reshape(-1,)
ys = np.array(ys).reshape(-1,)
f2 = np.array(f2)
X, Y = np2.meshgrid(np2.linspace(-5., 5., 50), np2.linspace(-84., -74., 50))
func_vec = np2.vectorize(funcion_costo_2)
f = func_vec(X,Y)
indices = (slice(None, None, 4), slice(None, None, 4))
fig = plt.figure(figsize=FIGSIZE)
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d', azim=10,elev=10)
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, f, shade=True, linewidth=2, antialiased=True,alpha=0.5)
ax.plot3D(xs, ys, f2, color='black', lw=4)
In [0]:
from jax import grad, jit
import jax.numpy as np
import numpy as np2
def distancias(x,x_n):
x_rp = np.repeat(x,x_n.shape[0],0)
dist_x = (x_rp[:,0] - x_n[:,0])**2
dist_y = (x_rp[:,1] - x_n[:,1])**2
return np.sqrt(dist_x+dist_y).reshape((-1,1))
def function(x, x_n, cantidades, costos):
'''Funcion que calcula x_prima y y_prima dado locacion x'''
dist = distancias(x,x_n)
dist_x = np.divide(cantidades*costos*x_n[:,0:1],dist)
dist_y = np.divide(cantidades*costos*x_n[:,1:2],dist)
dist_cant_costos = cantidades*costos/dist
x_prima = np.sum(dist_x)/np.sum(dist_cant_costos)
y_prima = np.sum(dist_y)/np.sum(dist_cant_costos)
return x_prima, y_prima
def funcion_error(x, x_n,cantidades, costos):
'''Funcion f(x) que representa el error. Esta funcion se debe minimizar'''
x_p, y_p = function(x,x_n,cantidades, costos)
return np.sqrt((x[0,0]-x_p)**2+(x[0,1]-y_p)**2)
#Locations of centers of demand or supply
x_n = np.array([[-0.97,-80.7],
[-1.05, -80.45],
[-2.15, -79.92],
[-1.81, -79.53],
[-1.03, -79.47]])
#Quantities of demand/supply for each center
cantidades = np.array([[250],[200],[700],[150],[300]])
#Cost/(unit x distance)
costos = np.array([[1],[1],[1],[1],[1]])
#Gradient of cost function
gradiente_funcion = jit(grad(funcion_error))
#Ubicacion inicial de bodega/centro de distribucion
x = np.array([[-1.56, -80.085]])
print("Initial loss: {:0.2f}".format(funcion_error(x, x_n, cantidades, costos)))
method = 'grad_desc'
for i in range(200):
if method == 'newton':
loss_val = funcion_error(x, x_n,cantidades, costos)
loss_vec = np.array([[loss_val, loss_val]])
x -= 0.02*loss_vec/training_gradient_fun(x, x_n, cantidades,costos)
elif method == 'grad_desc':
x -= 0.2*gradiente_funcion(x, x_n, cantidades,costos)
print("Trained loss: {:0.2f}".format(funcion_error(x, x_n, cantidades, costos)))