In [1]:
# SQLAlchemy setup
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.sql import func, select
from connect import mysqlusername, mysqlpassword, mysqlserver, mysqldbname
from db_tables import metadata, ConditionDescription, ConditionSynonym, ConditionLookup, ConditionBrowse
import nltk, codecs, string, random, math, cPickle as pickle, re, datetime, pandas as pd
from collections import Counter, defaultdict
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# scikit-learn
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import linear_kernel
from __future__ import division'tokenizers/punkt/english.pickle')
stopset = set(nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english'))
In [2]:
corrections = {"Sarcoma, Ewing's": 'Sarcoma, Ewing',
'Beta-Thalassemia': 'beta-Thalassemia',
'Von Willebrand Disease, Type 3': 'von Willebrand Disease, Type 3',
'Von Willebrand Disease, Type 2': 'von Willebrand Disease, Type 2',
'Von Willebrand Disease, Type 1': 'von Willebrand Disease, Type 1',
'Felty''s Syndrome': 'Felty Syndrome',
'Von Hippel-Lindau Disease': 'von Hippel-Lindau Disease',
'Retrognathism': 'Retrognathia',
'Regurgitation, Gastric': 'Laryngopharyngeal Reflux',
'Persistent Hyperinsulinemia Hypoglycemia of Infancy': 'Congenital Hyperinsulinism',
'Von Willebrand Diseases': 'von Willebrand Diseases',
'Pontine Glioma': 'Brain Stem Neoplasms',
'Mental Retardation': 'Intellectual Disability',
'Overdose': 'Drug Overdose',
'Beta-Mannosidosis': 'beta-Mannosidosis',
'Alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency': 'alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency',
'Intervertebral Disk Displacement': 'Intervertebral Disc Displacement',
'Alpha-Thalassemia': 'alpha-Thalassemia',
'Mycobacterium Infections, Atypical': 'Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous',
'Legg-Perthes Disease': 'Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease',
'Intervertebral Disk Degeneration': 'Intervertebral Disc Degeneration',
'Alpha-Mannosidosis': 'alpha-Mannosidosis',
'Gestational Trophoblastic Disease': 'Gestational Trophoblastic Neoplasms'
cond = defaultdict(set)
cond_r = defaultdict(set)
for row in'../data/condition_browse.txt','r','utf-8').readlines():
row_id, trial_id, mesh_term = row.strip().split('|')
if mesh_term in corrections: mesh_term = corrections[mesh_term]
mesh_codes = {}
mesh_codes_r = defaultdict(set)
for row in'../data/mesh_thesaurus.txt','r','utf-8').readlines():
row_id, mesh_id, mesh_term = row.strip().split('|')
mesh_codes[mesh_id] = mesh_term
# limiting to conditions that appear in ten or more trials
top_cond = {c for c in cond if len(cond[c]) >= 10}
trials = {t for c in top_cond for t in cond[c]}
In [4]:
trial_desc = {}
for row in'../data/clinical_study.txt','r','utf-8').readlines():
data = row.split('|')
brief_desc, detail_desc = (data[9].replace('<br />',' '),
data[10].replace('<br />',' ') if len(data[10]) > 50 else '')
trial_desc[data[0]] = brief_desc, detail_desc
Maximum entropy model
In [ ]:
cond_text = {c: ' '.join(' '.join(trial_desc[t]) for t in cond[c])
for c in top_cond}
In [ ]:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stopset)
train_mat = tfidf.fit_transform(cond_text.values())
apply_mat = tfidf.transform(' '.join(trial_desc[t]) for t in trial_desc.keys())
In [ ]:
model = LogisticRegression(),cond_text.keys())
maxent_preds = dict(zip(trial_desc.keys(),model.predict(apply_mat)))
In [ ]:
K-Nearest Neighbors model
In [ ]:
trial_text = {t: ' '.join(trial_desc[t])
for t in trials
if len(trial_desc[t][0] + trial_desc[t][1]) > 50}
In [ ]:
other_text = {t: ' '.join(trial_desc[t])
for t in trial_desc
if t not in trials and len(trial_desc[t][0] + trial_desc[t][1]) > 50}
In [ ]:
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stopset)
train_mat = tfidf.fit_transform(trial_text.values())
apply_mat = tfidf.transform(other_text.values())
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=10,radius=5)
In [ ]:
# knn_preds = {}
knn_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_knn.pkl','rb'))
t_keys = trial_text.keys()
In [ ]:
for i in range(len(t_keys)):
trial_id = t_keys[i]
if trial_id not in knn_preds:
dist, idx = (arr.flatten() for arr in neigh.kneighbors(train_mat[i]))
this_guess = defaultdict(float)
for j in range(len(idx)):
k_trial_id = t_keys[idx[j]]
if k_trial_id != trial_id:
for mterm in cond_r[k_trial_id]:
this_guess[mterm] += 1 / (10 ** dist[j])
knn_preds[trial_id] = this_guess
if i % 100 == 0: print i,
In [ ]:
#knn_preds = {}
# knn_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_knn.pkl','rb'))
t_keys = other_text.keys()
o_keys = trial_text.keys()
In [ ]:
for i in range(len(t_keys)):
trial_id = t_keys[i]
if trial_id not in knn_preds:
dist, idx = (arr.flatten() for arr in neigh.kneighbors(apply_mat[i]))
this_guess = defaultdict(float)
for j in range(len(idx)):
k_trial_id = o_keys[idx[j]]
if k_trial_id != trial_id:
for mterm in cond_r[k_trial_id]:
this_guess[mterm] += 1 / (10 ** dist[j])
knn_preds[trial_id] = this_guess
if i % 100 == 0: print i,
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
%matplotlib inline
knn_accuracy = {}
for trial_id in list(set(knn_preds.keys()) & set(cond_r.keys()) & trials):
# initialize variables for this prediction
accuracy = {'exact': 10000,
'hypernym': {}}
this_pred = knn_preds[trial_id]
val_order = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(sorted(list(set(this_pred.values())), reverse=True))}
hyp_pred = {m: val_order[v]
for p, v in this_pred.items()
if p in mesh_codes_r
for m in mesh_codes_r[p]}
# loop through known MeSH terms to look for greatest overlap
for m in cond_r[trial_id]:
if m in this_pred:
this_rank = val_order[this_pred[m]]
if this_rank < accuracy['exact']:
accuracy['exact'] = this_rank
elif m in mesh_codes_r:
for a in mesh_codes_r[m]:
len_a = len(a)
for i in range(len_a,0,-4):
for pa in hyp_pred:
if pa[:i] == a[:i]:
if i not in accuracy['hypernym'] or hyp_pred[pa] < accuracy['hypernym'][i]:
accuracy['hypernym'][i] = hyp_pred[pa]
if accuracy['exact'] == 10000: accuracy['exact'] = None
knn_accuracy[trial_id] = accuracy
c = Counter([knn_accuracy[t]['exact']+1
if knn_accuracy[t]['exact'] is not None
else 'No match'
for t in knn_accuracy.keys()])
print sum(c.values()), len(knn_accuracy)
ax = pd.DataFrame(c.values(), index=c.keys()).plot(kind='bar',
ax.set_xlabel("Highest rank of nearest neighbor prediction exact match")
ax.set_ylabel("Number of trials")
ax.set_title("Evaluating KNN predictions using manually assigned MeSH terms:\nHighest ranking match of a known term")
In [ ]:
# finding good threshold for suggestions
# based on these, going to suggest anything with a distance >= 0.4 (higher is closer)
rank_accuracy = defaultdict(list)
dist_accuracy = defaultdict(list)
tr = [c for c in cond_r if len(cond_r[c]) >= 5 and c in knn_preds]
for trial_id in tr:
# initialize variables for this prediction
accuracy = {'exact': 10000,
'hypernym': {}}
this_pred = knn_preds[trial_id]
this_rank = defaultdict(list)
this_dist = defaultdict(list)
val_order = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(sorted(list(set(this_pred.values())), reverse=True))}
for p in this_pred:
val_round = round(this_pred[p], 2)
val_rank = val_order[this_pred[p]]
this_dist[val_round].append(1 if p in cond_r[trial_id] else 0)
this_rank[val_rank].append(1 if p in cond_r[trial_id] else 0)
for v in this_dist:
dist_accuracy[v].append(1 if sum(this_dist[v]) > 0 else 0)
for v in this_rank:
rank_accuracy[v].append(1 if sum(this_rank[v]) > 0 else 0)
r = sorted([(r, sum(rank_accuracy[r]) / len(rank_accuracy[r])) for r in rank_accuracy], key=lambda x: x[0])
ax = pd.DataFrame([t[1] for t in r], index=[t[0] for t in r]).plot(kind='bar',
d = sorted([(r, sum(dist_accuracy[r]) / len(dist_accuracy[r])) for r in dist_accuracy], key=lambda x: x[0])
ax = pd.DataFrame([t[1] for t in d], index=[t[0] for t in d]).plot(kind='bar',
In [ ]:
def print_guesses(nctid):
these_guess = sorted(knn_preds[nctid].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
for t, c in these_guess:
print '%s (%g)' % (t, c)
In [ ]:
term = 'Prostatic Neoplasms'
In [ ]:
g = [k for k in knn_preds
if sorted(knn_preds[k].items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0] == term
and term not in cond_r[k]]
print len(g)
In [ ]:
#t = random.choice(g)
t = 'NCT00487786'
print t
print cond_r[t]
print trial_text[t]
In [ ]:
# good one for prostate cancer: NCT00487786
In [ ]:
from sklearn.decomposition import TruncatedSVD
from sklearn.neighbors import BallTree
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(stop_words=stopset)
train_mat = tfidf.fit_transform(trial_text.values())
In [ ]:
svd = TruncatedSVD(n_components=1000)
tsvd = svd.fit_transform(train_mat)
train_mat_b = BallTree(tsvd)
neigh = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=10,radius=5)
knn_preds2 = {}
t_keys = trial_text.keys()
for i in range(1000):
trial_id = t_keys[i]
if trial_id not in knn_preds2:
dist, idx = (arr.flatten() for arr in neigh.kneighbors(tsvd[i]))
this_guess = defaultdict(float)
for j in range(len(idx)):
k_trial_id = t_keys[idx[j]]
if k_trial_id != trial_id:
for mterm in cond_r[k_trial_id]:
this_guess[mterm] += 1 / (10 ** dist[j])
knn_preds2[trial_id] = this_guess
if i % 100 == 0: print i,
In [ ]:
soup = BeautifulSoup('../data/mplus_topics_2014-11-04.xml','r','utf-8').read())
In [ ]:
# synonyms for MeSH terms (and reverse), and topic descriptions
mesh_syn = defaultdict(set)
topic_desc = {}
# loop through topics to pull out descriptions and synonyms
for t in soup.find_all("health-topic",language="English"):
# topic summary
topic_desc[t.attrs["title"]] = t.find("full-summary").text.replace('\n','').replace('\t','')
# MeSH synonyms
cur_mesh = t.find("mesh-heading").descriptor.text
if cur_mesh in cond:
mesh_syn[cur_mesh] |= set([t.attrs["title"]] + [a.text for a in t.find_all("also-called")])
In [ ]:
# cleanup synonyms lookup dictionary
for m in mesh_syn.keys():
cur_set = mesh_syn[m].copy()
for s in mesh_syn[m]:
if m.lower() == s.lower() or len(s) == 1:
cur_set -= set([s])
if len(cur_set) == 0:
mesh_syn[m] = cur_set
for m in mesh_syn.keys():
for s in mesh_syn[m]:
if s in cond:
mesh_syn[s] |= mesh_syn[m]
In [ ]:
# create a single MeSH term to represent the description
king_mesh = defaultdict(set)
not_king = set()
for m in mesh_syn.keys():
if cond[m] and m not in not_king:
all_terms = set([m])
all_terms |= mesh_syn[m]
all_keys = [s for s in mesh_syn if m in mesh_syn[s]]
for k in all_keys:
all_terms |= mesh_syn[k]
top_term = sorted([(t, len(cond[t])) for t in all_terms], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)[0][0]
king_mesh[top_term] = all_terms
not_king.update([t for t in all_terms if cond[t] and t != top_term])
In [ ]:
# create canonical description dictionary, linked to MeSH term
descriptions = {}
cond_lower = {c.lower(): c for c in king_mesh}
for t in topic_desc:
tlow = t.lower()
if tlow in cond_lower:
descriptions[cond_lower[tlow]] = topic_desc[t]
poss_match = [m for m in king_mesh if tlow in [n.lower() for n in king_mesh[m]]]
for p in poss_match:
descriptions[p] = topic_desc[t]
In [ ]:
# create reverse lookup to canonical MeSH term
king_mesh_r = {s: k for k in king_mesh for s in king_mesh[k]}
In [ ]:
print len(king_mesh)
print len(king_mesh_r.values())
print len(set(king_mesh_r.values()))
print len(descriptions.keys())
print len(set(king_mesh.keys()) & set(descriptions.keys()))
In [ ]:
In [3]:
trial_lookup = defaultdict(set)
for row in'../data/MTIdescriptions_output.txt','r','utf-8').readlines():
fields = row.strip().split('|')
if len(fields) == 9 and fields[4] == 'MH':
nct_id = fields[0]
mesh_term = fields[1]
if mesh_term[0] == '*': mesh_term = mesh_term[1:]
if mesh_term in cond and mesh_term not in cond_r[nct_id]:
Load guess and description dictionaries (from processing below)
In [5]:
maxent_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_maxent.pkl','rb'))
knn_preds = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_knn.pkl','rb'))
descriptions = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_descriptions.pkl','rb'))
synonyms = pickle.load(open('../data/mesh_synonyms.pkl','rb'))
In [7]:
no_include = ['Cancer in Children',
'Diabetes in Children and Teens',
'Heart Disease in Women',
'HIV/AIDS in Women',
'Living with HIV/AIDS',
'Cancer--Living with Cancer',
'Teen smoking',
'Smoking and Youth',
'Teenage drinking',
'Underage Drinking']
In [28]:
redo = dict([(c, d) for c in cond.keys() for d in synonyms.keys() if c.lower() == d.lower() and c != d])
for c, d in redo.items():
synonyms[c] = synonyms[d]
del synonyms[d]
Set up MySQL connection
In [43]:
mysqlserver = 'localhost'
engine = create_engine('mysql://%s:%s@%s/%s' % (mysqlusername, mysqlpassword, mysqlserver, mysqldbname), pool_recycle=3600)
conn = engine.connect()
Upload canonical condition description and synonym data
In [34]:
# add conditions that aren't already in descriptions dictionary
for c in cond:
if c not in descriptions:
if c in synonyms:
descriptions[c] = descriptions[synonyms[c]]
descriptions[c] = ''
for s in synonyms:
if s not in descriptions and s not in no_include:
descriptions[s] = descriptions[synonyms[s]]
In [41]:
desc_id = {k: i for i, k in enumerate(descriptions.keys())}
In [44]:
conn.execute(ConditionDescription.insert(), [{'condition_id': desc_id[d],
'mesh_term': d,
'description': descriptions[d]}
for d in descriptions.keys()])
In [46]:
# create lookup for every synonym
syn_rev = {k: set(s for s, j in synonyms.items() if j == k and s not in no_include) for k in set(synonyms.values())}
all_syn = [{'condition_id': desc_id[s],
'synonym_id': desc_id[k]}
for s in synonyms
for k in syn_rev[synonyms[s]]
if s not in no_include and s != k]
In [47]:
conn.execute(ConditionSynonym.insert(), all_syn)
Insert conditions already labeled in the database
In [48]:
for k in range(0,len(cond),100):
print k
conn.execute(ConditionLookup.insert(), [{'condition_id': desc_id[c],
'nct_id': n,
'source': 'CTGOV',
'syn_flag': 0}
for c in cond.keys()[k:k+100]
for n in cond[c]])
Insert maximum entropy predictions
In [49]:
for k in range(0,len(maxent_preds),5000):
print k
conn.execute(ConditionLookup.insert(), [{'condition_id': desc_id[t],
'nct_id': n,
'source': 'MAXENT',
'syn_flag': 0}
for n, t in maxent_preds.items()[k:k+5000]
if t not in cond_r[n]])
Insert KNN predictions
In [50]:
knn_insert = []
for k in knn_preds:
this_pred = knn_preds[k]
val_order = {j: i for i, j in enumerate(sorted(list(set(this_pred.values())), reverse=True))}
for m in this_pred:
if m not in cond_r[k] and (this_pred[m] >= 0.4 or val_order[this_pred[m]] == 0):
knn_insert.append({'condition_id': desc_id[m],
'nct_id': k,
'source': 'KNN',
'disp_order': val_order[this_pred[m]],
'syn_flag': 0})
In [51]:
for k in range(0,len(knn_insert),5000):
print k
conn.execute(ConditionLookup.insert(), knn_insert[k:k+5000])
Insert MTI suggestions
In [52]:
mti_insert = [{'condition_id': desc_id[c],
'nct_id': t,
'source': 'MTI',
'syn_flag': 0}
for t, n in trial_lookup.items()
for c in n
if c not in cond_r[t]]
In [53]:
for k in range(0,len(mti_insert),10000):
print k
conn.execute(ConditionLookup.insert(), mti_insert[k:k+10000])
Insert synonyms
In [54]:
for s, k in synonyms.items():
if s != k and s not in no_include:
k_trials = {t[0] for t in conn.execute('''select nct_id
from condition_lookup
where condition_id = %d
and source = "CTGOV"''' % desc_id[k]).fetchall()}
s_trials = {t[0] for t in conn.execute('''select nct_id
from condition_lookup
where condition_id = %d
and source = "CTGOV"''' % desc_id[s]).fetchall()}
s_insert = [{'condition_id': desc_id[s],
'nct_id': t,
'source': 'CTGOV',
'syn_flag': 1}
for t in k_trials - s_trials]
if cond[s]:
k_insert = [{'condition_id': desc_id[k],
'nct_id': t,
'source': 'CTGOV',
'syn_flag': 1}
for t in s_trials - k_trials]
k_insert = []
conn.execute(ConditionLookup.insert(), s_insert + k_insert)
In [55]:
In [ ]: