We are plotting fluorescence assay spectra collected according to this lab-protocols protocol. Further details of the specific experiment can be found in the fluorescence assay lab notebook on December 15-18, 2015.
In [1]:
from lxml import etree
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.cm as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from glob import glob
%matplotlib inline
Here each set of files is for a specific protein on one 96 well plate, and each file is a set of two rows that corresponds to a gradient of one ligand, with the first row being 1 uM of the protein and the second row containing only buffer and the ligand. This an example of a single plate (containing 1 uM of one type of protein in every other well):
Loading in files and defining proteins and ligands and their order in the data:
In [2]:
file_set = {'Src': glob("2015-12-15/*.xml"),
'SrcGK': glob("2015-12-16/*.xml"),
'AblGK': glob("2015-12-17/*.xml"),
'Abl': glob("2015-12-18/*.xml")}
ligands = ['Bosutinib','Bosutinib Isomer','Erlotinib','Gefitinib']
In [3]:
#Src = glob("2015-12-15/*.xml")
#SrcGK = glob("2015-12-16/*.xml")
#AblGK = glob("2015-12-17/*.xml")
#Abl = glob("2015-12-18/*.xml")
#files = [Src,SrcGK,Abl,AblGK]
In [5]:
#This function allows us to import xml format data files and convert them to a pandas dataframe
def xml2df(file):
root = etree.parse(file)
data = []
reads = root.xpath("/*/Section[1]/*/Well")
wellIDs = [read.attrib['Pos'] for read in reads]
data = [(s.text, float(s.attrib['WL']), r.attrib['Pos'])
for r in reads
for s in r]
dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['fluorescence','wavelength (nm)','Well'])
### dataframe_rep replaces 'OVER' (when fluorescence signal maxes out) with '3289277', an arbitrarily high number
dataframe_rep = dataframe.replace({'OVER':'3289277'})
dataframe_rep[['fluorescence']] = dataframe_rep[['fluorescence']].astype('float')
dataframe_pivot = pd.pivot_table(dataframe_rep, index = 'wavelength (nm)', columns = ['Well'])
#Rearrange columns so they're in the right order
cols = dataframe_pivot['fluorescence'].columns.tolist()
cols = [cols[0]] + cols[4:11] + cols[1:4] + [cols[12]] + cols[16:23] + cols[13:16]
dataframe_reindex = dataframe_pivot.reindex_axis(cols,level='Well',axis=1)
return dataframe_reindex
In [6]:
dataframe = xml2df(Src[0])
In [7]:
In [8]:
#This function allows us to plot spectra
def plot_spectra_grid(file_set,protein,ligands,ligand):
grid = len(protein) + len(ligand)
# pick the correct file
proteins = file_set.keys()
index = ligands.index(ligand)
file = file_set[protein][index]
# pick a title
title = "%s - %s" %(protein, ligand)
df = xml2df(file)
# plot the spectra
fig = plt.figure();
ax = df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,12].plot(ylim=(0,100000),legend=False, linewidth=4,color='m');
for i in range(11):
#s = df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,i].plot(ylim=(0,100000),linewidth=3,c=cm.hsv(i*15), ax = ax, title=title);
df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,i].plot(ylim=(0,100000),linewidth=3,c=cm.hsv(i*15), ax = ax, title=title);
df['fluorescence'].iloc[:,11+i].plot(ylim=(0,100000),legend=False, linewidth=4,c=cm.gray(i*15+50), ax = ax);
# The s = line above and this an attempt at making a color bar that so far has not worked
#cbar = plt.colorbar(mappable=s, ax=ax)
#cbar.set_label('My Label')
In [9]:
#You can use it to generate a single plot
In [10]:
# or eventually it will also give a matrix of plots
In [11]:
#this function allows us to plot the saturation curve at a single wavelength of the spectra
def plot_spectra2singlet(file_set,ligands,wavelength):
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=len(file_set), ncols=4, figsize=(22,22))
proteins = file_set.keys()
for j,protein in enumerate(file_set):
files = file_set[protein]
print file_set[protein]
for i in range(len(files)):
#Extract data from the xml file and make a dataframe
df = xml2df(files[i])
hardcode = wavelength #nm
# This plots things.
df.loc[hardcode][0:11].plot(ax = axes[j,i], xticks=[],linewidth=4)
df.loc[hardcode][11:23].plot(ax = axes[j,i], xticks=[],linewidth=4,title ='%s - %s' %(proteins[j], ligands[i]))
plt.text(4,20000,'wavelength %s nm'%hardcode,fontsize=20)
In [12]:
#This works for both a full set of proteins
In [13]:
# or just one protein
# This actually doesn't work for some reason
#Src = {'Src': glob("2015-12-15/*.xml")}
# too many indices for array
# ---> 21 df.loc[hardcode][0:11].plot(ax = axes[j,i], xticks=[],linewidth=4)
In [ ]: