Testing the Numerial Gradient

This notebook explores the assess the differences and validity in calculating the spectral slope using finite differences or np.gradient().

In Figueira et al. 2016 the slope is calculated as dy/dx = np.diff(flux)/ np.diff(wav). The np.diff() function shrinks the array by 1 which can be significant when slicing the wavelengths into many chunks for the telluric masking as each loses 1 pixel.

The np.gradient function does not drop the end pixel.

From the numpy documentation

- "The gradient is computed using second order accurate central differences in the interior points and either first or second order accurate one-sides (forward or backwards) differences at the boundaries. The returned gradient hence has the same shape as the input array."

In [1]:
import matplotlib

matplotlib.rcParams["text.usetex"] = False
matplotlib.rcParams["text.latex.unicode"] = True
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

%matplotlib inline

from eniric.utilities import load_aces_spectrum

c:\users\jason\miniconda3\envs\rtd\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\__init__.py:846: MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: 
The text.latex.unicode rcparam was deprecated in Matplotlib 2.2 and will be removed in 3.1.
  "2.2", name=key, obj_type="rcparam", addendum=addendum)

In [2]:
# from eniric.precision import slope, slope_grad

def slope(wavelength, flux):
    """Original version used to calculate the slope. [Looses one value of array]."""
    delta_flux = np.diff(flux)
    delta_lambda = np.diff(wavelength)

    return delta_flux / delta_lambda

def slope_grad(wavelength, flux):
    """Slope using gradient."""
    return np.gradient(flux, wavelength)  # Yes they should be opposite order

def slope_adjusted(wavelength, flux):
    """Slope that adjust the wave and flux values to match diff."""
    derivf_over_lambda = np.diff(flux) / np.diff(wavelength)
    wav_new = (wavelength[:-1] + wavelength[1:]) / 2
    flux_new = (flux[:-1] + flux[1:]) / 2
    return derivf_over_lambda, wav_new, flux_new

In [3]:
# Load spectrum
wl_, flux_ = load_aces_spectrum([3900, 4.5, 0.0, 0])  # M0 star
wl_ = wl_ * 1000

Here we plot a small section of the spectrum and the slopes from the gradient and dy/dx methods.

In [4]:
mask = ((wl_ / 1000) > 2.20576) & ((wl_ / 1000) < 2.20586)
wl, flux = wl_[mask], flux_[mask]
flux = flux / max(flux)  # Normalize maximum to 1

f_slope = slope(wl, flux)
f_grad = slope_grad(wl, flux)
f_adj, new_wl, new_flux = slope_adjusted(wl, flux)

# plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
plt.plot(wl, flux, "o-", label="Spectrum")
# plt.plot(new_wl, new_flux, "+--", label="Diff adjusted")
plt.ylabel("Normalized Flux")
plt.ticklabel_format(axis="x", style="plain")

ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
plt.plot(wl[:-1], f_slope, "s--", label="FFD")
plt.plot(new_wl, f_adj, "o-.", label="FFD(shifted)")
plt.plot(wl, f_grad, "*--", label="Numpy")
plt.ylim([-30, 32])
plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")

There is an wavelength offset between the dy/dx (blue) and gradient (green) due to the wavelenght points. The wavelength and flux are adjusted to the center of each difference (orange).

We later show that the difference difference between the blue and orange creates a change in precision of around 0.1%. (e.g. the wavelength difference is squared)

The gradient is less sharp then the dy/dx method and so produces a lower precision (higher rms). We also show that the difference in RV between the gradient and dy/dx method is between $2-7$% in the given bands!

In [5]:
# Another example
mask = ((wl_ / 1000) > 2.10580) & ((wl_ / 1000) < 2.1059)

wl, flux = wl_[mask], flux_[mask]

flux = flux / max(flux)

f_slope = slope(wl, flux)
f_grad = slope_grad(wl, flux)
f_adj, new_wl, new_flux = slope_adjusted(wl, flux)

# plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
ax1 = plt.subplot(211)
plt.plot(wl, flux, "o-", label="Spectrum")
# plt.plot(new_wl, new_flux, "+--", label="Diff adjusted")
plt.ylabel("Normalized Flux")

ax2 = plt.subplot(212, sharex=ax1)
plt.plot(wl[:-1], f_slope, "s--", label="FFD")
plt.plot(new_wl, f_adj, "o-.", label="FFD(shifted)")
plt.plot(wl, f_grad, "*--", label="Numpy")
plt.ylim([-2, 3])
plt.xlabel("Wavelength (nm)")

In [6]:
# Gradient method is ~7 times slower than the difference.
# %timeit np.diff(flux_) / np.diff(wl_)
# %timeit np.gradient(wl_, flux_, axis=0)

In [7]:
# Functions to calcualte wis, and q and RV from the slopes.
def slope_wis(wavelength, flux):
    derivf_over_lambda = slope(wavelength, flux)
    wis = np.sqrt(
        np.nansum(wavelength[:-1] ** 2.0 * derivf_over_lambda ** 2.0 / flux[:-1])
    return wis

def grad_wis(wavelength, flux):
    derivf_over_lambda = slope_grad(wavelength, flux)

    wis = np.sqrt(np.nansum(wavelength ** 2.0 * derivf_over_lambda ** 2.0 / flux))
    return wis

def slope_adjusted_wis(wavelength, flux):
    derivf_over_lambda, wav_new, flux_new = slope_adjusted(wavelength, flux)

    wis = np.sqrt(np.nansum(wav_new ** 2.0 * derivf_over_lambda ** 2.0 / flux_new))
    return wis

def q(wavelength, flux):
    return slope_wis(wavelength, flux) / np.sqrt(np.nansum(flux))

def grad_q(wavelength, flux):
    return grad_wis(wavelength, flux) / np.sqrt(np.nansum(flux))

from astropy.constants import c

def slope_rv(wavelength, flux):
    return c.value / slope_wis(wavelength, flux)

def grad_rv(wavelength, flux):
    return c.value / grad_wis(wavelength, flux)

def slope_adjusted_rv(wavelength, flux):
    return c.value / slope_adjusted_wis(wavelength, flux)

Numerical Gradient Effect on Bands

Need to calcualte the relative difference on the same wavelength and flux sections. They are all normalized differently due to the maximum in the given range.

In [8]:
import eniric
from eniric.utilities import band_limits

wl_, flux_ = load_aces_spectrum([3900, 4.5, 0.0, 0])  # M0 star
wl_ = wl_ * 1000

bands = ["VIS", "CARMENES_VIS", "Z", "Y", "J", "H", "K", "CARMENES_NIR", "NIR"]

    "Band    wl_min wl_max   dy/dx   gradient Q(dy/dx) Q(grad)"
    " Q(frac) RV(dy/dx) RV_adj RV(grad) RV(frac_grad) RV(frac_adj)"

for band in bands:
    wl_min, wl_max = band_limits(band)
    mask = ((wl_ / 1000) > wl_min) & ((wl_ / 1000) < wl_max)
    wl, flux = wl_[mask], flux_[mask]
    flux = flux / max(flux)

    s = slope_wis(wl, flux)
    sa = slope_adjusted_wis(wl, flux)
    g = grad_wis(wl, flux)

    # Quality
    qs = q(wl, flux)
    qg = grad_q(wl, flux)

    qfraction = (qg - qs) / qs

    # RV_rms
    rvs = slope_rv(wl, flux)
    rvg = grad_rv(wl, flux)
    rvsa = slope_adjusted_rv(wl, flux)

    rv_fraction = (rvg - rvs) / rvs
    adj_rv_fraction = (rvsa - rvs) / rvs

    if "CARMENES" in band:
        band = "CARM" + band[-4:]
            "{0:8} {1:1.02f}  {2:1.02f}  {3:7.2e}  {4:7.2e}  {5:7.1f}  {6:7.1f} "
            "{7:-6.03f}  {8:7.01f} {9:7.01f} {10:7.01f}  {11:-6.03f}  {12:-6.03f}"

Band    wl_min wl_max   dy/dx   gradient Q(dy/dx) Q(grad) Q(frac) RV(dy/dx) RV_adj RV(grad) RV(frac_grad) RV(frac_adj)
VIS      0.38  0.78  1.86e+07  1.78e+07  40206.0  38342.5 -0.046     16.1    16.2    16.9   0.049   0.006
CARM_VIS 0.52  0.96  1.43e+07  1.36e+07  24999.0  23763.9 -0.049     20.9    21.0    22.0   0.052   0.003
Z        0.83  0.93  3.90e+06  3.80e+06  12713.0  12404.2 -0.024     76.9    77.0    78.8   0.025   0.001
Y        1.00  1.10  3.83e+06  3.58e+06  17489.7  16341.9 -0.066     78.3    78.5    83.8   0.070   0.002
J        1.17  1.33  2.01e+06  1.92e+06   7230.6   6902.7 -0.045    149.3   149.4   156.4   0.047   0.001
H        1.50  1.75  2.51e+06  2.45e+06   9131.7   8909.1 -0.024    119.4   119.5   122.3   0.025   0.001
K        2.07  2.35  1.95e+06  1.90e+06   8069.9   7852.8 -0.027    153.4   153.7   157.7   0.028   0.002
CARM_NIR 0.96  1.71  6.51e+06  6.24e+06  11235.1  10778.1 -0.041     46.1    46.2    48.0   0.042   0.001
NIR      0.83  2.35  8.13e+06  7.85e+06  10766.4  10392.9 -0.035     36.9    36.9    38.2   0.036   0.001

Changing the RV precision calculation from using dy/dx to using np.gradient gives a $2.5-7$% decrease in RV precision (Increase in RV error) alone. The gradient function returns the exact same size section of wavelength.

Adjusting the wavelength values to the center of each diff changes the RV precsion by only ~0.1% (last column)

Gradient is larger change by ~30x

The current version of eniric now uses np.gradient.

In [ ]: