Este notebook tiene como objetivo la obtención de recortes del fondo de las imágenes de fitolitos. La obtención de estos es fundamental para la utilización de técnicas de clasificación y/o reconocimiento de objetos mediante clasificadores junto a descriptores.
Para ello:
Las imágenes generadas se almacenan en "Background2" dentro de "code/rsc/img" para no alterar el conjunto de imágenes del fondo que se aporta inicialmente.
In [10]:
%matplotlib inline
from __future__ import print_function
from ipywidgets import interact_manual, fixed
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os, os.path
import re
import numpy as np
import math
from math import ceil
from sklearn.feature_extraction.image import PatchExtractor
from skimage import io
from skimage.transform import rescale
import copy
import json
import warnings
import random
In [11]:
def extract_patches(img, coords_list, patch_size, N=math.inf, scale=1.0, random_patch_size = True):
"""Extraemos los recortes de una imagen
dado un tamaño de recorte."""
patches = []
count = 0
y_size, x_size = patch_size
h, w, _ = img.shape
for y in range(0, h, 400):
y2 = y+y_size
if(y2 > h):
for x in range(0, w, 400):
y2 = y+y_size
x2 = x+x_size
if(x2 > w):
# Transformación aleatoria del patch_size
# para tener mayor variabilidad en los
# tamaños del recorte
if(random_patch_size == True):
rand = random.random()
if rand > 0.85:
y2 = y + round(y_size*0.5)
elif rand > 0.7:
x2 = x + round(x_size*0.5)
elif rand > 0.55:
y2 = y + round(y_size*0.5)
x2 = x + round(x_size*0.5)
count += 1
if(count > N):
return patches
return patches
In [12]:
def is_containing_objects(patch_coords, coords):
is_containing_corners = []
height = coords[3] - coords[1]
width = coords[2] - coords[0]
# TODO Refactorizar
is_containing_corners.append(patch_coords[0] <= coords[0] <= patch_coords[2]\
and patch_coords[1] <= coords[1] <= patch_coords[3])
is_containing_corners.append(patch_coords[0] <= (coords[0] + width)\
<= patch_coords[2] and patch_coords[1] <= coords[1] <= patch_coords[3])
is_containing_corners.append(patch_coords[0] <= coords[0] <= patch_coords[2]\
and patch_coords[1] <= (coords[1] + height) <= patch_coords[3])
is_containing_corners.append(patch_coords[0] <= coords[2] <= patch_coords[2]\
and patch_coords[1] <= coords[3] <= patch_coords[3])
height = patch_coords[3] - patch_coords[1]
width = patch_coords[2] - patch_coords[0]
is_containing_corners.append(coords[0] <= patch_coords[0] <= coords[2]\
and coords[1] <= patch_coords[1] <= coords[3])
is_containing_corners.append(coords[0] <= (patch_coords[0] + width)\
<= coords[2] and coords[1] <= patch_coords[1] <= coords[3])
is_containing_corners.append(coords[0] <= patch_coords[0] <= coords[2]\
and coords[1] <= (patch_coords[1] + height) <= coords[3])
is_containing_corners.append(coords[0] <= patch_coords[2] <= coords[2]\
and coords[1] <= patch_coords[3] <= coords[3])
return any(is_containing_corners)
In [13]:
def supress_contained_patches(patches, coords_list):
"""Función que recibe un conjunto de recortes
junto a sus coordenadas dentro de la imagen y
elimina todos los recortes que pertenezcan al
area en la que se encuentren fitolitos"""
cleaned_patches = []
contained = False
count = 0
for complete_patch in patches:
patch = complete_patch[0]
patch_coords = complete_patch[1]
for coords in coords_list:
if (is_containing_objects(patch_coords,
contained = True
count += 1
if contained == False:
contained = False
return cleaned_patches
In [14]:
def save_patches(patches, path, image_name = ''):
"""Función que guarda cada uno de
los recortes como imágen"""
count = 0
for patch in patches:
io.imsave(path + image_name +str(patch[1][0]) + "_"
+ str(patch[1][1]) + "_"
+ str(patch[1][2]) + "_"
+ str(patch[1][3]) + ".jpg",
patch[0], quality=30)
count += 1
In [15]:
dest_path = "../../rsc/img/Background2/"
pattern = re.compile("^.*\.jpg$", re.IGNORECASE)
def list_images(path='../../rsc/img/Default'):
"""Contamos el número de imágenes que tenemos en
el directorio de las imágenes etiquetadas"""
images_list = []
for name in os.listdir(path):
json_name = name.split(".")[0] + ".json"
if pattern.match(name) \
and os.path.exists(path + "/" + json_name):
images_list.append(path + "/" + name)
return images_list
In [16]:
def read_coords_conversion(coords_dict):
coords_list =[]
for _, coords in coords_dict.items():
coords_mod = np.array(coords)
coords_mod = coords_mod[:,[2,0,3,1]]
coords_mod = coords_mod.tolist()
for coords in coords_mod:
return coords_list
In [17]:
def background_images_generator(path, number_of_images, dest_path):
images_names_list = list_images(path)
initial_value = len(images_names_list)
if initial_value == 0:
raise ValueError("Number of images must be greater than 0")
count = 0
images_per_image = ceil(number_of_images / initial_value)
for image_path in images_names_list:
image = rescale(io.imread(image_path), 0.5)
json_path = "../.." + image_path.split(".")[-2] + ".json"
image_name = os.path.split(image_path)[1].split(".")[0]
image_with_format = image_name + ".jpg"
# Cargamos coordenadas, si existen,
# y si no existe fichero de coordenadas
# pasamos a la siguiente imagen
if os.path.exists(json_path):
with open(json_path) as jsonfile:
coords_dict = json.load(jsonfile)
coords_dict = coords_dict[image_with_format]
coords_list = read_coords_conversion(coords_dict)
# Generamos recortes del fondo de la imagen
patches = extract_patches(image, coords_list, patch_size=(250,250), N=images_per_image)
patches = supress_contained_patches(patches, coords_list)
save_patches(patches, dest_path, image_name)
count += len(patches)
if count > number_of_images:
In [19]: