In [31]:
import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import keras.callbacks as cb
import keras.utils.np_utils as np_utils
from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dropout, Flatten, Dense, GaussianNoise
from keras.layers.core import Activation
from keras.constraints import maxnorm
from keras import applications # For easy loading the VGG_16 Model
from skimage import color
import sklearn.metrics as skm
import cv2
# Image loading and other helper functions
import dwdii_bc_model_helper as bc
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
The following function takes the 8bit grayscale images that we are using and performs a series of affine transformations to the images. There are vertical and horizontal flips along with rotations of 90, 270, 15, 30, and 45 degrees. Also included is a function for generating the rotations. Image augmentation needs to be performed before runnin the VGG_Prep function.
When calling the Image_Augmentation function setting the various flags to True will cause the transformation to be performed.
In [3]:
# Function for rotating the image files.
def Image_Rotate(img, angle):
Rotates a given image the requested angle. Returns the rotated image.
rows,cols = img.shape
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((cols/2,rows/2), angle, 1)
# Function for augmenting the images
def Image_Augment(X, Y, vflip=False, hflip=False, major_rotate=False, minor_rotate=False):
:param X np.array of images
Y np.array of labels
vflip, hflip, major_rotate, minor_rotate set to True to perform the augmentations
:return The set of augmented iages and their corresponding labels
if len(X) != len(Y):
print('Data and Label arrays not of the same length.')
n = vflip + hflip + 2*major_rotate + 6*minor_rotate
augmented = np.zeros([len(X) + n*len(X), X.shape[1], X.shape[2]])
label = np.zeros([len(Y) + n*len(Y), 1])
count = 0
for i in range(0, len(X)):
augmented[count] = X[i]
label[count] = Y[i]
count += 1
if vflip:
aug = cv2.flip(X[i], 0)
augmented[count] = aug
label[count] = Y[i]
count += 1
if hflip:
aug = cv2.flip(X[i], 1)
augmented[count] = aug
label[count] = Y[i]
count +=1
if major_rotate:
angles = [90, 270]
for angle in angles:
aug = Image_Rotate(X[i], angle)
augmented[count] = aug
label[count] = Y[i]
count += 1
if minor_rotate:
angles = [-45,-30,-15,15,30,45]
for angle in angles:
aug = Image_Rotate(X[i], angle)
augmented[count] = aug
label[count] = Y[i]
count += 1
return(augmented, label)
In [4]:
def VGG_Prep(img_data):
:param img_data: training or test images of shape [#images, height, width]
:return: the array transformed to the correct shape for the VGG network
shape = [#images, height, width, 3] transforms to rgb and reshapes
images = np.zeros([len(img_data), img_data.shape[1], img_data.shape[2], 3])
for i in range(0, len(img_data)):
im = 255 - (img_data[i] * 255) # Orginal imagnet images were not rescaled
im = color.gray2rgb(im)
images[i] = im
The following function leverages Daniel's image loader function and performs the following:
In [5]:
def vgg16_bottleneck(trainPath, testPath, imagePath, modelPath, size, balance = True, verbose = True,
verboseFreq = 50, valPath = 'None', transform = False, binary = False):
categories = bc.bcNormVsAbnormNumerics()
# Loading data
metaTr, metaTr2, mCountsTr = bc.load_training_metadata(trainPath, balance, verbose)
lenTrain = len(metaTr)
X_train, Y_train = bc.load_data(trainPath, imagePath, maxData = lenTrain,
verboseFreq = verboseFreq,
metaTest, meataT2, mCountsT = bc.load_training_metadata(testPath, balance, verbose)
lenTest = len(metaTest)
X_test, Y_test = bc.load_data(testPath, imagePath, maxData = lenTrain,
verboseFreq = verboseFreq,
if transform:
print('Transforming the Training Data')
X_train, Y_train = Image_Augment(X=X_train, Y=Y_train, hflip=True, vflip=True, minor_rotate=False, major_rotate=False)
print('Preparing the Training Data for the VGG_16 Model.')
X_train = VGG_Prep(X_train)
print('Preparing the Test Data for the VGG_16 Model')
X_test = VGG_Prep(X_test)
print('Loading the VGG_16 Model')
model = applications.VGG16(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
# Generating the bottleneck features for the training data
print('Evaluating the VGG_16 Model on the Training Data')
bottleneck_features_train = model.predict(X_train)
# Saving the bottleneck features for the training data
featuresTrain = os.path.join(modelPath, 'bottleneck_features_train.npy')
labelsTrain = os.path.join(modelPath, 'labels_train.npy')
print('Saving the Training Data Bottleneck Features.'), 'wb'), bottleneck_features_train), 'wb'), Y_train)
# Generating the bottleneck features for the test data
print('Evaluating the VGG_16 Model on the Test Data')
bottleneck_features_test = model.predict(X_test)
# Saving the bottleneck features for the test data
featuresTest = os.path.join(modelPath, 'bottleneck_features_test.npy')
labelsTest = os.path.join(modelPath, 'labels_test.npy')
print('Saving the Test Data Bottleneck Feaures.'), 'wb'), bottleneck_features_test), 'wb'), Y_test)
if valPath != 'None':
metaVal, metaV2, mCountsV = bc.load_training_metadata(valPath, verbose = verbose, balanceViaRemoval = False)
lenVal = len(metaVal)
X_val, Y_val = bc.load_data(valPath, imagePath, maxData = lenVal, verboseFreq = verboseFreq, imgResize=size)
X_val = VGG_Prep(X_val)
# Generating the bottleneck features for the test data
print('Evaluating the VGG_16 Model on the Validataion Data')
bottleneck_features_val = model.predict(X_val)
# Saving the bottleneck features for the test data
featuresVal = os.path.join(modelPath, 'bottleneck_features_validation.npy')
labelsVal = os.path.join(modelPath, 'labels_validation.npy')
print('Saving the Validation Data Bottleneck Features.'), 'wb'), bottleneck_features_val), 'wb'), Y_val)
In [31]:
# global variables for loading the data
imagePath = '../images/threshold/DDSM/'
trainDataPath = '../images/ddsm/ddsm_train.csv'
testDataPath = '../images/ddsm/ddsm_test.csv'
valDataPath = '../images/ddsm/ddsm_val.csv'
imgResize = (224, 224) # can go up to (224, 224)
modelPath = '../model/'
In [32]:
vgg16_bottleneck(trainDataPath, testDataPath, imagePath, modelPath, imgResize,
balance = True, verbose = True, verboseFreq = 50, valPath = valDataPath,
transform = False, binary = True)
In [6]:
class LossHistory(cb.Callback):
def on_train_begin(self, logs={}):
self.losses = []
def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs={}):
batch_loss = logs.get('loss')
This function takes the bottleneck features from the bottleneck function and applies a shallow CNN to these features to classify the images. The function needs to be pointed at the locations of the training and test features along with the training and test labels. You can use the epoch and batch size variables to control the number of images to show to the model and the number of training epochs. The model save variabler alows for saving of the final model weights.
In [36]:
def train_top_model(train_feats, train_lab, test_feats, test_lab, model_path, model_save, epoch = 50, batch = 64):
train_bottleneck = os.path.join(model_path, train_feats)
train_labels = os.path.join(model_path, train_lab)
test_bottleneck = os.path.join(model_path, test_feats)
test_labels = os.path.join(model_path, test_lab)
history = LossHistory()
X_train = np.load(train_bottleneck)
Y_train = np.load(train_labels)
#Y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(Y_train, nb_classes=3)
Y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(Y_train, nb_classes=2)
X_test = np.load(test_bottleneck)
Y_test = np.load(test_labels)
#Y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(Y_test, nb_classes=3)
Y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(Y_test, nb_classes=2)
noise = 0.01
model = Sequential()
model.add( GaussianNoise(noise, input_shape=X_train.shape[1:]))
model.add( Dense(256, activation = 'relu') )
#loss = 'categorical_crossentropy'
metrics=['accuracy']), Y_train,
validation_data=(X_test, Y_test),
score = model.evaluate(X_test, Y_test, batch_size=16, verbose=0)
print "Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: {0}".format(score)
model.save_weights(os.path.join(model_path, model_save))
In [22]:
def cf_Matrix(data, label, weights, path, save):
data = os.path.join(path, data)
label = os.path.join(path, label)
categories = bc.bcNormVsAbnormNumerics()
X = np.load(data)
Y = np.load(label)
#Y = np_utils.to_categorical(Y, nb_classes=3)
# Loading and preping the model
model = Sequential()
model.add(Activation('relu'), constraint= maxnorm(3.))
model.load_weights(os.path.join('../model/', weights))
# try Adadelta and Adam
predictOutput = model.predict(X, batch_size=64, verbose=2)
#numBC = bc.numericBC()
numBC = bc.reverseDict(categories)
predClasses = []
for i in range(len(predictOutput)):
arPred = np.array(predictOutput[i])
predictionProb = arPred.max()
predictionNdx = arPred.argmax()
predClassName = numBC[predictionNdx]
# Use sklearn's helper method to generate the confusion matrix
cnf_matrix = skm.confusion_matrix(Y, predClasses)
# Ploting the confusion matrix
class_names = numBC.values()
fileCfMatrix = '../figures/confusion_matrix-' + save + '.png'
bc.plot_confusion_matrix(cnf_matrix, classes=class_names,
title='Confusion matrix, \n' + save)
In [6]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_train.npy'
train_labels = 'labels_train.npy'
test_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = 'labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'top_weights02.h5'
In [10]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path)
In [37]:
feats_loc = '150_test_val/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '150_test_val/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced150run2/top_weights02.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced150'
In [38]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
In [16]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_150fulltrans_train.npy'
train_labels = 'labels_150fulltrans_train.npy'
test_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = 'labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'top_weights_150fulltrans.h5'
In [17]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path)
In [35]:
feats_loc = '150_test_val/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '150_test_val/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced150FullTrans/top_weights_150fulltrans.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced150FullTrans'
In [36]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
In [22]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_train_224.npy'
train_labels = 'labels_train_224.npy'
test_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = 'labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'top_weights_224.h5'
In [23]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path)
In [25]:
feats_loc = '224_test_val/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '224_test_val/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced224/top_weights_224.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced224'
In [34]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
In [5]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'Balanced224flips/bottleneck_features_train_224flip.npy'
train_labels = 'Balanced224flips/labels_train_224flip.npy'
test_bottleneck = '224_test_val/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = '224_test_val/labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'Balanced224flips/top_weights_224flip.h5'
In [10]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path)
In [11]:
feats_loc = '224_test_val/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '224_test_val/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced224flips/top_weights_224flip.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced224flip'
In [16]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
In [77]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_train_224th.npy'
train_labels = 'labels_train_224th.npy'
test_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = 'labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'top_weights_224th.h5'
In [78]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path)
In [79]:
feats_loc = '224_threshold/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '224_threshold/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced224Threshold/top_weights_224th.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced224Threshold'
In [80]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
In [4]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'Balanced224Binary/bottleneck_features_train_224twoclass.npy'
train_labels = 'Balanced224Binary/labels_train_224twoclass.npy'
test_bottleneck = '224_binary/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = '224_binary/labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'Balanced224Binary/top_weights_224twoclass.h5'
In [37]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path, epoch = 100)
In [21]:
feats_loc = '224_binary/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '224_binary/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced224Binary/top_weights_224twoclass.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced224Twoclass'
In [22]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
In [33]:
# Locations for the bottleneck and labels files that we need
modelPath = '../model/'
train_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_train_224th_twoclass.npy'
train_labels = 'labels_train_224th_twoclass.npy'
test_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_test.npy'
test_labels = 'labels_test.npy'
validation_bottleneck = 'bottleneck_features_valdation.npy'
validation_label = 'labels_validation.npy'
top_model_weights_path = 'top_weights_224th_twoclass.h5'
In [35]:
train_top_model(train_feats=train_bottleneck, train_lab=train_labels, test_feats=test_bottleneck, test_lab=test_labels,
model_path=modelPath, model_save=top_model_weights_path)
In [40]:
feats_loc = '224_binary/bottleneck_features_test.npy'
feats_labs = '224_binary/labels_test.npy'
weight = 'balanced224Th_Binary/top_weights_224th_twoclass.h5'
saveFile = 'balanced224Th_Twoclass'
In [41]:
cf_Matrix(data=feats_loc, label=feats_labs, weights=weight, path=modelPath, save=saveFile)
All results below are run against the train, test, validate csv files located at Breast Cancer Github Data
1) Run 1: 150x150 image size, 50 Epochs, Batch Size 64
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [2.4609192387381595, 0.58582089552238803]
2) Run 2: 150x150 image size, 50 Epochs, Batch Size 64, Full Augmentations
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [2.8447668943832172, 0.57276119402985071]
3) Run 3: 224x224 image size, 50 Epochs, Batch Size 64
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [2.7020884663311402, 0.59888059701492535]
4) Run 4: 224x224 image size, 50 Epochs, Bath Size 64, Vertical and Horizontal Flips
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [3.1939952764938129, 0.57276119402985071]
1) Run 1: 224x224 image size, 50 Epochs, Batch Size 64
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [3.3308228604933796, 0.59411764752631091]
1) Run 1: 224x224 image size, DDSM images with Artifacts, 50 Epochs, Batch Size = 64
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [2.0707934257412743, 0.69834710760221663]
2) Run 2: 224x224 image size, Thresholded images, 50 Epochs, Batch Size = 64
* Network's test score [loss, accuracy]: [2.465950372607209, 0.65552325581395354]