The VGG-16 and GoogLeNet pretrained networks need the images to be 224x224 pixles the recommendation from comment threads is to start with 255x255 and wither crop or resize the image from there. The first resizing function simply works through a given image directory or list of directories and resizes the images without worry about aspect ratio.
In [16]:
import os
from PIL import Image
from __future__ import division
In [11]:
in_dir1 = "E:/erikn/Dropbox (DATA698-S17)/DATA698-S17/data/ddsm/png/0/"
in_dir2 = "E:/erikn/Dropbox (DATA698-S17)/DATA698-S17/data/ddsm/png/1/"
in_dir3 = "E:/erikn/Dropbox (DATA698-S17)/DATA698-S17/data/ddsm/png/3/"
img_in = [in_dir1, in_dir2, in_dir3]
out_dir = "E:/erikn/Documents/GitHub/MLProjects/data698_images/small/"
In [3]:
def basic_resize(height, width, in_dir, out_dir):
# Takes a directory or list of directories containing png images and resizes to the given height and width
for directory in in_dir:
images = os.listdir(directory)
for img in images:
im =, img))
size = im.resize((width,height), resample=Image.LANCZOS), img))
In [5]:
height = 255
width = 255
basic_resize(height, width, img_in, out_dir)
The next resizing function is designed to maintain the aspect ratio of the image while doing the resize. You can selecct the desired height and the function adds in black rows to the edges of the image to make all images the same size then resizes the image to desired size.
In [9]:
from scipy import misc
from scipy import ndimage
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
%matplotlib inline
In [12]:
# Finds the Maximum height and width from all of the images from the first run we have
# Max Height = 7111
# Max Width = 5641
# Count = 4005
height = 0
width = 0
count = 0
start = time.time()
for directory in img_in:
images = os.listdir(directory)
for img in images:
im = misc.imread(os.path.join(directory, img), flatten=False, mode='L')
if im.shape[0] > height:
height = im.shape[0]
if im.shape[1] > width:
width = im.shape[1]
count += 1
print("Max Height, Max Width, Number of Images")
print(height, width, count)
end = time.time()
print("Time taken:")
print(end - start)
Loading a test image
In [13]:
img_in = ["E:/erikn/Documents/GitHub/MLProjects/data698_images/png/"] # This is a test set use the img_in from above for all images
images = os.listdir(img_in[0])
im =[0], images[0]))
img_w, img_h = im.size
plt.imshow(im,cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray'))
Placing an image in the maximum size box for all images.
In [17]:
background ='L', (5641, 7111), (0))
bg_w, bg_h = background.size
offset = ((bg_w - img_w) // 2, (bg_h - img_h) // 2) # Use // division in Python 3.5
background.paste(im, offset)
plt.imshow(background,cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray'))
Resizing the Image to a given height and then placing in a square box.
In [23]:
height = 400
width = int((height/img_h)*img_w)
size = im.resize((width,height), resample=Image.LANCZOS)
background ='L', (height,height), (0))
bg_w, bg_h = background.size
offset = ((bg_w - width) // 2, (bg_h - height) // 2) # Use // division in Python 3.5
background.paste(size, offset)
plt.imshow(background,cmap = plt.get_cmap('gray'))
In [35]:
def aspect_resize(height, in_dir, out_dir, square):
for directory in in_dir:
images = os.listdir(directory)
for img in images:
im =, img))
img_w, img_h = im.size
if square == True:
width = int((height/img_h)*img_w)
size = im.resize((width,height), resample=Image.LANCZOS)
background ='L', (height,height), (0))
bg_w, bg_h = background.size
offset = ((bg_w - width) // 2, (bg_h - height) // 2) # Use // division in Python 3.5
background.paste(size, offset)
width = int((height/im.size[1])*im.size[0])
background = im.resize((width,height), resample=Image.LANCZOS), img))
Running the aspect ratio resizer without creating square images. These maintain aspect ratio but have varying widths which I now realize is not the best idea. I will work improving this portion if we need it. Make sure that you pass False to the function to run in this mode.
In [38]:
img_in = ["E:/erikn/Documents/GitHub/MLProjects/data698_images/png/"] # This is a test set use the img_in from above for all images
img_out = "E:/erikn/Documents/GitHub/MLProjects/data698_images/non_square/"
height = 150
aspect_resize(height,img_in, img_out, False)
Running the aspect ratio resizer creating square images. This portion sets the height and width, resizes the image to maintain the asppect ratio, and then pastes the image into a black background that is the correct size and square. This should do a good job of giving us a base image with aspect ration maintained and not add to much extra space to the image.
In [39]:
img_in = ["E:/erikn/Documents/GitHub/MLProjects/data698_images/png/"] # This is a test set use the img_in from above for all images
img_out = "E:/erikn/Documents/GitHub/MLProjects/data698_images/square/"
height = 150
aspect_resize(height,img_in, img_out, True)