In [1]:
import codecs, string, random, math, cPickle as pickle, re, pandas as pd, seaborn
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
from collections import Counter
from IPython.display import HTML, Javascript, display
from __future__ import division
%matplotlib inline
In [2]:
corrections = {"Sarcoma, Ewing's": 'Sarcoma, Ewing',
'Beta-Thalassemia': 'beta-Thalassemia',
'Von Willebrand Disease, Type 3': 'von Willebrand Disease, Type 3',
'Von Willebrand Disease, Type 2': 'von Willebrand Disease, Type 2',
'Von Willebrand Disease, Type 1': 'von Willebrand Disease, Type 1',
'Felty''s Syndrome': 'Felty Syndrome',
'Von Hippel-Lindau Disease': 'von Hippel-Lindau Disease',
'Retrognathism': 'Retrognathia',
'Regurgitation, Gastric': 'Laryngopharyngeal Reflux',
'Persistent Hyperinsulinemia Hypoglycemia of Infancy': 'Congenital Hyperinsulinism',
'Von Willebrand Diseases': 'von Willebrand Diseases',
'Pontine Glioma': 'Brain Stem Neoplasms',
'Mental Retardation': 'Intellectual Disability',
'Overdose': 'Drug Overdose',
'Beta-Mannosidosis': 'beta-Mannosidosis',
'Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency': 'alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency',
'Intervertebral Disk Displacement': 'Intervertebral Disc Displacement',
'Alpha-Thalassemia': 'alpha-Thalassemia',
'Mycobacterium Infections, Atypical': 'Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous',
'Legg-Perthes Disease': 'Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease',
'Intervertebral Disk Degeneration': 'Intervertebral Disc Degeneration',
'Alpha-Mannosidosis': 'alpha-Mannosidosis',
'Gestational Trophoblastic Disease': 'Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasms'
cond = {}
cond_r = {}
for row in'../data/condition_browse.txt','r','utf-8').readlines():
row_id, trial_id, mesh_term = row.strip().split('|')
if mesh_term in corrections: mesh_term = corrections[mesh_term]
if mesh_term not in cond: cond[mesh_term] = []
if trial_id not in cond_r: cond_r[trial_id] = []
mesh_codes = {}
mesh_codes_r = {}
for row in'../data/mesh_thesaurus.txt','r','utf-8').readlines():
row_id, mesh_id, mesh_term = row.strip().split('|')
mesh_codes[mesh_id] = mesh_term
if mesh_term not in mesh_codes_r: mesh_codes_r[mesh_term] = []
# limiting to conditions that appear in ten or more trials
top_cond = {c for c in cond if len(cond[c]) >= 10}
trials = {t for c in top_cond for t in cond[c]}
# trial descriptions
trial_desc = pickle.load(open('../data/trial_desc.pkl','rb'))
# holdout sample text counters used in classification
# classify_text = pickle.load(open('../data/classify_text.pkl','rb'))
In [3]:
multi_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_guesses_holdout.pkl','rb'))
single_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_guesses_maxent_holdout.pkl','rb'))
knn_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_guesses_knn_holdout.pkl','rb'))
In [4]:
print len(multi_preds)
print len(single_preds)
print len(knn_preds)
What is the maximum overlap between the predicted term and the manually assigned terms?
Overlap is defined by the level of the least common hypernym in the MeSH hierarchy. A value of zero indicates that there is no overlap at all between the predicted and manually assigned terms.
In [4]:
single_accuracy = {}
for trial_id in list(set(single_preds.keys()) & set(cond_r.keys()) & trials):
# initialize variables for this prediction
accuracy = 0
this_pred = single_preds[trial_id]
if this_pred in mesh_codes_r:
mesh_pred = mesh_codes_r[single_preds[trial_id]]
# loop through known MeSH terms to look for greatest overlap
for m in cond_r[trial_id]:
if m in mesh_codes_r:
for a in mesh_codes_r[m]:
len_a = len(a)
for i in range(len_a,accuracy,-4):
for pa in mesh_pred:
if pa[:i] == a[:i] and i > accuracy: accuracy = i
single_accuracy[trial_id] = int((accuracy + 1) / 4) if accuracy > 0 else 'No match'
In [5]:
c = Counter(single_accuracy.values())
print sum(c.values())
ax = pd.DataFrame(c.values(), index=c.keys()).plot(kind='bar',
ax.set_xlabel("Hierarchy level")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of trials")
ax.set_title("Evaluating MaxEnt classification using manually assigned MeSH terms:\nMaximum depth of a matching term")
In [25]:
mult_accuracy = {}
for trial_id in list(set(multi_preds.keys()) & set(cond_r.keys()) & trials):
# initialize variables for this prediction
top_rank = 10000
this_pred = {d[0]: i for i, d in list(enumerate(sorted(multi_preds[trial_id].items(),
key=lambda x: x[1],
# loop through known MeSH terms to look for greatest overlap
for m in cond_r[trial_id]:
if m in mesh_codes_r:
for a in mesh_codes_r[m]:
if a[:7] in this_pred and this_pred[a[:7]] < top_rank: top_rank = this_pred[a[:7]]
if top_rank < 10000:
mult_accuracy[trial_id] = top_rank
In [26]:
low_rank = max(mult_accuracy.values())
c = Counter(mult_accuracy.values())
print sum(c.values())
ticks = [k for k in range(low_rank) if k%10 == 0]
ax = pd.DataFrame([c[i] for i in range(low_rank+1)],
ax.set_xlabel("Highest rank of matching hypernym")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of trials")
ax.set_title("Evaluating hypernym classifiers using manually assigned MeSH terms:\nHighest ranking hypernym of a known term")
In [10]:
total = sum(c.values())
ticks = [i/10 for i in range(1,11)]
ax = pd.DataFrame([sum([c[j] for j in c if j <= i]) / total for i in range(low_rank+1)],
ax.set_xlabel("Highest ranking matching hypernym")
ax.set_ylabel("Share of trials")
ax.set_yticklabels(['%d%%' % (r*100) for r in ticks])
ax.set_title("Cumulative distribution of top hypernym predictions:\nWhat share of trials have a hypernym at this rank or above?")
In [6]:
knn_accuracy = {}
for trial_id in list(set(knn_preds.keys()) & set(cond_r.keys()) & trials):
# initialize variables for this prediction
accuracy = {'exact': 10000,
'hypernym': {}}
this_pred = dict([(k, sum([1 / (10 ** d) for d in v]))
for k, v in knn_preds[trial_id].items()
val_order = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(sorted(list(set(this_pred.values())), reverse=True))}
hyp_pred = {m: val_order[v]
for p, v in this_pred.items()
if p in mesh_codes_r
for m in mesh_codes_r[p]}
# loop through known MeSH terms to look for greatest overlap
for m in cond_r[trial_id]:
if m in this_pred:
this_rank = val_order[this_pred[m]]
if this_rank < accuracy['exact']:
accuracy['exact'] = this_rank
elif m in mesh_codes_r:
for a in mesh_codes_r[m]:
len_a = len(a)
for i in range(len_a,0,-4):
for pa in hyp_pred:
if pa[:i] == a[:i]:
if i not in accuracy['hypernym'] or hyp_pred[pa] < accuracy['hypernym'][i]:
accuracy['hypernym'][i] = hyp_pred[pa]
if accuracy['exact'] == 10000: accuracy['exact'] = None
knn_accuracy[trial_id] = accuracy
In [9]:
c = Counter([knn_accuracy[t]['exact']+1
if knn_accuracy[t]['exact'] is not None
else 'No match'
for t in knn_accuracy.keys()])
print sum(c.values()), len(knn_accuracy)
ax = pd.DataFrame(c.values(), index=c.keys()).plot(kind='bar',
ax.set_xlabel("Highest rank of nearest neighbor prediction exact match")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of trials")
ax.set_title("Evaluating KNN predictions using manually assigned MeSH terms:\nHighest ranking match of a known term")
