In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import quimb as qu
import quimb.tensor as qtn

In [2]:
data = qu.bell_state('psi-').reshape(2, 2)
inds = ('k0', 'k1')
tags = {'KET'}

ket = qtn.Tensor(data, inds, tags)

Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k0', 'k1'), tags={'KET'})

In [3]:
X = qtn.Tensor(qu.pauli('X'), inds=('k0', 'b0'), tags={'PAULI', 'X', '0'})
Y = qtn.Tensor(qu.pauli('Y'), inds=('k1', 'b1'), tags={'PAULI', 'Y', '1'})

And finally, a random 'bra' to complete the inner product:

In [4]:
bra = qtn.Tensor(qu.rand_ket(4).reshape(2, 2), inds=('b0', 'b1'), tags={'BRA'})

In [5]:
TN = ket.H & X & Y & bra

    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k0', 'k1'), tags={'KET'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k0', 'b0'), tags={'PAULI', '0', 'X'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k1', 'b1'), tags={'PAULI', 'Y', '1'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('b0', 'b1'), tags={'BRA'}),

In [6]:
TN.graph(color=['KET', 'PAULI', 'BRA'], figsize=(4, 4))

Note the tags can be used to identify both paulis at once. But they could also be uniquely identified using their 'X' and 'Y' tags respectively:

In [7]:
TN.graph(color=['KET', 'X', 'BRA', 'Y'], figsize=(4, 4))

In [8]:
TN ^ all


Or if we just want to contract the paulis:

In [9]:
print(TN ^ 'PAULI')

    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k0', 'k1'), tags={'KET'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('b0', 'b1'), tags={'BRA'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2, 2, 2), inds=('k0', 'b0', 'k1', 'b1'), tags={'Y', '0', 'X', '1', 'PAULI'}),

Notice how the tags of the Paulis have been combined on the new tensor.

The contraction order is optimized automatically using opt_einsum, is cached, and can easily handle hundreds of tensors (though it uses a greedy algorithm and is not guaranteed to find the optimal path).

A cumulative contract allows a custom 'bubbling' order:

In [10]:
# "take KET, then contract X in, then contract BRA *and* Y in, etc..."
print(TN >> ['KET', 'X', ('BRA', 'Y')])


And a structured contract uses the tensor networks tagging structure (a string format specifier like "I{}") to perform a cumulative contract automatically, e.g. grouping the tensors of a MPS/MPO into segments of 10 sites. This can be slightly quicker than finding the full contraction path.

When a TN has a structure, structured contractions can be used by specifying either an Ellipsis:

``TN ^ ...``  # which means full, structured contract

or a slice:

``TN ^ slice(100, 200)``  # which means a structured contract of those sites only

In [11]:
print((TN ^ 'PAULI'))

    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k0', 'k1'), tags={'KET'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('b0', 'b1'), tags={'BRA'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2, 2, 2), inds=('k0', 'b0', 'k1', 'b1'), tags={'Y', '0', 'X', '1', 'PAULI'}),

In [12]:
# select any tensors matching the 'KET' tag - here only 1
Tk = TN['KET']

# now split it, creating a new tensor network of 2 tensors
Tk_s = Tk.split(left_inds=['k0'])

# note new index created 

    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('k0', '_8b50a80000008'), tags={'KET'}),
    Tensor(shape=(2, 2), inds=('_8b50a80000008', 'k1'), tags={'KET'}),

In [13]:
# remove the original KET tensor
del TN['KET']

# inplace add the split tensor network
TN &= Tk_s

# plot - should now have 5 tensors
TN.graph(color=['KET', 'PAULI', 'BRA'], figsize=(4, 4))

In [14]:
L = 10

# create the nodes, by default just the scalar 1.0
tensors = [qtn.Tensor() for _ in range(L)]

for i in range(L):
    # add the physical indices, each of size 2
    tensors[i].new_ind(f'k{i}', size=2)
    # add bonds between neighbouring tensors, of size 7
    tensors[i].new_bond(tensors[(i + 1) % L], size=7)
mps = qtn.TensorNetwork(tensors)

In [15]:
# make a 5 qubit tensor state
dims = [2] * 5
data = qu.rand_ket(32).A.reshape(*dims)
inds=['k0', 'k1', 'k2', 'k3', 'k4']
psi = qtn.Tensor(data, inds=inds)

# find the inner product with itself
psi.H @ psi


In this case, the conjugated copy psi.H has the same outer indices as psi and so the inner product is naturally formed.