In [1]:
# Some setting up stuff. This cell is hidden from the Sphinx-rendered documentation.
%matplotlib inline
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NOTE: Maximum likelihood estimation is very experimental in BayesPy. The whole messaging system is being rewritten in order to support much better MLE along with non-conjugate distributions and a bunch of other useful features. This example just shows how to do MLE currently if you need to but it doesn't work very well (the optimizer is bad).
Create some 3-dimensional inputs:
In [2]:
import numpy as np
N = 200
X = np.random.randn(N, 1)
Pre-compute a squared distance matrix for the inputs:
In [3]:
from scipy.spatial import distance
D = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(X, 'sqeuclidean'))
Define a covariance function (exponentiated square or squared exponential):
In [4]:
def exponentiated_square(parameters):
lengthscale = np.exp(parameters[0])
magnitude = np.exp(parameters[1])
return magnitude**2 * np.exp(-D/lengthscale) + 1e-6 * np.identity(N)
Implement the backward gradient pass for the exponentiated square:
In [5]:
def d_parameters(d_exponentiated_square, parameters):
""" Backward gradient of exponentiated square w.r.t. the parameters """
lengthscale = np.exp(parameters[0])
magnitude = np.exp(parameters[1])
K = magnitude**2 * np.exp(-D/lengthscale)
return [
np.sum(d_exponentiated_square * K * D / lengthscale),
np.sum(d_exponentiated_square * K * 2)
BayesPy uses precision matrix instead of covariance matrix for the Gaussian variables, thus we need to implement the matrix inversion and its gradient:
In [6]:
def inverse(K):
return np.linalg.inv(K)
def d_covariance(d_inverse, K):
""" Backward gradient of inverse w.r.t. the covariance matrix """
invK = np.linalg.inv(K)
return,, invK))
Create a maximum likelihood node for the covariance hyperparameters. Because the maximum likelihood estimation assumes unbounded variables, the node represents the parameters in log-scale:
In [7]:
import bayespy as bp
parameters = bp.nodes.MaximumLikelihood(np.log([1, 1]))
Create nodes that use our defined functions to compute the precision matrix from the parameters. Function
takes the actual function as the first argument and then a 2-tuple for each input argument of the function. The first tuple elements are the input nodes and the second tuple elements are the corresponding gradient pass functions:
In [8]:
Covariance = bp.nodes.Function(
(parameters, d_parameters)
Lambda = bp.nodes.Function(
(Covariance, d_covariance)
Create a noiseless latent Gaussian process node::
In [9]:
latent = bp.nodes.Gaussian(np.zeros(N), Lambda)
Observation noise precision:
In [10]:
tau = bp.nodes.Gamma(1e-3, 1e-3)
Node for the observations:
In [11]:
Y = bp.nodes.GaussianARD(latent, tau)
Draw a sample from our model and use it as a data:
In [12]:
K = exponentiated_square(np.log([0.3, 5]))
data = bp.nodes.Gaussian(np.zeros(N), np.linalg.inv(K + 0.1**2*np.identity(N))).random()
Construct inference engine:
In [13]:
Q = bp.inference.VB(Y, latent, tau, parameters)
Use gradient based optimization to learn the parameters. We collapse latent
and tau
so that the learning is more efficient because the coupling between latent
and parameters
is quite strong.
In [14]:
Q.optimize(parameters, collapsed=[latent, tau], maxiter=100, verbose=False)
Show the learned parameters:
In [15]:
print("Learned GP parameters:", np.exp(parameters.get_moments()[0]))
print("Learned noise std:", tau.get_moments()[0] ** (-0.5))
Simple plot of a posterior sample of the latent function values:
In [16]:
%matplotlib inline
plt.plot(X[:,0], latent.random(), 'k.');