Hierarchical search is a a planning algorithm in high level of abstraction.
Instead of actions as in classical planning (chapter 10) (primitive actions) we now use high level actions (HLAs) (see planning.ipynb)
Each HLA has one or more refinements into a sequence of actions, each of which may be an HLA or a primitive action (which has no refinements by definition).
For example:
The refinements function input is:
In [ ]:
from planning import *
from notebook import psource
In [11]:
Hierarchical search is a breadth-first implementation of hierarchical forward planning search in the space of refinements. (i.e. repeatedly choose an HLA in the current plan and replace it with one of its refinements, until the plan achieves the goal.)
The algorithms input is: problem and hierarchy
In top level call, initialPlan contains [act] (i.e. is the action to be performed)
In [16]:
Suppose that somebody wants to get to the airport.
The possible ways to do so is either get a taxi, or drive to the airport.
Those two actions have some preconditions and some effects.
If you get the taxi, you need to have cash, whereas if you drive you need to have a car.
Thus we define the following hierarchy of possible actions.
In [17]:
library = {
'HLA': ['Go(Home,SFO)', 'Go(Home,SFO)', 'Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)', 'Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)', 'Taxi(Home, SFO)'],
'steps': [['Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)', 'Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)'], ['Taxi(Home, SFO)'], [], [], []],
'precond': [['At(Home) & Have(Car)'], ['At(Home)'], ['At(Home) & Have(Car)'], ['At(SFOLongTermParking)'], ['At(Home)']],
'effect': [['At(SFO) & ~At(Home)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(Home) & ~Have(Cash)'], ['At(SFOLongTermParking) & ~At(Home)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(LongTermParking)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(Home) & ~Have(Cash)']] }
the possible actions are the following:
In [18]:
go_SFO = HLA('Go(Home,SFO)', precond='At(Home)', effect='At(SFO) & ~At(Home)')
taxi_SFO = HLA('Taxi(Home,SFO)', precond='At(Home)', effect='At(SFO) & ~At(Home) & ~Have(Cash)')
drive_SFOLongTermParking = HLA('Drive(Home, SFOLongTermParking)', 'At(Home) & Have(Car)','At(SFOLongTermParking) & ~At(Home)' )
shuttle_SFO = HLA('Shuttle(SFOLongTermParking, SFO)', 'At(SFOLongTermParking)', 'At(SFO) & ~At(LongTermParking)')
In [19]:
prob = Problem('At(Home) & Have(Cash) & Have(Car)', 'At(SFO) & Have(Cash)', [go_SFO])
In [20]:
for sequence in Problem.refinements(go_SFO, prob, library):
print (sequence)
print([x.__dict__ for x in sequence ], '\n')
In [22]:
plan= Problem.hierarchical_search(prob, library)
print (plan, '\n')
print ([x.__dict__ for x in plan])
In [23]:
library_2 = {
'HLA': ['Go(Home,SFO)', 'Go(Home,SFO)', 'Bus(Home, MetroStop)', 'Metro(MetroStop, SFO)' , 'Metro(MetroStop, SFO)', 'Metro1(MetroStop, SFO)', 'Metro2(MetroStop, SFO)' ,'Taxi(Home, SFO)'],
'steps': [['Bus(Home, MetroStop)', 'Metro(MetroStop, SFO)'], ['Taxi(Home, SFO)'], [], ['Metro1(MetroStop, SFO)'], ['Metro2(MetroStop, SFO)'],[],[],[]],
'precond': [['At(Home)'], ['At(Home)'], ['At(Home)'], ['At(MetroStop)'], ['At(MetroStop)'],['At(MetroStop)'], ['At(MetroStop)'] ,['At(Home) & Have(Cash)']],
'effect': [['At(SFO) & ~At(Home)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(Home) & ~Have(Cash)'], ['At(MetroStop) & ~At(Home)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(MetroStop)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(MetroStop)'], ['At(SFO) & ~At(MetroStop)'] , ['At(SFO) & ~At(MetroStop)'] ,['At(SFO) & ~At(Home) & ~Have(Cash)']]
In [25]:
plan_2 = Problem.hierarchical_search(prob, library_2)
print(plan_2, '\n')
print([x.__dict__ for x in plan_2])