author: Nicholas Farn []
This example shows how to create a simple Gaussian Naive Bayes Classifier using pomegranate. In this example we will be given a set of data measuring a person's height (feet) and try to classify them as male or female. This example is a simplification drawn from the example in the Wikipedia article on Naive Bayes Classifiers.
In [1]:
from pomegranate import *
import seaborn
%pylab inline
First we'll create the distributions for our model. In this case we'll assume that height, weight, and foot size are normally distributed. We'll fit our distribution to a set of data for males and females.
In [2]:
male = NormalDistribution.from_samples([ 6.0, 5.92, 5.58, 5.92, 6.08, 5.83 ])
female = NormalDistribution.from_samples([ 5.0, 5.5, 5.42, 5.75, 5.17, 5.0 ])
Let's check on the parameters for our male and female height distributions.
In [3]:
male.plot( n=100000, edgecolor='c', color='c', bins=50, label='Male' )
female.plot( n=100000, edgecolor='g', color='g', bins=50, label='Female' )
plt.legend( fontsize=14 )
plt.xlabel('Height (ft)')
print("Male distribution has mu = {:.3} and sigma = {:.3}".format( *male.parameters ))
print("Female distribution has mu = {:.3} and sigma = {:.3}".format( *female.parameters ))
Everything seems to look good so let's create our Naive Bayes Classifier.
In [4]:
clf = NaiveBayes([ male, female ])
Let's take a look at how our classifier calls people of various heights. We can either look at a probabilistic measurement of the sample being male or female, or a hard call prediction. Lets take a look at both.
In [8]:
data = np.array([[5.0], [6.0], [4.92], [5.5]])
for sample, probability in zip( data, clf.predict_proba(data) ):
print("Height {}, {} chance male and {} chance female".format( sample, 100*probability[0], 100*probability[1]))
In [9]:
for sample, result in zip( data, clf.predict( data )):
print("Person with height {} is {}.".format( sample, "female" if result else "male" ))
These results look good. We can also train a our classifier with a set of data. This is done by creating a set of observations along with a set with the corresponding correct classification.
In [10]:
X = np.array([[180], [190], [170], [165], [100], [150], [130], [150]])
y = np.array([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 ]) X, y )
In this case we fitted the normal distributions to fit a set of data with male an female weights (lbs). Let's check the results with the following data set.
In [11]:
data = np.array([[130], [200], [100], [162], [145]])
Now let's enter it into our classifier.
In [12]:
for sample, result in zip( data, clf.predict( data )):
print("Person with weight {} is {}.".format( sample, "female" if result else "male" ))
Everything looks good from here. In this tutorial we created a simple Naive Bayes Classifier with normal distributions. It is possible to create a classifier with more complex distributions, or even with a Hidden Markov Model.