In [4]:
holdout_sample = list(set(knn_preds.keys()) & set(cond_r.keys()) & trials)
rare_mesh = list(set(knn_preds.keys()) & set(cond_r.keys()) - trials)
unknown_mesh = list(set(knn_preds.keys()) - set(cond_r.keys()))
In [14]:
def mesh_url(this_term, this_code):
this_term = this_term.replace(' ','+')
url = '' % (this_term, this_code)
return '<a target="_blank" href=%s>%s</a>' % (url, this_code)
def html_output(trial_id):
if trial_id in cond_r:
assigned = cond_r[trial_id]
assigned_codes = set()
for m in assigned:
if m in mesh_codes_r: assigned_codes |= set(mesh_codes_r[m])
assigned_hyp = set([c[:7] for c in assigned_codes if len(c) > 3])
assigned = []
if trial_id in single_preds:
top_pred = single_preds[trial_id]
top_pred = ''
if trial_id in knn_preds:
knn_pred = sorted([(k, sum([1 / (10 ** d) for d in v]))
for k, v in knn_preds[trial_id].items()
], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
knn_ranks = {}
rank = 1
for k,v in knn_pred:
if len(knn_ranks) == 0: cur_val = v
if v == cur_val:
knn_ranks[k] = rank
rank += 1
cur_val = v
knn_ranks[k] = rank
rank_count = Counter(knn_ranks.values())
knn_pred = []
if trial_id in multi_preds:
hyp_pred = sorted(multi_preds[trial_id].items(),
key=lambda x: x[1],
top_hyps = [c for c, v in hyp_pred[:20]]
top_hyps = []
def print_codes(cur_term, paint=False):
code_html = ''
if cur_term in mesh_codes_r:
cur_codes = mesh_codes_r[cur_term][:]
for code in cur_codes:
painting = ''
if paint and code[:7] in top_hyps:
painting = ' <span style="background-color: #FF69BA; font-size: small;">(hypernym in top 20)</span>'
code_html += '<p style="padding-left: 30px; margin-top: 0px">%s%s</p>' % (mesh_url(cur_term,code),
return code_html
page = "<p><strong>Trial ID:</strong> %s</p>\n" % trial_id
page += "<h3>Brief description</h3><p>%s</p>\n" % trial_desc[trial_id][0]
page += "<h3>Detailed description</h3><p>%s</p>\n" % (trial_desc[trial_id][1]
if trial_desc[trial_id][1]
else "No detailed description.")
page += "<h2>Current MeSH assignment (if any)</h2>"
if assigned:
for t in assigned:
additional = ''
if t == top_pred:
additional += ''' <span style="background-color: greenyellow;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: small;
font-style: normal">(same as top single prediction)</span>'''
if t in knn_ranks and knn_ranks[t] == 1:
additional += ''' <span style="background-color: lightsalmon;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: small;
font-style: normal">(top-ranked KNN prediction)</span>'''
elif t in knn_ranks:
additional += ''' <span style="background-color: #FFD9CA;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: small;
font-style: normal">(KNN prediction)</span>'''
page += '<h5 style="margin-top: 8px;">%s%s</h5>' % (t,
page += print_codes(t, paint=True)
page += '<p>No MeSH assignment.</p>'
page += '<h2>Top single prediction</h2>'
top_pred_style = ''
if top_pred in assigned:
top_pred_style = ' style="background-color: greenyellow;"'
page += '<h5 style="margin-top: 8px;"><span%s>%s</span></h5>' % (top_pred_style,
page += print_codes(top_pred)
page += '<h2>K Nearest Neighbor predictions</h2>'
for this_term, cur_val in knn_pred:
knn_style = ''
if this_term in assigned:
knn_style = ' style="background-color: %s;"' % ('lightsalmon' if knn_ranks[this_term] == 1 else '#FFD9CA')
knn_tie = ''
if rank_count[knn_ranks[this_term]] > 1:
knn_tie = ' (tie)'
page += '<h5 style="margin-top: 8px;">%d%s. <span%s>%s</span> </h5>' % (knn_ranks[this_term],
page += print_codes(this_term)
page += '<h2>Top 20 MeSH hypernym predictions</h2>'
hyp_rank = 1
for code in top_hyps:
hyp_style = ''
if code in assigned_hyp:
hyp_style = ' style="background-color: #FF69BA;"'
page += '<p style="margin-top: 0px">%d. <span style="font-weight: bold;">%s</span>' % (hyp_rank,
page += ' <span%s>%s</span></p>' % (hyp_style,
hyp_rank += 1
return page
In [36]:
In [ ]: