Collaborated with:
In [179]:
In [159]:
##Some code to run at the beginning of the file, to be able to show images in the notebook
##Don't worry about this cell but run it
#Print the plots in this screen
%matplotlib inline
#Be able to plot images saved in the hard drive
from IPython.display import Image,display
#Make the notebook wider
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:90% !important; }</style>"))
Please play with the these ones (you should have them in the class1 folder if you downloaded them during the hw1):
Read about outliers:
In [ ]:
#Create a dictionary of names and sizes usign the following two lists (tip use dict() and zip())
names = ["Alice","Bob","Chris","Dylan","Esther","Fred","Greg"]
heights = [1.74,1.9,1.6,1.8,1.6,1.8,1.7]
d_names2heights =
#Get the heights of "Alice" and "Bob"
#Add the height of "Holly" (1.98)
filename: the filename of a stata file to read
column: the column name to calculate the mean
output: the mean of the values in that column
This function must use our own function (mean_ours())
Use this function to calculate the mean of the "income" column in the dataset "data/alcohol.dta"
In [189]:
## Our own functions
def mean_ours(list_numbers): #list_numbers is the arguments
This is called the docstring, it is a comment describing the function. In this case the function calculates the mean of a list of numbers.
list_numbers: a list of numbers
output: the mean of the input
#what gives back
m_list = sum(list_numbers)/len(list_numbers)
return m_list
In [190]:
m_list = mean_ours([1,3,2])
In [191]:
In [ ]:
#define the function, with the arguments filename and column
def mean_column_stata(filename,column):
filename: the filename of a stata file to read
column: the column name to calculate the mean
output: the mean of the values in that column
#read stata file
df =
#keep the values of the column
values_column =
#calculate the mean of that column using mean_ours
mean_column =
#return that mean
mean = mean_column_stata(filename="data/alcohol.dta",column="income")
mean = mean_column_stata(filename="data/alcohol2.dta",column="income")
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
#read the two dataframes
#print their heads
#merge the two files using as an argument how="outer" (this will keep missing values)
#Create a new variable "fraction_green" measuring the densitiy of green area (m^2 green)/(m^2 city)
#Sort the dataset by "fraction_green" (.sort_values(by= ,ascending=)) to find the city with the largest fraction of green area.
#Sort the dataset by "fraction_green" (.sort_values(by= ,ascending=)) to find the city with the lowest fraction of green area. Use the argument "na_position" to get rid of the na values.
#Make a column with the country code
#Keep the metropolitan areas in the Netherlands and Italy
#Make a plot (choose the appropriate type) of year vs "fraction_green", colouring by country
#Make a jointplot of "GREEN_AREA_PC" vs "fraction_green" in Italy, of the type hex
#Plot the distribution of "fraction_green" for both countries
What are the plots telling us?
answer here
In [ ]:
def read_our_csv():
#reading the raw data from oecd
df = pd.read_csv("data/CITIES_19122016195113034.csv",sep="\t")
#fixing the columns (the first one is ""METRO_ID"" instead of "METRO_ID")
cols = list(df.columns)
cols[0] = "METRO_ID"
df.columns = cols
#pivot the table
column_with_values = "Value"
column_to_split = ["VAR"]
variables_already_present = ["METRO_ID","Metropolitan areas","Year"]
df_fixed = df.pivot_table(column_with_values,
return df_fixed
In [ ]:
#read the dataset on cities using read_our_csv()
df = read_our_csv()
#Make a column with the country code
#Keep the metropolitan areas in the following countries
keep_countries = ['UK', 'AU', 'IT', 'NL', 'FR', 'PL', 'GR', 'HU', 'PO', 'PT', 'AT', 'DK', 'NO', 'EE', 'CZ', 'IE', 'DE', 'FI', 'ES', 'SW', 'CH', 'SK', 'US', 'GB', 'BE']
d_country2region = {"UK" : "Anglosphere",
"AU": "Anglosphere",
#Keep the years 2000 and 2010
#Create a dictionary matching those countries to a region: "Anglosphere", "South_EU", "Eastern_EU", "Scandinavia","Rest_EU"
#Make a column with the region of the country
#Make a plot visualizing the distribution of "GDP_PC" for each region. The plot must show the variability within region
#Make a factorplot visualizing "UNEMP_R" vs "Year" for each region. Use ci=10 for the confidence intervals.
In [178]:
df.drop_duplicates("Metropolitan areas").loc[:,["Metropolitan areas","CO2_PC","GREEN_AREA_PC"]].head(10)
What are the plots telling us?
answer here
We want to plot labour productivity vs unemployment as a function of the year. For this we are using a custom scatter plot where the color indicates the year.
#user read_our_csv() to read the csv
. def plot_group(cities,data):
Then answer the following questions
In [169]:
def plot_group(cities,data):
plots the labour productivity vs unemployment as a function of the year
cities: list of cities
data: dataframe with the columns "LABOUR_PRODUCTIVITY","UNEMP_R","Year"
cmaps = ["Blues","Greens","Reds","Oranges","Purples"]
for i,city in enumerate(cities):
#keep the rows where the metropolitan areas == city
gr = data.loc[data["Metropolitan areas"]==city]
#make the plot
#Add labels
#show the plot
In [168]:
In [170]:
#user read_our_csv() to read the csv
df = read_our_csv()
#keep the years greater than 2004 and save it with the name data
data = df.loc[df["Year"]>2004]
plot_group(["Valencia","Madrid","Barcelona","Zaragoza","Las Palmas"],data)
Edit the cell below with the answer
This figure is interesting, based on this figure the NASA decided that there was no relationship between temperature and the failure of one of the components of the Challenger. There were also 17 launches with no incidents between 65 and 75 degrees. Because of this "no relationship", they decided to launch even when the temperature was 31F (0C), the component failed and the shuttle exploded:
answer here
answer here
answer here
In [93]: