In [1]:
from IPython.display import Image, display


I'm going to give you a set of data. This set of data, the y-values will be generated in one of two ways (or a combination).

  • An $\alpha$ process ($\alpha$ process)
  • A wavelength process (w process)

Here is a single system, plotted as though it was generated in either $\alpha$ or w processes (and transitions smoothly between them to highlight the fact that that y-values are the same. It is merely the x-axis that gets changed:

Given a dataset, can you devise a test that quantifies the relative likelihood of either process $\alpha$ or w generating it?

One extra piece of information that is important: if $\alpha$ is generating a signal, it must be a straight line in the $\alpha$ plot. If it is a w-process, it can be more flexible.

In [3]:
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'
import warnings


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import matplotlib as mpl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.pyplot import GridSpec
from itertools import combinations, islice, takewhile
import seaborn as sns
import mpld3
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.sparse

import os, sys
import warnings
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
import statsmodels.api as sm
sns.set_context('poster', font_scale=1.3)

from ipywidgets import interact, FloatSlider, SelectMultiple, interactive

In [ ]:
# 'constants'
from scipy.constants import c # speed of light in m/s

DIP_RA = 17.3
DIP_RA_ERR = 1.0
DIP_DEC = -61.0
DIP_DEC_ERR = 10.0
DIP_AMPLITUDE_ERR = 0.21e-5 # average of asymmetric errors
DIP_MONOPOLE = -0.178e-5
DIP_MONOPOLE_ERR  = 0.084e-5

dipole = SkyCoord(DIP_RA, DIP_DEC, unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))

# Data
vltqs = pd.read_csv('../data/vlt-transitions-new.tsv', sep='\t')
vltqs['trans'] = vltqs['transition'] + vltqs.four.astype(str)

keckqs = pd.read_csv("../data/keck-transitions-new.tsv", sep='\t')
keckqs['trans'] = keckqs.transition + keckqs.four.astype(str)

qvals = pd.read_csv("../data/qvalues.txt", sep=' ', index_col=0)

codes = pd.concat([keckqs.set_index('code')[['trans', 'wavelength']],
                   vltqs.set_index('code')[['trans', 'wavelength']]])

def extra_eda(row):
    """King 2012 has extra 'random' systematic error added in quadrature."""
    if row.sigflag == 3:
        extra = 9.05
    elif row.sigflag == 2:
        extra = 17.43
        extra = 0.0
    return np.sqrt(row.eda ** 2.0 + extra ** 2.0)

def assign_dipole(row):
    """Assign best-fit dipole from King 2012 to column in dataset."""
    return dipole_alpha(row['#J2000'])

full_parse = pd.read_csv("../data/full-parse.tsv", sep='\t')
full_parse['extraeda'] = full_parse.apply(extra_eda, axis=1)

full_parse['dipole_fit'] = full_parse.apply(assign_dipole, axis=1)

In [206]:
def assign_dipole_angle(row):
    """King 2012 angle from pole to position on sky via J2000."""
    return j2000_to_theta(row['#J2000'])

full_parse['dipole_angle'] = full_parse.apply(assign_dipole_angle, axis=1)

In [208]:
vlt = full_parse[full_parse.source.eq('VLT')].copy()
keck = full_parse[full_parse.source.eq('Keck')].copy()

In [204]:
# [len(x) for x in np.array_split(vlt.sort_values('zabs'), 13)]

In [175]:
# From:
# def myplot(data, ax=None):
#     """A special plotting function for my special needs."""
#     if ax is None:
#         ax = plt.gca()
#     x = np.arange(len(data)) * 1000  # my special x-axis needs
#     lines = ax.plot(x, data)
#     ax.set_xlabel("my independent variable / millisomethings")
#     ax.set_ylabel("very interesting unitless values")
#     ax.grid(True)
#     return lines
def plot_a_v_z(dataframe, alphacol='da', errorcol='extraeda', color=0, label=''):
    fig = plt.gcf()
    ax = plt.gca()
    for index, df in enumerate(np.array_split(dataframe.sort_values('zabs'), 13)):
        x = np.average(df.zabs)
        y = np.average(df[alphacol], weights=(1.0 / (df[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        e = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(1.0 / (df[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        if index == 0:
        ax.scatter(x, y, c=sns.color_palette()[color], label=label)
        ax.errorbar(x, y, yerr=e, c=sns.color_palette()[color])
    ax.hlines(0, -2, 6, linestyles=':', lw=1.5, color='k')
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\Delta \alpha/\alpha$")
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Redshift [z]")
    ax.set_xlim(0.3, 3.7)
    ax.set_ylim(-20, 20)

In [195]:
np.array_split(keck.sort_values('zabs'), 13)[2]

#J2000 zem zabs da eda sample source sigflag imrotator transition extraeda dipole_fit
6 J000520+052410 1.90 0.85119 4.75 10.22 C Keck 1 0 e f n o p q r 10.22 -3.538861
93 J125048+395139 1.03 0.85452 -0.21 12.70 A Keck 1 1 b c n p q r 12.70 -5.795437
38 J045647+040052 1.34 0.85929 5.78 12.05 A Keck 1 1 a c n o p r q 12.05 -7.044954
68 J111038+483115 2.97 0.86182 -20.24 16.36 C Keck 1 1 a b c q r 16.36 -8.236147
100 J142326+325220 1.91 0.90301 -9.99 17.83 A Keck 1 1 b c n o p q r 17.83 -3.526540
50 J082601-223027 0.91 0.91059 -3.91 6.09 A Keck 1 1 b c n p q r 6.09 -1.495030
75 J120858+454035 1.16 0.92741 -2.18 13.90 C Keck 1 1 b c n o p q r 13.90 -7.124609
76 J120858+454035 1.16 0.92742 -2.80 7.77 A Keck 1 1 a b c n o p q r 7.77 -7.124609
95 J125659+042734 1.02 0.93426 18.77 17.96 A Keck 1 1 b c n p q r 17.96 -0.477096
40 J053007-250329 2.77 0.94398 7.58 23.37 C Keck 1 1 b c r 23.37 -2.440880
118 J220852-194359 2.56 0.94841 -36.64 18.57 B1 Keck 1 1 b c n p q r 18.57 2.399563

In [197]:
def plot_a_v_zresid(dataframe, dataframe2, alphacol='da', alphacol2='dipole_fit', errorcol='extraeda', color=0, label=''):
    """Measured - model"""
    fig = plt.gcf()
    ax = plt.gca()
    nbins = 13
    for index in range(nbins):
        df = np.array_split(dataframe.sort_values('zabs'), nbins)[index]
        x = np.average(df.zabs)
        y = np.average(df[alphacol], weights=(1.0 / (df[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        e = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(1.0 / (df[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        df2 = np.array_split(dataframe2.sort_values('zabs'), nbins)[index]
        x2 = np.average(df2.zabs)
        y2 = np.average(df2[alphacol2], weights=(1.0 / (df2[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        e2 = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(1.0 / (df2[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        if index == 0:
        ax.scatter(x, (y - y2), c=sns.color_palette()[color], label=label)
        ax.errorbar(x, (y - y2), yerr=e, c=sns.color_palette()[color])
    ax.hlines(0, -2, 6, linestyles=':', lw=1.5, color='k')
    ax.set_ylabel(r"Residual $\Delta \alpha/\alpha$")
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Redshift [z]")
    ax.set_xlim(0.3, 3.7)
    ax.set_ylim(-20, 20)

In [220]:
def plot_a_v_theta(dataframe, alphacol='da', alphacol2='dipole_fit', errorcol='extraeda', color=0, label=''):
    """Measured - model"""
    fig = plt.gcf()
    ax = plt.gca()
    nbins = 13
    for index in range(nbins):
        df = np.array_split(dataframe.sort_values('dipole_angle'), nbins)[index]
        x = np.average(df.dipole_angle)
        y = np.average(df[alphacol], weights=(1.0 / (df[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        e = np.sqrt(1.0 / np.sum(1.0 / (df[errorcol] ** 2.0)))
        if index == 0:
        ax.scatter(x, (y), c=sns.color_palette()[color], label=label)
        ax.errorbar(x, (y), yerr=e, c=sns.color_palette()[color])
    ax.hlines(0, -2, 200, linestyles=':', lw=1.5, color='k')
    ax.vlines(90, -30, 30, linestyles=':', lw=1.5, color='k')
    ax.set_ylabel(r"Residual $\Delta \alpha/\alpha$")
    ax.set_xlabel(r"$\Theta$, angle from best-fitting dipole [degrees]")
    ax.set_xlim(0.0, 180.0)
    ax.set_ylim(-25, 25)

In [221]:
plot_a_v_theta(vlt, color=0)
plot_a_v_theta(keck, color=2)

In [223]:
for index, g in temp:
    tempdf = 
    for x in np.......:

In [222]:
plot_a_v_theta(keck, color=2)

In [199]:
plot_a_v_zresid(vlt, vlt)

In [ ]:

In [184]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
plot_a_v_z(vlt, color=2, label='VLT (measured)')

In [201]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
ax.scatter(vlt.zabs, vlt.dipole_fit)
ax.scatter(vlt.zabs, vlt.da)
plot_a_v_z(vlt, alphacol='dipole_fit', color=3, label='VLT (fill with dipole-fit values)')

In [187]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
plot_a_v_z(vlt, alphacol='dipole_fit', color=3, label='VLT (fill with dipole-fit values)')
plot_a_v_z(vlt, color=2, label='VLT (measured)')

In [188]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
plot_a_v_z(keck, color=2, label='Keck (measured)')

In [189]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
plot_a_v_z(keck, alphacol='dipole_fit', color=3, label='Keck (fill with dipole-fit values)')

In [190]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
plot_a_v_z(keck, color=2, label='Keck (measured)')
plot_a_v_z(keck, alphacol='dipole_fit', color=3, label='Keck (fill with dipole-fit values)')

In [12]:
def observed_shifts(telescope='VLT'):
    waves = []
    shifts = []
    for index, row in full_parse[full_parse.source.eq(telescope)].iterrows():
        for tran in row['transition'].split():
            rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
            measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
            qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
            shifts.append(shifted_velocity(row.da, qval, rest_wave))
    return np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

def parse_j2000(name):
    """Takes the J2000 name stored in the results and returns it in a format astropy can understand."""
    return ' '.join([name[1:3], name[3:5], name[5:7], name[7:10], name[10:12], name[12:]])

def j2000_to_theta(name):
    """Returns the angle (degrees) between the position on the sky from 
    a given `name` and the position of the dipole model from 2012, King."""
    c = SkyCoord(parse_j2000(name), unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    return float(c.separation(dipole).to_string(decimal=True))

def dipole_alpha(name):
    """Returns the value of Delta alpha/alpha as given by the best fit 2012 King model for 
    the given name (position).
    theta = j2000_to_theta(name)
    return (DIP_AMPLITUDE * np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)) + DIP_MONOPOLE) * 1e6

def plot_system(system, dataframe):
    plotdf = dataframe[dataframe.system == system]
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 10), nrows=2)
    sns.regplot('wavelength', 'vshift', data=plotdf, ax=ax1)
    sns.regplot('x', 'vshift', data=plotdf, ax=ax2)

def generate_dataset(gen_dipole_alpha=True, 
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['system',
    count = 0
    abs_count = 0
    for index, row in full_parse.iterrows():
        waves = []
        rest_waves = []
        vshifts = []
        qvals_list = []
        for tran in row['transition'].split():
            vshift = 0.0
            rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
            measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
            qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
            if gen_dipole_alpha:
                vshift += shifted_velocity(dipole_alpha(row['#J2000']),
            if wavelength_distortion:
                vshift += distorted_velocity(row, measured_wave)
        vshifts = np.array(vshifts)
        errors = sigmas(vshifts)
        vshifts += errors * np.random.randn(len(vshifts))
        vshifts = vshifts - vshifts[0]
        for single in range(len(vshifts)):
            abs_count += 1
            df.loc[abs_count] = [int(index), #system
                                 row['#J2000'], #j2000
                                 waves[single], #wavelength 
                                 qvals_list[single], # qvalues
    df['system'] = df.system.astype(int)
    # For numerical stability during fitting, dividing the x-values by 1.3e13
    df['x'] = -2.0 * c * df['qval'] * df['rest_wave'] / 1.0e13
    return df

def shifted_velocity(del_alpha, q, lamb):
    # vj =v0 + ∆α xj, xj =−2cqjλ0j,
    x = -2 * c * q * lamb
    return del_alpha * x * 1e-14

def sigmas(vshifts):
    return np.random.rand(len(vshifts)) * 30.0 + 50.0

def VLT_distortion(measured_wave, 
                   intercept1 = -100.0,
                   slope2 =0.160,
    """Telescope dependent distortion function for the VLT sample."""
    if measured_wave < cutoff:
        return measured_wave * slope1 + intercept1
        return measured_wave * slope2 + intercept2

def Keck_distortion(measured_wave, cutoff=10000.):
    """Telescope dependent distortion function for the Keck sample."""
    slope1 = .0600
    intercept1 = -100
    slope2 = .160
    intercept2 = -1500
    if measured_wave < cutoff:
        return measured_wave * slope1 + intercept1
        return measured_wave * slope2 + intercept2
def distorted_velocity(row, measured_wave):
    """Telescope dependent distortion function for the VLT sample."""
    if row.source == "VLT":
        return VLT_distortion(measured_wave)
    elif row.source == "Keck":
        return Keck_distortion(measured_wave)

In [13]:
df_a = generate_dataset(gen_dipole_alpha=True, wavelength_distortion=False)
df_w = generate_dataset(gen_dipole_alpha=False, wavelength_distortion=True)

In [71]:

#J2000 zem zabs da eda sample source sigflag imrotator transition
0 J000149-015940 2.31 2.09510 0.34 7.27 B1 Keck 2 0 d g h i j k l s t u v w
1 J000149-015940 2.31 2.15390 36.05 39.54 B1 Keck 1 0 d f g l
2 J000322-260316 4.11 1.43420 -12.53 11.67 C Keck 1 1 b c p r
3 J000322-260316 4.11 3.38970 -78.43 35.48 C Keck 1 1 d g l m
4 J000520+052410 1.90 0.59137 -31.05 24.33 C Keck 1 0 b c n p q r

In [14]:
def fit_hypothesis(system=0, dataframe1=df_a, hypothesis='x'):
    """Return the chisq and the fit model object for a given dataframe and hypothesis."""
    plotdf1 = dataframe1[dataframe1.system == system]
    assert(hypothesis in ['x', 'w'])
    if hypothesis == 'x':
        X = sm.add_constant(plotdf1.x)
    elif hypothesis == 'w':
        X = sm.add_constant(plotdf1.wavelength)
    results = sm.WLS(plotdf1.vshift, X, weights=1.0/plotdf1.sigma).fit()
    chisq = np.sum((plotdf1.vshift - results.fittedvalues)**2.0 / (plotdf1.sigma) ** 2.0)
    return chisq, results

def plot_hypotheses(system, dataframe1, dataframe2):
    plotdf1 = dataframe1[dataframe1.system == system]
    plotdf2 = dataframe2[dataframe2.system == system]
    fig, ((ax2, ax4), (ax3, ax1)) = plt.subplots(figsize=(14, 10), nrows=2, ncols=2, )
    chi_one, mod_one = fit_hypothesis(system=system, dataframe1=dataframe1, hypothesis='w')
    ax1.errorbar(plotdf1.wavelength, plotdf1.vshift, yerr=plotdf1.sigma,  ls='none', 
                 label=r'$\chi^2$ = ' + str(np.round(chi_one, 2)), color=sns.color_palette()[2])
    ax1.scatter(plotdf1.wavelength, plotdf1.vshift, color=sns.color_palette()[2], label='')
    ax1.plot(plotdf1.wavelength, mod_one.fittedvalues, color='k')

    chi_one, mod_one = fit_hypothesis(system=system, dataframe1=dataframe1, hypothesis='x')
    ax3.errorbar(plotdf1.x, plotdf1.vshift, yerr=plotdf1.sigma,  ls='none', 
                 label=r'$\chi^2$ = ' + str(np.round(chi_one, 2)), color=sns.color_palette()[0])
    ax3.scatter(plotdf1.x, plotdf1.vshift, color=sns.color_palette()[0], label='')
    ax3.plot(plotdf1.x, mod_one.fittedvalues, color='k')

    chi_one, mod_one = fit_hypothesis(system=system, dataframe1=dataframe2, hypothesis='w')
    ax2.errorbar(plotdf2.wavelength, plotdf2.vshift, yerr=plotdf2.sigma,  ls='none', 
                 label=r'$\chi^2$ = ' + str(np.round(chi_one, 2)), color=sns.color_palette()[0])
    ax2.scatter(plotdf2.wavelength, plotdf2.vshift, color=sns.color_palette()[0], label='')
    ax2.plot(plotdf2.wavelength, mod_one.fittedvalues, color='k')

    chi_one, mod_one = fit_hypothesis(system=system, dataframe1=dataframe2, hypothesis='x')
    ax4.errorbar(plotdf2.x, plotdf2.vshift, yerr=plotdf2.sigma,  ls='none', 
                 label=r'$\chi^2$ = ' + str(np.round(chi_one, 2)), color=sns.color_palette()[2])
    ax4.scatter(plotdf2.x, plotdf2.vshift, color=sns.color_palette()[2], label='')
    ax4.plot(plotdf2.x, mod_one.fittedvalues, color='k')

    autoAxis = ax2.axis()
    rec = Rectangle((autoAxis[0],
    rec = ax2.add_patch(rec)
    autoAxis = ax3.axis()
    rec = Rectangle((autoAxis[0],
    rec = ax3.add_patch(rec)
    ax3.set_title(r"$\alpha$ process $\alpha$ fit")
    ax2.set_title(r"W process W fit")
    ax1.set_title(r"$\alpha$ process W fit")
    ax4.set_title(r"W process $\alpha$ fit")
    ax2.set_ylabel("vshift [m/s]")
    ax3.set_ylabel("vshift [m/s]")
    leg = ax1.legend(handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, fancybox=True, frameon=True, facecolor='white', loc='best')
    for item in leg.legendHandles:
    leg = ax2.legend(handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, fancybox=True, frameon=True, facecolor='white', loc='best')
    for item in leg.legendHandles:
    leg = ax3.legend(handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, fancybox=True, frameon=True, facecolor='white', loc='best')
    for item in leg.legendHandles:
    leg = ax4.legend(handlelength=0, handletextpad=0, fancybox=True, frameon=True, facecolor='white', loc='best')
    for item in leg.legendHandles:

To Do:

  • animation of transitioning between x and w on the x-axis
  • interactive plot that fits a spline with offsets
  • Binned model from paper with dipole result

In [15]:
plot_hypotheses(231, df_a, df_w)

In [70]:
plot_hypotheses(264, df_a, df_w)

In [17]:
df_a[df_a.system==264][['wavelength', 'x', 'vshift', 'sigma']]

wavelength x vshift sigma
1755 6307.606019 -10.570881 0.000000 67.976694
1756 8880.132002 -15.395341 -183.532169 58.355253
1757 8703.930794 -35.545013 -137.297620 66.331114
1758 8726.270535 -20.339554 92.848987 75.616709
1759 7036.901052 -194.518419 -133.810894 53.660659
1760 7296.596596 -193.263758 -67.622065 79.228620
1761 7390.744395 -231.349696 -234.822291 54.856296
1762 8051.204649 -234.963760 -13.484665 74.865876
1763 8093.295722 -213.586285 -88.895179 75.334126
1764 5627.621790 -57.021421 39.181348 74.643997
1765 6400.314994 136.852178 83.482650 66.500987
1766 6418.916085 144.421525 1.191747 77.352706
1767 6431.141238 168.482323 110.252705 65.407266
1768 6306.554306 -302.252500 -151.424592 51.622702
1769 6420.236917 -196.023305 -95.371981 71.310984
1770 5321.313473 2.050106 -28.727743 57.401675
1771 5420.757525 146.189238 -27.174443 76.853809
1772 5453.012154 73.529547 57.321850 63.162448
1773 8020.831197 -197.150297 -160.717142 71.998956
1774 8112.791439 -135.805536 -101.281514 50.916272

In [230]:
chisqs = {# data_hypo

data = {'x':df_a, 'w':df_w}
for system in sorted(df_w.system.unique()):
    for df in ['x', 'w']:
        for hypo in ['x', 'w']:
            chisq, results = fit_hypothesis(system=system, dataframe1=data[df], hypothesis=hypo)
            chisqs['_'.join([df, hypo])].append(chisq)
for item in chisqs:
    chisqs[item] = np.array(chisqs[item])

In [245]:
np.sum(chisqs['w_x']/chisqs['w_w'] < 1.0) / len(chisqs['w_x'])


In [253]:
np.sum(chisqs['x_x']/chisqs['x_w'] < 1.0) / len(chisqs['w_x'])


In [247]:

#J2000 zem zabs da eda sample source sigflag imrotator transition
0 J000149-015940 2.31 2.09510 0.34 7.27 B1 Keck 2 0 d g h i j k l s t u v w
1 J000149-015940 2.31 2.15390 36.05 39.54 B1 Keck 1 0 d f g l
2 J000322-260316 4.11 1.43420 -12.53 11.67 C Keck 1 1 b c p r
3 J000322-260316 4.11 3.38970 -78.43 35.48 C Keck 1 1 d g l m
4 J000520+052410 1.90 0.59137 -31.05 24.33 C Keck 1 0 b c n p q r

In [251]:
angles = []
dipole_alphas = []
measured_alphas = []

for index, row in full_parse.iterrows():
    name = row['#J2000']

In [264]:
plt.scatter(angles, dipole_alphas)
plt.scatter(angles, measured_alphas, alpha=0.5)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x11dc76240>

In [263]:
plt.scatter(angles, measured_alphas)

<matplotlib.collections.PathCollection at 0x11dc9a048>

In [ ]:
# Todo: ipywidgets minimization of spline + offsets for vshift

In [329]:
alpha = []
distortion = []
for (index, g) in df2.groupby('system'):
    X = sm.add_constant(g.x)
    model = sm.WLS(g.vshift, X, weights=1.0/g.sigma)
    results =
    chisq = np.sum((g.vshift - results.fittedvalues)**2.0 / (g.sigma) ** 2.0)
    if chisq < 1e7:
    X = sm.add_constant(g.wavelength)
    model = sm.WLS(g.vshift, X, weights=1.0/g.sigma)
    results =
    chisq = np.sum((g.vshift - results.fittedvalues)**2.0 / (g.sigma) ** 2.0)
    if chisq < 1e10:

alpha = np.array(alpha)
distortion = np.array(distortion)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))

ax.hist(alpha, alpha=0.5, 
                bins=np.linspace(0, 5, 50),
        label='Alpha hypothesis')
ax.hist(distortion, alpha=0.5, 
                        bins=np.linspace(0, 5, 50),
        label='Distortion hypothesis')
# ax.hist(alpha / distortion, 
#         bins=np.linspace(0, 5, 50), 
#         label='Wavelength',
#         alpha=0.5)
# ax.set_xlim(0, 5.0, )

Alpha measurements as proxies for wavelength distortions

We have many measurements of $\alpha$ on both the Keck and VLT telescopes. Measurements with spectrographs both telescopes reveal statistically significant (though small in absolute terms) differences between the expected positions of absorption lines and the measured positions.

Hypothesis tests or statistical inference

There are many possible hypotheses that could explain these differences. To list just two:

  • the value of the fine-structure constant ($\alpha$) has changed
  • there are velocity distortions in the instrument.

We can consider any velocity shift measurements as a hypothesis test. Previous studies started with the assumption that any shift in absorption lines would come as a result of a change in $\alpha$. We have the reported $\frac{\Delta \alpha}{\alpha}$ values for both the Keck and VLT samples. If we invert the hypothesis: use the measured alpha values as a system of velocity shifts, we can effectively discriminate which hypothesis best fits the data.


The goal will be to simulate what the velocity shifts look like if the dipole model is correct, and compare that to what we currently see.


The end goal of this analysis is ultimately a change in how $\frac{\Delta \alpha}{\alpha}$ is measured. The proposed recipe is:

  1. Create the best fit velocity structure as usual.
  2. Fit for relative velocity shifts between all lines (vpfit already allows for this).
  3. Combine all velocity shifts for all measured systems with a particular telescope.
  4. Use standard hypothesis statistical tests to discriminate the most likely hypothesis: a wavelength distortion model, or a change in the fine-structure constant.

This will likely have rather low power for any single absorption system, but for ensembles, I think that it's likely the only case

Useful References (in reverse chronological order)

In [5]:
species = set([spec[0] for spec in qvals.index.str.split('I')])
colors = sns.color_palette(n_colors=len(species))
plot_colors = {}
for index, specie in enumerate(sorted(species)):
    plot_colors[specie] = colors[index]

In [11]:
def plot_absorption(specie=['Al', 'Mg'],
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    ax.hlines(1, 0, 10000)
    for tran, row in qvals[qvals.index.str.startswith(tuple(specie))].iterrows():
        ax.vlines((1.0 + z) * row.wave + row.qval * ((daa + 1)**2.0-1.0), 
                      0, 1, color=plot_colors[tran[:2]])
        ax.vlines((1.0 + z) * row.wave, 
                      0, 1, color=plot_colors[tran[:2]], alpha=0.2)
    ax.set_xlim(3000, 8e3)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 1.1)
    ax.set_ylabel("Normalized Flux")
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Wavelength $\AA$")
    for spec in specie:
        ax.vlines(-1, -1, 0, color=plot_colors[spec], label=spec)
    box = ax.get_position()
    ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

plot_absorption(specie=['Al', 'Mg', 'Fe', 'Ni'], )

In [51]:
def plot_shift(specie=['Al', 'Mg'],
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    ax.hlines(0, 0, 10000)
    for tran, row in qvals[qvals.index.str.startswith(tuple(specie))].iterrows():
        ax.scatter((1.0 + z) * row.wave, 
#                    row.qval * ((daa + 1)**2.0-1.0),
                   shifted_velocity(daa, row.qval, (1.0 + z) * row.wave),
                   color=plot_colors[tran[:2]], zorder=3)
    ax.set_xlim(3000, 8e3)
    ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
    ax.set_ylabel("Velocity Shift [m/s]")
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength $\AA$")
    for spec in specie:
        ax.vlines(-1, -1, 0, color=plot_colors[spec], label=spec, zorder=-3)
    box = ax.get_position()
    ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.8, box.height])
    ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))

plot_shift(specie=['Al', 'Mg', 'Fe', 'Ni'], )

In [52]:
redshift_slider = FloatSlider(value=2.1, min=0.0, max=3.5)
alpha_slider = FloatSlider(value=0.0, min=-5.0, max=5.0, step=0.1)
species_select = SelectMultiple(options=['Al', 'Cr', 'Fe', 'Mg', 'Mn', 'Ni', 'Si'],
                                value=['Al', 'Fe']
# w = interactive(plot_absorption, 
#                 specie=species_select,
#                 z=redshift_slider,
#                 daa=alpha_slider,
#                )
shift_interactive = interactive(plot_shift, 

In [53]:

In [42]:

#J2000 zem zabs da eda sample source sigflag imrotator transition
0 J000149-015940 2.31 2.09510 0.34 7.27 B1 Keck 2 0 d g h i j k l s t u v w
1 J000149-015940 2.31 2.15390 36.05 39.54 B1 Keck 1 0 d f g l
2 J000322-260316 4.11 1.43420 -12.53 11.67 C Keck 1 1 b c p r
3 J000322-260316 4.11 3.38970 -78.43 35.48 C Keck 1 1 d g l m
4 J000520+052410 1.90 0.59137 -31.05 24.33 C Keck 1 0 b c n p q r

In [15]:
def plot_shifts(telescope='VLT'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    w, s = observed_shifts(telescope=telescope)
    sns.regplot(w, s, lowess=True, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.2}, ax=ax)
    ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")

In [16]:

In [17]:

In [59]:
def plot_all(title='Keck + VLT'):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    w, s = observed_shifts(telescope=telescope)
    sns.regplot(w, s, lowess=True, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5}, ax=ax, label=telescope)
    w, s = observed_shifts(telescope=telescope)
    sns.regplot(w, s, lowess=True, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5}, ax=ax, label=telescope)
    ax.set_xlim(2000, 10000)
    ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")

In [60]:

In [61]:
def observed_shifts_by_sample(sample='A'):
    waves = []
    shifts = []
    for index, row in full_parse[full_parse['sample'] == sample].iterrows():
        for tran in row['transition'].split():
            rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
            measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
            qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
            shifts.append(shifted_velocity(row.da, qval, rest_wave))
    return np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

def plot_samples():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 8))
    for sample in sorted(full_parse['sample'].unique()):
        w, s = observed_shifts_by_sample(sample=sample)
        sns.regplot(w, s, lowess=True, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.5}, ax=ax, label=sample)
    ax.set_ylim(-400, 400)
    ax.set_xlim(2000, 10000)
#     frame = ax.get_frame()
#     frame.set_alpha(1.0)
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")

In [62]:


Generate velocity shifts for the dipole hypothesis.

In [54]:

In [74]:
def plot_sim(telescope='VLT', use_dipole=True):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
    w, s = observed_shifts(telescope=telescope)
    sns.regplot(w, s, lowess=True, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.05}, ax=ax, label='Implied by Measured VLT')
    w, s = simulated_shifts(telescope=telescope, use_dipole=use_dipole)
    sns.regplot(w, s, lowess=True, scatter_kws={'alpha':0.05}, ax=ax, label='Implied by Dipole VLT')
    ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
    ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
    ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
    ax.set_title('Simulated velocity shifts for ' + telescope)

In [75]:

In [69]:
def simulated_shifts(telescope='VLT', use_dipole=True):
    waves = []
    shifts = []
    for index, row in full_parse[full_parse.source.eq(telescope)].iterrows():
        for tran in row['transition'].split():
            rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
            measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
            qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
#             da = row.da
            if use_dipole:
                da = dipole_alpha(row['#J2000'])
                da = -3.0
            shifts.append(shifted_velocity(da, qval, rest_wave))
    return np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)


In [ ]:

In [ ]:

Hypothesis test

I think that a non-parametric test for $\alpha$ would be to fit for all velocity shifts as independent shifts.

The general procedure would be thus:

  • fit velocity shifts per wavelength region (with errors).

In [80]:

#J2000 zem zabs da eda sample source sigflag imrotator transition
152 J004131-493611 3.24 2.2485 -12.3 6.72 D VLT 3 0 j1 j2 j3 j6 j7 j8 c1 d1 d2 e2 h1 h2 h3 l1 l2 k...

In [99]:
telescope = 'VLT'
row = full_parse[full_parse.source.eq(telescope)].sample(1,
waves = []
shifts = []
for tran in row['transition'].split():
    rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
    measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
    qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
#             da = row.da
#     if use_dipole:
    da = dipole_alpha(row['#J2000'])
#     else:
#         da = -3.0
    shifts.append(shifted_velocity(da, qval, rest_wave))
wav, shift = np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.scatter(wav, shift)
ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
# ax.legend()
ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
ax.set_title('Simulated velocity shifts for ' + telescope)

In [ ]:
telescope = 'VLT'
row = full_parse[full_parse.source.eq(telescope)].sample(1,
waves = []
shifts = []
for tran in row['transition'].split():
    rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
    measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
    qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
#             da = row.da
#     if use_dipole:
    da = dipole_alpha(row['#J2000'])
#     else:
#         da = -3.0
    shifts.append(shifted_velocity(da, qval, rest_wave))
wav, shift = np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.scatter(wav, shift)
ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
# ax.legend()
ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
ax.set_title('Simulated velocity shifts for ' + telescope + " " + str(np.round(da, 2)))

In [113]:
telescope = 'VLT'
row = full_parse[full_parse.source.eq(telescope)].sample(1,
waves = []
shifts = []
for tran in row['transition'].split():
    rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
    measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
    qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
#             da = row.da
#     if use_dipole:
    da = dipole_alpha(row['#J2000'])
#     else:
#         da = -3.0
    shifts.append(shifted_velocity(da, qval, rest_wave))
wav, shift = np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.scatter(wav, shift)
ax.set_ylim(-200, 200)
# ax.legend()
ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
ax.set_title('Simulated velocity shifts for ' + telescope + " " + str(da))

In [112]:
telescope = 'VLT'
row = full_parse[full_parse.source.eq(telescope)].sample(1,
waves = []
shifts = []
for tran in row['transition'].split():
    rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
    measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
    qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
    da = dipole_alpha(row['#J2000'])
    shifts.append(shifted_velocity(da, qval, rest_wave))
wav, shift = np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 6))
ax.scatter(wav, shift)

waves = []
shifts = []
for tran in row['transition'].split():
    rest_wave = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].wave
    measured_wave = rest_wave * (1 + row.zabs)
    qval = qvals.loc[codes.loc[tran].trans].qval
    da = row.da
    shifts.append(shifted_velocity(da, qval, rest_wave))
wav, shift = np.array(waves), np.array(shifts)

ax.scatter(wav, shift)
ax.set_xlabel(r"Observed Wavelength [$\AA$]")
ax.set_ylabel("Velocity [m/s]")
ax.set_title('Simulated velocity shifts for ' + telescope + " " + str(da))

In [ ]:

In [ ]:

In [ ]: