Outputting to Excel with Templates

Getting Started

Exercises requires chainladder v0.6.1 and later

In [1]:
import chainladder as cl

.. note:: Excel templating is a very new feature so the template library is sparse. This tutorial introduces the concept of templating. Expect more templates soon.

Excel Templates

chainladder relies on the xlcompose library to produce rich spreadsheet outputs. These are accessed by calling on cl.load_template which is similar to how we load sample data with cl.load_dataset. A template is a YAML file that specifies the layout of an Excel file. Anyone can write a custom template and pass it to the cl.load_template function. You can view the template files included with chainladder here. To make your own custom templates it is worth reading the xlcompose templating docs.

In [2]:

Origin 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120
1998 37,017,487 43,169,009 45,568,919 46,784,558 47,337,318 47,533,264 47,634,419 47,689,655 47,724,678 47,742,304
1999 38,954,484 46,045,718 48,882,924 50,219,672 50,729,292 50,926,779 51,069,285 51,163,540 51,185,767
2000 41,155,776 49,371,478 52,358,476 53,780,322 54,303,086 54,582,950 54,742,188 54,837,929
2001 42,394,069 50,584,112 53,704,296 55,150,118 55,895,583 56,156,727 56,299,562
2002 44,755,243 52,971,643 56,102,312 57,703,851 58,363,564 58,592,712
2003 45,163,102 52,497,731 55,468,551 57,015,411 57,565,344
2004 45,417,309 52,640,322 55,553,673 56,976,657
2005 46,360,869 53,790,061 56,786,410
2006 46,582,684 54,641,339
2007 48,853,563

load_template will generate an Excel template object to which you can pass data. We will be using the 'triangle' template which requires (at a minimum) a Triangle object that is a single index/column representation.

.. note:: Excel files do not render as notebooks. The Excel files generated by these examples have been included as images for the purposes of the tutorial only. You will have to jump into Excel to view your own output.

In this example, our template is given one object, out Triangle. From the one Triangle, we can infer a lot of information that we can represent in our exhibit.

In [3]:
cl.load_template('triangle', triangle=triangle).to_excel('example.xlsx')

Note also that loading the template creates an xlcompose object, but it does not actually create an Excel file. To do that, you must call the to_excel method on the object.

If we transform our triangle by a Development estimator, let's see how the same template acknowledges this additional information.

In [4]:

Anyone can examine the YAML template to see what options are available. Let's explore all available options in out 'triangle' template.

In [5]:
    scenarios={'Simple (All)': cl.Development(average='simple'),
               'Volume (All)': cl.Development(),
               'Volume (5Yr)': cl.Development(n_periods=5),
               'Volume (3Yr)': cl.Development(n_periods=3)},
    triangle_name = 'US Auto Industry',
    sheet_name='US Auto',
    set_header=['&RExhbit 1', 'Sheet 1'],
    index_label='Accident Year'

By using xlcompose for rendering spreadsheets, you do not need to concern yourself with the shapes of your triangles. The Excel template dynamically resizes to smaller or larger triangles. Let's try the same template on a smaller triangle.

In [6]:
triangle = cl.load_dataset('ukmotor')

In [7]:
    scenarios={'Simple (All)': cl.Development(average='simple'),
               'Volume (All)': cl.Development(),
               'Volume (5Yr)': cl.Development(n_periods=5),
               'Volume (3Yr)': cl.Development(n_periods=3)},
    triangle_name = 'UK Motor',
    set_header=['&RExhbit 1', 'Sheet 1'],
    index_label='Accident Year'

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