In [17]:
%matplotlib inline
In [33]:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import healpy as hp
In [1]:
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import healpy as hp
from import fits
from matplotlib import gridspec
from matplotlib import ticker
from scipy.integrate import quad
import lib.cmb
import lib.noise
import calculations
import util.plot_funcs
import time
import pickle
%pylab inline
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10.0, 8.0)
Make hits map generator
- Do for single pixels in 4 corners of array
- Also do for full sky
- See how much overlap we have of full arrays
Inject gain noise and measure B-mode contamination
- Start with r = 0 cmb realization
- Make gain transfer function (in C_l space, constant function with a tick up at the desired ell)
- Make M realizations of gain transfer function
- Multiply cmb realization with gain transfer function realization
- Generate ILC with each cmb*gain map
- Estimate C_l's from each ILC map
- Repeat for N cmb realizations (N*M total runs)
- Repeat for L ell bins (how many???)
In [56]:
from IPython import parallel as p
rc = p.Client()
cluster = rc[:]
cluster.block = True
In [13]:
In [25]:
import calculations.util, calculations.calibration_gain
read_dict_from_hd5 = calculations.calibration_gain.read_dict_from_hd5
In [26]:
a4ln = read_dict_from_hd5('data/all_4_lownoise.hd5')['all_4_lownoise']
In [27]:
testdata = a4ln['ell_5']
In [30]:
fig = calculations.util.myplot(testdata, 'testdata', 'testdatalabel')
ax = fig.axes[0]
In [36]:
npix = hp.nside2npix(512)
calmap = np.array([1.]*npix)
In [82]:
cls = np.zeros(400)
cls[2] = 1
map1 = hp.synfast(cls, 512)
map1 = 1. + map1*0.05/map1.std()
In [114]:
cls_gain = np.zeros(1500)
cls_gain[500] = 1
map_gain = hp.synfast(cls_gain, 512)
gain_error = np.sqrt(2)
map_gain = 1. + map_gain*gain_error/map_gain.std()
cls_cmb = np.arange(1500, dtype='float')
map_cmb = hp.synfast(cls_cmb, 512)
map_combined = map_gain*map_cmb
cls_recon = hp.anafast(map_combined, lmax=len(cls_gain)-1)
plt.plot(cls_recon - cls_cmb)
print (cls_recon - cls_cmb).mean()
In [46]:
retvalues = cluster.apply_sync(testfunc, range(5), a=a)
In [795]:
tau = 3.
T = .1
N = 20
def filter(f, tau, T, N):
ns = np.arange(0, N) - N//2
return (1./tau)*np.sum(T*np.sinc(T*(f - ns/tau)))
filter = np.vectorize(filter)
fs = np.linspace(-50, 50, 1000)
# fs = np.linspace(-2, 2, 1000)
plot(fs, filter(fs, tau=tau, T=T, N=N), label='spread out')
# plot(fs, N*T*np.sinc(N*T*fs), label='all together')
In [725]:
print A_single
print Omega
In [664]:
In [57]:
myfname = 'data/lcdm_planck_2013_cl_lensed.dat'
first, _ = myfname.rsplit('.dat')
second, _ = first.rsplit('_lensed', 1)
second.rsplit('_cl', 1)
In [66]:
print lib.cmb.generate_cls(input='', output='junk/explanatory_')
cldict = lib.cmb.get_dls(fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat', lensed=False)
plot(cldict['ell'], cldict['BB'])
In [53]:
print lib.cmb.generate_cls(input='explanatory.ini', output='junk/explanatory_')
pdict = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_dls(lensed=False, fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat')
plot(pdict['ell'], pdict['BB'])
xlim([2, 500])
In [41]:
import calculations
# retdict2 = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction(freqs2, _debug=True,
# fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat', lensed=False, regnoise=700.)
In [1151]:
In [1114]:
Omega_single = 7.45446e-6 # sr, from bjohnson report
Omega_array = 9.54171e-3 # sr, from bjohnson report
m = 81 # uK_CMB sqrt(sr)
print m/np.sqrt(Omega_single), "uK per detector beamspot"
print m/np.sqrt(Omega_array), 'uK per array beamspot'
Omega_pixel = hp.nside2pixarea(512)
print m/np.sqrt(Omega_pixel), 'uK per Nside=512 pixel'
regnoise = 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_array/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
print regnoise
# regnoise = 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_array) # uK/pixel
# regnoise
In [1154]:
print 'array/pixel', 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_array/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
print 'pixel/array', 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_pixel/Omega_array) # uK/pixel
print 'single/pixel', 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
print 'pixel/single', 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_pixel/Omega_single) # uK/pixel
In [20]:
cl0p1dict = lib.cmb.get_cls(lensed=False, fname='junk/r0p1_cl.dat')
In [1225]:
# Load data
from lib.wmap import load_wmap_maps, load_wmap_masks
import lib.ilc
bands = ['K', 'Ka', 'Q', 'V', 'W']
fnames = ['data/wmap_band_smth_imap_r9_9yr_{0}_v5.fits'.format(band)
for band in bands]
maskdata = 'data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits'
print "Loading WMAP data..."
maps = load_wmap_maps(fnames)
masks, region = load_wmap_masks(maskdata)
# Compute weights
print "Computing ILC weights..."
nregions = masks.shape[0]
import time
t0 = time.time()
ws = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(maps, masks)
ws2 = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(maps, masks, noisefactor=True)
tf = time.time()
print "Computed ILC weights for {0} regions in {1} seconds.".format(
nregions, tf - t0)
# Print weights
print "ILC weights"
linestr = "{0:^10} {1:^10} {2:^10} {3:^10} {4:^10} {5:^10}"
print linestr.format(*(['GROUP'] + bands))
for i in range(len(ws)):
linelist = [i] + [str(w).ljust(8, '0')[:8] for w in ws[i]]
print linestr.format(*linelist)
print linestr.format(*(['GROUP'] + bands))
for i in range(len(ws)):
linelist = [i] + [str(w).ljust(8, '0')[:8] for w in ws2[i]]
print linestr.format(*linelist)
In [1227]:
# Construct ILC map
print "Constructing ILC map from weights..."
T_hat = lib.ilc.ilc_map_from_weights(maps, ws, region, sigma=None)
T_hat2 = lib.ilc.ilc_map_from_weights(maps, ws2, region, sigma=None)
# Display ILC map
print "Plotting ILC map. Close figure to exit."
hp.mollview(T_hat, title='ILC foreground-cleaned map using WMAP9 data',
unit='mK', min=-.452123, max=.426628)
hp.mollview(T_hat2, title='ILC foreground-cleaned map using WMAP9 data',
unit='mK', min=-.452123, max=.426628)
hp.mollview(T_hat2 - T_hat, title='Diff map', unit='mK',
min=-.452123, max=.426628)
In [26]:
In [204]:
import calculations
In [74]:
from __future__ import print_function
def many_realizations(freqs, N=100, xxs=['BB'], fname=None, regnoise=0., lensed=False,
modcov=False, verbose=False, **kwargs):
print("Finished: {0} of {1}".format(0, N), end='\r')
reconfunc = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction
cldict = {key: [] for key in xxs}
cldict['weights_Q'] = []
cldict['weights_U'] = []
for i in range(N):
regendust = True if (i == 0) else False
retdict = reconfunc(freqs, _debug=False, fname=fname, regnoise=regnoise,
lensed=lensed, verbose=verbose, modcov=modcov,
cl_out = retdict['cl_out']
for key in xxs:
print("Finished: {0} of {1}".format(i+1, N), end='\r')
for key, value in cldict.items():
cldict[key] = np.array(value)
cldict[key + '_mean'] = np.mean(cldict[key], axis=0)
cldict[key + '_std'] = np.std(cldict[key], axis=0)
cldict['ell'] = cl_out['ell']
cldict['regnoise'] = retdict['regnoise']
return cldict
cl0p1dict = lib.cmb.get_cls(lensed=False, fname='junk/r0p1_cl.dat')
Omega_single = 7.45446e-6 # sr, from bjohnson report
Omega_pixel = hp.nside2pixarea(512) # pixel solid angle in sr
Omega_array = 9.54171e-3 # sr, from bjohnson report
regnoise = 3./1.3*np.array([1.3, 1.9, 6.7, 110.])*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
fname = 'junk/explanatory_cl.dat'
lensed = False
modcov = False
cldict_normal_test = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction(
frequencies=np.array([200., 270., 350., 600.])*1.e9, fname=fname,
regnoise=regnoise, lensed=lensed, modcov=modcov, verbose=True)
noisemap = cldict_normal_test['noisemaps'][0][0]
cls_noise = hp.anafast([noisemap, noisemap, noisemap])
labels = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
cldict_noise = {labels[i]: cls_noise[i] for i in range(len(labels))}
cldict_noise['ell'] = np.arange(len(cldict_noise['TT']), dtype='float')
prefix_noise = cldict_noise['ell']*(cldict_noise['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
def myplot(cld, name, label, nf=1.):
ell = cld['ell']
prefix = ell*(ell+1)/(2*np.pi)
for bb in cld['BB']:
plot(ell, prefix*bb, 'k-', alpha=.015)
bbmean = cld['BB_mean']
bbstd = cld['BB_std']
errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, yerr=prefix*bbstd, label='Output')
plot(ell, 0*ell, 'g--', label='Input')
nmax = where(ell<20.)[0][-1]
# bbmax = prefix[nmax]*(bbmean[nmax] + 5*bbstd[nmax])*2
bbmax = 0.1 # 0.007
# ylim(ymax=bbmax)
ylim([0, bbmax])
# xlim(xmin=2, xmax=20)
xlim(xmin=2, xmax=150)
xlabel(r'$\ell$', fontsize=24)
ylabel(r'$D_\ell^{BB}$ ($\mu K^2$)', fontsize=24)
ell0p1 = cl0p1dict['ell']
bb0p1 = cl0p1dict['BB']
prefix = ell0p1*(ell0p1 + 1)/(2*np.pi)
# Plot base noise level
prefix_noise = cldict_noise['ell']*(cldict_noise['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(cldict_noise['ell'], prefix_noise*cldict_noise['BB']*nf**2, 'r-', label='Noise')
# Plot weight-scaled noise level
wQs = cld['weights_Q']
wUs = cld['weights_U']
wavg = (0.5*(wQs + wUs)).mean(axis=0)
rnfact = cld['regnoise']/cld['regnoise'].min()
# wfact = np.sum(wavg**2)
# wfact = np.sum(np.abs(wavg)*rnfact)
# wfact = np.sqrt(np.sum(wavg**2 * rnfact))
wfact = np.sqrt(np.sum((wavg*rnfact)**2))*nf**2
plot(cldict_noise['ell'], prefix_noise*cldict_noise['BB']*wfact, 'y-', label='Weighted Noise')
plot(ell0p1, prefix*bb0p1, 'k--', label='r = 0.1')
legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
title(label, fontsize=24)
savefig(name + '.png', dpi=150)
f = gcf()
return f
def save_data(results, fname='results.pickle'):
copydict = results.copy()
for key in copydict.keys():
del copydict[key]['figure']
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(copydict, f)
In [75]:
Omega_single = 7.45446e-6 # sr, from bjohnson report
Omega_pixel = hp.nside2pixarea(512) # pixel solid angle in sr
noiselist = 3./1.3*np.array([1.3, 1.9, 6.7, 110.])*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
noisedict = dict(zip([200., 270., 350., 600.], noiselist))
# regnoise = 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
fname = 'junk/explanatory_cl.dat'
lensed = False # Include lensing?
noisefactor = 1. # Noise level relative to PIPER target
modcov = False # Efstathiou 2009 modified covariance?
verbose = False
baseargdict = {'lensed': lensed,
'noisefactor': noisefactor,
'modcov': modcov,
'fname': fname,
'verbose': verbose,
'N': 100}
argdicts = {}
arglist = [('low_2_lownoise', [200., 270.], 0.1, '(200, 270) GHz, Low Noise'),
#('all_4', [200., 270., 350., 600.], 1., 'All 4 Frequencies, Normal Noise'),
#('low_high_2', [200., 600.], 1., '(200, 600) GHz, Normal Noise'),
#('all_4_lownoise', [200., 270., 350., 600.], 0.1, 'All 4 Frequencies, Low Noise'),
#('200_350', [200., 350.], 1., '(200, 350) GHz, Normal Noise'),
#('350_600', [350., 600.], 1., '(350, 600) GHz, Normal Noise')
for i in arglist:
name, freqs, noisefact, label = i
regnoise = np.array([noisedict[float(freq)] for freq in freqs])
freqs = np.array(freqs)*1.e9
argdict = baseargdict.copy()
argdict.update({'freqs': freqs, 'regnoise': regnoise*noisefact, 'noisefactor': noisefact})
toadd = {'label': label, 'args': argdict}
argdicts[name] = toadd
# ad = argdicts['low_2'] #DELME?
# results = {}
for name, ad in argdicts.items():
t0 = time.time()
print("Computing case: {0}".format(name))
cld = many_realizations(**(ad['args']))
results[name] = {'cldict': cld}
f = myplot(cld, name, ad['label'])
results[name]['figure'] = f
tf = time.time()
print("Finished computing ({1} s): {0}".format(name, tf - t0))
In [199]:
argdicts = {}
arglist = [('low_2', [200., 270.], 1., '(200, 270) GHz, Normal Noise'),
('all_4', [200., 270., 350., 600.], 1., 'All 4 Frequencies, Normal Noise'),
('low_high_2', [200., 600.], 1., '(200, 600) GHz, Normal Noise'),
('all_4_lownoise', [200., 270., 350., 600.], 0.1, 'All 4 Frequencies, Low Noise')]
for i in arglist:
name, freqs, noisefact, label = i
regnoise = np.array([noisedict[float(freq)] for freq in freqs])
freqs = np.array(freqs)*1.e9
argdict = baseargdict.copy()
argdict.update({'freqs': freqs, 'regnoise': regnoise*noisefact, 'noisefactor': noisefact})
toadd = {'label': label, 'args': argdict}
argdicts[name] = toadd
for name, ad in argdicts.items():
t0 = time.time()
# print("Computing case: {0}".format(name))
# cld = many_realizations(**(ad['args']))
# results[name] = {'cldict': cld}
cld = results[name]['cldict']
nf = ad['args']['noisefactor']
f = myplot(cld, name, ad['label'], nf)
results[name]['figure'] = f
tf = time.time()
# print("Finished computing ({1} s): {0}".format(name, tf - t0))
# print('-'*30)
In [25]:
In [134]:
def save_data(results, fname='results.pickle'):
copydict = results.copy()
for key in copydict.keys():
del copydict[key]['figure']
with open(fname, 'w') as f:
pickle.dump(copydict, f)
with open('results.pickle', 'r') as f:
newresults = pickle.load(f)
In [184]:
#nms = cldict_normal_test['noisemaps'][:, 0, :]
#noisecls = np.array([hp.anafast(nm) for nm in nms])
In [160]:
noisecls = hp.anafast(cldict_normal_test['noisemap'][0])
noiseells = np.arange(len(noisecls))
noiseprefix = noiseells*(noiseells + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(noiseells, noiseprefix*noisecls)
In [146]:
f = results['low_2']['figure']
ax = f.get_axes()[0]
In [25]:
freqs = np.array([200., 270.])*1.e9
Omega_single = 7.45446e-6 # sr, from bjohnson report
Omega_pixel = hp.nside2pixarea(512) # pixel solid angle in sr
Omega_array = 9.54171e-3 # sr, from bjohnson report
regnoise = 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_pixel) # uK/pixel
fname = 'junk/explanatory_cl.dat'
lensed = False
noisefactor = False
cldict_normal_test = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction(freqs, fname=fname, regnoise=regnoise,
lensed=lensed, noisefactor=noisefactor)
In [131]:
noisemap = cldict_normal_test['noisemap']
cls_noise_low = hp.anafast([noisemap, noisemap, noisemap])
labels = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
cldict_noise_low = {labels[i]: cls_noise_low[i] for i in range(len(labels))}
cldict_noise_low['ell'] = np.arange(len(cldict_noise_low['TT']), dtype='float')
prefix_noise_low = cldict_noise_low['ell']*(cldict_noise_low['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(cldict_noise_low['ell'], prefix_noise_low*cldict_noise_low['BB'])
In [29]:
noisemap = cldict_normal_test['noisemap'][0]
cls_noise = hp.anafast([noisemap, noisemap, noisemap])
labels = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
cldict_noise = {labels[i]: cls_noise[i] for i in range(len(labels))}
cldict_noise['ell'] = np.arange(len(cldict_noise['TT']), dtype='float')
prefix_noise = cldict_noise['ell']*(cldict_noise['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(cldict_noise['ell'], prefix_noise*cldict_noise['BB'])
In [59]:
cld = cldict_low
ell = cld['ell']
prefix = ell*(ell+1)/(2*np.pi)
# for bb in cld['BB']:
# plot(ell, prefix*bb, 'k-', alpha=.015)
# plot(ell, prefix*bbmean, 'b-')
# errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, fmt=None, yerr=prefix*bbstd, color='b')
bbmean = cld['BB_mean']
bbstd = cld['BB_std']
errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, yerr=prefix*bbstd, label='Output')
plot(ell, 0*ell, 'g--', label='Input')
nmax = where(ell<20.)[0][-1]
# bbmax = prefix[nmax]*(bbmean[nmax] + 5*bbstd[nmax])*2
bbmax = 0.007
# ylim(ymax=bbmax)
ylim([0, bbmax])
# xlim(xmin=2, xmax=20)
xlim(xmin=2, xmax=150)
xlabel(r'$\ell$', fontsize=24)
ylabel(r'$D_\ell^{BB}$ ($\mu K^2$)', fontsize=24)
ell0p1 = cl0p1dict['ell']
bb0p1 = cl0p1dict['BB']
prefix = ell0p1*(ell0p1 + 1)/(2*np.pi)
prefix_noise_low = cldict_noise_low['ell']*(cldict_noise_low['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(cldict_noise_low['ell'], prefix_noise_low*cldict_noise_low['BB'], 'r-', label='Noise')
plot(ell0p1, prefix*bb0p1, 'k--', label='r = 0.1')
legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
title('Pixel Noise = PIPER/10 = 0.4 uK/pixel')
savefig('low_noise.png', dpi=150)
In [89]:
nf = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(cldict_normal_test['weights_Q'])**2))
In [90]:
cld = cldict_normal_test['cl_out']
ell = cld['ell']
prefix = ell*(ell+1)/(2*np.pi)
# for bb in cld['BB']:
plot(ell, prefix*bb, 'k-', alpha=1)
# plot(ell, prefix*bbmean, 'b-')
# errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, fmt=None, yerr=prefix*bbstd, color='b')
# bbmean = cld['BB_mean']
# bbstd = cld['BB_std']
# errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, yerr=prefix*bbstd, label='Output')
plot(ell, 0*ell, 'g--', label='Input')
prefix_noise = cldict_noise['ell']*(cldict_noise['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(cldict_noise['ell'], nf*prefix_noise*cldict_noise['BB'], 'r-', label='Noise')
nmax = where(ell<20.)[0][-1]
# bbmax = prefix[nmax]*(bbmean[nmax] + 5*bbstd[nmax])*2
bbmax = 0.007
# ylim(ymax=bbmax)
ylim([0, bbmax])
# xlim(xmin=2, xmax=20)
xlim(xmin=2, xmax=150)
xlabel(r'$\ell$', fontsize=24)
ylabel(r'$D_\ell^{BB}$ ($\mu K^2$)', fontsize=24)
ell0p1 = cl0p1dict['ell']
bb0p1 = cl0p1dict['BB']
prefix = ell0p1*(ell0p1 + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(ell0p1, prefix*bb0p1, 'k--', label='r = 0.1')
legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
title('Pixel Noise = PIPER = 4 uK/pixel')
# savefig('piper_noise.png', dpi=150)
In [104]:
cld = cldict_normal_mod
ell = cld['ell']
prefix = ell*(ell+1)/(2*np.pi)
for bb in cld['BB']:
plot(ell, prefix*bb, 'k-', alpha=.015)
# plot(ell, prefix*bbmean, 'b-')
# errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, fmt=None, yerr=prefix*bbstd, color='b')
bbmean = cld['BB_mean']
bbstd = cld['BB_std']
errorbar(ell, prefix*bbmean, yerr=prefix*bbstd, label='Output')
plot(ell, 0*ell, 'g--', label='Input')
nmax = where(ell<20.)[0][-1]
# bbmax = prefix[nmax]*(bbmean[nmax] + 5*bbstd[nmax])*2
bbmax = 0.007
# ylim(ymax=bbmax)
# ylim([0, bbmax])
# xlim(xmin=2, xmax=20)
xlim(xmin=2, xmax=150)
xlabel(r'$\ell$', fontsize=24)
ylabel(r'$D_\ell^{BB}$ ($\mu K^2$)', fontsize=24)
ell0p1 = cl0p1dict['ell']
bb0p1 = cl0p1dict['BB']
prefix = ell0p1*(ell0p1 + 1)/(2*np.pi)
plot(ell0p1, prefix*bb0p1, 'k--', label='r = 0.1')
legend(loc='upper left', fontsize=20)
title('Pixel Noise = PIPER = 4 uK/pixel; Modified covariance')
savefig('piper_noise_mod.png', dpi=150)
In [1259]:
for bb in cldict['BB']:
ell = cldict['ell']
plot(ell, ell*(ell+1)/(2*np.pi)*bb)
In [1243]:
import calculations
freqs2 = np.array([200., 270.])*1.e9
freqs4 = np.array([200., 270., 350., 600.])*1.e9
freqs14 = np.array([200., 600.])*1.e9
Omega_single = 7.45446e-6 # sr, from bjohnson report
Omega_pixel = hp.nside2pixarea(512) # pixel solid angle in sr
Omega_array = 9.54171e-3 # sr, from bjohnson report
regnoise = 3.*np.sqrt(Omega_single/Omega_pixel)/10. # uK/pixel
print "pixel noise = {0} uK".format(regnoise)
nf = False
retdict2 = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction(freqs2, _debug=True,
fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat', lensed=False, regnoise=regnoise, noisefactor=nf)
retdict4 = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction(freqs4, _debug=True,
fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat', lensed=False, regnoise=regnoise, noisefactor=nf)
retdict14 = calculations.ilc_foreground_cleaning.polarized_ilc_reconstruction(freqs14, _debug=True,
fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat', lensed=False, regnoise=regnoise, noisefactor=nf)
print '-'*30, 'ALL DONE', '-'*30
In [1244]:
rdict = retdict2
cmbQUmaps = rdict['cmbQUmaps']
dustmaps = rdict['dustmaps']
noisemap = rdict['noisemap']
ilcQmap = rdict['ilcQmap']
hp.mollview(ilcQmap - cmbQUmaps[0])
print cmbQUmaps.shape
print dustmaps.shape
print noisemap.shape
print np.mean(cmbQUmaps[0]), np.std(cmbQUmaps[0]), np.std(cmbQUmaps[0])/np.sqrt(len(noisemap) - 1)
print np.mean(noisemap), np.std(noisemap), np.std(noisemap)/np.sqrt(len(noisemap) - 1)
In [1242]:
rdict = retdict2
cl_in = rdict['cl_in']
cl_out = rdict['cl_out']
xxs = ['EE', 'BB'] # Available: ['TT', 'EE', 'TE', 'BB']
figs = {}
axes = {}
for xx in xxs:
f, a = util.plot_funcs.Dl_resid_plot(cl_out['ell'], cl_out[xx], cl_in['ell'], cl_in[xx],
label1='Output {0}'.format(xx),
label2='Input {0}'.format(xx))
figs[xx] = f
axes[xx] = a
axesBB = axes['BB']
axesBB[0].set_xlim([2, 50])
axesBB[1].set_xlim([2, 50])
# axesBB[1].set_ylim([-.1,.1])
except KeyError:
In [1245]:
rdict = retdict2
cl_in = rdict['cl_in']
cl_out = rdict['cl_out']
xxs = ['EE', 'BB'] # Available: ['TT', 'EE', 'TE', 'BB']
figs = {}
axes = {}
for xx in xxs:
f, a = util.plot_funcs.Dl_resid_plot(cl_out['ell'], cl_out[xx], cl_in['ell'], cl_in[xx],
label1='Output {0}'.format(xx),
label2='Input {0}'.format(xx))
figs[xx] = f
axes[xx] = a
axesBB = axes['BB']
axesBB[0].set_xlim([2, 50])
axesBB[1].set_xlim([2, 50])
# axesBB[1].set_ylim([-.1,.1])
except KeyError:
In [1156]:
rdict = retdict4
cl_in = rdict['cl_in']
cl_out = rdict['cl_out']
xxs = ['BB'] # Available: ['TT', 'EE', 'TE', 'BB']
figs = {}
axes = {}
for xx in xxs:
f, a = util.plot_funcs.Dl_resid_plot(cl_out['ell'], cl_out[xx], cl_in['ell'], cl_in[xx],
label1='Output {0}'.format(xx),
label2='Input {0}'.format(xx))
figs[xx] = f
axes[xx] = a
axesBB = axes['BB']
axesBB[0].set_xlim([2, 500])
axesBB[1].set_xlim([2, 500])
except KeyError:
In [667]:
rdict = retdict14
cl_in = rdict['cl_in']
cl_out = rdict['cl_out']
xxs = ['BB'] # Available: ['TT', 'EE', 'TE', 'BB']
figs = {}
axes = {}
for xx in xxs:
f, a = util.plot_funcs.Dl_resid_plot(cl_out['ell'], cl_out[xx], cl_in['ell'], cl_in[xx],
label1='Output {0}'.format(xx),
label2='Input {0}'.format(xx))
figs[xx] = f
axes[xx] = a
axesBB = axes['BB']
axesBB[0].set_xlim([2, 500])
axesBB[1].set_xlim([2, 500])
except KeyError:
In [90]:
# frequencies = np.array(frequencies)
# # Construct CMB maps from spectra
# (Tmap, Qmap, Umap), cldict = lib.cmb.generate_maps(Nside=Nside,
# n2r=True, return_cls=True, fname=fname, lensed=lensed)
# cmbQUmaps = np.vstack([Qmap, Umap]) # uK
# # 3 deg smoothed QU polarized synchrotron-tracking dust maps
# MJypsr = lib.conversions.MJypsr
# convs = [1.e6/(lib.conversions.dBdT(f)/MJypsr) # uK_CMB/(MJy/sr)
# for f in frequencies]
# dustmaps = [lib.foregrounds.generate_synchro_traced_dust_QU_map(nu=nu,
# Nside=Nside, n2r=True, sigma=3.*np.pi/180)
# for nu in frequencies]
# dustmaps = [dustmaps[i]*convs[i] for i in range(len(dustmaps))] # uK_CMB
# # Construct CMB + foreground maps
# totalQUmaps = [cmbQUmaps + dustmap for dustmap in dustmaps]
# # Perform ILC on each set of Q and U maps
# #
# # # Get WMAP masks and regions
# # maskdata = 'data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits'
# # masks, region = load_wmap_masks(maskdata)
# # ws = compute_ilc_weights(maps, masks)
# totalQmaps = np.vstack([totalQUmaps[i][0] for i in range(len(totalQUmaps))])
# totalUmaps = np.vstack([totalQUmaps[i][1] for i in range(len(totalQUmaps))])
# Qweights = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(totalQmaps)
# Uweights = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(totalUmaps)
# ilcQmap =, totalQmaps)
# ilcUmap =, totalUmaps)
# recon_cls = hp.anafast([Tmap, ilcQmap, ilcUmap]) # TT, EE, BB, TE, EB, TB
# labels = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
# recon_cldict = {labels[i]: recon_cls[i] for i in range(len(labels))}
# recon_cldict['ell'] = np.arange(len(recon_cldict['TT']), dtype='float')
# retdict = {'cl_in': cldict, 'cl_out': recon_cldict,
# 'cmbTmap': Tmap, 'cmbQUmaps': cmbQUmaps, 'dustmaps': dustmaps,
# 'totalQUmaps': totalQUmaps,
# 'weights_Q': Qweights, 'weights_U': Uweights,
# 'ilcQmap': ilcQmap, 'ilcUmap': ilcUmap}
# return retdict
In [414]:
# # Construct CMB maps from spectra
# (Tmap, Qmap, Umap), cldict = lib.cmb.generate_maps(Nside=Nside,
# n2r=True, return_cls=True, fname=fname, lensed=lensed)
# cmbQUmaps = np.vstack([Qmap, Umap]) # uK
# Testing this line
(Tmap, Qmap, Umap), cldict = lib.cmb.generate_maps(fname='junk/explanatory_cl.dat',
lensed=False, return_cls=True, n2r=True)
cmbQUmaps = np.vstack([Qmap, Umap]) # uK
# Verify that the generated maps are sensible and match the input spectra
results = hp.anafast([Tmap, Qmap, Umap])
ells = np.arange(len(results[0]))
xxs = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
for i, result in enumerate(results):
xx = xxs[i]
plot(ells, ells*(ells+1)*result/(2*np.pi))
eo = cldict['ell']
f = eo*eo/(2*np.pi)
plot(eo, f*cldict[xx])
except KeyError:
print np.shape(cmbQUmaps)
In [524]:
# # 3 deg smoothed QU polarized synchrotron-tracking dust maps
# MJypsr = lib.conversions.MJypsr
# convs = [1.e6/(lib.conversions.dBdT(f)/MJypsr) # uK_CMB/(MJy/sr)
# for f in frequencies]
# dustmaps = [lib.foregrounds.generate_synchro_traced_dust_QU_map(nu=nu,
# Nside=Nside, n2r=True, sigma=3.*np.pi/180)
# for nu in frequencies]
# dustmaps = [dustmaps[i]*convs[i] for i in range(len(dustmaps))] # uK_CMB
# 3 deg smoothed QU polarized synchrotron-tracking dust maps
frequencies = np.array([200.,270.,])*1.e9 # Hz
MJypsr = lib.conversions.MJypsr
convs = [1.e6/(lib.conversions.dBdT(f)/MJypsr) # uK_CMB/(MJy/sr)
for f in frequencies]
dustmaps = [lib.foregrounds.generate_synchro_traced_dust_QU_map(nu=nu, n2r=True, sigma=3.*np.pi/180,
for nu in frequencies] # in MJy/sr
lefthalf = where(hp.pix2ang(512, arange(len(dm)))[1] >= np.pi)
for i in range(len(dustmaps)):
for j in range(len(dustmaps[0])):
dustmaps[i][j][lefthalf] *= 1#.5#*(i+1)
dustmaps = [dustmaps[i]*convs[i] for i in range(len(dustmaps))] # MJy/sr -> uK_CMB
for i in range(len(dustmaps)):
dustmap = dustmaps[i]
for j in range(len(dustmap)):
d = dustmaps[i][j]# /dustmaps[2][j]
hp.mollview(d, norm='hist', unit='uK')
print np.shape(where(np.isnan(d)))
d2 = d[np.where(~np.isnan(d))[0]]
print np.mean(d2), np.std(d2)
print np.shape(dustmaps)
In [525]:
def naninfmean(d):
return np.mean(notnaninf(d))
def notnaninf(d):
d2 = d[~np.isnan(d)]
d3 = d2[~np.isinf(d2)]
return d3
# beta = 1.6
# (frequencies/353.e9)**beta
meanfracs = [[], []]
for i in range(len(dustmaps)):
for j in range(len(cmbQUmaps)):
dm = np.abs(dustmaps[i][j])
cm = np.abs(cmbQUmaps[j])
mf = dm.mean()/cm.mean()
print "mean fraction = ", mf
meanfracs = np.array(meanfracs)
for i, meanfrac in enumerate(meanfracs):
print "meanfrac[{0}] = ".format(i), meanfrac
for meanfrac in meanfracs:
print 1/(meanfrac/meanfrac.min())
# dm = np.abs(dustmaps[0][0])
# cm = np.abs(cmbQUmaps[0])
# print dm.mean(), dm.std()
# print cm.mean(), cm.std()
# hist(dm, log=True)
# figure()
# hist(cm, log=True)
In [526]:
# # Construct CMB + foreground maps
# totalQUmaps = [cmbQUmaps + dustmap for dustmap in dustmaps]
totalQUmaps = [cmbQUmaps + dustmap for dustmap in dustmaps]
# Try for various combinations of indices... Matching indices should give ~0 maps,
# others should give maps that look like the odd component out.
# They all seem fine...
# hp.mollview((totalQUmaps[2][0] - dustmaps[2][0]) - cmbQUmaps[0], norm='hist')
In [527]:
# # Perform ILC on each set of Q and U maps
# #
# # # Get WMAP masks and regions
# # maskdata = 'data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits'
# # masks, region = load_wmap_masks(maskdata)
# # ws = compute_ilc_weights(maps, masks)
# totalQmaps = np.vstack([totalQUmaps[i][0] for i in range(len(totalQUmaps))])
# totalUmaps = np.vstack([totalQUmaps[i][1] for i in range(len(totalQUmaps))])
totalQmaps = np.vstack([totalQUmaps[i][0] for i in range(len(totalQUmaps))])
totalUmaps = np.vstack([totalQUmaps[i][1] for i in range(len(totalQUmaps))])
print np.shape(totalQmaps), "should be (4, 3145728)"
print np.shape(totalUmaps), "should be (4, 3145728)"
# Just checking that we re-grouped the maps correctly. Should all be True.
print [np.std(totalQmaps[i] - totalQUmaps[i][0]) == 0. for i in range(len(totalQmaps))]
print [np.std(totalUmaps[i] - totalQUmaps[i][1]) == 0. for i in range(len(totalUmaps))]
# Cross-checking the maps. Should all be non-zero.
print [np.std(totalQmaps[i] - totalQUmaps[i][1]) for i in range(len(totalQmaps))]
print [np.std(totalUmaps[i] - totalQUmaps[i][0]) for i in range(len(totalUmaps))]
In [528]:
# Qweights = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(totalQmaps)
# Uweights = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(totalUmaps)
# ilcQmap =, totalQmaps)
# ilcUmap =, totalUmaps)
Qweights = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(totalQmaps)
Uweights = lib.ilc.compute_ilc_weights(totalUmaps)
ilcQmap =, totalQmaps)
ilcUmap =, totalUmaps)
print frequencies/1.e9
print Qweights
print Uweights
dQ = np.abs((ilcQmap - cmbQUmaps[0])/cmbQUmaps[0]) + .01
print dQ.min(), dQ.max()
dU = np.abs((ilcUmap - cmbQUmaps[1])/cmbQUmaps[1]) + .01
print ilcQmap.mean(), ilcQmap.std()
print cmbQUmaps[0].mean(), cmbQUmaps[0].std()
print dQ.mean(), dQ.std()
hp.mollview(ilcQmap - cmbQUmaps[0], norm='hist')
hp.mollview(dustmaps[0][0], norm='hist')
# hist(dQ, log=True)
# figure()
# hp.mollview(dQ, norm='log', min=.01, max=.1)
In [529]:
S = cmbQUmaps[0]
for i in range(len(dustmaps)):
F = dustmaps[i][0]
print "bias factor @ {0} GHz, <SF>/<FF> =".format(frequencies[i]/1.e9), np.mean(S*F)/np.mean(F*F)
Savg = np.mean(S)
Favg = np.mean(F)
Thatavg = np.mean(ilcQmap)
print "bias factor2 @ {0} GHz, (<S> - <That>)/<F> =".format(frequencies[i]/1.e9), (Savg - Thatavg)/Favg
In [573]:
sigmaB2 = np.var(Qmap)
ones = np.ones([len(dustmaps), 1])
X = [covcoeff(Qmap, dustmaps[i][0]) for i in range(len(dustmaps))]
X = np.array([X]).T # Make sure N_freqs x 1
F = np.cov(np.array(dustmaps)[..., 0]) # cov(R, R)
C = sigmaB2*ones*ones.T + X*ones.T + ones*X.T + F
Cinv = np.linalg.pinv(C)
print "det C =", np.linalg.det(C)
print "cond C =", np.linalg.cond(C) #np.linalg.norm(C)*np.linalg.norm(Cinv)
print "cond C =", np.linalg.norm(C)*np.linalg.norm(Cinv)
print "C =\n", C
print "C^-1 =\n", Cinv
In [574]:
print ones*X.T - np.outer(ones, X)
print X*ones.T - np.outer(X, ones)
In [597]:
print np.einsum("ij,jk,kl", ones.T, G_Q, ones)
def magnitude(A):
wons = np.ones(len(A))
return np.einsum("i,ij,j", wons, G_Q, wons)
print magnitude(G_Q)
In [578]:
def covcoeff(x, y):
return np.mean(x*y) - np.mean(x)*np.mean(y)
X_Q = [covcoeff(Qmap, dustmaps[i][0]) for i in range(len(dustmaps))]
X_Q = np.array([X_Q]).T # Make sure 1 x N_freqs
F_Q = np.cov(np.array(dustmaps)[..., 0]) # cov(R, R)
ones = np.ones([len(dustmaps), 1])
G_Q = F_Q + ones*X_Q.T
G_Qinv = np.linalg.pinv(G_Q)
F_Qinv = np.linalg.pinv(F_Q)
print "det =\n", np.linalg.det(G_Q)
print "G.G^-1 =\n",, G_Qinv)
print "G =\n", G_Q
print "G^-1 =\n", G_Qinv
print "condition number =\n", np.linalg.cond(G_Q)
print "det =\n", np.linalg.det(F_Q)
print "F.F^-1 =\n",, F_Qinv)
print "F =\n", F_Q
print "F^-1 =\n", F_Qinv
print "condition number =\n", np.linalg.cond(F_Q)
In [420]:
# recon_cls = hp.anafast([Tmap, ilcQmap, ilcUmap]) # TT, EE, BB, TE, EB, TB
# labels = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
# recon_cldict = {labels[i]: recon_cls[i] for i in range(len(labels))}
# recon_cldict['ell'] = np.arange(len(recon_cldict['TT']), dtype='float')
# retdict = {'cl_in': cldict, 'cl_out': recon_cldict,
# 'cmbTmap': Tmap, 'cmbQUmaps': cmbQUmaps, 'dustmaps': dustmaps,
# 'totalQUmaps': totalQUmaps,
# 'weights_Q': Qweights, 'weights_U': Uweights,
# 'ilcQmap': ilcQmap, 'ilcUmap': ilcUmap}
# return retdict
recon_cls = hp.anafast([Tmap, ilcQmap, ilcUmap]) # TT, EE, BB, TE, EB, TB
labels = ['TT', 'EE', 'BB', 'TE', 'EB', 'TB']
recon_cldict = {labels[i]: recon_cls[i] for i in range(len(labels))}
recon_cldict['ell'] = np.arange(len(recon_cldict['TT']), dtype='float')
retdict = {'cl_in': cldict, 'cl_out': recon_cldict,
'cmbTmap': Tmap, 'cmbQUmaps': cmbQUmaps, 'dustmaps': dustmaps,
'totalQUmaps': totalQUmaps,
'weights_Q': Qweights, 'weights_U': Uweights,
'ilcQmap': ilcQmap, 'ilcUmap': ilcUmap}
In [421]:
clin = retdict['cl_in']
infact = clin['ell']*(clin['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
clout = retdict['cl_out']
outfact = clout['ell']*(clout['ell'] + 1)/(2*np.pi)
figtest, axestest = resid_plot(clout['ell'], outfact*clout['BB'], clin['ell'], infact*clin['BB'])
axestest[0].set_xlim([1, 500])
In [3]:
import lib.cmb
In [161]:
ells_lensed = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_cls(True)['ell']
TTs_lensed = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_cls(True)['TT']
ells_unlensed = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_cls(False)['ell']
TTs_unlensed = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_cls(False)['TT']
# plot(ells_unlensed, TTs_unlensed, label='unlensed')
# plot(ells_lensed, TTs_lensed, label='lensed')
ells_diff = ells_lensed
TTs_diff = TTs_lensed - TTs_unlensed[:len(ells_diff)]
plot(ells_diff, TTs_diff, label='diff')
In [179]:
ilcmap = lib.wmap.load_wmap_maps(['data/wmap_ilc_9yr_v5.fits'])[0]
# cldict = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_cls(True)
# ells = cldict['ell'] # 1/rad
# TTs = cldict['TT'] # uK^2
# EEs = cldict['EE'] # uK^2
# TEs = cldict['TE'] # uK^2
# BBs = cldict['BB'] # uK^2
# TTmap = hp.synfast(TTs, nside=512)
# hp.mollview(TTmap/1.e3, unit='mK')
# hp.mollview(ilcmap, unit='mK')
# Tmap, Qmap, Umap = hp.synfast([TTs, EEs, BBs, TEs], nside=512, new=True, pol=True)
Tmap, Qmap, Umap = lib.cmb.generate_lcdm_maps(n2r=True)
In [182]:
hp.mollview(Tmap, unit='uK', title='T')
hp.mollview(Qmap, unit='uK', title='Q', norm='hist', nest=False)
hp.mollview(Umap, unit='uK', title='U')
In [12]:
sns.set_context("notebook", font_scale=1.5, rc={"lines.linewidth": 2.5})
In [140]:
print ells[:10]
print TTs[:10]
In [138]:
#cldict = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_lensed_cls()
cldict = lib.cmb.get_lcdm_cls(True)
ells = cldict['ell']
TTs = cldict['TT']
EEs = cldict['EE']
TEs = cldict['TE']
BBs = cldict['BB']
plot(wmapells, wmapTTs, 'o', label='WMAP TT')
plot(ells, TTs, label='TT')
#plot(ells, EEs, label='EE')
#plot(ells, np.abs(TEs), label='|TE|')
#plot(ells, BBs, label='BB')
xlim([0, 1000])
ylabel('$D_\ell^{XX} (\mu K^2)$')
legend(loc='lower right')#bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 0.7))
In [51]:
import lib.ilc
ilcmap = lib.wmap.load_wmap_maps(['data/wmap_ilc_9yr_v5.fits'])[0]
In [87]:
ilcTTs = hp.anafast(ilcmap/1.e3, lmax=3500, pol=False)
In [82]:
wmapells, wmapTTs, _, _, _ = np.loadtxt('data/wmap_tt_spectrum_9yr_v5.txt').T
In [107]:
wmapells2 = np.hstack([[0, 1], wmapells])
wmapTTs2 = np.hstack([[0., 0.], wmapTTs])
In [115]:
# synfast expects a set of bare Cl's ranging from ell = 0 to ell = lmax.
# The Cl's are related to the "standard" D_\ell by D_\ell = \ell*(\ell+1)/(2\pi)*C_\ell
# synfast will preserve units, e.g. if the Cl's are in uK^2, then the resulting map will be in uK
# and if the Cl's are in normalized (unitless) form, then the resulting map will be fractional
# anisotropies (unitless).
wmapTTmap = hp.synfast(wmapTTs*2*np.pi/(wmapells*(wmapells+1)), nside=512) # uK^2 -> uK
#hp.mollview(wmapTTmap/1.e3, unit='mK', title='Synfast(WMAP $C_\ell^{TT}$)')
#hp.mollview(ilcmap, unit='mK', title='WMAP ILC Temperature')
wmapTTspost = hp.anafast(wmapTTmap) # uK -> uK^2
wmapellspost = np.arange(len(wmapTTspost))
In [129]:
print wmapTTs[:5] # l(l+1)/(2pi)Cl in uK^2
print (wmapTTspost)[2:5+2] # uK^2 (???)
plot(wmapells, wmapTTs)
plot(wmapellspost, wmapTTspost*wmapellspost*(wmapellspost+1)/(2*np.pi))
In [133]:
wmapTTspostmap = hp.synfast(wmapTTspost, nside=512)
In [92]:
ilcells = np.arange(len(ilcTTs))
print ilcells[:5]
print (ilcells*(ilcells+1)*ilcTTs*(2.735)**2)[:5]
print TTs[:5]
In [343]:
lcdm_cl = np.loadtxt('data/lcdm_cl.dat')
ells = lcdm_cl.T[0]
TTs = lcdm_cl.T[1]
plot(ells, TTs)
In [339]:
pdict = lib.cmb.get_params_from_file('lcdm.ini')
cosmo = Class()
Following code from
In [256]:
from classy import Class
In [311]:
# Define your cosmology (what is not specified will be set to CLASS default parameters)
params = {
'output': 'tCl lCl pCl',
'l_max_scalars': 2000,
'lensing': 'yes',
'A_s': 2.3e-9,
'n_s': 0.9624,
'h': 0.6711,
'omega_b': 0.022068,
'omega_cdm': 0.12029,
'modes': 's,t',
'r': 0.01}
In [258]:
# Create an instance of the CLASS wrapper
cosmo = Class()
In [312]:
# Set the parameters to the cosmological code
# Run the whole code. Depending on your output, it will call the
# CLASS modules more or less fast. For instance, without any
# output asked, CLASS will only compute background quantities,
# thus running almost instantaneously.
# This is equivalent to the beginning of the `main` routine of CLASS,
# with all the struct_init() methods called.
In [313]:
# Access the lensed cl until l=2000
lcls = cosmo.lensed_cl(2000)
rcls = cosmo.raw_cl(2000)
# Print on screen to see the output
print lcls.keys()
print rcls.keys()
In [320]:
ells = np.arange(len(cls['tt']))
prefix = ells*(ells+1)/(2*np.pi)*(cosmo.T_cmb()*1.e6)**2
plot(ells, np.sqrt(prefix*lcls['tt']), label='lensed TT')
plot(ells, np.sqrt(prefix*lcls['ee']), label='lensed EE')
plot(ells, np.sqrt(prefix*lcls['bb']), label='lensed BB')
plot(ells, np.sqrt(prefix*rcls['tt']), label='raw TT')
plot(ells, np.sqrt(prefix*rcls['ee']), label='raw EE')
plot(ells, np.sqrt(prefix*rcls['bb']), label='raw BB')
ylabel('$D_\ell^{XX} (\mu K)$')
#xlim([0, 50])
legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.4, 0.7))
In [290]:
# Clean CLASS (the equivalent of the struct_free() in the `main`
# of CLASS. This step is primordial when running in a loop over different
# cosmologies, as you will saturate your memory very fast if you ommit
# it.
In [253]:
from lib.wmap import load_wmap_masks, load_wmap_maps
In [137]:
def load_wmap_maps(fnames, n2r=True):
fname0 = fnames[0]
Nbands = len(fnames)
# Initialize array and populate first band
with as f0:
Npix = f0[1].header['NAXIS2']
a = np.empty([Nbands, Npix])
a[0] = f0[1].data['TEMPERATURE']
for i, fname in enumerate(fnames[1:]):
with as f:
a[i+1] = f[1].data['TEMPERATURE']
if n2r:
for i in range(a.shape[0]):
a[i] = hp.reorder(a[i], n2r=True)
return a
def load_wmap_masks(fname='data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits', n2r=True):
with as f:
fdata = f[1]
bitmask =['TEMPERATURE'].astype('uint16')
region =['N_OBS']
if n2r:
bitmask = hp.reorder(bitmask, n2r=True)
region = hp.reorder(region, n2r=True)
masks = np.empty([12, len(bitmask)])
for i in range(12):
masks[i] = (bitmask >> i) & 1
return masks, region
def compute_ilc_weights(maps, mask=None):
nd = np.ndim(mask)
if nd == 0:
return _compute_ilc_weights(maps)
elif np.ndim(mask) == 1:
maps =, np.logical_not(np.outer(np.ones(len(maps)), mask)))
return _compute_ilc_weights(maps)
ws = []
for i in range(len(mask)):
ms =, np.logical_not(np.outer(np.ones(len(maps)), mask[i])))
w = _compute_ilc_weights(ms)
ws = np.array(ws)
return ws
def _compute_ilc_weights(maps):
covfunc = lambda x:
covfunc = np.cov
cov = covfunc(maps)
# return cov #DELME
icov = np.linalg.pinv(cov)#, rcond=1.e-4) # Naive inversion, since cov ~ k x k is small
sumicov = icov.sum(0)
totalicov = sumicov.sum()
w = sumicov/totalicov
return w
def ilc_map_from_weights(maps, weights, regions_map,
Construct an ILC map from a set of raw temperature maps,
a set of weights per region, and a map of regions.
`maps` must have shape (Nfreq, Npix). `weights` must
have shape (Nregions, Nfreq). `regions_map` must have
shape (Npix,) and each pixel should contain the integer
identifier to which region the pixel is assigned.
`sigma` is the smoothing factor to reduce edge effects.
It is applied to each region's weight map before
multiplying into the raw maps. See Bennett 2003 or
Hinshaw 2007 for details.
All of the maps must be in RING format!
Thats =, maps)
That = np.zeros(Thats.shape[1])
weights_map = np.zeros(Thats.shape[1])
for i in range(len(Thats)):
m = np.zeros_like(That)
m[regions_map == i] = 1
if sigma is not None:
m = hp.smoothing(m, sigma=sigma, verbose=False) + m.mean()
That += Thats[i]*m
weights_map += m
print "i={0} m.min, m.max = ".format(i), m.min(), m.max() #DELME
That = That/weights_map
if return_weights_map:
return That, weights_map
return That
In [254]:
# jlazear ILC map
bands = ['K', 'Ka', 'Q', 'V', 'W']
fnames = ['data/wmap_band_smth_imap_r9_9yr_{0}_v5.fits'.format(band) for band in bands]
maskdata = 'data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits'
maps = load_wmap_maps(fnames)
masks, region = load_wmap_masks(maskdata)
ws = compute_ilc_weights(maps, masks)
T_hat_JL, wm_JL = ilc_map_from_weights(maps, ws, region, return_weights_map=True, sigma=1.5*np.pi/180)
wmap_ws = np.array([[.1555, -.7572, -.2689, 2.2845, -.4138],
[.0375, -.5137, .0223, 2.0378, -.5839],
[.0325, -.3585, -.3103, 1.8521, -.2157],
[-.0910, .1741, -.6267, 1.5870, -.0433],
[-.0762, .0907, -.4273, .9707, .4421],
[.1998, -.7758, -.4295, 2.4684, -.4629],
[-.0880, .1712, -.5306, 1.0097, 0.4378],
[.1578, -.8074, -.0923, 2.1966, -.4547],
[.1992, -.1736, -1.8081, 3.7271, -.9446],
[-.0813, -.1579, -.0551, 1.2108, .0836],
[.1717, -.8713, -.1700, 2.8314, -.9618],
[.2353, -.8325, -.6333, 2.8603, -.6298]])
T_hat_WMAP, wm_WMAP = ilc_map_from_weights(maps, wmap_ws, region, return_weights_map=True, sigma=1.5*np.pi/180)
ilcmap = load_wmap_maps(['data/wmap_ilc_9yr_v5.fits'])[0]
In [140]:
print "jlazear ILC weights"
linestr = "{0:^10} {1:^10} {2:^10} {3:^10} {4:^10} {5:^10}"
print linestr.format(*(['GROUP'] + bands))
for i in range(len(ws)):
linelist = [i] + [str(w).ljust(8, '0')[:8] for w in ws[i]]
print linestr.format(*linelist)
print "\nWMAP9 ILC weights"
print linestr.format(*(['GROUP'] + bands))
for i in range(len(wmap_ws)):
linelist = [i] + [str(w).ljust(8, '0')[:8] for w in wmap_ws[i]]
print linestr.format(*linelist)
wmin = min(ws.min(), wmap_ws.min())
wmax = max(ws.max(), wmap_ws.max())
dmin = (ws - wmap_ws).min()
dmax = (ws - wmap_ws).max()
dabs = max(abs(dmin), abs(dmax))
In [255]:
#hp.mollview(maps[0], nest=True)
mollret = hp.mollview(ilcmap, unit='mK', title='WMAP ILC', norm='hist')
hp.mollview(T_hat_JL, unit='mK', title='jlazear ILC', min=-.452123, max=.426628)
hp.mollview((T_hat_JL - ilcmap), unit='mK', title='(jlazear - WMAP) ILC')
hp.mollview(T_hat_WMAP, unit='mK', title='WMAP ILC from coefficients')
hp.mollview(T_hat_WMAP - ilcmap, unit='mK', title='WMAP - WMAP')
delta = T_hat_WMAP - T_hat_JL
sigma_delta = delta.std()
mean_delta = delta.mean()
hp.mollview((T_hat_WMAP - T_hat_JL), unit='mK', title='WMAPr - JL', min=mean_delta-2*sigma_delta, max=mean_delta+2*sigma_delta)
print delta.min(), delta.mean(), delta.std(), delta.max()
In [141]:
nrows = 2
ncols = 3
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows, ncols, height_ratios=[10, 1])
#fig, axes = subplots(nrows=2, ncols=3, height_ratios=[10, 1])
fig = figure()
axes = np.array([[subplot(gs[j, i]) for i in range(ncols)] for j in range(nrows)])
im0 = axes[0, 0].imshow(ws, interpolation='nearest', vmin=wmin, vmax=wmax)
im1 = axes[0, 1].imshow(wmap_ws, interpolation='nearest', vmin=wmin, vmax=wmax)
im2 = axes[0, 2].imshow(ws-wmap_ws, interpolation='nearest', vmin=-dabs, vmax=dabs)
cb0 = fig.colorbar(im0, cax=axes[1, 0], orientation='horizontal')
cb1 = fig.colorbar(im1, cax=axes[1, 1], orientation='horizontal')
cb2 = fig.colorbar(im2, cax=axes[1, 2], orientation='horizontal')
for cb in [cb0, cb1, cb2]:
tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=4)
cb.locator = tick_locator
for i, title in enumerate(['JL', 'WMAP', 'DIFF']):
ax = axes[0, i]
In [142]:
print wm_JL.max(), wm_JL.min()
hp.mollview(wm_JL, nest=False)
total_wmap = np.zeros_like(wm_JL)
for i in range(len(masks)):
hp.mollview(masks[i], title='Region {0}'.format(i))
# smmask0 = hp.smoothing(masks[i], sigma=1.5*np.pi/180., verbose=False)
# hp.mollview(smmask0, title='smoothed {0}'.format(i))
# total_wmap += smmask0
# hp.mollview(total_wmap, title='Total {0}'.format(i))
In [3]:
fnameregn = 'data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits'
fregnfits =
fregndata = fregnfits[1]
bitmask = fregnfits[1].data['TEMPERATURE'].astype('uint16')
region = fregnfits[1].data['N_OBS']
regions = [(bitmask >> n) & 1 for n in range(12)]
In [127]:
import scipy.constants
h = scipy.constants.h
kB = scipy.constants.k
c = scipy.constants.c
def B(T, nu):
return (2*h*nu**3/(c**2)) / (np.exp(h*nu/(kB*T)) - 1)
def Binv(I, nu):
return (h*nu/kB) / np.log(1 + 2*h*nu**3/(I*c*c))
def Binvapprox(I, nu):
return c*c*I/(2*kB*nu*nu)
bands = ['K', 'Ka', 'Q', 'V', 'W']
fnames = ['data/wmap_band_smth_imap_r9_9yr_{0}_v5.fits'.format(band) for band in bands]
maskdata = 'data/wmap_ilc_rgn_defn_9yr_v5.fits'
maps = load_wmap_maps(fnames, n2r=False)
In [178]:
import lib.foregrounds
In [179]:
dust200 = lib.foregrounds.generate_simple_dust_map(200.e9, Nside=512)
hp.mollview(dust200, nest=True, norm='hist')
In [139]:
nu0 = 353.e9
#print 2*h*nu0**3/(c*c)
hp.mollview(Binv(dust353map/1.e20, nu0), nest=True, norm='hist', unit='K CMB')
hp.mollview(Binv(planck353map/1.e20, 353.e9), nest=True, norm='hist', unit='K CMB', remove_mono=True)
hp.mollview(maps[0], nest=True, norm='hist', unit='uK CMB')
In [143]:
planck353fname = 'data/HFI_SkyMap_545_2048_R1.10_nominal.fits'
planck353 =
planck353map = planck353[1].data['I_STOKES'] # MJy/sr
hp.mollview(Binv(planck353map/1.e20, 353.e9), nest=True, norm='hist', unit='K CMB', remove_mono=True)
planck353map512 = hp.ud_grade(planck353map, nside_out=512, order_in='NESTED', order_out='NESTED')
hp.mollview(Binv(planck353map512/1.e20, 353.e9), nest=True, norm='hist', unit='K CMB', remove_mono=True)
In [113]:
In [222]:
import lib.wmap
mcmcw ='data/wmap_mcmc_w_dust_stk_q_7yr_v4p1.fits')
hp.mollview(mcmcw[1].data['BESTFIT'], nest=True)
In [251]:
fnames = ['docs/img/Q.png', 'docs/img/U.png']
all(map(os.path.isfile, fnames))
In [246]:
qmap = lib.wmap.load_wmap_maps_QU(['data/wmap_mcmc_k_synch_stk_q_7yr_v4p1.fits',
Nside=256, n2r=True)
qmap[0] = hp.smoothing(qmap[0], sigma=3*np.pi/180, verbose=False)
qmap[1] = hp.smoothing(qmap[1], sigma=3*np.pi/180, verbose=False)
hp.mollview(qmap[0], nest=False, title='WMAP 23 GHz sync Q map', norm='hist')
hp.mollview(qmap[1], nest=False, title='WMAP 23 GHz sync U map', norm='hist')
hp.mollview(0.5*np.arctan2(-qmap[1], qmap[0]), nest=False)
In [196]:
ls data
In [191]:
import lib.foregrounds
QUmaps = lib.foregrounds.generate_simple_dust_QU_map()
hp.mollview(QUmaps[0], nest=True, norm='hist', title='353 GHz Q map realization, p = 0.2', unit='MJy/sr')
hp.mollview(QUmaps[1], nest=True, norm='hist', title='353 GHz U map realization, p = 0.2', unit='MJy/sr')
hp.mollview(QUmaps[1] - QUmaps[0], nest=True, norm='hist',
title='353 GHz Q-U map realization, p = 0.2', unit='MJy/sr')
hp.mollview(np.sqrt(QUmaps[0]**2 + QUmaps[1]**2), nest=True, norm='hist', unit='MJy/sr',
title='353 GHz I_pol map, p=0.2')
hp.mollview(np.sqrt(QUmaps[0]**2 + QUmaps[1]**2) - 0.2*lib.foregrounds.generate_simple_dust_map(),
nest=True, norm='hist', title='353 GHz I_pol-I_pol map, p=0.2', unit='MJy/sr')
In [147]:
def clean_dust_map(map):
"""Replaces non-positive pixels with smallest positive pixel value."""
pos = map[map > 0]
posmin = pos.min()
map[map <= 0] = 0.# posmin
return map
dust353fname = 'data/COM_CompMap_dust-commrul_0256_R1.00.fits'
dust353 =
dust353map = dust353[1].data['I']
dust353map = clean_dust_map(dust353map)
dust353em = dust353[1].data['Em']
dust353T = dust353[1].data['T']
hp.mollview(dust353map, nest=True, norm='hist', unit='MJy/sr', title='')
dust353mapT = Binv(dust353map*dust353em/1.e20, 353.e9)
hp.mollview(dust353mapT, nest=True, norm='hist', unit='K CMB', title='')
hp.mollview(dust353em, nest=True, norm='hist', unit='unitless', title='emissivity')
hp.mollview(dust353em*dust353map, nest=True, norm='hist', unit='MJy/sr', title='emissivity*I')
hp.mollview(dust353T, nest=True, norm='hist', unit='uK CMB', title='T')
In [149]:
dustmodelfname = 'data/HFI_CompMap_ThermalDustModel_2048_R1.20.fits'
dustmodel =
dustmodeltau = dustmodel[1].data['TAU353']
dustmodeltemp = dustmodel[1].data['TEMP']
dustmodelI = B(dustmodeltemp, 353.e9)*dustmodeltau*1.e20 # MJy/sr
hp.mollview(dustmodeltau, nest=True, unit='unitless', norm='hist')
hp.mollview(dustmodeltemp, nest=True, unit='K CMB', norm='hist')
hp.mollview(dustmodelI, unit='MJy/sr', nest=True, norm='hist')
hp.mollview(Binv(dustmodelI/1.e20, 353.e9), unit='K CMB', norm='hist', nest=True)
In [120]:
hp.mollview(region, nest=True)
In [115]:
summap = sum(regions[i]*(i+1) for i in range(len(regions)))
hp.mollview(summap, nest=True, title='Groups')