Analyzing WAV files using the soundecology R package

Load required R packages

In [1]:

tuneR >= 1.0 has changed its Wave class definition.
Use updateWave(object) to convert Wave objects saved with previous versions of tuneR.

Read WAV file into R as an object

In [2]:
sound1 <- readWave("~/Desktop/test/160224150000.wav")

In [3]:
sound2 <- readWave("~/Desktop/test/160309150500.wav")

Draw a spectrogram of the WAV file

-- spectrogram --

Compute acoustic diversity

In [6]:

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 

  Acoustic Diversity Index: 
   Left channel: 1.246873
   Right channel: 1.106268

In [10]:

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 

  Acoustic Diversity Index: 
   Left channel: 1.247621
   Right channel: 1.107211

Compute acoustic evenness

In [7]:

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 

  Acoustic Evenness Index: 
   Left channel: 0.726491
   Right channel: 0.760851

In [11]:

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 

  Acoustic Evenness Index: 
   Left channel: 0.726379
   Right channel: 0.760694

Compute acoustic complexity

In [8]:

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 

  Acoustic Complexity Index (total):
   Left channel: 911.6882
   Right channel: 913.0544

In [12]:

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 

  Acoustic Complexity Index (total):
   Left channel: 907.043
   Right channel: 908.6633

Compute the normalized difference soundscape index

In [4]:
ndsi(sound1, fft_w = 1024, anthro_min = 1000, anthro_max = 2000, bio_min = 2000, bio_max = 11000)

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 
  Normalized Difference Soundscape Index:

   Left channel: 0.1517927
   Right channel: 0.02293733

In [5]:
ndsi(sound2, fft_w = 1024, anthro_min = 1000, anthro_max = 2000, bio_min = 2000, bio_max = 11000)

 This is a stereo file. Results will be given for each channel.

 Calculating index. Please wait... 
  Normalized Difference Soundscape Index:

   Left channel: -0.4693702
   Right channel: -0.5330735