Radio Frequency Interference mitigation using deep convolutional neural networks

This example demonstrates how tf_unet is trained on the 'Bleien Galactic Survey data'.

To create the training data the SEEK package ( has to be installed

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import glob
plt.rcParams['image.cmap'] = 'gist_earth'

preparing training data

only one day...

In [2]:
!wget -q -r -nH -np --cut-dirs=2

In [3]:
!mkdir -p bgs_example_data/seek_cache

In [5]:
!seek --file-prefix='./bgs_example_data' --post-processing-prefix='bgs_example_data/seek_cache' --chi-1=20 --overwrite=True seek.config.process_survey_fft

== Ivy run took:  57.897 s ===
Traversing file system        :   0.006s
Generate gain files           :   0.006s
Initialize                    :   0.000s
Load data                     :  14.805s
Convert TOD                   :   0.048s
Process coordinates           :   0.412s
Masking objects               :   0.671s
Masking artefacts             :   0.002s
Remove RFI                    :   9.661s
postprocessing TOD            :   0.045s
remove background baseline    :   0.524s
Restructure TOD               :   0.572s
ParallelPluginCollection      :  26.743s
Create maps                   :   1.681s
ParallelPluginCollection      :   1.760s
Write maps                    :   0.961s

setting up the unet

In [3]:
from scripts.rfi_launcher import DataProvider
from tf_unet import unet

In [3]:
files = glob.glob('bgs_example_data/seek_cache/*')

In [5]:
data_provider = DataProvider(600, files)

net = unet.Unet(channels=data_provider.channels, 

2017-03-27 22:02:43,902 Layers 3, features 64, filter size 3x3, pool size: 2x2
Number of files used: 1

training the network

only one epoch. For good results many more are neccessary

In [6]:
trainer = unet.Trainer(net, optimizer="momentum", opt_kwargs=dict(momentum=0.2))
path = trainer.train(data_provider, "./unet_trained_bgs_example_data", 

2017-03-27 22:02:51,017 Removing '/Users/jakeret/workspace/tf_unet/demo/prediction'
2017-03-27 22:02:51,020 Removing '/Users/jakeret/workspace/tf_unet/demo/unet_trained_bgs_example_data'
2017-03-27 22:02:51,020 Allocating '/Users/jakeret/workspace/tf_unet/demo/prediction'
2017-03-27 22:02:51,021 Allocating '/Users/jakeret/workspace/tf_unet/demo/unet_trained_bgs_example_data'
2017-03-27 22:03:14,962 Verification error= 28.9%, loss= 1.3888
2017-03-27 22:03:18,308 Start optimization
2017-03-27 22:03:32,717 Iter 0, Minibatch Loss= 1.3615, Training Accuracy= 0.6953, Minibatch error= 30.5%
2017-03-27 22:04:01,288 Iter 2, Minibatch Loss= 1.2693, Training Accuracy= 0.7771, Minibatch error= 22.3%
2017-03-27 22:04:31,532 Iter 4, Minibatch Loss= 1.3672, Training Accuracy= 0.7034, Minibatch error= 29.7%
2017-03-27 22:05:04,288 Iter 6, Minibatch Loss= 1.3466, Training Accuracy= 0.6975, Minibatch error= 30.2%
2017-03-27 22:05:32,188 Iter 8, Minibatch Loss= 1.4544, Training Accuracy= 0.4141, Minibatch error= 58.6%
2017-03-27 22:05:59,430 Iter 10, Minibatch Loss= 1.3441, Training Accuracy= 0.7096, Minibatch error= 29.0%
2017-03-27 22:06:26,676 Iter 12, Minibatch Loss= 1.4336, Training Accuracy= 0.4851, Minibatch error= 51.5%
2017-03-27 22:06:50,242 Iter 14, Minibatch Loss= 1.3753, Training Accuracy= 0.6694, Minibatch error= 33.1%
2017-03-27 22:07:14,506 Iter 16, Minibatch Loss= 1.3482, Training Accuracy= 0.6844, Minibatch error= 31.6%
2017-03-27 22:07:38,019 Iter 18, Minibatch Loss= 1.3576, Training Accuracy= 0.6860, Minibatch error= 31.4%
2017-03-27 22:08:01,080 Iter 20, Minibatch Loss= 1.3729, Training Accuracy= 0.6580, Minibatch error= 34.2%
2017-03-27 22:08:25,086 Iter 22, Minibatch Loss= 1.4297, Training Accuracy= 0.4594, Minibatch error= 54.1%
2017-03-27 22:08:48,333 Iter 24, Minibatch Loss= 1.3713, Training Accuracy= 0.6706, Minibatch error= 32.9%
2017-03-27 22:09:11,439 Iter 26, Minibatch Loss= 1.4268, Training Accuracy= 0.4592, Minibatch error= 54.1%
2017-03-27 22:09:36,577 Iter 28, Minibatch Loss= 1.4321, Training Accuracy= 0.4537, Minibatch error= 54.6%
2017-03-27 22:10:04,591 Iter 30, Minibatch Loss= 1.3770, Training Accuracy= 0.6122, Minibatch error= 38.8%
2017-03-27 22:10:15,944 Epoch 0, Average loss: 1.3940, learning rate: 0.2000
2017-03-27 22:10:43,766 Verification error= 28.9%, loss= 1.3246
2017-03-27 22:10:47,279 Optimization Finished!

running the prediction on the trained unet

In [10]:
data_provider = DataProvider(10000, files)
x_test, y_test = data_provider(1)
prediction = net.predict(path, x_test)

Number of files used: 1
2017-03-27 22:11:29,783 Model restored from file: ./unet_trained_bgs_example_data/model.ckpt

In [11]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(12,4))
ax[0].imshow(x_test[0,...,0], aspect="auto")
ax[1].imshow(y_test[0,...,1], aspect="auto")
ax[2].imshow(prediction[0,...,1], aspect="auto")

<matplotlib.image.AxesImage at 0x11ce4c940>

In [ ]: