In [1]:
# =============================================================================
# %% *IMPORTS*
# =============================================================================
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import numpy as np
import dill as cpl
import cPickle as cpl
import yaml
from hexrd import config
from hexrd import constants as cnst
from hexrd import matrixutil as mutil
from hexrd import instrument
from hexrd.xrd import fitting
from hexrd.xrd import transforms_CAPI as xfcapi
from scipy.optimize import leastsq, least_squares
# This line configures matplotlib to show figures embedded in the notebook,
# instead of opening a new window for each figure. More about that later.
# If you are using an old version of IPython, try using '%pylab inline' instead.
%matplotlib nbagg
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Choose a bunch of new matplotlib parameter values
newparams = {'savefig.dpi': 150, 'axes.labelsize': 12,
'xtick.labelsize': 6, 'ytick.labelsize': 6}
# Update the global rcParams dictionary with the new parameter choices
In [2]:
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# hexrd yaml config file
cfg_filename = 'Au_config.yml'
block_id = 0 # only change this if you know what you are doing!
# select which orientaion to use (in case of more than one...)
grain_id = 1
override_grain_params = False
# load previously saved exclusions
use_saved_exclusions = False
excl_filename = 'exclusion_index_%05d.npy' % grain_id
# refit tolerances
n_pixels_tol = 1.0
ome_tol = 0.25
In [3]:
# =============================================================================
# %% Local function definitions
# =============================================================================
# plane data
def load_plane_data(cpkl, key):
with file(cpkl, "r") as matf:
mat_list = cpl.load(matf)
return dict(zip([ for i in mat_list], mat_list))[key].planeData
# instrument
def load_instrument(yml):
with file(yml, 'r') as f:
icfg = yaml.load(f)
instr = instrument.HEDMInstrument(instrument_config=icfg)
for det_key in instr.detectors:
if 'saturation_level' in icfg['detectors'][det_key].keys():
sat_level = icfg['detectors'][det_key]['saturation_level']
print("INFO: Setting panel '%s' saturation level to %e"
% (det_key, sat_level))
instr.detectors[det_key].saturation_level = sat_level
return instr
def calibrate_instrument_from_sx(
instr, grain_params, bmat, xyo_det, hkls_idx,
param_flags=None, dparam_flags=None, ome_period=None,
xtol=cnst.sqrt_epsf, ftol=cnst.sqrt_epsf,
factor=10., sim_only=False, use_robust_lsq=False):
arguments xyo_det, hkls_idx are DICTs over panels
distortion is still hosed...
Currently a dict of detector keys with
distortion[key] = [d_func, d_params, d_flags]
pnames = [
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
pnames += [
'{:>24s}'.format('%s tilt[0]' % det_key),
'{:>24s}'.format('%s tilt[1]' % det_key),
'{:>24s}'.format('%s tilt[2]' % det_key),
'{:>24s}'.format('%s tvec[0]' % det_key),
'{:>24s}'.format('%s tvec[1]' % det_key),
'{:>24s}'.format('%s tvec[2]' % det_key),
# now add distortion if
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
if panel.distortion is not None:
for j in range(len(panel.distortion[1])):
'{:>24s}'.format('%s dparam[%d]' % (det_key, j))
# reset parameter flags for instrument as specified
if param_flags is None:
param_flags = instr.param_flags
# will throw an AssertionError if wrong length
instr.param_flags = param_flags
det_keys = instr.detectors.keys()
# re-map omegas if need be
if ome_period is not None:
for det_key in det_keys:
xyo_det[det_key][:, 2] = xfcapi.mapAngle(
xyo_det[det_key][:, 2],
# grain parameters
expmap_c = grain_params[:3]
tvec_c = grain_params[3:6]
vinv_s = grain_params[6:]
plist_full = instr.calibration_params(expmap_c, tvec_c)
dfuncs = {}
ndparams = {}
dparam_flags = []
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
if panel.distortion is not None:
dfuncs[det_key] = panel.distortion[0]
# ititialize to all False...
ndparams[det_key] = len(panel.distortion[1])
dfuncs[det_key] = None
ndparams[det_key] = 0
dparam_flags.append(np.zeros(ndparams[det_key], dtype=bool))
dparam_flags = np.hstack(dparam_flags)
refine_flags = np.hstack([param_flags, dparam_flags])
plist_fit = plist_full[refine_flags]
fit_args = (plist_full, param_flags,
dfuncs, dparam_flags, ndparams,
instr, xyo_det, hkls_idx,
bmat, vinv_s, ome_period,
instr.beam_vector, instr.eta_vector)
if sim_only:
return sxcal_obj_func(
plist_fit, plist_full, param_flags,
dfuncs, dparam_flags, ndparams,
instr, xyo_det, hkls_idx,
bmat, vinv_s, ome_period,
instr.beam_vector, instr.eta_vector,
print("Set up to refine:")
for i in np.where(refine_flags)[0]:
print("\t%s = %1.7e" % (pnames[i], plist_full[i]))
# run optimization
if use_robust_lsq:
result = least_squares(
sxcal_obj_func, plist_fit, args=fit_args,
xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol,
loss='soft_l1', method='trf'
x = result.x
resd =
mesg = result.message
ierr = result.status
# do least squares problem
x, cov_x, infodict, mesg, ierr = leastsq(
sxcal_obj_func, plist_fit, args=fit_args,
factor=factor, xtol=xtol, ftol=ftol,
resd = infodict['fvec']
if ierr not in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
raise RuntimeError("solution not found: ierr = %d" % ierr)
print("INFO: optimization fininshed successfully with ierr=%d"
% ierr)
print("INFO: %s" % mesg)
# ??? output message handling?
fit_params = plist_full
fit_params[refine_flags] = x
# run simulation with optimized results
sim_final = sxcal_obj_func(
x, plist_full, param_flags,
dfuncs, dparam_flags, ndparams,
instr, xyo_det, hkls_idx,
bmat, vinv_s, ome_period,
instr.beam_vector, instr.eta_vector,
# ??? reset instrument here?
instr.beam_energy = cnst.keVToAngstrom(fit_params[0])
instr.chi = fit_params[1]
instr.tvec = fit_params[2:5]
ii = 11
jj = ii + 6*instr.num_panels
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
panel.tilt = fit_params[ii:ii + 3]
panel.tvec = fit_params[ii + 3:ii + 6]
ii += 6
# !!! use jj to do distortion...
if panel.distortion is not None:
panel.distortion[1] = fit_params[jj:jj + ndparams[det_key]]
jj += ndparams[det_key]
return fit_params, resd, sim_final
def sxcal_obj_func(plist_fit, plist_full, param_flags,
dfuncs, dparam_flags, ndparams,
instr, xyo_det, hkls_idx,
bmat, vinv_s, ome_period,
bvec, evec,
sim_only=False, return_value_flag=None):
# stack flags and force bool repr
refine_flags = np.array(
np.hstack([param_flags, dparam_flags]),
# fill out full parameter list
# !!! no scaling for now
plist_full[refine_flags] = plist_fit
# instrument quantities
wavelength = plist_full[0]
chi = plist_full[1]
tvec_s = plist_full[2:5]
# calibration crystal quantities
rmat_c = xfcapi.makeRotMatOfExpMap(plist_full[5:8])
tvec_c = plist_full[8:11]
# right now just stuck on the end and assumed
# to all be the same length... FIX THIS
dparams_all = plist_full[-len(dparam_flags):]
xy_unwarped = {}
meas_omes = {}
calc_omes = {}
calc_xy = {}
ii = 11 # offset to start of panels...
jj = 0
npts_tot = 0
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
xy_unwarped[det_key] = xyo_det[det_key][:, :2]
npts_tot += len(xyo_det[det_key])
dfunc = dfuncs[det_key]
len_these_dps = ndparams[det_key]
if dfunc is not None: # do unwarping
dparams = dparams_all[jj:jj + len_these_dps]
jj += len_these_dps
xy_unwarped[det_key] = dfunc(xy_unwarped[det_key], dparams)
meas_omes[det_key] = xyo_det[det_key][:, 2]
# get these panel params for convenience
gparams = plist_full[ii:ii + 6]
rmat_d = xfcapi.makeDetectorRotMat(gparams[:3])
tvec_d = gparams[3:].reshape(3, 1)
# transform G-vectors:
# 1) convert inv. stretch tensor from MV notation in to 3x3
# 2) take reciprocal lattice vectors from CRYSTAL to SAMPLE frame
# 3) apply stretch tensor
# 4) normalize reciprocal lattice vectors in SAMPLE frame
# 5) transform unit reciprocal lattice vetors back to CRYSAL frame
gvec_c =, hkls_idx[det_key].T)
vmat_s = mutil.vecMVToSymm(vinv_s)
ghat_s = mutil.unitVector(,, gvec_c)))
ghat_c =, ghat_s)
match_omes, calc_omes_tmp = fitting.matchOmegas(
xyo_det[det_key], hkls_idx[det_key].T,
chi, rmat_c, bmat, wavelength,
beamVec=bvec, etaVec=evec,
rmat_s_arr = xfcapi.makeOscillRotMatArray(
chi, np.ascontiguousarray(calc_omes_tmp)
calc_xy_tmp = xfcapi.gvecToDetectorXYArray(
ghat_c.T, rmat_d, rmat_s_arr, rmat_c,
tvec_d, tvec_s, tvec_c
if np.any(np.isnan(calc_xy_tmp)):
print("infeasible parameters: "
+ "may want to scale back finite difference step size")
calc_omes[det_key] = calc_omes_tmp
calc_xy[det_key] = calc_xy_tmp
ii += 6
# return values
if sim_only:
retval = {}
for det_key in calc_xy.keys():
# ??? calc_xy is always 2-d
retval[det_key] = np.vstack(
[calc_xy[det_key].T, calc_omes[det_key]]
meas_xy_all = []
calc_xy_all = []
meas_omes_all = []
calc_omes_all = []
for det_key in xy_unwarped.keys():
meas_xy_all = np.vstack(meas_xy_all)
calc_xy_all = np.vstack(calc_xy_all)
meas_omes_all = np.hstack(meas_omes_all)
calc_omes_all = np.hstack(calc_omes_all)
diff_vecs_xy = calc_xy_all - meas_xy_all
diff_ome = xfcapi.angularDifference(calc_omes_all, meas_omes_all)
retval = np.hstack(
diff_ome.reshape(npts_tot, 1)]
if return_value_flag == 1:
retval = sum(abs(retval))
elif return_value_flag == 2:
denom = npts_tot - len(plist_fit) - 1.
if denom != 0:
nu_fac = 1. / denom
nu_fac = 1.
nu_fac = 1 / (npts_tot - len(plist_fit) - 1.)
retval = nu_fac * sum(retval**2)
return retval
def parse_reflection_tables(cfg, instr, grain_id, refit_idx=None):
make spot dictionaries
hkls = {}
xyo_det = {}
idx_0 = {}
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
spots_filename = os.path.join(
cfg.analysis_dir, os.path.join(
det_key, 'spots_%05d.out' % grain_id
# load pull_spots output table
gtable = np.loadtxt(spots_filename)
# apply conditions for accepting valid data
valid_reflections = gtable[:, 0] >= 0 # is indexed
not_saturated = gtable[:, 6] < panel.saturation_level
print("INFO: panel '%s', grain %d" % (det_key, grain_id))
print("INFO: %d of %d reflections are indexed"
% (sum(valid_reflections), len(gtable))
print("INFO: %d of %d" % (sum(not_saturated), sum(valid_reflections)) +
" valid reflections be are below" +
" saturation threshold of %d" % (panel.saturation_level)
# valid reflections index
if refit_idx is None:
idx = np.logical_and(valid_reflections, not_saturated)
idx_0[det_key] = idx
idx = refit_idx[det_key]
idx_0[det_key] = idx
print("INFO: input reflection specify " +
"%d of %d total valid reflections" % (sum(idx), len(gtable))
hkls[det_key] = gtable[idx, 2:5]
meas_omes = gtable[idx, 12].reshape(sum(idx), 1)
xyo_det[det_key] = np.hstack([gtable[idx, -2:], meas_omes])
return hkls, xyo_det, idx_0
In [4]:
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
# read config
cfg =[block_id]
# output for eta-ome maps as pickles
working_dir = cfg.working_dir
analysis_name = cfg.analysis_name
analysis_dir = cfg.analysis_dir
analysis_id = "%s_%s" % (analysis_name,
# instrument
parfilename = cfg.instrument.parameters
instr = load_instrument(parfilename)
num_panels = instr.num_panels
det_keys = instr.detectors.keys()
# plane data
plane_data = load_plane_data(cfg.material.definitions,
bmat = plane_data.latVecOps['B']
# the maximum pixel dimension in the instrument for plotting
max_pix_size = 0.
for panel in instr.detectors.itervalues():
max_pix_size = max(max_pix_size,
max(panel.pixel_size_col, panel.pixel_size_col)
# grab omega period
# !!! data should be consistent
# !!! this is in degrees
ome_period =
# load reflection tables from grain fit
hkls, xyo_det, idx_0 = parse_reflection_tables(cfg, instr, grain_id)
# load grain parameters
if override_grain_params:
grain_parameters = np.loadtxt(
os.path.join(cfg.analysis_dir, 'grains.out'),
ndmin=2)[grain_id, 3:15]
instr_cfg = yaml.load(open(cfg.instrument.parameters, 'r'))
cal_crystal_dict = instr_cfg['calibration_crystal']
if cal_crystal_dict['grain_id'] != grain_id:
raise RuntimeError("grain_id from instrument config is not %d"
% grain_id)
grain_parameters = np.hstack(
raise RuntimeError("instrument config lacks a calibration crystal")
In [5]:
# =============================================================================
# %% plot initial guess
# =============================================================================
xyo_i = calibrate_instrument_from_sx(
instr, grain_parameters, bmat, xyo_det, hkls,
ome_period=np.radians(ome_period), sim_only=True
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(9, 5))
fig.suptitle("detector %s" % det_key)
ax[0].plot(xyo_det[det_key][:, 0], xyo_det[det_key][:, 1], 'k.')
ax[0].plot(xyo_i[det_key][:, 0], xyo_i[det_key][:, 1], 'rx')
ax[0].set_xlim(-0.5*panel.col_dim, 0.5*panel.col_dim)
ax[0].set_ylim(-0.5*panel.row_dim, 0.5*panel.row_dim)
ax[0].set_xlabel('detector X [mm]')
ax[0].set_ylabel('detector Y [mm]')
xyo_det[det_key][:, 0],
np.degrees(xyo_det[det_key][:, 2]), 'k.'
ax[1].plot(xyo_i[det_key][:, 0], np.degrees(xyo_i[det_key][:, 2]), 'rx')
ax[1].set_xlim(-0.5*panel.col_dim, 0.5*panel.col_dim)
ax[1].set_ylim(ome_period[0], ome_period[1])
ax[1].set_xlabel('detector X [mm]')
ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\omega$ [deg]')
In [6]:
# =============================================================================
# =============================================================================
params, resd, xyo_f = calibrate_instrument_from_sx(
instr, grain_parameters, bmat, xyo_det, hkls,
In [7]:
# =============================================================================
# %% Trim relection tables for refit
# =============================================================================
# define difference vectors for spot fits
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
x_diff = abs(xyo_det[det_key][:, 0] - xyo_f[det_key][:, 0])
y_diff = abs(xyo_det[det_key][:, 1] - xyo_f[det_key][:, 1])
ome_diff = np.degrees(
xyo_det[det_key][:, 2],
xyo_f[det_key][:, 2])
# filter out reflections with centroids more than
# a pixel and delta omega away from predicted value
idx_1 = np.logical_and(
x_diff <= n_pixels_tol*panel.pixel_size_col,
y_diff <= n_pixels_tol*panel.pixel_size_row,
ome_diff <= ome_tol
print("INFO: Will keep %d of %d input reflections on panel %s for re-fit"
% (sum(idx_1), sum(idx_0[det_key]), det_key)
idx_new = np.zeros_like(idx_0[det_key], dtype=bool)
idx_new[np.where(idx_0[det_key])[0][idx_1]] = True
idx_0[det_key] = idx_new
In [8]:
# =============================================================================
# %% Look ok? Then proceed with refit
# =============================================================================
# update calibration crystal params
grain_parameters[:3] = params[5:8]
grain_parameters[3:6] = params[8:11]
# reparse data
hkls_refit, xyo_det_refit, idx_0 = parse_reflection_tables(
cfg, instr, grain_id, refit_idx=idx_0
# perform refit
params2, resd2, xyo_f2 = calibrate_instrument_from_sx(
instr, grain_parameters, bmat, xyo_det_refit, hkls_refit,
In [9]:
# =============================================================================
# %% plot results
# =============================================================================
for det_key, panel in instr.detectors.iteritems():
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharex=True, sharey=False, figsize=(9, 5))
fig.suptitle("detector %s" % det_key)
ax[0].plot(xyo_det[det_key][:, 0], xyo_det[det_key][:, 1], 'k.')
ax[0].plot(xyo_i[det_key][:, 0], xyo_i[det_key][:, 1], 'rx')
ax[0].plot(xyo_f2[det_key][:, 0], xyo_f2[det_key][:, 1], 'b+')
ax[0].set_xlim(-0.5*panel.col_dim, 0.5*panel.col_dim)
ax[0].set_ylim(-0.5*panel.row_dim, 0.5*panel.row_dim)
ax[0].set_xlabel('detector X [mm]')
ax[0].set_ylabel('detector Y [mm]')
xyo_det[det_key][:, 0],
np.degrees(xyo_det[det_key][:, 2]), 'k.'
ax[1].plot(xyo_i[det_key][:, 0], np.degrees(xyo_i[det_key][:, 2]), 'rx')
ax[1].plot(xyo_f2[det_key][:, 0], np.degrees(xyo_f2[det_key][:, 2]), 'b+')
ax[1].set_xlim(-0.5*panel.col_dim, 0.5*panel.col_dim)
ax[1].set_ylim(ome_period[0], ome_period[1])
ax[1].set_xlabel('detector X [mm]')
ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\omega$ [deg]')
In [10]:
# =============================================================================
# %% output results
# =============================================================================
# update calibration crystal params
grain_parameters[:3] = params2[5:8]
grain_parameters[3:6] = params2[8:11]
# update cal dict
cal_crystal_dict['grain_id'] = grain_id
cal_crystal_dict['inv_stretch'] = grain_parameters[6:].tolist()
cal_crystal_dict['orientation'] = grain_parameters[:3].tolist()
cal_crystal_dict['position'] = grain_parameters[3:6].tolist()
# write out
In [ ]: