Analysis of a Web Server Log

The log files that we use for this assignment are in the Apache Common Log Format (CLF). The log file entries produced in CLF will look something like this: - - [01/Aug/1995:00:00:01 -0400] "GET /images/launch-logo.gif HTTP/1.0" 200 1839

Each part of this log entry is described below.

  • IP address (host name, if available) of the client which made the request to the server.

  • -: User identity from remote machine, not available.

  • -: User identity from local logon, not available.

  • [01/Aug/1995:00:00:01 -0400]: Date and time that the server finished processing the request.

  • GET: The request method (e.g., GET, POST, etc.)

  • /images/launch-logo.gif: The endpoint (a Uniform Resource Identifier, URI)

  • HTTP/1.0: The client protocol version

  • 200: Status code that the server sends back to the client.

  • 1839: Size of the object returned to the client.

NASA-HTTP Web Server Log: We will use a data set from NASA Kennedy Space Center WWW server in Florida. The full data set is freely available ( and contains two month's of all HTTP requests. We are using here a subset.

RDD Creation

Create the corresponding RDD using sc.textfile(logFile) to convert each line of the file into an element in an RDD. The data is stored in the file 'data/apachelog.txt'.

In [3]:
RDDlogs = (sc

Nlines = RDDlogs.<COMPLETAR>()
print "The log file has %d lines" % Nlines
print " "

first_10 = RDDlogs.<COMPLETAR>(10)
print "The first 10 elements are:"
print " "
for x in first_10:
    print x

The log file has 977769 lines
The first 10 elements are:
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:01;GET;/shuttle/missions/sts-68/news/sts-68-mcc-05.txt;HTTP/1.0;200;1839"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:07;GET;/;HTTP/1.0;304;0"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:08;GET;/images/ksclogo-medium.gif;HTTP/1.0;304;0"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:08;GET;/images/MOSAIC-logosmall.gif;HTTP/1.0;304;0"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:08;GET;/images/USA-logosmall.gif;HTTP/1.0;304;0"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:09;GET;/images/launch-logo.gif;HTTP/1.0;200;1713"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:10;GET;/images/WORLD-logosmall.gif;HTTP/1.0;304;0"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:10;GET;/history/skylab/skylab.html;HTTP/1.0;200;1687"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:10;GET;/images/launchmedium.gif;HTTP/1.0;200;11853"
";-;-;1995-08-01 00:00:11;GET;/history/skylab/skylab-small.gif;HTTP/1.0;200;9202"

Let us define a funtion that transforms every string into a list of separated fields.

EXERCISE: Use this function to transform the RDD such that now every element is a list instead of a string. Compare the results with the previous section. We cache the RDD in memory for faster access to the data in the next sections.

The answer should be:

The first 10 elements are:

['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:01', 'GET', '/shuttle/missions/sts-68/news/sts-68-mcc-05.txt', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '1839"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:07', 'GET', '/', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:08', 'GET', '/images/ksclogo-medium.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:08', 'GET', '/images/MOSAIC-logosmall.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:08', 'GET', '/images/USA-logosmall.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:09', 'GET', '/images/launch-logo.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '1713"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:10', 'GET', '/images/WORLD-logosmall.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:10', 'GET', '/history/skylab/skylab.html', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '1687"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:10', 'GET', '/images/launchmedium.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '11853"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:11', 'GET', '/history/skylab/skylab-small.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '9202"']

In [4]:
def str2list(x):
    return <COMPLETAR>

RDDlist = (RDDlogs
               .map(lambda x: str2list(x))

first_10 = RDDlist.take(10)
print "The first 10 elements are:"
print " "
for x in first_10:
    print x

The first 10 elements are:
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:01', 'GET', '/shuttle/missions/sts-68/news/sts-68-mcc-05.txt', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '1839"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:07', 'GET', '/', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:08', 'GET', '/images/ksclogo-medium.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:08', 'GET', '/images/MOSAIC-logosmall.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:08', 'GET', '/images/USA-logosmall.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:09', 'GET', '/images/launch-logo.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '1713"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:10', 'GET', '/images/WORLD-logosmall.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '304', '0"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:10', 'GET', '/history/skylab/skylab.html', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '1687"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:10', 'GET', '/images/launchmedium.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '11853"']
['"', '-', '-', '1995-08-01 00:00:11', 'GET', '/history/skylab/skylab-small.gif', 'HTTP/1.0', '200', '9202"']

Unfortunately, some preprocessing errors have occurred and some of the RDD elements do not have 9 fields. We need to fix that before we can continue.

EXERCISE: Obtain the size of every RDD element as a Python List and identify the unique values.

The answer should be:

We have extracted 977769 sizes, and the unique values are:
[9, 10, 11, 1]

In [5]:
Element_sizes = (RDDlist
               .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)

Nsizes = len(Element_sizes)
Unique_values = list(set(Element_sizes))

print "We have extracted %d sizes, and the unique values are:" % Nsizes
print Unique_values

We have extracted 977769 sizes, and the unique values are:
[9, 10, 11, 1]

However, the code above is suboptimal. We have extracted a full list of elements and processed them in batch mode. If the list is too large, it might even not fit into memory. Let's do the same computation using only Spark commands.

EXERCISE: Count how many lines can be found of every size.

The answer should be:

Lengths and counts:
[(9, 964781), (1, 12986), (10, 1), (11, 1)]

In [6]:
pairs_count = (RDDlist
               .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)

print "Lengths and counts:"
print pairs_count

Lengths and counts:
[(9, 964781), (1, 12986), (10, 1), (11, 1)]

Filtering the dataset

We want to retain only log lines with 9 fields, the other cases can be considered as storage errors.

EXERCISE: Obtain a cleanRDD where all elements have exactly 9 fields. The size of the resulting RDD must be equal to the number of '9' values obtained in the previous section.

The answer should be:

The size of the cleaned RDD is 964781

We cache the RDD in memory for faster access to the data in the next sections.

In [7]:
cleanRDD = (RDDlist
                     .filter(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)

size_cleanRDD = cleanRDD.count()

print "The size of the cleaned RDD is %d" % size_cleanRDD

The size of the cleaned RDD is 964781

Basic counts

We want to compute some counts on the log file, to answer some simple questions:

EXERCISE: Obtain the unique values of field 4, and how many times they appear in the dataset.

The answer should be:

[('HEAD', 2395), ('GET', 962318), ('POST', 68)]

In [8]:
unique_field4 = (cleanRDD
                     .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)
                     .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y)

print unique_field4

[('HEAD', 2395), ('GET', 962318), ('POST', 68)]

EXERCISE: Repeat the same analysis for the status code, but print the results ordered by number of occurrences, largest first. Use the takeOrdered function. Note that by default, the takeOrdered function directly sorts the tuples. Try to pass as argument a lambda function with the sorting criterion.

The answer should be:

[('200', 881815), ('304', 74774), ('404', 5835), ('302', 2293), ('403', 47), ('501', 15), ('500', 2)]

In [9]:
unique_field7 = (cleanRDD

N_elements = len(unique_field7.collect())
ordered_elements = unique_field7.takeOrdered(N_elements, lambda x: -x[1])

print ordered_elements

[('200', 881815), ('304', 74774), ('404', 5835), ('302', 2293), ('403', 47), ('501', 15), ('500', 2)]

We want now to characterize the size of the contents returned (field 8).

EXERCISE: compute the average, minimum and maximum size of the contents. You may need to print some values, to check if the format of the retrieved values is correct. Use the mean(), min() and max() functions. Also compute the mean value using reduce() and a count() instead of mean().

The answer should be:

These are the first 10 content values:
[1839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1713, 0, 1687, 11853, 9202]

This is the minimum value:

This is the maximum value:

This is the average value using the 'mean' function:

This is the average value WITHOUT using the 'mean' function:

In [10]:
content_sizesRDD = (cleanRDD
                     .map(lambda x: int(x[8].replace('"','')))

print "These are the first 10 content values:"
print content_sizesRDD.<COMPLETAR>(10)
print " "

print "This is the minimum value:"
print content_sizesRDD.<COMPLETAR>()
print " "

print "This is the maximum value:"
print content_sizesRDD.<COMPLETAR>()
print " "

print "This is the average value using the 'mean' function:"
print content_sizesRDD.<COMPLETAR>()
print " "

print "This is the average value WITHOUT using the 'mean' function:"
print " "

These are the first 10 content values:
[1839, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1713, 0, 1687, 11853, 9202]
This is the minimum value:
This is the maximum value:
This is the average value using the 'mean' function:
This is the average value WITHOUT using the 'mean' function:

Let's obtain now a list of the 10 hosts that have been accessed more times.

EXERCISE: Build a new filtered_host_RDD containing only the 10 hosts that have been accessed more times. Verify the numbers by computing the frequencies in the new RDD.

The answer should be:

This is the sorted count of the 10 most frequent hosts: : 3737 : 3067 : 2690 : 2658 : 2591 : 2358 : 2317 : 2289 : 2254 : 2229

In [12]:
hostcountRDD = (cleanRDD
                     .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)
                     .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y)

pairs_of_ten_most_frequent_hosts = hostcountRDD.<COMPLETAR>

list_of_ten_most_frequent_hosts = [x[0].replace('"','') for x in pairs_of_ten_most_frequent_hosts]

filtered_host_RDD = (cleanRDD
                     .filter(lambda x: x[0].replace('"','') in list_of_ten_most_frequent_hosts)

host_freq_RDD = (filtered_host_RDD
                     .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)

ten_most_frequent_hosts_count = (host_freq_RDD
                                     .takeOrdered(20, lambda x: -x[1])

print "These are the counts for the 10 most frequent hosts:"
print " "
for x in ten_most_frequent_hosts_count:
    print x[0].replace('"','') + " : " + str(x[1])
print " "

These are the counts for the 10 most frequent hosts: : 3737 : 3067 : 2690 : 2658 : 2591 : 2358 : 2317 : 2289 : 2254 : 2229

EXERCISE: Determine the number of unique hosts on a daily basis (days of the month). Obtain a list of tuples (day of the month, number of unique hosts in that day of the month). Explore the use of the function groupByKey. You may also want to define a function that takes a date field and returns the day of the month. We will plot the result at the end, do not forget to obtain the results sorted by day, or the plot will be a mess. Can you indentify the weekends in the plot?

The answer should be:

[(1, 33668), (3, 40828), (4, 58822), (5, 31446), (6, 31957), (7, 56672), (8, 59367), (9, 59708), (10, 60458), (11, 60503), (12, 37331), (13, 35840), (14, 59091), (15, 58029), (16, 55965), (17, 58182), (18, 55508), (19, 31615), (20, 32546), (21, 47245)]

In [14]:
def get_day(date_string):
    day = <COMPLETAR>
    return day

pairs_day_host_RDD = (cleanRDD
                     .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)


uniquehosts = (pairs_day_host_RDD
                    .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)
                   .takeOrdered(30, lambda x: x[0])

print uniquehosts

days = <COMPLETAR>
hosts = <COMPLETAR>

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,4.5), facecolor='white', edgecolor='white')
plt.axis([min(days), max(days), 0, max(hosts)+500])
plt.grid(b=True, which='major', axis='y')
plt.plot(days, hosts)

#print get_day(pairs_day_host_RDD.take(1)[0][0])

[(1, 33668), (3, 40828), (4, 58822), (5, 31446), (6, 31957), (7, 56672), (8, 59367), (9, 59708), (10, 60458), (11, 60503), (12, 37331), (13, 35840), (14, 59091), (15, 58029), (16, 55965), (17, 58182), (18, 55508), (19, 31615), (20, 32546), (21, 47245)]

EXERCISE: Obtain the top ten 404 Response URIs, this is, the contents that most times failed due to a 404 error.

The answer should be:

These are the URIs that produced more 404 errors:

588         /pub/winvn/readme.txt
457         /pub/winvn/release.txt
411         /shuttle/missions/STS-69/mission-STS-69.html
319         /images/nasa-logo.gif
168         /elv/DELTA/uncons.htm
147         /shuttle/missions/sts-68/ksc-upclose.gif
144         /history/apollo/sa-1/sa-1-patch-small.gif
116         /images/crawlerway-logo.gif
114         /://
91      /history/apollo/a-001/a-001-patch-small.gif

In [15]:
URIs_404 = (cleanRDD
                    .map(lambda x: <COMPLETAR>)
                    .reduceByKey(lambda x, y: x + y)
                    .takeOrdered(10, lambda x:<COMPLETAR>)

print "These are the URIs that produced more 404 errors:"
print " "
for u in URIs_404:
    print u[1], 2*'\t', u[0]

These are the URIs that produced more 404 errors:
588 		/pub/winvn/readme.txt
457 		/pub/winvn/release.txt
411 		/shuttle/missions/STS-69/mission-STS-69.html
319 		/images/nasa-logo.gif
168 		/elv/DELTA/uncons.htm
147 		/shuttle/missions/sts-68/ksc-upclose.gif
144 		/history/apollo/sa-1/sa-1-patch-small.gif
116 		/images/crawlerway-logo.gif
114 		/://
91 		/history/apollo/a-001/a-001-patch-small.gif

In [ ]: