In [1]:
import numpy as np
from scipy.special import expit
import math
import random
import itertools
import collections
In [2]:
def sigmoid_function( signal, derivative=False ):
# Prevent overflow.
signal = np.clip( signal, -500, 500 )
# Calculate activation signal
signal = expit( signal )
if derivative:
# Return the partial derivation of the activation function
return np.multiply(signal, 1-signal)
# Return the activation signal
return signal
In [3]:
class NeuralNet:
def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hiddens, n_hidden_layers, activation_functions ):
self.n_inputs = n_inputs # Number of network input signals
self.n_outputs = n_outputs # Number of desired outputs from the network
self.n_hiddens = n_hiddens # Number of nodes in each hidden layer
self.n_hidden_layers = n_hidden_layers # Number of hidden layers in the network
self.activation_functions = activation_functions
assert len(activation_functions)==(n_hidden_layers+1), "Requires "+(n_hidden_layers+1)+" activation functions, got: "+len(activation_functions)+"."
if n_hidden_layers == 0:
# Count the necessary number of weights for the input->output connection.
# input -> [] -> output
self.n_weights = ((n_inputs+1)*n_outputs)
# Count the necessary number of weights summed over all the layers.
# input -> [n_hiddens -> n_hiddens] -> output
self.n_weights = (n_inputs+1)*n_hiddens+\
# Initialize the network with new randomized weights
self.set_weights( self.generate_weights() )
def generate_weights(self, low=-0.1, high=0.1):
# Generate new random weights for all the connections in the network
if not False:
# Support NumPy
return [random.uniform(low,high) for _ in xrange(self.n_weights)]
return np.random.uniform(low, high, size=(1,self.n_weights)).tolist()[0]
def unpack(self, weight_list ):
# This method will create a list of weight matrices. Each list element
# corresponds to the connection between two layers.
if self.n_hidden_layers == 0:
return [ np.array(weight_list).reshape(self.n_inputs+1,self.n_outputs) ]
weight_layers = [ np.array(weight_list[:(self.n_inputs+1)*self.n_hiddens]).reshape(self.n_inputs+1,self.n_hiddens) ]
weight_layers += [ np.array(weight_list[(self.n_inputs+1)*self.n_hiddens+(i*(self.n_hiddens**2+self.n_hiddens)):(self.n_inputs+1)*self.n_hiddens+((i+1)*(self.n_hiddens**2+self.n_hiddens))]).reshape(self.n_hiddens+1,self.n_hiddens) for i in xrange(self.n_hidden_layers-1) ]
weight_layers += [ np.array(weight_list[(self.n_inputs+1)*self.n_hiddens+((self.n_hidden_layers-1)*(self.n_hiddens**2+self.n_hiddens)):]).reshape(self.n_hiddens+1,self.n_outputs) ]
return weight_layers
def set_weights(self, weight_list ):
# This is a helper method for setting the network weights to a previously defined list.
# This is useful for utilizing a previously optimized neural network weight set.
self.weights = self.unpack( weight_list )
def get_weights(self, ):
# This will stack all the weights in the network on a list, which may be saved to the disk.
return [w for l in self.weights for w in l.flat]
def backpropagation(self, trainingset, ERROR_LIMIT=1e-3, learning_rate=0.3, momentum_factor=0.9 ):
def addBias(A):
# Add 1 as bias.
return np.hstack(( np.ones((A.shape[0],1)), A ))
#end addBias
assert trainingset[0].features.shape[0] == self.n_inputs, "ERROR: input size varies from the defined input setting"
assert trainingset[0].targets.shape[0] == self.n_outputs, "ERROR: output size varies from the defined output setting"
training_data = np.array( [instance.features for instance in trainingset ] )
training_targets = np.array( [instance.targets for instance in trainingset ] )
MSE = ( ) # inf
neterror = None
momentum = collections.defaultdict( int )
epoch = 0
epoch += 1
input_layers = self.update( training_data, trace=True )
out = input_layers[-1]
error = training_targets - out
delta = error
MSE = np.mean( np.power(error,2) )
loop = itertools.izip(
xrange(len(self.weights)-1, -1, -1),
for i, weight_layer, input_signals in loop:
# Loop over the weight layers in reversed order to calculate the deltas
# Calculate weight change
dW = learning_rate * addBias(input_signals).T, delta ) + momentum_factor * momentum[i]
if i!= 0:
"""Do not calculate the delta unnecessarily."""
# Skipping the bias weight during calculation.
weight_delta = delta, weight_layer[1:,:].T )
# Calculate the delta for the subsequent layer
delta = np.multiply( weight_delta, self.activation_functions[i-1]( input_signals, derivative=True) )
# Store the momentum
momentum[i] = dW
# Update the weights
self.weights[ i ] += dW
if epoch%1000==0:
# Show the current training status
print ("* current network error (MSE):", MSE)
print ("* Converged to error bound (%.4g) with MSE = %.4g." % ( ERROR_LIMIT, MSE ))
print ("* Trained for %d epochs." % epoch)
# end backprop
def update(self, input_values, trace=False ):
# This is a forward operation in the network. This is how we calculate the network output
# from a set of input signals.
output = input_values
if trace: tracelist = [ output ]
for i, weight_layer in enumerate(self.weights):
# Loop over the network layers and calculate the output
output = output, weight_layer[1:,:] ) + weight_layer[0:1,:] # implicit bias
output = self.activation_functions[i]( output )
if trace: tracelist.append( output )
if trace: return tracelist
return output
def save_to_file(self, filename = "network.pkl" ):
import cPickle
This save method pickles the parameters of the current network into a
binary file for persistant storage.
with open( filename , 'wb') as file:
store_dict = {
"n_inputs" : self.n_inputs,
"n_outputs" : self.n_outputs,
"n_hiddens" : self.n_hiddens,
"n_hidden_layers" : self.n_hidden_layers,
"activation_functions" : self.activation_functions,
"n_weights" : self.n_weights,
"weights" : self.weights
cPickle.dump( store_dict, file, 2 )
def load_from_file( filename = "network.pkl" ):
Load the complete configuration of a previously stored network.
network = NeuralNet( 0, 0, 0, 0, [0] )
with open( filename , 'rb') as file:
import cPickle
store_dict = cPickle.load(file)
network.n_inputs = store_dict["n_inputs"]
network.n_outputs = store_dict["n_outputs"]
network.n_hiddens = store_dict["n_hiddens"]
network.n_hidden_layers = store_dict["n_hidden_layers"]
network.n_weights = store_dict["n_weights"]
network.weights = store_dict["weights"]
network.activation_functions = store_dict["activation_functions"]
return network
#end class
In [4]:
class Instance:
# This is a simple encapsulation of a `input signal : output signal`
# pair in out training set.
def __init__(self, features, target):
self.features = np.array(features)
self.targets = np.array(target)
#endclass Instance
In [5]:
# two training sets
training_one = [ Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0] ) ]
n_inputs = 2
n_outputs = 1
n_hiddens = 2
n_hidden_layers = 1
# specify activation functions per layer eg: [ hidden_layer_1, hidden_layer_2, output_layer ]
activation_functions = [ sigmoid_function ]*n_hidden_layers + [ sigmoid_function ]
# initialize the neural network
network = NeuralNet(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hiddens, n_hidden_layers, activation_functions)
# start training on test set one
network.backpropagation(training_one, ERROR_LIMIT=1e-4, learning_rate=0.3, momentum_factor=0.9 )
# save the trained network
network.save_to_file( "trained_configuration.pkl" )
# load a stored network configuration
# network = NeuralNet.load_from_file( "trained_configuration.pkl" )
# print out the result
for instance in training_one:
print (instance.features, network.update( np.array([instance.features]) ), "target:", instance.targets)
In [6]:
# two training sets
training_one = [ Instance( [0,0], [0] ), Instance( [0,1], [1] ), Instance( [1,0], [1] ), Instance( [1,1], [1] ) ]
n_inputs = 2
n_outputs = 1
n_hiddens = 2
n_hidden_layers = 1
# specify activation functions per layer eg: [ hidden_layer_1, hidden_layer_2, output_layer ]
activation_functions = [ sigmoid_function ]*n_hidden_layers + [ sigmoid_function ]
# initialize the neural network
network = NeuralNet(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hiddens, n_hidden_layers, activation_functions)
# start training on test set one
network.backpropagation(training_one, ERROR_LIMIT=1e-4, learning_rate=0.3, momentum_factor=0.9 )
# save the trained network
network.save_to_file( "trained_configuration.pkl" )
# load a stored network configuration
# network = NeuralNet.load_from_file( "trained_configuration.pkl" )
# print out the result
for instance in training_one:
print (instance.features, network.update( np.array([instance.features]) ), "target:", instance.targets)
In [7]:
training_two = [ Instance( [0,0], [0,0] ), Instance( [0,1], [1,1] ), Instance( [1,0], [1,1] ), Instance( [1,1], [0,0] ) ]
n_inputs = 2
n_outputs = 2
n_hiddens = 2
n_hidden_layers = 1
# specify activation functions per layer eg: [ hidden_layer_1, hidden_layer_2, output_layer ]
activation_functions = [ sigmoid_function ]*n_hidden_layers + [ sigmoid_function ]
# initialize the neural network
network = NeuralNet(n_inputs, n_outputs, n_hiddens, n_hidden_layers, activation_functions)
# start training on test set one
network.backpropagation(training_two, ERROR_LIMIT=1e-4, learning_rate=0.3, momentum_factor=0.9 )
# save the trained network
network.save_to_file( "trained_configuration.pkl" )
# load a stored network configuration
# network = NeuralNet.load_from_file( "trained_configuration.pkl" )
# print out the result
for instance in training_two:
print (instance.features, network.update( np.array([instance.features]) ), "target:", instance.targets)