In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8, 8)
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# Setup PyAI
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/Users/jdecock/git/pub/jdhp/pyai')
In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from scipy import optimize
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# Plot functions
from pyai.optimize.utils import plot_contour_2d_solution_space
from pyai.optimize.utils import plot_2d_solution_space
In [ ]:
# Set the objective function
from pyai.optimize.functions import sphere1d
from pyai.optimize.functions import sphere2d
Uses the "brute force" method, i.e. computes the function's value at each point of a multidimensional grid of points, to find the global minimum of the function.
In [ ]:
search_ranges = (slice(-3., 3.5, 0.5),)
res = optimize.brute(sphere1d,
finish=None) # optimize.fmin)
print("x* =", res[0])
print("f(x*) =", res[1])
In [ ]:
print("tested x:", res[2])
print("tested f(x):", res[3])
In [ ]:
x_star = res[0]
y_star = res[1]
x = res[2]
y = res[3]
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Objective function')
ax.plot(x, y, 'k-', alpha=0.25, label="f")
ax.plot(x, y, 'g.', label="tested points")
ax.plot(x_star, y_star, 'ro', label="$x^*$")
In [ ]:
search_ranges = (slice(-2., 2.5, 0.5), slice(-2., 2.5, 0.5))
res = optimize.brute(sphere2d,
finish=None) # optimize.fmin)
print("x* =", res[0])
print("f(x*) =", res[1])
In [ ]:
print("tested x:", res[2])
print("tested f(x):", res[3])
In [ ]:
# Setup data #########################
# Using the following 3 lines, pcolormesh won't display the last row and the last collumn...
#xx = res[2][0]
#yy = res[2][1]
#zz = res[3]
# Workaround to avoid pcolormesh ignoring the last row and last collumn...
x = res[2][0][:,0]
y = res[2][1][0,:]
x = np.append(x, x[-1] + x[-1] - x[-2])
y = np.append(y, y[-1] + y[-1] - y[-2])
# Make the meshgrid
xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y)
# "Ideally the dimensions of X and Y should be one greater than those of C;
# if the dimensions are the same, then the last row and column of C will be ignored."
zz = res[3]
# Plot the image #####################
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_title('Objective function')
# Shift to center pixels to data (workaround...)
# (
xx -= (x[-1] - x[-2])/2.
yy -= (y[-1] - y[-2])/2.
#im = ax.imshow(z, interpolation='bilinear', origin='lower')
im = ax.pcolormesh(xx, yy, zz, cmap='gnuplot2_r')
plt.colorbar(im) # draw the colorbar
# Plot contours ######################
max_value = np.nanmax(zz)
levels = np.array([0.1*max_value, 0.3*max_value, 0.6*max_value])
# Shift back pixels for contours (workaround...)
# (
xx += (x[-1] - x[-2])/2.
yy += (y[-1] - y[-2])/2.
cs = plt.contour(xx[:-1,:-1], yy[:-1,:-1], zz, levels,
linewidths=(2, 2, 3), linestyles=('dotted', 'dashed', 'solid'),
alpha=0.5, colors='blue')
ax.clabel(cs, inline=False, fontsize=12)
# Plot x* ############################
ax.scatter(*res[0], c='red', label="$x^*$")