The notebook is for using the flagellar assembly genes of Ecoli as the origin species and understand how I redesign it to have other flagellation pattern

Comparison of the Ecoli COG pairs in flagella with other species. The criteria are -

  1. Patristic distance
  2. Number of COG assigned genes
  3. Number of conserved ordered COG pair
  4. Number of unique COG pair in eco
  5. Number of unique COG pair in other organism
  6. </ol> </body>

    In [1]:
    import os
    import cPickle as pickle
    def loadPkl(fname):
        pklDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
        f = os.path.join(pklDir,fname)
        db = pickle.load(open(f))
        return db
    def savePkl(db,pklFname):
        pklPath = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/pklFiles'
        f = os.path.join(pklPath,pklFname)
    org_FlagellaPairs_dict = loadPkl('selected_org.flagellaCOGPairs.dict.pkl')
    eco_org2_dist = loadPkl('eco_org2_dist.dict.pkl')
    orgDict_orig = {'vch': ('Vibrio_cholerae_O1_biovar_El_Tor_N16961_uid57623','NC_002505'),
               'pae': ('Pseudomonas_aeruginosa_PAO1_uid57945','NC_002516'),
               'hpg': ('Helicobacter_pylori_G27_uid59305','NC_011333'),
               'vfi': ('Vibrio_fischeri_ES114_uid58163','NC_006840'),
               'eco': ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913'),
               'seo': ('Salmonella_enterica_serovar_Typhimurium_LT2_uid57799','NC_003197'),
               'bsu': ('Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675','NC_000964'),
               'cjj': ('Campylobacter_jejuni_81_176_uid58503','NC_008787'),
               'rru': ('Rhodospirillum_rubrum_ATCC_11170_uid57655','NC_007643'),
               'bbu': ('Borrelia_burgdorferi_B31_uid57581','NC_001318'),
               'bhy': ('Brachyspira_hyodysenteriae_WA1_uid59291','NC_012225')
    orgDict_ForDist = {'vch': ('Vibrio_cholerae_O1_biovar_El_Tor_N16961_uid57623','NC_002505'),
               'pae': ('Pseudomonas_aeruginosa_PAO1_uid57945','NC_002516'),
               'hpg': ('Helicobacter_pylori_G27_uid59305','NC_011333'),
               'vfi': ('Aliivibrio_fischeri_ES114','NC_006840'), #This will not match with NCBI genomes; 
               'eco': ('Escherichia_coli_K_12_substr__MG1655_uid57779','NC_000913'),
               'seo': ('Salmonella_enterica_serovar_Typhimurium_LT2_uid57799','NC_003197'),
               'bsu': ('Bacillus_subtilis_168_uid57675','NC_000964'),
               'cjj': ('Campylobacter_jejuni_81_176_uid58503','NC_008787'),
               'rru': ('Rhodospirillum_rubrum_ATCC_11170_uid57655','NC_007643'),
               'bbu': ('Borrelia_afzelii_FLI','NC_001318'), # This will not match NCBI genome
               'bhy': ('Brachyspira_hyodysenteriae_WA1_uid59291','NC_012225')
    orgList_ordered = ('eco','seo','bsu','vch','pae','hpg','vfi','cjj','rru','bbu','bhy')
    nbrOrgs = len(orgList_ordered)
    In [2]:
    % matplotlib inline
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    def arrayFigure(array,axm):
        cax = axm.matshow(array,interpolation='nearest', cmap='Blues')
        return axm
    In [3]:
    """ 1. Calculating patristic distance array (eco vs the rest) """
    dist_array = np.zeros((nbrOrgs,1),dtype=float)
    for i, org in enumerate(orgList_ordered):
        orgName = orgDict_ForDist[org][0]
        oname = orgName.split('_')[0]+'_'+orgName.split('_')[1]
        dist_array[i] = eco_org2_dist[oname]
    print "Array of patristic distance calculated : ",np.transpose(dist_array)
    #fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    #axDist = arrayFigure(dist_array,ax)
    Array of patristic distance calculated :  [[ 0.       0.03106  0.72893  0.36371  0.47345  0.77804  0.34088  0.80757
       0.58531  0.74799  0.71409]]
    In [4]:
    """ 2. Calculating the number of flagellar COG genes (not pairs) assigned for each organism """
    nbrGenes_array = np.zeros((nbrOrgs,1),dtype=int)
    for i, org in enumerate(orgList_ordered):
        allCOGs = list()
        allPairs = org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org]
        for cog1,cog2 in allPairs:
        nbrGenes_array[i] = len(set(allCOGs))
    print "Array of number of Genes calculated : ",np.transpose(nbrGenes_array)
    #fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    #ax = arrayFigure(nbrGenes_array,ax)
    Array of number of Genes calculated :  [[38 40 37 43 46 45 42 47 37 25 37]]
    In [5]:
    """ 3. Calculating the number of flagellar COG gene pairs (including COG unassigned) intersecting 
    for each organism """
    # Score between number of COG pairs between the two organisms. 
    def intersect(a,b):
        return list(set(a)&set(b))
    intersectPairs_array = np.zeros((nbrOrgs,1),dtype=int)
    ecoPairs = org_FlagellaPairs_dict['eco']
    for i, org in enumerate(orgList_ordered):
        allPairs = org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org]
        nbrIntersect = len(intersect(ecoPairs,allPairs))
        intersectPairs_array[i] = nbrIntersect
    print "Array of number of pairs interesecting (including unassigned) : ",np.transpose(intersectPairs_array)
    #fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    #ax = arrayFigure(intersectPairs_array,ax)
    Array of number of pairs interesecting (including unassigned) :  [[33 32 14 22 23  7 22  7 10 11 12]]
    In [6]:
    """ 4. Calculating the number of flagellar COG gene pairs (including unassigned COG) present in eco but not in 
    other species """
    ecoPresent_array = np.zeros((nbrOrgs,1),dtype=int)
    ecoPairs = org_FlagellaPairs_dict['eco']
    for i, org in enumerate(orgList_ordered):
        allPairs = org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org]
        intersectList = intersect(ecoPairs,allPairs)
        ecoSet = set(ecoPairs) - set(intersectList)
        ecoPresent_array[i] = len(ecoSet)
    print "Array of number of pairs present in eco but not in other organism : ",np.transpose(ecoPresent_array)
    #fig,ax = plt.subplots()
    #ax = arrayFigure(ecoPresent_array,ax)
    Array of number of pairs present in eco but not in other organism :  [[ 0  1 19 11 10 26 11 26 23 22 21]]
    In [46]:
    # Combining the different arrays into one. Probably have to combine different axes
    fig,(ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4,ax5) = plt.subplots(nrows=1,ncols=5,sharey=True)
    ax1 = arrayFigure(dist_array,ax1)
    ax2 = arrayFigure(nbrGenes_array,ax2)
    ax3 = arrayFigure(intersectPairs_array,ax3)
    ax4 = arrayFigure(ecoPresent_array,ax4)
    ax5 = arrayFigure(clusterSize_array,ax5) #It calls a variable later in the notebook
    # Saving figure
    imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/tmpFigures'
    fname = 'eco_compareFeatures.heatmap.svg'
    f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)

    Graphing the operonic structure for each of the organisms

    Although the network overlay is intuitive, I am finding it hard to visualize it. I am thinking of graphing the gene position on the genome for each organisms. This will take a lot of effort and playing with image tools of matplotlib, but should be doable. I am hoping to color the COG groups in the same scheme I used earlier.
    In [8]:
    # Defining color for the COG groups (maybe later)
    cog_func_list = [('COG1345','K02407','CAP','fliD'),
                     ('COG1344','K02397','HOOK ASSOCIATED','flgL'),
                     ('COG1256','K02396','HOOK ASSOCIATED','flgK'),
                     ('COG1749','K02392','DISTAL RING','flgG'),
                     ('COG2063','K02393','L RING','flgH'),
                     ('COG1749','K02391','P ROD','flgF'),
                     ('COG1706','K02394','P RING','flgI'),
                     ('COG1677','K02408','P ROD','fliE'),
                     ('COG1815','K02387','P ROD','flgB'),
                     ('COG1558','K02388','P ROD','flgC'),
                     ('COG1766','K02409','MS RING','fliF'),
                     ('COG1536','K02410','C RING','fliG'),
                     ('COG1868','K02416','C RING','fliM'),
                     ('COG1886','K02417','C RING','fliN'),
                     ('COG1298','K02400','TYPE III SS','flhA'),
                     ('COG1377','K02401','TYPE III SS','flhB'),
                     ('COG1317','K02411','TYPE III SS','fliH'),
                     ('COG1157','K02412','TYPE III SS','fliI'),
                     ('COG3190','K02418','TYPE III SS','fliO'),
                     ('COG1987','K02420','TYPE III SS','fliQ'),
                     ('COG1338','K02419','TYPE III SS','fliP'),
                     ('COG1684','K02421','TYPE III SS','fliR'),
                     ('COG1684','K02415','BASAL BODY','fliI'),
                     ('COG1261','K02386','BASAL BODY','flgA'),
    In [43]:
    from __future__ import division
    import re
    import sys
    import matplotlib.patches as patches
    def correctCOG(COG,counter):
        if ',' in COG: # There are some wierd .ptt files wherein the COG is written as COG1,COG1
            COG = COG.split(',')[0]
        if not COG.startswith('-'):
            [COG] = re.findall("COG\d+",COG)
        else: COG = 'nan'+str(counter)
        return COG
    def getCOGList(cogPairList):
        allPairs = list()
        for a,b in org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org]:
        return set(allPairs)
    def makeOperon(allCluster):
        The idea is to make a list like this - 
        The criteria I am using in g3 (the third gene in the triplet where g2 was considered the last flag gene) 
        allOperons = list()
        for cluster in allCluster:
            operon = list()
            firstGene = cluster[0][0]
            lastGene = cluster[-1][2]
            for g1,g2,g3 in cluster:
        return allOperons
    def makeTripletLines(lines):
        # Makes three lines of adjacent genes; 
        # The previous, current and next genes are made as a triplet
        line_first = lines[0:1]
        line_second = lines[0:2]
        line_1shift = lines[1:]
        line_2shift = lines[2:]
        lineTriplet = zip(lines,line_1shift,line_2shift)
        return lineTriplet
    def checkIfNext(currG,nextG):
        """ Returns the status of whether the next Gene looks like it is in the same operon.
        To say False - (a) It must be in the opposite strand or (b) the distance (LposNext - RposCurr)>50
        status = False
        distPermitted = 50
        currLoc,currStrand = currG.split('\t')[0],currG.split('\t')[1]
        nextLoc,nextStrand = nextG.split('\t')[0],nextG.split('\t')[1]
        currRpos = int(currLoc.split('..')[1])
        nextLpos = int(nextLoc.split('..')[0])
        if currStrand == nextStrand: 
            status = True
        if nextLpos - currRpos < distPermitted:
            status = True
        return status
    def IdentifyOperons(org,orgName,accNbr,flagella_cogList):
        This is the main function. It parses the entire genome of the organisms, and identifies clusters containing 
        flagellar genes (assigned to COG) and then retrieves the genes around it that look like operons. I can then use 
        this information for plotting the operons 
        genomePath = '/home/jaggu/research/allGenomePttFiles'
        f = os.path.join(genomePath,orgName,accNbr+'.ptt')
        ifile = open(f,'r')
        lines = ifile.readlines()
        genomeSize = int(lines[0].split('..')[-1])
        lineTriplets = makeTripletLines(lines[3:])
        flagella_geneInfoList = list()
        allOperonCluster = list()
        operon = False
        cluster = list()
        for i, (prevG,currG,nextG) in enumerate(lineTriplets):
            currCOG2 = currG.split('\t')[-2]
            COG = correctCOG(currCOG2,i)
            if COG in flagella_cogList:
                status = checkIfNext(currG,nextG)
                if status: #The next one looks like in operon
                    operon = True
                else: #The next one does not look like operon; Closing cluster
                    operon = False
                    cluster = list()
                if operon: #The prevG must have been in the operon
                    status = checkIfNext(currG,nextG)
                    if status: #i.e the next gene looks like in operon. Must continue
                        operon = True
                        operon = False #Finish the cluster and empty current cluster
                        cluster = list()
                else: continue;
        allOperons = makeOperon(allOperonCluster)
        return allOperons
    def acrossOrg():
        org_flagellarOperons = dict()
        for org, (orgName, accNbr) in orgDict_orig.items():
            # Identifying flagellar clusters on the genome
            org_FlagellaPairs_dict = loadPkl('selected_org.flagellaCOGPairs.dict.pkl')
            flagella_cogList = getCOGList(org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org])
            allOperons = IdentifyOperons(org,orgName,accNbr,flagella_cogList)
            print "Identifying in organism ...",org,"; Number of clusters ",len(allOperons)
        print "Organism: List of flagellar operon genes pickled"
    def test():
        org = 'hpg'
        orgName, accNbr = orgDict_orig[org]
        org_FlagellaPairs_dict = loadPkl('selected_org.flagellaCOGPairs.dict.pkl')
        flagella_cogList = getCOGList(org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org])
        allOperons = IdentifyOperons(org,orgName,accNbr,flagella_cogList)
        print "Identifying in organism ...",org,"; Number of clusters ",len(allOperons)
        for operon in allOperons:
            print "****"
            for i,gene in enumerate(operon):
                cog = gene.split('\t')[-2]
                COG = correctCOG(cog,i)
                if COG in flagella_cogList:print "yes",COG
                else: print "No",COG
    Identifying in organism ... eco ; Number of clusters  23
    Identifying in organism ... bsu ; Number of clusters  33
    Identifying in organism ... bhy ; Number of clusters  58
    Identifying in organism ... seo ; Number of clusters  30
    Identifying in organism ... rru ; Number of clusters  67
    Identifying in organism ... cjj ; Number of clusters  29
    Identifying in organism ... vfi ; Number of clusters  34
    Identifying in organism ... vch ; Number of clusters  36
    Identifying in organism ... pae ; Number of clusters  49
    Identifying in organism ... bbu ; Number of clusters  11
    Identifying in organism ... hpg ; Number of clusters  23
    Organism: List of flagellar operon genes pickled
    In [45]:
    # Identifying the distribution of genes in the flagellar operons for the organism
    clusterSize_array = np.zeros((nbrOrgs,1),dtype=int)
    org_flagellarOperons = loadPkl('org_flagellarOperons.dict.pkl')
    for i, org in enumerate(orgList_ordered):
        nbrOperons = len(org_flagellarOperons[org])
        clusterSize_array[i] = nbrOperons
    print np.transpose(clusterSize_array)
    [[23 30 33 36 49 23 34 29 67 11 58]]
    In [47]:
    # Counting the number of genes in each of the flagellar operon (need to subtract 2 (flanking genes))
    org_flagellarOperons = loadPkl('org_flagellarOperons.dict.pkl')
    org = 'eco'
    allOperons = org_flagellarOperons[org]
    nbrData = list()
    for operon in allOperons:
        nbrGenes = len(operon) - 2 # Flanking genes
    print "Number of flagellar operons in Ecoli : ",len(nbrData)
    plt.xlabel('number of genes in the operon')
    plt.title('Frequency histogram indicating number of genes \n comprising flagellar operons in %s'%(org))
    Number of flagellar operons in Ecoli :  23
    In [49]:
    Drawing the operon layout for the flagellar genes
    baseLine = 0.5 
    def drawHLine(ax,y=baseLine):
    def drawCutLine(ax,startx,dist=1):
        endx = startx + dist
        firstEnd = startx + dist/2
        xdata = np.arange(startx,endx+0.1,0.1)
        ydata = np.ones(len(xdata))*baseLine
        return ax,endx
    def drawRectangle(ax,start,strand,length,percRGB=(0.9,0.6,0)):
        x = start
        y = baseLine
        width = length/redFactor
        if strand is '+': ht = 0.1
        else: ht = -0.1
        return ax,start+width
    def saveFigure(fname):
        # Saving figure
        imgDir = '/home/jaggu/research/projectFiles/operons/tmpFigures/operonLayout'
        f = os.path.join(imgDir,fname)
    def drawOperonLayout(org,colorScheme='simple'):
        Draws the flagellar operon layout of the organism. The coloring scheme is (a) simple - the genes are colored 
        orange that were mapped to the flagellar cog. (b) all - all the individual genes are given a coloring scheme. 
        # Defining the figure
        fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(20,5))
        allOperon = org_flagellarOperons[org]
        flagella_cogList = getCOGList(org_FlagellaPairs_dict[org])
        baseLine = 0.5
        # initializing the starting line
        startx = 0
        endx = dist
        for operon in allOperon:
            ax,endx = drawCutLine(ax,startx)
            for i,gene in enumerate(operon):
                loc,strand,l,pid,gname,ltag,code,cog,pdt = gene.split('\t')
                COG = correctCOG(cog,i)
                if COG in flagella_cogList:
                    if colorScheme is 'simple': percRGB = (0.9,0.6,0)
                    percRGB = (0.1,0.1,0.1)
                lpos,rpos = map(int,loc.split('..'))
                if i is 0: start = endx #For first gene, use the end of the prev cut line
                else: start = end + (lpos - prevrpos)/redFactor
                ax,end = drawRectangle(ax,start,strand,int(l),percRGB)
                prevrpos = rpos
            startx = end
        title = org + ' flagellar operons layout'
        fname = org + '_operonLayout.simpleColor.svg'
        return True
    org_flagellarOperons = loadPkl('org_flagellarOperons.dict.pkl')
    redFactor = 1000
    dist = 1
    def test():
        org = 'hpg'
    def allOrg():
        for org in orgDict_orig.keys():
            print "Drawing Operons for organism : ",org
    Drawing Operons for organism :  eco
    Drawing Operons for organism :  bsu
    Drawing Operons for organism :  bhy
    Drawing Operons for organism :  seo
    Drawing Operons for organism :  rru
    Drawing Operons for organism :  cjj
    Drawing Operons for organism :  vfi
    Drawing Operons for organism :  vch
    Drawing Operons for organism :  pae
    Drawing Operons for organism :  bbu
    Drawing Operons for organism :  hpg