In [1]:
%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
In [36]:
import warnings; warnings.simplefilter('ignore')
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rstoolbox
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import copy
import os
The aim of these experiments is to asses the ability to structurally mimic the designed inhibitor of the Epstein-Barr virus Apoptosis regulator BHRF1, a homolog of human Bcl-2 proteins that block apoptosis and is associated with cancer. The designed inhibitor's structure can be found in the PDB 4OYD; and is based on the same binding motif as the one found in PDB 2WH6 and uses as template for the rest of the scaffold the structure of a three helical domain as found in PDB 3LHP.
The key issue of this example is that the disposition of the 3 helix of the bundle need to change from 3LHP to 4OYD in order not to clash with BHRF1. Thus, we expect to show how, by generating the design on FFL in the presence of the binder, we will be able to promote this conformational change, showcasing the importance of this new feature in our protocol. This expected clash can be observed when superimposing BHRF1 to the 3LHP scaffold through the binding motif of 2WH6.
3LHP | 4OYD |
Due to the type of conformational change that we are trying to evaluate, global RMSD (i.e. the best possible RMSD obtained from all structural alignments of the two proteins) is not an optimal way to evaluate how well we capture the necessary structural change. Thus, during this analysis, we will also evaluate what we will call local RMSD. This measure derives from alingning the structures through the binding motif (that does not change during the FFL protocol) and evaluate the RMSD without re-doing the alignment. This measure captures with higher accuracy the change of correlative disposition between the secondary structures.
Label | Definition |
MOTIF | Residues belonging to the functional query motif |
HOTSPOT | Residues of the motif that are considered non-editable |
COLDSPOT | Residues of the motif that are considered editable |
FLEXIBLE | Residues of the motif's terminals that are allowed to explore alternative conformations |
TEMPLATE | Residues of the design that do NOT belong to the query motif |
CONTEXT | Residues belonging to other proteins in the complex that are NOT the design chain |
For all these tests, we have divided the FFL protocol into two parts:
Label | PACK | DESIGN | BB | CHI |
HOTSPOT | - | - | - | - |
COLDSPOT | X | X | - | X |
FLEXIBLE | X | - | X | X |
TEMPLATE | X | X | X | X |
CONTEXT | - | - | - | - |
Label | PACK | DESIGN | BB | CHI |
HOTSPOT | - | - | X | X |
COLDSPOT | X | X | X | X |
FLEXIBLE | X | - | X | X |
TEMPLATE | X | X | X | X |
CONTEXT | - | - | X | X |
(one uses FastRelax, the other uses MinMover)
(alternates one round of classicFFL and one with the following profile)
Label | PACK | DESIGN | BB | CHI |
HOTSPOT | - | - | - | - |
COLDSPOT | - | - | - | - |
FLEXIBLE | - | - | - | - |
TEMPLATE | - | - | - | - |
CONTEXT | - | - | X | X |
In order to do this comparisson, there are a couple of things we need to know:
In [3]:
tvt = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent("experiments/3lhp_vs_4oyd/3lhp_vs_4oyd")
definition = {
"description": "description", "GlobalRMSD": "GlobalRMSD", "LocalRMSD": "LocalRMSD",
"LocalRMSDH": "LocalRMSDH", "LocalRMSDL": "LocalRMSDL",
tvtDF = rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tvt, definition)
In [5]:
experiments = ["classicFFL", "fullDesign", "minimize", "minimizeBinderAlternate"]
definition = {
"description": "description", "GlobalRMSD": "GlobalRMSD", "LocalRMSD": "LocalRMSD",
"LocalRMSDH": "LocalRMSDH", "LocalRMSDL": "LocalRMSDL", "design_type": "experiment"
logic = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "GlobalRMSD", "condition", "test"],
"split": [("LocalRMSD", "target"), ("LocalRMSDH", "helices"), ("LocalRMSDL", "corehelices") ],
"names": ["rmsd", "rmsd_to"]
tmpDFL = []
for exp in experiments:
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent("experiments/4oyd_moves/{0}".format(exp), exp)
tmpDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, definition))
moves4oydDF = []
moves4oydDF[0] = moves4oydDF[0].assign(condition=pd.Series(["binder"]*len(moves4oydDF[0]["description"])).values)
moves4oydDF[0] = moves4oydDF[0].assign(test=pd.Series(["4oyd_moves"]*len(moves4oydDF[0]["description"])).values)
moves4oydDF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(moves4oydDF[0], logic))
In [6]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(moves4oydDF[1], col="experiment", hue="rmsd_to", size=10, aspect=0.6, legend_out=True)
g = (, "GlobalRMSD", "rmsd", fit_reg=False).add_legend())
g.fig.suptitle('Global vs. Local RMSD for 4OYD movements')
In [7]:
conditions = ["nobinder", "binder"]
definition = {
"description": "description", "GRMSD2Target": "GlobalRMSD", "LRMSD2Target": "LocalRMSD",
"LRMSDH2Target": "LocalRMSDH", "LRMSDLH2Target": "LocalRMSDL", "design_score": "score"
"naming": ["test", "", "condition", "", "cluster", "decoy"]
ddg_defs = {
"ddg": "pre_ddg", "post_ddg": "post_ddg", "rmsd_drift": "rmsd_drift"
"naming": ["test", "", "condition", "", "cluster", "decoy", ""]
logic1 = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "GlobalRMSD", "condition", "test", "score" ],
"split": [("LocalRMSD", "target"), ("LocalRMSDH", "helices"), ("LocalRMSDL", "corehelices") ],
"names": ["rmsd", "rmsd_to"]
logic2 = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "condition", "test", "score", "rmsd_drift" ],
"split": [("post_ddg", "post-min"), ("pre_ddg", "pre-min") ],
"names": ["ddg", "ddg_when"]
tmpDFL = []
ddgDFL = []
for cnd in conditions:
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent("experiments/as4oyd/{0}/as4oyd_{0}_1_minisilent".format(cnd))
tmpDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, definition))
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent("experiments/as4oyd/{0}/ddg_evaluation.score".format(cnd))
ddgDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, ddg_defs))
as4oydDF = []
as4oydDF[0] = pd.merge(as4oydDF[0], pd.concat(ddgDFL), how='left', on=["test", "condition", "cluster", "decoy"])
as4oydDF[0] = as4oydDF[0].assign(experiment=pd.Series(["classicFFL"]*len(as4oydDF[0]["description"])).values)
as4oydDF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(as4oydDF[0], logic1))
as4oydDF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(as4oydDF[0], logic2))
In [8]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(as4oydDF[1], col="rmsd_to", hue="condition", size=10, aspect=0.6, legend_out=True)
g = (, "GlobalRMSD", "rmsd", fit_reg=False).add_legend())
g.fig.suptitle('Global vs. Local RMSD for 4OYD refolded on itself')
In [9]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(as4oydDF[2], col="condition", hue="ddg_when", size=10, aspect=0.6, legend_out=True)
g = (, "ddg", "score", fit_reg=False).add_legend())
g.fig.suptitle('Design Score vs. ddG 4OYD refolded on itself')
In [35]:
f, axes = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(20, 15))
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="LocalRMSD", data=as4oydDF[0], showfliers=False, ax=axes[0,0])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="LocalRMSDH", data=as4oydDF[0], showfliers=False, ax=axes[0,1])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="LocalRMSDL", data=as4oydDF[0], showfliers=False, ax=axes[0,2])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="score", data=as4oydDF[0], showfliers=False, ax=axes[1,0])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="post_ddg", data=as4oydDF[0], showfliers=False, ax=axes[1,1])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="rmsd_drift", data=as4oydDF[0], showfliers=False, ax=axes[1,2])
plt.suptitle('4OYD refolded: RMSDs and ddG vs. score')
In [47]:
definition = {
"description": "description", "GRMSD2Target": "GlobalRMSD", "LRMSD2Target": "LocalRMSD",
"LRMSDH2Target": "LocalRMSDH", "LRMSDLH2Target": "LocalRMSDL", "design_score": "score"
"naming": ["", "", "condition", "", "cluster", "decoy", "experiment", "", "", ""]
ddg_defs = {
"ddg": "pre_ddg", "post_ddg": "post_ddg", "rmsd_drift": "rmsd_drift"
"naming": ["", "", "condition", "", "cluster", "decoy", "experiment", "", "", "", ""]
logic1 = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "GlobalRMSD", "condition", "test", "score" ],
"split": [("LocalRMSD", "target"), ("LocalRMSDH", "helices"), ("LocalRMSDL", "corehelices") ],
"names": ["rmsd", "rmsd_to"]
logic2 = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "condition", "test", "score", "rmsd_drift" ],
"split": [("post_ddg", "post-min"), ("pre_ddg", "pre-min") ],
"names": ["ddg", "ddg_when"]
tmpDFL = []
ddgDFL = []
for exp in experiments:
for cnd in conditions:
if os.path.isfile(filename.format(exp, cnd)):
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent(filename.format(exp, cnd))
tmpDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, definition))
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent(ddgname.format(exp, cnd), allow_repeats=True)
ddgDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, ddg_defs))
from4oydDF = []
from4oydDF[0] = pd.merge(from4oydDF[0], pd.concat(ddgDFL), how='left', on=["experiment", "condition", "cluster", "decoy"])
from4oydDF[0] = from4oydDF[0].assign(test=pd.Series(["from4oyd"]*len(from4oydDF[0]["description"])).values)
from4oydDF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(from4oydDF[0], logic1))
from4oydDF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(from4oydDF[0], logic2))
In [70]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(from4oydDF[1], col="rmsd_to", hue="condition", row="experiment", size=10, aspect=0.8, legend_out=True)
g = (, "GlobalRMSD", "rmsd", fit_reg=False).add_legend())
g.fig.suptitle('Global vs. Local RMSD for all from4OYD experiments')
In [79]:
f, axes = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(25, 20))
for i in range(0, 4):
pltdf = from4oydDF[0][from4oydDF[0]["experiment"] == experiments[i]]
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="LocalRMSDL", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,0])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="score", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,1])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="post_ddg", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,2])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="rmsd_drift", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,3])
plt.suptitle('4OYD experiments: RMSDs and ddG vs. score')
In [72]:
definition = {
"description": "description", "GRMSD2Target": "GlobalRMSD", "LRMSD2Target": "LocalRMSD",
"LRMSDH2Target": "LocalRMSDH", "LRMSDLH2Target": "LocalRMSDL", "design_score": "score"
"naming": ["", "", "condition", "", "cluster", "decoy", "experiment", "", "", ""]
ddg_defs = {
"ddg": "pre_ddg", "post_ddg": "post_ddg", "rmsd_drift": "rmsd_drift"
"naming": ["", "", "condition", "", "cluster", "decoy", "experiment", "", "", "", ""]
logic1 = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "GlobalRMSD", "condition", "test", "score" ],
"split": [("LocalRMSD", "target"), ("LocalRMSDH", "helices"), ("LocalRMSDL", "corehelices") ],
"names": ["rmsd", "rmsd_to"]
logic2 = {
"keep": ["description", "experiment", "condition", "test", "score", "rmsd_drift" ],
"split": [("post_ddg", "post-min"), ("pre_ddg", "pre-min") ],
"names": ["ddg", "ddg_when"]
tmpDFL = []
ddgDFL = []
for exp in experiments:
for cnd in conditions:
if os.path.isfile(filename.format(exp, cnd)):
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent(filename.format(exp, cnd))
tmpDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, definition))
tmp = rstoolbox.api.read_rosetta_silent(ddgname.format(exp, cnd), allow_repeats=True)
ddgDFL.append(rstoolbox.api.process_from_definitions(tmp, ddg_defs))
from2wh6DF = []
from2wh6DF[0] = pd.merge(from2wh6DF[0], pd.concat(ddgDFL), how='left', on=["experiment", "condition", "cluster", "decoy"])
from2wh6DF[0] = from2wh6DF[0].assign(test=pd.Series(["from2wh6"]*len(from2wh6DF[0]["description"])).values)
from2wh6DF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(from2wh6DF[0], logic1))
from2wh6DF.append(rstoolbox.api.split_columns(from2wh6DF[0], logic2))
In [73]:
g = sns.FacetGrid(from2wh6DF[1], col="rmsd_to", hue="condition", row="experiment", size=10, aspect=0.8, legend_out=True)
g = (, "GlobalRMSD", "rmsd", fit_reg=False).add_legend())
g.fig.suptitle('Global vs. Local RMSD for all from2WH6 experiments')
In [82]:
f, axes = plt.subplots(4, 4, figsize=(25, 20))
for i in range(0, 4):
pltdf = from2wh6DF[0][from2wh6DF[0]["experiment"] == experiments[i]]
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="LocalRMSDL", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,0])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="score", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,1])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="post_ddg", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,2])
sns.boxplot(x="condition", y="rmsd_drift", data=pltdf, showfliers=False, ax=axes[i,3])
plt.suptitle('2WH6 experiments: RMSDs and ddG vs. score')
In [ ]: