CSU_RadarTools Demonstration

Notebook Author Info
Timothy Lang

Welcome to the CSU_RadarTools demonstration IPython notebook. CSU_RadarTools is a collection of open-source tools for weather radar data quality control and analysis, written in the Python language. The package collates a disparate number of tools that have been developed over many years at Colorado State University. The purpose of this notebook is to demonstrate how to use the package to accomplish various tasks.

In order to get started, in addition to making sure you have a robust Python installation with most major tools (e.g., numpy, matplotlib, pandas, etc.) please download and install the following modules:

  • CSU_RadarTools (https://github.com/CSU-RadarMet/CSU_RadarTools)
  • Py-ART (https://github.com/ARM-DOE/pyart)
  • SkewT (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/SkewT); Python 3 version available at https://github.com/tjlang/SkewT

In [1]:
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import pyart
import glob
from pyart.io.common import radar_coords_to_cart
from skewt import SkewT
from csu_radartools import (csu_fhc, csu_liquid_ice_mass, csu_blended_rain, 
                            csu_dsd, csu_kdp, csu_misc)
%matplotlib inline

First things first, you see that csu_radartools is actually several different sub-modules:

  • csu_fhc - fuzzy-logic hydrometeor identification
  • csu_liquid_ice_mass - liquid/ice water mass calculations
  • csu_blended_rain - rainfall estimation via the famous CSU blended algorithm
  • csu_dsd - DSD parameter estimation via several different methodologies
  • csu_kdp - An FIR-based KDP estimation algorithm
  • csu_misc - A loose collection of miscellaneous tools, mainly focused on QC

Let's examine each sub-module in turn. First, however, let's define a simple function to do side-by-side PPI radar plots, powered by Py-ART.

In [2]:
def two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=0, var1='reflectivity', vmin1=0, vmax1=65, cmap1='RdYlBu_r', 
                   units1='dBZ', var2='differential_reflectivity', vmin2=-5, vmax2=5, 
                   cmap2='RdYlBu_r', units2='dB', return_flag=False, xlim=[-150,150],
    display = pyart.graph.RadarDisplay(radar)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,5))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
    display.plot_ppi(var1, sweep=sweep, vmin=vmin1, vmax=vmax1, cmap=cmap1, 
                     colorbar_label=units1, mask_outside=True)
    display.set_limits(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
    display.plot_ppi(var2, sweep=sweep, vmin=vmin2, vmax=vmax2, cmap=cmap2, 
                     colorbar_label=units2, mask_outside=True)
    display.set_limits(xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim)
    if return_flag:
        return fig, ax1, ax2, display


This package currently works with X-, C-, and S-band polarimetric radar data. Best results are obtained if you use a temperature sounding along with polarimetric radar data.

In [3]:
#Read in the data
sndfile = '/Users/tjlang/Documents/OVWST/CPOL/soundings/snd_Darwin.txt'
radarfile = '/Users/tjlang/Documents/OVWST/CPOL/output/20060119/' + \
radar = pyart.io.read(radarfile)
sounding = SkewT.Sounding(sndfile)

dict_keys(['ZC', 'DZ', 'VR', 'RH', 'DC', 'PH', 'SR', 'FL', 'AH', 'ZD', 'HD', 'KD', 'PF', 'AD'])

This volume is from the CPOL C-band polarimteric Doppler radar. The fields of note are corrected reflectivity (ZC), differential reflectivity (ZD), specific differential phase (KD), and correlation coefficient (RH). The sounding is a nearby sounding in the UWyo format (i.e., from http://weather.uwyo.edu/upperair/sounding.html).

The way CSU_RadarTools is designed is it works on Python arrays or scalars. This allows you to use it with any kind of radar data, whether it was ingested via Py-ART or something else, or is in polar coordinate or gridded form. Thus, we first need to extract the relevant fields from the Py-ART radar object.

In [4]:
dz = radar.fields['ZC']['data']
dr = radar.fields['ZD']['data']
kd = radar.fields['KD']['data']
rh = radar.fields['RH']['data']

But we also need to get the sounding data interpolated onto the same structure as the radar data. Here is a way to do that via Py-ART and numpy.interp().

In [5]:
def get_z_from_radar(radar):
    """Input radar object, return z from radar (km, 2D)"""
    azimuth_1D = radar.azimuth['data']
    elevation_1D = radar.elevation['data']
    srange_1D = radar.range['data']
    sr_2d, az_2d = np.meshgrid(srange_1D, azimuth_1D)
    el_2d = np.meshgrid(srange_1D, elevation_1D)[1]
    xx, yy, zz = radar_coords_to_cart(sr_2d/1000.0, az_2d, el_2d)
    return zz + radar.altitude['data']

def check_sounding_for_montonic(sounding):
    So the sounding interpolation doesn't fail, force the sounding to behave
    monotonically so that z always increases. This eliminates data from
    descending balloons.
    snd_T = sounding.soundingdata['temp']  # In old SkewT, was sounding.data
    snd_z = sounding.soundingdata['hght']  # In old SkewT, was sounding.data
    dummy_z = []
    dummy_T = []
    if not snd_T.mask[0]: #May cause issue for specific soundings
        for i, height in enumerate(snd_z):
            if i > 0:
                if snd_z[i] > snd_z[i-1] and not snd_T.mask[i]:
        snd_z = np.array(dummy_z)
        snd_T = np.array(dummy_T)
    return snd_T, snd_z

def interpolate_sounding_to_radar(sounding, radar):
    """Takes sounding data and interpolates it to every radar gate."""
    radar_z = get_z_from_radar(radar)
    radar_T = None
    snd_T, snd_z = check_sounding_for_montonic(sounding)
    shape = np.shape(radar_z)
    rad_z1d = radar_z.ravel()
    rad_T1d = np.interp(rad_z1d, snd_z, snd_T)
    return np.reshape(rad_T1d, shape), radar_z

radar_T, radar_z = interpolate_sounding_to_radar(sounding, radar)

And now we are ready to run the HID algorithm. Behold ...

In [6]:
scores = csu_fhc.csu_fhc_summer(dz=dz, zdr=dr, rho=rh, kdp=kd, use_temp=True, band='C',
fh = np.argmax(scores, axis=0) + 1

To enable the ability to find out the second-ranked (or third, etc.) species, csu_fhc_summer() returns the scores for all the different categories, not just the max. So to get the traditional HID category number you have to use numpy.argmax() as above. The summer HID from CSU returns 10 possible categories:

  • 1. Drizzle
  • 2. Rain
  • 3. Ice Crystals
  • 4. Aggregates
  • 5. Wet/Melting Snow
  • 6. Vertically Aligned Ice
  • 7. Low-Density Graupel
  • 8. High-Density Graupel
  • 9. Hail
  • 10. Big Drops

And these are represented as integers in the newly created fh array, which as the same structure as dz, dr, etc. We'd like to plot these data using Py-ART, which means we need to turn fh in a radar object field. Let's do that.

In [7]:
def add_field_to_radar_object(field, radar, field_name='FH', units='unitless', 
                              long_name='Hydrometeor ID', standard_name='Hydrometeor ID',
    Adds a newly created field to the Py-ART radar object. If reflectivity is a masked array,
    make the new field masked the same as reflectivity.
    masked_field = np.ma.asanyarray(field)
    fill_value = -32768
    if hasattr(radar.fields[dz_field]['data'], 'mask'):
        setattr(masked_field, 'mask', radar.fields[dz_field]['data'].mask)
        fill_value = radar.fields[dz_field]['_FillValue']
    field_dict = {'data': masked_field,
                  'units': units,
                  'long_name': long_name,
                  'standard_name': standard_name,
                  '_FillValue': fill_value}
    radar.add_field(field_name, field_dict, replace_existing=True)
    return radar

In [8]:
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(fh, radar)

And now let's plot it up! First, however, let's fix Py-ART's colorbars to look nice for HID and other category-style fields.

In [9]:
hid_colors = ['White', 'LightBlue', 'MediumBlue', 'DarkOrange', 'LightPink',
              'Cyan', 'DarkGray', 'Lime', 'Yellow', 'Red', 'Fuchsia']
cmaphid = colors.ListedColormap(hid_colors)
cmapmeth = colors.ListedColormap(hid_colors[0:6])

def adjust_fhc_colorbar_for_pyart(cb):
    cb.set_ticks(np.arange(1.4, 10, 0.9))
    cb.ax.set_yticklabels(['Drizzle', 'Rain', 'Ice Crystals', 'Aggregates',
                           'Wet Snow', 'Vertical Ice', 'LD Graupel',
                           'HD Graupel', 'Hail', 'Big Drops'])
    return cb

def adjust_meth_colorbar_for_pyart(cb):
    cb.set_ticks(np.arange(1.25, 5, 0.833))
    cb.ax.set_yticklabels(['R(Kdp, Zdr)', 'R(Kdp)', 'R(Z, Zdr)', 'R(Z)', 'R(Zrain)'])
    return cb

In [10]:
# Actual plotting done here
lim = [-80, 80]
fig, ax1, ax2, display = two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=5, var1='ZC', var2='FH', vmin2=0, 
                                        vmax2=10, cmap2=cmaphid, units2='', return_flag=True, 
                                        xlim=lim, ylim=lim)
display.cbs[1] = adjust_fhc_colorbar_for_pyart(display.cbs[1])

The HID algorithm, like most algorithms in CSU_RadarTools, works on scalars too. So if you are just curious what category a set of polarimetric values will get, try the following:

In [11]:
scores = csu_fhc.csu_fhc_summer(dz=45.0, zdr=0.0, kdp=-0.2, rho=0.95, T=-1) 
print(np.argmax(scores, axis=0) + 1)


... which is high-density graupel.

In [12]:
#Here's help to see what else you can do with csu_fhc.csu_fhc_summer

Help on function csu_fhc_summer in module csu_radartools.csu_fhc:

csu_fhc_summer(use_temp=True, weights={'LD': 0.5, 'DZ': 1.5, 'RH': 0.8, 'KD': 1.0, 'T': 0.4, 'DR': 0.8}, method='hybrid', dz=None, zdr=None, ldr=None, kdp=None, rho=None, T=None, verbose=False, plot_flag=False, n_types=10, temp_factor=1, band='S')
    Does FHC for warm-season precip.
    use_temp = Set to False to not use T in HID
    weights = Dict that contains relative weights for every variable; see
              DEFAULT_WEIGHTS for expected stucture
    method = Currently support 'hybrid' or 'linear' methods; hybrid preferred
    verbose = Set to True to get text updates
    plot_flag = Flag to turn on optional beta function plots
    band = 'X', 'C', or 'S'
    temp_factor = Factor to modify depth of T effects; > 1 will broaden the
                  slopes of T MBFs
    n_types = Number of hydrometeor species
    verbose = Set to True to get text updates
    Input measurands (if not None, all must match in shape/size):
    dz = Input reflectivity scalar/array
    zdr = Input reflectivity scalar/array
    ldr = Input reflectivity scalar/array
    kdp = Input reflectivity scalar/array
    rho = Input reflectivity scalar/array
    T = Input temperature scalar/array
    mu = Input array + addtl dimension containing weights for each HID species
    To get dominant species number: fh = np.argmax(mu, axis=0) + 1
    HID types:           Species #:
    Drizzle                  1
    Rain                     2
    Ice Crystals             3
    Aggregates               4
    Wet Snow                 5
    Vertical Ice             6
    Low-Density Graupel      7
    High-Density Graupel     8
    Hail                                 9
    Big Drops                    10


In this module, we use difference reflectivity (ZDP) to derive separate ice and liquid water contributions to reflectivity, then use simple Z-M relationships to estimate mass contents. We can build on the above by using the same radar volume, sounding, etc.

In [13]:
# Function expects, reflectivity, differential reflectivity, 
# and altitude (km MSL) at a minimum. 
# Temperature is optional.
mw, mi = csu_liquid_ice_mass.calc_liquid_ice_mass(dz, dr, radar_z/1000.0, T=radar_T)
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(mw, radar, field_name='MW', units='g m-3',
                                  long_name='Liquid Water Mass',
                                  standard_name='Liquid Water Mass')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(mi, radar, field_name='MI', units='g m-3',
                                  long_name='Ice Water Mass',
                                  standard_name='Ice Water Mass')

In [14]:
two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=5, var1='MW', var2='MI', vmin1=0, vmax1=10, vmin2=0, vmax2=10, 
               cmap1='YlOrRd', cmap2='YlOrRd', units1='g m-3', 
               units2='g m-3', xlim=lim, ylim=lim)

In [15]:
#Here's help to see what else you can do with csu_liquid_ice_mass.calc_liquid_ice_mass

Help on function calc_liquid_ice_mass in module csu_radartools.csu_liquid_ice_mass:

calc_liquid_ice_mass(dbz, zdr, z, T=None, Hfrz=None, method='cifelli', fit_a=None, fit_b=None)
    This function uses the ZDP method to discriminate between
    Must be same shape
    dbz = Reflectivity (dBZ)
    zdr = Differential Reflectivity (dB)
    z = Height (km MSL)
    T = Temperature (deg C)
    Other keywords
    method = Name of method to determine fit_a and fit_b for rain line.
             Options are 'cifelli' and 'cr1995' which correspond to
             Cifelli et al. 2002 and Carey and Rutledge (1995). If you put
             anything else here, it will use Carey and Rutledge (2000).
    fit_a, fit_b = Fit coefficients to the rain line. If user doesn't specify,
                   then the reference specified in method will be used.
    Scalar only
    Hfrz = Height of freezing level (km MSL), if known; will be calculated
           from sounding provided otherwise.
    All need to be same array or scalar structure. If T == None, then
    function will assume default arrangement of delta_thresh.
    No error checking done, user is responsible for their own bad data masking.


This module provides access to two distinct CSU blended rainfall algorithm methodologies. The first function is calc_blended_rain(), whcih is the classic version that utilizes ZDP to estimate ice fraction, and the second function is calc_hidro_rain(), which is newer and uses HID to help distinguish regions of ice.

There are also a number of individual rain rate calculation functions (e.g., Z-R, R(Kdp), R(Z,Zdr), etc.) provided with this module. The user can specify the coefficients or just use the defaults, which come from standard literature references.

Output from the main blended functions include the method used at each gate, which the user can also plot up. For the example below we show the results from calc_hidro_rain(). Since we already calculated HID, we can use our previous output from csu_fhc to supply that field.

In [16]:
rain, method = csu_blended_rain.csu_hidro_rain(dz=dz, zdr=dr, kdp=kd, fhc=fh)
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(rain, radar, field_name='rain', units='mm h-1',
                                  long_name='HIDRO Rainfall Rate', 
                                  standard_name='Rainfall Rate')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(method, radar, field_name='method', units='',
                                  long_name='HIDRO Rainfall Method', 
                                  standard_name='Rainfall Method')

In [17]:
fig, ax1, ax2, display = two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=0, var1='rain', vmin1=0, vmax1=150,
                                        cmap1='GnBu', var2='method', vmin2=0, vmax2=5, 
                                        cmap2=cmapmeth, units2='', return_flag=True, 
                                        xlim=lim, ylim=lim, units1='mm h-1')
display.cbs[1] = adjust_meth_colorbar_for_pyart(display.cbs[1])

The method variable is an integer output that matches the following legend:

Method Legend

  • 1. R(Kdp, Zdr)
  • 2. R(Kdp)
  • 3. R(Z, Zdr)
  • 4. R(Z) - Z uncorrected to remove ice contamination
  • 5. R(Zrain) - Z corrected to remove ice contamination

The last method is only used by calc_blended_rain(). Here is how to use that algorithm. It has additional outputs, which include ZDP and ice fraction (unitless), if you set ice_flag = True.

In [18]:
rain, method, zdp, fi = csu_blended_rain.calc_blended_rain(dz=dz, zdr=dr, 
                                                           kdp=kd, ice_flag=True)
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(rain, radar, field_name='rain_blend', units='mm h-1',
                                  long_name='Blended Rainfall Rate', 
                                  standard_name='Rainfall Rate')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(method, radar, field_name='method_blend', units='',
                                  long_name='Blended Rainfall Method', 
                                  standard_name='Rainfall Method')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(zdp, radar, field_name='ZDP', units='dB',
                                  long_name='Difference Reflectivity',
                                  standard_name='Difference Reflectivity')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(fi, radar, field_name='FI', units='', 
                                  long_name='Ice Fraction',
                                  standard_name='Ice Fraction')

In [19]:
fig, ax1, ax2, display = two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=0, var1='rain_blend', vmin1=0, vmax1=150,
                                        cmap1='GnBu', var2='method_blend', vmin2=0, vmax2=5, 
                                        cmap2=cmapmeth, units2='', return_flag=True, xlim=lim, 
                                        ylim=lim, units1='mm h-1')
display.cbs[1] = adjust_meth_colorbar_for_pyart(display.cbs[1])

We can plot ZDP and FI too, to gauge how they are influencing the rainfall method choices seen above.

In [20]:
two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=0, var1='ZDP', units1='dB', vmin1=0, vmax1=65,
               cmap1='cubehelix', var2='FI', vmin2=0, vmax2=1, 
               cmap2='YlOrRd_r', units2='', xlim=lim, ylim=lim)

In [21]:
#And of course, we can get help on all the other stuff!
#Original IDL notes are listed toward the top, with the Python-specific notes below

Help on module csu_radartools.csu_blended_rain in csu_radartools:

    csu_radartools.csu_blended_rain - csu_blended_rain.py

    # Brody Fuchs, CSU, Oct 2014
    # brfuchs@atmos.colostate.edu
    # python remake of Brenda's code to calculate water and ice mass
    Amendments by
    Timothy Lang (tjlangco@gmail.com)
    rev1 07/10/2015
    rev2 08/03/2015 - Python 3

    calc_blended_rain(dz=None, zdr=None, kdp=None, ice_flag=False, thresh_dz=38.0, thresh_zdr=0.5, thresh_kdp=0.3, thresh_frac_ice=0.1, thresh_nexrad=53.0, a=300.0, b=1.4, fit_a=None, fit_b=None, method='cr1995')
        This algorithm ingests polarimetric radar data and computes rain rate,
        using difference reflectivity as guide for determining presence of ice.
        dz = Reflectivity
        zdr = Differential Reflectivity
        kdp = Specific Differential Phase
        fhc = Hydrometeor ID
        thresh_dz = Threshold for dz to use certain rain algorithms
        thresh_zdr = Threshold for zdr to use certain rain algorithms
        thresh_kdp = Threshold for kdp to use certain rain algorithms
        thresh_nexrad = Threshold for dz to cap Z-R
        a, b => Z = a * R**b
        ice_flag = Set to True to return Zdp and Fraction of Ice
        fit_a, fit_b = Parameters for the rain line
        method = Reference used to set the rain line, if fit_a/b not provided
        Returns: rain rate, method, (Zdp, Fraction of Ice)
        method = 1: R(Kdp, Zdr)
        method = 2: R(Kdp)
        method = 3: R(Z, Zdr)
        method = 4: R(Z)
        method = 5: R(Zrain)
        See Bringi and Chandrasekar textbook for more information
    calc_rain_kdp(kdp, a=40.5, b=0.85)
        kdp = Specific Differential Phase (deg km^-1)
        a, b = Adjustable coefficient, exponent
    calc_rain_kdp_zdr(kdp, zdr, a=90.8, b=0.93, c=-0.169)
        kdp = Specific Differential Phase (deg km^-1)
        zdr = Differential Reflectivity (dB)
        a, b, c = Adjustable function parameters
    calc_rain_nexrad(dz, thresh_nexrad=53.0, a=300.0, b=1.4)
        dz = Reflectivity (dBZ)
        thresh_nexrad = Reflectivity cap for rain calc
        a, b => Z = a * R**b
    calc_rain_z_zdr(dz, zdr, a=0.0067, b=0.927, c=-0.343)
        dz = Reflectivity (dBZ)
        zdr = Differential Reflectivity (dB)
        a, b, c = Adjustable function parameters
    calc_rain_zr(dz, a=300.0, b=1.4)
        dz = Reflectivity (dBZ), returns rainfall rate (mm h^-1)
        Form Z = a * R**b
    csu_hidro_rain(dz=None, zdr=None, kdp=None, fhc=None, thresh_dz=38.0, thresh_zdr=0.5, thresh_kdp=0.3, thresh_nexrad=53.0, a=300.0, b=1.4)
        This algorithm ingests polarimetric radar data and computes rain rate,
        using hydrometeor ID as a guide for determining the presence of ice.
        dz = Reflectivity
        zdr = Differential Reflectivity
        kdp = Specific Differential Phase
        fhc = Hydrometeor ID
        thresh_dz = Threshold for dz to use certain rain algorithms
        thresh_zdr = Threshold for zdr to use certain rain algorithms
        thresh_kdp = Threshold for kdp to use certain rain algorithms
        thresh_nexrad = Threshold for dz to cap Z-R
        a, b => Z = a * R**b
        Returns: rain rate, method
        method = 1: R(Kdp, Zdr)
        method = 2: R(Kdp)
        method = 3: R(Z, Zdr)
        method = 4: R(Z)
        See Bringi and Chandrasekar textbook for more information

    absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0...
    division = _Feature((2, 2, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 8192...


If you dig into the docstrings above, you see individual functions for rainfall, like R(Kdp) and R(Z,Zdr). So you can just access those on your own, if you like.

In [22]:
rkdp = csu_blended_rain.calc_rain_kdp(kd)
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(rkdp, radar, field_name='rkdp', units='mm h-1',  
                                  long_name='Rainfall Rate R(Kdp)', 
                                  standard_name='Rainfall Rate')

In [23]:
#Compare R(Kdp) with Kdp!
two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=0, var1='rkdp', vmin1=0, vmax1=150, 
               cmap1='GnBu', units1='mm h-1',
               var2='KD', vmin2=-5, vmax2=5, cmap2='RdYlBu', 
               units2='deg km-1', xlim=lim, ylim=lim)


This module enables retrieval of common drop-size distribution (DSD) parameters. As with most aspects of CSU_RadarTools, the end user is responsible for proper masking of their data, as DSD retrievals are only valid in pure rain. Remember, garbage in = garbage out! The module is designed to work with C-band or S-band, and the retrievals are different depending on radar frequency. The main function is calc_dsd() and it returns median volume diameter (D0), normalized intercept parameter (Nw), and mu assuming a gamma distribution DSD model.

Let's first check things out for C-band.

In [24]:
d0, Nw, mu = csu_dsd.calc_dsd(dz=dz, zdr=dr, kdp=kd, band='C')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(d0, radar, field_name='D0', units='mm', 
                                  long_name='Median Volume Diameter',
                                  standard_name='Median Volume Diameter')
logNw = np.log10(Nw)
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(logNw, radar, field_name='NW', units='', 
                                  long_name='Normalized Intercept Parameter',
                                  standard_name='Normalized Intercept Parameter')
radar = add_field_to_radar_object(mu, radar, field_name='MU', units='', 
                                  long_name='Mu', standard_name='Mu')

The C-band retrievals, based on Bringi et al. (2009), don't bother retrieving mu. So CSU_RadarTools will fix it at 3 unless the end user changes the csu_dsd.DEFAULT_MU global variable. So let's check out instead what happened with D0 and Nw.

In [25]:
two_panel_plot(radar, sweep=0, var1='D0', vmin1=0, vmax1=2, cmap1='GnBu', units1='mm',
               var2='NW', vmin2=0, vmax2=8, cmap2='cubehelix', units2='log10(Nw)', xlim=lim, 

Note the differences in D0 & Nw pairs inside and outside of convection. Both here and above with ice fraction, which also depends heavily on Zdr, there are some possible differential attenuation impacts on the retrievals downrange of one of the cores just west of the radar.

What about S-band DSD retrievals? For that we need a different radar. Let's try S-PolKa during the NAME project in 2004.

In [26]:
fdir = '/Users/tjlang/Documents/OVWST/NAME/output/20040805/'
files = sorted(glob.glob(fdir+'*nc'))
radarS = pyart.io.read(files[0])

dict_keys(['DZ', 'VR', 'RH', 'PH', 'DB', 'HI', 'LD', 'ZD', 'SD', 'KD', 'FD', 'DR'])

In [27]:
dzS = radarS.fields['DZ']['data']
drS = radarS.fields['DR']['data']
kdS = radarS.fields['KD']['data']

With S-band, there are two different methodologies available: Bringi et al. (2013) and Bringi et al. (2004). The latter allows mu to vary, so let's try that.

In [28]:
d0, Nw, mu = csu_dsd.calc_dsd(dz=dzS, zdr=drS, kdp=kdS, band='S', method='2004')
radarS = add_field_to_radar_object(d0, radarS, field_name='D0', units='mm', 
                                   long_name='Median Volume Diameter',
                                   standard_name='Median Volume Diameter', dz_field='DZ')
logNw = np.log10(Nw)
radarS = add_field_to_radar_object(logNw, radarS, field_name='NW', units='', 
                                   long_name='Normalized Intercept Parameter',
                                   standard_name='Normalized Intercept Parameter', 
radarS = add_field_to_radar_object(mu, radarS, field_name='MU', units='', long_name='Mu', 
                                   standard_name='Mu', dz_field='DZ')

In [29]:
limS = [-100, 100]
#Changing the color scale a bit to allow for the bigger drops in this case. 
two_panel_plot(radarS, sweep=0, var1='D0', vmin1=0, vmax1=3.5, cmap1='GnBu', units1='mm',
               var2='NW', vmin2=0, vmax2=8, cmap2='cubehelix', units2='log10(Nw)', xlim=limS, 

In [30]:
#Now let's see what mu is up to ...
two_panel_plot(radarS, sweep=0, var1='DZ', vmin1=0, vmax1=65, cmap1='RdYlBu_r', units1='dBZ',
               var2='MU', vmin2=0, vmax2=5, cmap2='cubehelix', units2='mu', xlim=limS, 

So for the most part mu gets set to 3, except there is some variability in the cores and a few other places. Normally, mu is very difficult to retrieve accurately, but at least the user has the option of testing different methodologies with csu_dsd.

In [31]:
#And you can always ...

Help on module csu_radartools.csu_dsd in csu_radartools:


    csu_dsd sub-module of csu_radartools
    Brenda Dolan (dolan@atmos.colostate.edu)
    Timothy Lang (tjlangco@gmail.com)
    Bringi et al. (2004; JTECH) - Alternate S-band retrieval
    Bringi et al. (2009; JTECH) - C-band retrieval
    Bringi et al. (2013; AMS Radar Conf) - S-band retrieval

    calc_Nw_mult_methods(dz, d0)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.17, A.19, A.21
    calc_beta(dz, kdp, zeta, a=2.08, b=-0.365, c=0.38, d=0.965)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eq. A.1
    calc_d0_sband_method1(dz, zeta, beta, a=0.56, b=0.064, c=0.024, d=-1.42)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.2-A.5
    calc_d0_sband_method3(dz, zdr, zeta, a=1.81, b=0.486, c=0.6096, d=0.0516, e=3.111)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eq. A.18
    calc_dsd(dz=None, zdr=None, kdp=None, band='S', method='2013')
        This is the primary function to use, it calls everything else
    calc_dsd_cband_bringi_2009(dz, zdr)
        Retrieves d0, Nw, and mu following the methodology of
        Bringi et al. (2009)
        Works for C-band
    calc_dsd_sband_bringi_2004(dz, zdr, kdp)
        Retrieves d0, Nw, and mu following the methodology of
        Bringi et al. (2004)
        Works for S-band
    calc_dsd_sband_bringi_2013(dz, zdr)
        Retrieves d0, Nw, and mu following the methodology of
        Bringi et al. (2009)
        Works for C-band
    calc_logNw_sband_method1(dz, zeta, beta, a=3.29, b=0.058, c=-0.023, d=-1.389)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.6-A.9
    calc_mu_sband_method1(d0, zeta, beta, a1=203.0, a2=1.89, b1=2.23, b2=0.0388, c1=3.16, c2=-0.0463, d1=0.374, d2=-0.355)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.10-A.14
    d0_from_dz_zeta(dz, zeta, a=0.6096, b=0.0516, c=3.111)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eq. A.20
    d0_high_zdr(zdr, a=0.0355, b=-0.3021, c=1.0556, d=0.6844)
    d0_low_zdr(zdr, a=0.0203, b=-0.1488, c=0.2209, d=0.5571, e=0.801)
    dsd_sband_method1(dz, kdp, zeta, beta)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.1-A.14
    dsd_sband_method2(dz, kdp, zdr)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.15-A.17
    dsd_sband_method3(dz, kdp, zdr, zeta)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.18-A.19
    dsd_sband_method4(dz, zeta)
        Bringi et al. (2004) Eqs. A.20-A.21
    power_law(var, a=1.0, b=1.0)
        Generic power law equation
        Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception.

    DEFAULT_MU = 3.0
    absolute_import = _Feature((2, 5, 0, 'alpha', 1), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0...
    division = _Feature((2, 2, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 8192...



This module supplies a simple way of estimating specific differential phase (Kdp) via a methodology developed in the CSU Department of Electrical Engineering, and then subsequently adapted and used in the Department of Atmospheric Science. Filtering of the input differential phase field is based on a finite impulse response (FIR) filter, applied in a moving 3-km window. Then, an adaptive linear fit is applied iteratively to the filtered phase field, where half the slope of the linear fit at any specific gate is the Kdp estimate. The length of the line needed (i.e., number of gates considered) depends on the reflectivity at the gate in question.

Standard deviation of differential phase is estimated and used to remove noisy/bad data. Gaps are filled in the filter window if the holes are less than 20% of the window length. To use this module you need a gate spacing that divdes evenly into 3 km (e.g., 50, 100, 150, 250, 300 m, etc.). Let's get started with a NEXRAD example.

In [32]:
fdirN = '/Users/tjlang/Documents/OVWST/NEXRAD/'
filesN = sorted(glob.glob(fdirN+'KAMX*'))
radarN = pyart.io.read(filesN[0])

dict_keys(['velocity', 'reflectivity', 'cross_correlation_ratio', 'differential_phase', 'spectrum_width', 'differential_reflectivity'])

In [33]:
def extract_unmasked_data(radar, field, bad=-32768):
    """Simplify getting unmasked radar fields from Py-ART"""
    return radar.fields[field]['data'].filled(fill_value=bad)

In [34]:
# The module is a little slow on full volumes, 
# so for this tutorial we'll only examine a single sweep
radarN = radarN.extract_sweeps([0])
dzN = extract_unmasked_data(radarN, 'reflectivity')
dpN = extract_unmasked_data(radarN, 'differential_phase')
# Range needs to be supplied as a variable, and it needs to be the same shape as dzN, etc.
rng2d, az2d = np.meshgrid(radarN.range['data'], radarN.azimuth['data'])

OK, now we have all our needed inputs to calculate Kdp. The function we will call is csu_kdp.calc_kdp_bringi(), and it returns Kdp, filtered differential phase, and standard deviation of differential phase, in that order. Input variables can be 1D (rays) or 2D (azimuth/elevation and rays). The fundamental algorithm works on a ray-by-ray basis.

In [35]:
kdN, fdN, sdN = csu_kdp.calc_kdp_bringi(dp=dpN, dz=dzN, rng=rng2d/1000.0, thsd=12, gs=250.0, window=5)

The gs keyword is the gate spacing that the radar data use, in meters. Window is the length (km) over with to apply the phase filtering. Default is 3 km. The thsd keyword is the threshold to apply to the standard deviation of differential phase (deg). OK, let's see what happened.

In [36]:
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(kdN, radarN, field_name='KDP', units='deg/km', 
                                   long_name='Specific Differential Phase',
                                   standard_name='Specific Differential Phase', 
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(fdN, radarN, field_name='FDP', units='deg', 
                                   long_name='Filtered Differential Phase',
                                   standard_name='Filtered Differential Phase', 
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(sdN, radarN, field_name='SDP', units='deg', 
                                   long_name='Standard Deviation of Differential Phase',
                                   standard_name='Standard Deviation of Differential Phase', 

In [37]:
#First let's see what the original data looked like.
limN = [0, 150]
two_panel_plot(radarN, sweep=0, var1='reflectivity', vmin1=0, vmax1=65.0, 
               cmap1='RdYlBu_r', units1='dBZ',
               var2='differential_phase', vmin2=0, vmax2=180, 
               cmap2='cubehelix', units2='deg', 
               xlim=limN, ylim=limN)

In [38]:
#Now let's see the filtered and specific differential phase fields
two_panel_plot(radarN, sweep=0, var1='FDP', vmin1=0, vmax1=180, 
               cmap1='cubehelix', units1='deg',
               var2='KDP', vmin2=-5, vmax2=5, cmap2='RdYlBu', units2='deg/km', 
               xlim=limN, ylim=limN)

If window is too short, the resultant Kdp field is a little checkerboard-ish. That is a known characteristic of this algorithm. Due to the along-ray alignment of the storm, there is a lot of phase shift and possibly even some backscatter effects, and that is also a contributor. The best and most reliable results are obtained in the heavier cores, as expected.

One very nice aspect of this algorithm is it returns the standard deviation of differential phase. You may notice the removal of substantial clear-air echo in the processed phase fields. This is the standard deviation thresholding (thsd keyword) in effect. More on that in our next tutorial section.

In [39]:
#but first ...

Help on function calc_kdp_bringi in module csu_radartools.csu_kdp:

calc_kdp_bringi(dp=None, dz=None, rng=None, thsd=12, nfilter=1, bad=-32768, gs=150.0, window=3.0)
    This is an old algorithm that uses an FIR filter to process differential
    phase and extract specific differential phase. It works on polarimetric
    radar data. It is based on code provided by V. N. Bringi and Yanting Wang
    of CSU Electrical Engineering. It assumes differential phase has been
    unfolded already. You can send this function either 1D or 2D arrays of
    data. If 2D, it assumes the first index is azimuth so it will loop over
    that, calculating KDP along individual rays.
    1. Standard deviation of differential phase is calculated and used to
       QC the phase data. The stdev calculation uses up to 11 consecutive
       gates regardless of gate spacing.
    2. Differential phase is filtered using the FIR filter, which has been
       tuned to the number of gates contained within the FIR window. This
       algorithm only works for window / gate spacing = even number.
    3. Specific differential phase is calculated by consulting reflectivity.
       As reflectivity declines progressively more and more gates are needed
       in the window used to fit a line to the filtered phase. Specific
       differential phase is half the slope of that line.
    Timothy J. Lang, David A. Ahijevych, Stephen W. Nesbitt, Richard E.
    Carbone, Steven A. Rutledge, and Robert Cifelli, 2007: Radar-Observed
    Characteristics of Precipitating Systems during NAME 2004. J. Climate,
    20, 1713–1733. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JCLI4082.1
    dp = Differential phase (deg, 1D or 2D array)
    dz = Reflectivity (dBZ, 1D or 2D array)
    rng = Range (km, 1D or 2D array -
          use np.meshgrid() first tp make rng 2D if needed)
    thsd = Threshold for standard deviation of differential phase, above which
           the data are not considered when filtering or calculating specific
           differential phase. The user can specify a 1D vector of spatially
           varying thresholds instead (i.e., vary by range).
    nfilter = Number of times to apply the FIR filter
    bad = Value for bad/missing data
    gs = Gate spacing of radar (meters)
    window = Changes window over which FIR filter is applied (km). Also affects
             the width of the adaptive KDP calculations.
    kd_lin = Specific differential phase (deg/km, 1D or 2D array)
    dp_lin = Filtered differential phase (deg, 1D or 2D array)
    sd_lin = Standard deviation of diff. phase (deg, 1D or 2D array)


This module is a hodgepodge of various algorithms, most of them focused on quality control. They are a series of functions that return masks. Apply the masks to your radar data to clean them up. Let's see how this works in practice, continuing from the previous section.

In [40]:
drN = extract_unmasked_data(radarN, 'differential_reflectivity')
insect_mask = csu_misc.insect_filter(dzN, drN)
sdp_mask = csu_misc.differential_phase_filter(sdN, thresh_sdp=13)

In [41]:
bad = -32768
dz_insect = 1.0 * dzN
dz_insect[insect_mask] = bad
dz_sdp = 1.0 * dzN
dz_sdp[sdp_mask] = bad

In [42]:
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(dz_insect, radarN, field_name='DZ_insect', units='dBZ', 
                                   long_name='Reflectivity (Insect Filtered)',
                                   standard_name='Reflectivity (Insect Filtered)', 
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(dz_sdp, radarN, field_name='DZ_sdp', units='dBZ', 
                                   long_name='Reflectivity (Phase Filtered)',
                                   standard_name='Reflectivity (Phase Filtered)', 

In [43]:
limN = [-150, 150]
two_panel_plot(radarN, sweep=0, var1='DZ_insect', vmin1=0, vmax1=65, 
               cmap1='RdYlBu_r', units1='dBZ',
               var2='DZ_sdp', vmin2=0, vmax2=65, cmap2='RdYlBu_r', units2='dBZ', 
               xlim=limN, ylim=limN)

Of course, the real power will come by combining multiple filters together. And then we can despeckle to remove most remaining spurious echo.

In [44]:
new_mask = np.logical_or(insect_mask, sdp_mask)
dz_qc = 1.0 * dzN
dz_qc[new_mask] = bad
dz_pre_despeck = 1.0 * dz_qc
mask_ds = csu_misc.despeckle(dz_qc, ngates=4)
dz_qc[mask_ds] = bad
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(dz_qc, radarN, field_name='DZ_qc', units='dBZ', 
                                   long_name='Reflectivity (Combo Filtered)',
                                   standard_name='Reflectivity (Combo Filtered)', 
radarN = add_field_to_radar_object(dz_pre_despeck, radarN, 
                                   field_name='DZ_before', units='dBZ', 
                                   long_name='Reflectivity (No Despeckling)',
                                   standard_name='Reflectivity (No Despeckling)', 

In [45]:
limN = [-150, 150]
two_panel_plot(radarN, sweep=0, var1='DZ_qc', vmin1=0, vmax1=65, 
               cmap1='RdYlBu_r', units1='dBZ',
               var2='SDP', vmin2=0, vmax2=25, cmap2='YlOrRd', units2='deg', 
               xlim=limN, ylim=limN)

The way csu_misc.insect_filter works is it looks in various reflectivity ranges. If differential reflectivity exceeds a given threshold in that range, the data are flagged as likely insects (or other biological scatterers). The defaults are some values that were tuned for the NAME project.

In [46]:

[[-100, 10], [10, 15], [15, 20], [20, 25], [25, 30], [30, 35]]
[1, 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.5, 2.8]

So below 10 dBZ, if Zdr exceeds 1 dB the data are flagged, for Zh = 10-15 dBZ Zdr above 1.3 dB is flagged, etc. The user can make their own thresholds by adjusting the dz_range and dr_thresh keywords in csu_misc.insect_filter(). The dz_range keyword expects a list of 2-element tuples (lower and upper bounds for reflectivity) and dr_thresh expects a list of scalars (Zdr threshold value).

In [47]:
#Here is more info

Help on function insect_filter in module csu_radartools.csu_misc:

insect_filter(dz, zdr, mask=None, dz_range=[[-100, 10], [10, 15], [15, 20], [20, 25], [25, 30], [30, 35]], dr_thresh=[1, 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.5, 2.8], bad=-32768)
    Returns a mask that identifies potentially suspect gates due to presence of
    biological scatterers.

Let's see how the despeckle filter works by examining before and after behavior.

In [48]:
limN = [-150, 150]
two_panel_plot(radarN, sweep=0, var1='DZ_before', vmin1=0, vmax1=65, 
               cmap1='RdYlBu_r', units1='dBZ',
               var2='DZ_qc', vmin2=0, vmax2=65, cmap2='RdYlBu_r', units2='dBZ', 
               xlim=limN, ylim=limN)

So, it gets rid of short, standalone "specks" of echo. The user can change how many gates they want to count as a speck via the ngates keyword. Feel free to vary the despeckling length and SDP threshold to suit your desire for elimination of non-meteorological echo. We could also play with the Zh/Zdr thresholds in the insect filter. But by and large, for the settings we used, the worst of the non-meteorological echo is removed. That is good enough for a demonstration!

In [49]:
#More info

Help on function despeckle in module csu_radartools.csu_misc:

despeckle(data, bad=-32768, ngates=4)
    data = 1-D or 2-D array of radar data (e.g., reflectivity) to despeckle.
           If 1-D, should be a single ray. If 2-D, first dimension should be
           azimuth/elevation and second should be range.
    bad = Bad data value to check against
    ngates = Number of contiguous good data gates required along ray for no
             masking to occur
    Returns mask w/ same shape as data. True = bad.

There are a few other basic filters, but you can find all that out by ...

In [50]:

Help on module csu_radartools.csu_misc in csu_radartools:


    csu_misc sub-module of csu_radartools
    Brenda Dolan (dolan@atmos.colostate.edu)
    Paul Hein (hein@atmos.colostate.edu)
    Timothy Lang (tjlangco@gmail.com)
    Lang et al. (2007; JCLIM) - Insect filter
    Change Log
    v1.3 Major Updates (09/02/2015):
    1. Vastly sped up despeckle routine using scipy.
    v1.2 Major Updates (08/05/2015):
    1. Made Python 3 compatible.
    2. Made pep8 compatible.
    v1.1 Major Updates (05/08/2015):
    1. Added despeckle() along with a private helper function.
    2. Added warnings.warn import.

    despeckle(data, bad=-32768, ngates=4)
        data = 1-D or 2-D array of radar data (e.g., reflectivity) to despeckle.
               If 1-D, should be a single ray. If 2-D, first dimension should be
               azimuth/elevation and second should be range.
        bad = Bad data value to check against
        ngates = Number of contiguous good data gates required along ray for no
                 masking to occur
        Returns mask w/ same shape as data. True = bad.
    differential_phase_filter(sdp, thresh_sdp=12)
        Filter out gates with large standard deviations of differential phase.
        Note: thresh_sdp can be an array the same size as sdp.
    insect_filter(dz, zdr, mask=None, dz_range=[[-100, 10], [10, 15], [15, 20], [20, 25], [25, 30], [30, 35]], dr_thresh=[1, 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.5, 2.8], bad=-32768)
        Returns a mask that identifies potentially suspect gates due to presence of
        biological scatterers.
    second_trip_filter_magnetron(vr, bad=-32768)
        With magnetron transmitters, there is no coherent Doppler signature in
        second trip. Thus, if velocity is missing but there is echo, that echo is
        likely second trip.
        Issue a warning, or maybe ignore it or raise an exception.

    DEFAULT_DR_THRESH = [1, 1.3, 1.7, 2.1, 2.5, 2.8]
    DEFAULT_DZ_RANGE = [[-100, 10], [10, 15], [15, 20], [20, 25], [25, 30]...
    VERSION = '1.3'
    division = _Feature((2, 2, 0, 'alpha', 2), (3, 0, 0, 'alpha', 0), 8192...


In [ ]: