I'm going to lay out the steps that were used to preprocess the imagery. First, I'll lay out the steps that were common to both the Lyzenga method and the KNN method. Then, I'll show the steps that were unique to the Lyzenga method.
The Lyzenga method refers to:
Lyzenga, D.R., Malinas, N.P., Tanis, F.J., 2006. Multispectral bathymetry using a simple physically based algorithm. Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on 44, 2251 –2259. doi:10.1109/TGRS.2006.872909
I'll use code from my OpticalRS Python library.
In [2]:
%pylab inline
from OpticalRS import *
from OpticalRS import __version__ as OptRS_version
print "OpticalRS version: %s" % OptRS_version
In [3]:
cd /home/jkibele/Copy/JobStuff/PhD/iPythonNotebooks/DepthPaper/data
In [4]:
imrds = RasterDS('Leigh_DN_clipToMB.tif')
imarr = imrds.band_array
This step will also eliminate many of the boat and boat wake pixels in the image. For more information on this function see the docsting in the code (execute print LandMasking.mask_land.__doc__
or look at the code).
The same thing can be done with my Multispectral Land Mask plugin for QGIS.
This histogram of the pixel values from the last band of the image (NIR2) shows us where we should set the threshold for land masking. The large peak near 0 is the values from water. The broad low lump from around 400 to 1500 is the land.
In [5]:
blah = hist( imarr[...,-1].ravel(), 256 )
The next line of code will return a copy of the image array with the land masked. Pixels with values above the nir_threshold
(set to 100 based on inspecting the histogram) will be masked. Then unmasked pixels that are connected to fewer than conn_threshold
(set to 2000) will also be masked. The connectivity step is necessary because some pixels on land (generally those in dark shadow or over very low albedo surfaces) will be under the threshold.
In [6]:
masked = LandMasking.mask_land( imarr, nir_threshold=100.0, conn_threshold=2000 )
This will just display one band of the image before and after masking.
In [7]:
fig,axs = subplots(1,2,figsize=(10,5))
axtitles = ['Original','Masked']
for i,arr in enumerate([imarr,masked]):
ax = axs[i]
b = 1
imclim = np.percentile(masked[...,b].compressed(),1),np.percentile(masked[...,b].compressed(),99)
ax.imshow( arr[...,b], cmap=plt.cm.gray, clim=imclim )
ax.set_title( axtitles[i] )
Lyzenga 2006 used a "3x3 contraction" to reduce noise. That method does reduce noise but it also decreases the image resolution (and, therefore, the spatial resolution of the resulting bathymetry) and creates artifacts at the edge of the image (and near masked portions). Bilateral filtering will also reduce noise in the image but it maintains the full spatial resolution, preserves edges better, and produces much smaller artifacts.
Bilateral filtering is described in (Tomasi and Manduchi, 1998) and implemented as denoise_bilateral
in the scikit-image Python library. Here, I will apply the bilateral filter to each band of the image as if it were grayscale because the color version only works on images that can be converted to the CIELAB color space.
Tomasi, C., Manduchi, R., 1998. Bilateral filtering for gray and color images, in: Computer Vision, 1998. Sixth International Conference on. IEEE, pp. 839–846.
In [8]:
from skimage.restoration import denoise_bilateral
from skimage import __version__ as skim_version
print "scikit-image version: %s" % skim_version
The denoise_bilateral
applies img_as_float
if it gets a non-float image. img_as_float
doesn't work properly with masked arrays so I'll convert it myself with my rescale
function from OpticalRS
In [9]:
imrs = ArrayUtils.rescale(masked)
In [11]:
arr = masked[:,:,:]
rsarr = imrs[:,:,:]
fig, (ax1,ax2) = subplots(1,2,sharey=True,figsize=(10,3))
ax1.set_title( "Before rescale" )
ax1.set_xlim( masked.min(), masked.max() )
ax2.set_xlim( imrs.min(), imrs.max() )
ax2.set_title( "After rescale")
blah = ax1.hist( arr.compressed(), 255 )
blah = ax2.hist( rsarr.compressed(), 255 )
In [12]:
In [13]:
imdenoise = ArrayUtils.each_band( imrs.filled(), denoise_bilateral )
In [14]:
imdenoise = np.ma.masked_where( imrs.mask, imdenoise )
In [15]:
blah = hist( imdenoise.compressed(),256 )
In [16]:
fig,axs = subplots(2,1,figsize=(10,20))
axtitles = ['Original Masked','Denoised']
for i,arr in enumerate([imrs,imdenoise]):
ax = axs[i]
b = 1
imclim = np.percentile(imrs[...,b].compressed(),1),np.percentile(imrs[...,b].compressed(),99)
ax.imshow( arr[...,b], cmap=plt.cm.gray, clim=imclim )
ax.set_title( axtitles[i] )
Aside from adjusting the image mask to match the depth data, this is the last preprocessing step needed for the KNN Depth Regression method so I'll save out these results before I carry on with the remaining steps needed for the Lyzenga method.
The line that saves the file is commented out so I don't keep overwriting my data everytime I run this notebook.
In [31]:
# imrds.new_image_from_array(imdenoise.astype('float32'),\
# 'Leigh_wv2_denoised.tif',dtype=GDT_Float32)
From section V of Lyzenga 2006:
"Prior to the depth estimation, several preprocessing steps were applied to the data. First, the data were radiometrically calibrated to entrance aperture spectral radiance (EASR) using coefficients provided by Space Imaging [12]. Second, a 3×3 contraction of the images was done to reduce noise while main- taining an acceptable spatial resolution. Third, the images were segmented into three categories: 1) land/clouds; 2) deep water; and 3) shallow water, as described below. Fourth, the sun-glint correction described in Section III was applied, and finally, the mean radiance was estimated over optically deep water."
So, as a list:
In [40]:
glintind = np.s_[1200:1300,2700:2800,:]
glintarr = imdenoise[glintind]
glintshow = imdenoise.copy()
glintshow[glintind] = 0.0
imshow( glintshow[...,2] )
The next line returns a glint corrected copy of the image array. See the method's docstring for more information.
In [41]:
glntcor = Lyzenga2006.glint_correct_image( imdenoise, glintarr )
In [47]:
# imrds.new_image_from_array(glntcor.astype('float32'),'glint_corrected.tif')
In [49]:
dparr = Lyzenga2006.dark_pixel_array(glntcor)
In [56]:
darkmeans = dparr.reshape(-1,8).mean(0).data
darkstds = dparr.reshape(-1,8).std(0).data
In [58]:
# darkmeans.dump('darkmeans.pkl')
# darkstds.dump('darkstds.pkl')
In [ ]: