In [1]:
import nltk
import cPickle as pickle
from collections import Counter
from random import shuffle
import word2vec
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import select
from string import punctuation
import db_connect
import uuid
import random
from datetime import datetime
from db_tables import metadata, CriteriaConceptStaging, ConceptPredictors
from db_tables import ConceptPredictorsReject, ConceptTerms, ConceptTermsReject, CriteriaTagged
In [27]:
def get_syn(word, model, num):
#if the initial term has a space replace it with an underscore
word = '_'.join(word.split(' '))
indexes, metrics = model.cosine(word, n=num)
return model.generate_response(indexes, metrics).tolist()
except Exception as e:
print e
return [word]
def human_checker_initial(term, syns, term_list, term_exc):
'''This function loops through the possible similar words and
lets human input decide if they actually are or not'''
print 'Are the following terms similar to your term: %r?' % (term)
if len(syns) > 1:
for syn in syns:
if syn in term_list or syn in term_exc:
print 'Term: \x1b[35m %s \x1b[0m Likelihood: \x1b[36m %f \x1b[0m' % (syn[0], syn[1])
answer_switch = True
while answer_switch:
add_term = raw_input('Is this a similar term to %s? (Y, N, exit): ' % (term))
if add_term.lower() == 'y':
answer_switch = False
elif add_term.lower() == 'exit':
#pass switch to exit program
exit_switch = True
return term_list, term_exc, exit_switch
elif add_term.lower() == 'n':
answer_switch = False
exit_switch = False
return term_list, term_exc, exit_switch
def choose_more_terms(model, initial_term, term_list, term_exc, num):
#get list of syns
syns = get_syn(initial_term, model, num)
#if there was no record of the initial term in the model just the initial term will be returned
#in that case just return the existing term
if len(syns) == 1:
return term_list, term_exc
#replace underscores in phrases with spaces
syns = [(' '.join(term[0].split('_')), term[1]) for term in syns]
term_list, term_exc, exit_switch = human_checker_initial(initial_term, syns, term_list, term_exc)
return term_list, term_exc
In [3]:
#do this here, should be a list of lists
def get_past_predictors(engine):
'''pulls all the past predictors from other concepts into a list of lists'''
result = engine.execute(select([ConceptPredictors.c.concept_id,
In [24]:
def active_learn_predictors(data, term_list, pred_list, pred_exc):
#look for more predictors for each concept by finding sentnces that have
#concept terms in them and looking for predictors in those sentences
def get_pred(text, term_list, pred_exc, pred_list):
pred_options_dict = Counter()
for sent in text:
#if the sentance has less than 2 words skip it
if len(sent) <= 1:
#crate a sentence rank for judging weight of terms found
sent_rank = 0
for term in term_list:
if term.lower() in ' '.join(zip(*sent)[0]).lower():
sent_rank += 1
result = chunker(sent)
preds = [' '.join(x) for x in [[x[0] for x in term] for term in result]]
preds.append(' '.join([sent[0][0], sent[1][0]]))
#lower case all preds
preds = [x.lower() for x in preds]
preds = preds * sent_rank
#get top 20 predictors that have not been seen before
sorted_preds = sorted(pred_options_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
counter = 0
top_preds = []
for pred in sorted_preds:
if pred[0] not in pred_list and pred[0] not in pred_exc:
counter += 1
if counter == 15 or counter == len(sorted_preds):
return top_preds
#if there are no preds return empty list
return top_preds
#get chunks for preds
def chunker(sent):
chunk_reg1 = r"""
CHUNK: {<NN.*><IN>}
chunk_reg2 = r"""
CHUNK: {<VB.*><DT>}
chunk_reg3 = r"""
CHUNK: {<NN.*><VB.*>}
results = []
for chunk_reg in [chunk_reg1, chunk_reg2, chunk_reg3]:
cp = nltk.RegexpParser(chunk_reg)
tree = cp.parse(sent)
except Exception as e:
print e
print sent
for subtree in tree.subtrees():
if subtree.label() == 'CHUNK':
return results
def human_checker(term, pred_list, top_preds, pred_exc):
'''This function loops through the possible predictors and
lets human input decide if they actually are or not'''
print 'Are the following predictors of this concept %r?' % (initial_term)
if len(top_preds) > 1:
for pred in top_preds:
print 'Predictor: \x1b[35m %s \x1b[0m Score: \x1b[36m %d \x1b[0m' % (pred[0], pred[1])
answer_switch = True
while answer_switch:
add_pred = raw_input('Is this a predictor of %s? (Y, N, exit): ' % (initial_term))
if add_pred.lower() == 'y':
answer_switch = False
elif add_pred.lower() == 'exit':
#pass switch to exit program
exit_switch = True
return pred_list, pred_exc, exit_switch
elif add_pred.lower() == 'n':
answer_switch = False
exit_switch = False
return pred_list, pred_exc, exit_switch
top_preds = get_pred(data, term_list, pred_exc, pred_list)
pred_list, pred_exc, exit_switch = human_checker(term_list, pred_list, top_preds, pred_exc)
print 'Predictive Term Learning Round Complete'
return pred_list, pred_exc, exit_switch
In [23]:
def active_learn_terms(data, term_list, pred_list, term_exc, past_predictors, model):
#look for more terms for each concept by finding sentnces that have
#predictors in them and looking for terms in those sentences
def get_term(text, term_list, term_exc, pred_list):
term_options_dict = Counter()
for sent in text:
#skip sentence if it contains less than one word
if len(sent) <= 1:
#crate a sentence rank for judging weight of terms found
sent_rank = 0
for pred in pred_list:
if pred[0].lower() in ' '.join(zip(*sent)[0]).lower():
sent_rank += pred[1]
result = chunker(sent)
terms = [' '.join(x) for x in [[x[0] for x in term] for term in result]]
terms.append(' '.join([sent[0][0], sent[1][0]]))
#lower case all preds
terms = [x.lower() for x in terms]
#add weights to terms by multiplying by sent_rank
terms = terms * sent_rank
#get top 20 predictors that have not been seen before
sorted_terms = sorted(term_options_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
counter = 0
top_terms = []
for term in sorted_terms:
if term[0] not in term_list and term[0] not in term_exc:
counter += 1
if counter == 15 or counter == len(sorted_terms):
return top_terms
#if there are no preds return empty list
return top_terms
#get chunks for preds
def chunker(sent):
chunk_reg1 = r"""
CHUNK: {(<NN.*><POS>)?<RB>?<JJ.*>*<NN.*>+}
#was causing too many bad results
# chunk_reg2 = r"""
# CHUNK: {(<JJ.*>|<VB.*>)<XX>}
# """
results = []
for chunk_reg in [chunk_reg1]:
cp = nltk.RegexpParser(chunk_reg)
tree = cp.parse(sent)
for subtree in tree.subtrees():
if subtree.label() == 'CHUNK':
return results
def human_checker(term_list, top_terms, term_exc):
'''This function loops through the possible terms and
lets human input decide if they actually are or not'''
print 'Are the following terms part of this concept: %r?' % (initial_term)
if len(top_terms) > 1:
for term in top_terms:
print 'Term: \x1b[35m %s \x1b[0m Score: \x1b[36m %d \x1b[0m' % (term[0], (term[1]))
answer_switch = True
while answer_switch:
add_term = raw_input('Is this similar to %s? (Y, N, exit): ' % (initial_term))
if add_term.lower() == 'y':
term_list, term_exc = choose_more_terms(model, initial_term, term_list, term_exc, 20)
answer_switch = False
elif add_term.lower() == 'exit':
#pass switch to exit program
exit_switch = True
return term_list, term_exc, exit_switch
elif add_term.lower() == 'n':
answer_switch = False
exit_switch = False
return term_list, term_exc, exit_switch
def weight_preds(past_predictors, pred_list):
pred_weight_list = []
#create a combined list of all preds, create Counter dict
tot_pred_list = []
for p in past_predictors:
tot_pred_list += p
count_pred = Counter(tot_pred_list)
#add weights to pred terms and create new pred weight lists
list_preds = list(pred_list)
for idx in range(len(list_preds)):
weight = len(past_predictors) - (count_pred[list_preds[idx]]-1)
pred_weight_list.append((list_preds[idx], weight))
return pred_weight_list
pred_weight_list = weight_preds(past_predictors, pred_list)
top_terms = get_term(data, term_list, term_exc, pred_weight_list)
term_list, term_exc, exit_switch = human_checker(term_list, top_terms, term_exc)
print 'Concept Term Learning Round Complete'
return term_list, term_exc, exit_switch
In [20]:
def run_active_learning(term_list, term_exc, pred_list, pred_exc, engine, concept_id, user_id, model):
# get initial terms with word2vec model
term_list, term_exc = choose_more_terms(model, initial_term, term_list, term_exc, 20)
if concept_id:
new_concept = 0
new_concept = 1
concept_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
past_predictors = get_past_predictors(engine)
#check if there are any past predictiors and if not create and empty list
if not past_predictors:
past_predictors = []
counter = 0
exit_switch = False
criteria_tracking = []
while not exit_switch and counter < 10:
# load in a random chunk of 10,000 trials
#select a random number between 0-249
while True:
rand_select = random.choice(xrange(250))
if rand_select not in criteria_tracking:
#need to figure out a way to get random sentences from this, rand() is way to slow
result = engine.execute(select([CriteriaTagged.c.tagged_text]).where(CriteriaTagged.c.random_select
== rand_select))
#convert into list of lists
data = [eval(r.tagged_text)[0] for r in result]
#mark punctuation with XX tag and convert inner list to tuples for processing
data = [[(w[0], w[1]) if w[0] not in punctuation else (w[0], 'XX') for w in s] for s in data]
pred_list_new, pred_exc_new, exit_switch = active_learn_predictors(data, term_list, pred_list, pred_exc)
term_list_new, term_exc_new, exit_switch = active_learn_terms(data, term_list, pred_list, term_exc, past_predictors, model)
#write the concept name row to db after first pass
if counter == 0:
engine.execute(CriteriaConceptStaging.insert(), [{'user_id': user_id,
'concept_id': concept_id,
'new_concept': new_concept,
'update_type': 'concept-name',
#update the difference in the 4 sets to the database
old = [pred_list, pred_exc, term_list, term_exc]
new = [pred_list_new, pred_exc_new, term_list_new, term_exc_new]
update_type = ['predictor', 'predictor-reject', 'term', 'term-reject']
for ix, s in enumerate(new):
new_values = s.difference(old[ix])
old[ix] = s
cur_time =
update = update_type[ix]
#instert data into db
engine.execute(CriteriaConceptStaging.insert(), [{'user_id': user_id,
'update_time': cur_time,
'concept_id': concept_id,
'new_concept': new_concept,
'update_type': update,
for value in new_values])
counter += 1
return term_list, pred_list
In [7]:
def main(initial_term, user_id, concept_id=False):
#initialize the connection to the db
engine = create_engine('mysql+pymysql://' + db_connect.conn)
#user will select a term and then the term will be run through the word2vec model to come up with similar terms
#if it is an existing concept pull the existing data from db else start from scratch
if concept_id:
term_list = engine.execute(select([ConceptTerms.c.term]).where(ConceptTerms.c.concept_id
== concept_id))
term_exc = engine.execute(select([ConceptTerms_reject.c.term]).where(ConceptTerms_reject.c.concept_id
== concept_id))
pred_list = engine.execute(select([ConceptPredictors.c.predictor]).where(ConceptPredictors.c.concept_id
== concept_id))
pred_exc = engine.execute(select([ConceptPredictorsReject.c.predictor]).where(ConceptPredictorsReject.c.concept_id
== concept_id))
term_list = set([r[0] for r in term_list])
term_exc = set([r[0] for r in term_exc])
pred_list = set([r[0] for r in pred_list])
pred_exc = set([r[0] for r in pred_exc])
term_list = set([initial_term])
term_exc = set()
pred_list = set()
pred_exc = set()
#load in model
model = word2vec.load('data/criteria.bin')
clusters = word2vec.load_clusters('data/criteria-clusters.txt')
# add clusters to model
model.clusters = clusters
#add skip terms to term_exc and pred_exc
skip_term, skip_pred = skip_terms()
term_list, pred_list = run_active_learning(term_list, term_exc, pred_list, pred_exc, engine, concept_id, user_id, model)
In [8]:
def skip_terms():
term_list = ['month', 'months', 'patient', 'patients', 'history', 'day', 'days',
'year', 'years', 'week', 'weeks', 'subject', 'subjects', 'study', 'inclusion criteria', 'exclusion criteria',
'history of', 'patients with', 'age', 'investigator', 'use', 'evidence', 'women', 'men', 'woman', 'man',
'female', 'male', 'enrollment', 'time']
predictor_list = ['inclusion criteria', 'exclusion criteria']
return term_list, predictor_list
In [25]:
initial_term = 'allergy'
main(initial_term, 1)
In [ ]: