Optimizer Performance Comparison in Python v2.7: Set Cover Location Problem

Gurobi Optimizer v6.0.2


IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer v12.6.0

PySAL v1.10.0

*James D. Gaboardi*

*Florida State University*     |     *Department of Geography*


Version 3, 29 June 2007

Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.


The Set Cover Location Problem


        $\sum_{j=1}^n$  djxj

Subject to

        $∑_{j=1}^n$aijxj ≥ 1,        i = 1 ∊ n

        xj ∊(0,1)                 j = 1 ∊ m


         − i = a specific origin

         − j = a specific destination

         − n = the set of origins

         − m = the set of destinations

         − xi = the decision variable at each node in the matrix

         − aij = binary matrix describing the coverage of each node


                     − aij = 1 ∀ i, j dij ≥ S (S is user defined)

                     − aij = 0 otherwise

         − dij = distance from ith origin to jth destination

Adapted from:

Daskin, M. S. 1995. Network and Discrete Location: Models, Algorithms, and Applications. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

0. Imports

In [1]:
import pysal as ps
import numpy as np
import networkx as nx
import shapefile as shp
import gurobipy as gbp
import cplex as cp
import datetime as dt
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
import IPython.display as IPd
%pylab inline
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap

Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib

1. Data preparation and creation

1.1 Instantiate a network

In [2]:
ntw = ps.Network('Waverly/Waverly.shp')
print dt.datetime.now()
print 'PySAL.Network\n'
print dir(ntw)

2015-08-19 15:52:02.012088

['NetworkF', 'NetworkG', 'NetworkK', '__doc__', '__init__', '__module__', '_extractnetwork', '_newpoint_coords', '_round_sig', '_snap_to_edge', '_yieldneighbor', 'adjacencylist', 'allneighbordistances', 'compute_distance_to_nodes', 'contiguityweights', 'count_per_edge', 'distancebandweights', 'edge_lengths', 'edge_to_graph', 'edges', 'enum_links_node', 'extractgraph', 'graph_lengths', 'graph_to_edges', 'graphedges', 'in_shp', 'loadnetwork', 'nearestneighbordistances', 'node_coords', 'node_distance_matrix', 'node_list', 'node_sig', 'nodes', 'pointpatterns', 'savenetwork', 'segment_edges', 'simulate_observations', 'snapobservations', 'unique_segs']

1.2 Instantiate all graphs to be drawn

In [3]:
# Roads and Nodes
g = nx.Graph()
# Graph of Roads and Nodes
g1 = nx.MultiGraph()
# Clients
GRAPH_client = nx.Graph()
# Snapped Clients
g_client = nx.Graph()
# Service
GRAPH_service = nx.Graph()
# Snapped Service
g_service = nx.Graph()
# Gurobi p-Median
GUROBI_setcover_g = nx.Graph()
# Cplex p-Median
CPLEX_setcover_g = nx.Graph()

1.3 Create Bounding Box from 'Waverly.shp'

In [4]:
shp_W = ps.open('Waverly/Waverly.shp')

[-84.280694, 30.450132999999997, -84.24955399999999, 30.507330999999997]

1.4 Create numpy arrays of random floats within a bounding box

In [5]:
lat_client = np.random.uniform(shp_W.bbox[0], shp_W.bbox[2], 500)
lon_client = np.random.uniform(shp_W.bbox[1], shp_W.bbox[3], 500)
lat_service = np.random.uniform(shp_W.bbox[0], shp_W.bbox[2], 500)
lon_service = np.random.uniform(shp_W.bbox[1], shp_W.bbox[3], 500)

1.5 Zip the latitude and longitude lists together

In [6]:
rand_coords_client = map(list, zip(lat_client, lon_client))
rand_coords_service = map(list, zip(lat_service, lon_service))

1.6 Create Empty Random Points Dictionaries

In [7]:
points_client = {}
points_service = {}

1.7 Fill dictionaries of random roints

In [8]:
for idx, coords in enumerate(rand_coords_client):
    points_client[idx] = coords
    GRAPH_client.node[idx] = coords
for idx, coords in enumerate(rand_coords_service):
    points_service[idx] = coords
    GRAPH_service.node[idx] = coords

1.8 Draw network, simplified network, and random client & service nodes

In [9]:
print dt.datetime.now()
#Instantiate Figure
# Draw Graph of Actual Nodes and Roads
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Draw only unique edges in graph
for e in ntw.graphedges:
    # highlights cases where start and end node are the same
    if e[0]==e[1]:
for node_id in g1.node:
    g1.node[node_id] = ntw.node_coords[node_id]
nx.draw(g1, ntw.node_coords, node_size=10, alpha=0.5)
# Draw Graph of Random Client Points
nx.draw(GRAPH_client, points_client, 
    node_size=75, alpha=1, node_color='b')
# Draw Graph of Random Service Points
nx.draw(GRAPH_service, points_service, 
    node_size=100, alpha=1, node_color='c')
# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
LEGEND['Network Nodes']=g
LEGEND['Graph Vertices']=g1
LEGEND['Graph Edges']=g1
LEGEND['Client Nodes']=GRAPH_client
LEGEND['Service Nodes']=GRAPH_service
legend(LEGEND, loc='lower right', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)

# Title
title('Waverly Hills\n Tallahassee, Florida', family='Times New Roman', 
      size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# North Arrow and 'N' --> Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
arrow(-84.281, 30.507, 0.0, 0.01, width=.0003, head_width=0.0012, 
          head_length=0.002, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
annotate('N', xy=(-84.2815, 30.52), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
            fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)

2015-08-19 15:52:03.497846
<matplotlib.text.Annotation at 0x11018a1d0>

1.9 Create S

In [10]:
S = .5

1.10 Instantiate client and service shapefiles

In [11]:
# Client
client = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Random Points
for i,j in rand_coords_client:
# Add Fields
counter = 0
for i in range(len(rand_coords_client)):
    counter = counter + 1
    client.record('client_' + str(counter), lat_client[i], lon_client[i])
# Save Shapefile    

service = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Random Points
for i,j in rand_coords_service:
# Add Fields
counter = 0
for i in range(len(rand_coords_service)):
    counter = counter + 1
    service.record('y' + str(counter), 'x' + str(counter), lat_service[i], lon_service[i])
# Save Shapefile    

1.11 Snap Observations to NTW

In [12]:
t1 = time.time()
                     'Rand_Points_CLIENT', attribute=True)
                     'Rand_Points_SERVICE', attribute=True)
print round(time.time()-t1, 4), 'seconds'

18.2187 seconds

1.12 Draw NTW, snapped coords, & random coords

In [13]:
# Instantiate Figure
# Draw Graph of Roads
for e in ntw.edges:
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Draw Graph of Snapped Client Nodes
g_client = nx.Graph()
for p,coords in ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_CLIENT'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems():
    g_client.node[p] = coords
nx.draw(g_client, ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_CLIENT'].snapped_coordinates, 
        node_size=100, alpha=1, node_color='b')
# Draw Graph of Snapped Service Nodes
g_service = nx.Graph()
for p,coords in ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates.iteritems():
    g_service.node[p] = coords
nx.draw(g_service, ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_SERVICE'].snapped_coordinates, 
        node_size=100, alpha=1, node_color='c')
# Draw Graph of Random Client Points
nx.draw(GRAPH_client, points_client, 
    node_size=20, alpha=1, node_color='y')
# Draw Graph of Random Client Points
nx.draw(GRAPH_service, points_service, 
    node_size=20, alpha=1, node_color='w')

# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
LEGEND['Network Nodes']=g
LEGEND['Snapped Client']=g_client
LEGEND['Snapped Service']=g_service
LEGEND['Client Nodes']=GRAPH_client
LEGEND['Service Nodes']=GRAPH_service
legend(LEGEND, loc='lower right', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)
# Title
title('Waverly Hills\n Tallahassee, Florida', family='Times New Roman', 
      size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# North Arrow and 'N' --> Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
arrow(-84.281, 30.507, 0.0, 0.01, width=.0003, head_width=0.0012, 
          head_length=0.002, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
annotate('N', xy=(-84.2815, 30.52), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
            fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)

<matplotlib.text.Annotation at 0x11119ec50>

1.13 Create distance matrix

In [14]:
t1 = time.time()
All_Neigh_Dist = ntw.allneighbordistances(sourcepattern=ntw.pointpatterns['Rand_Points_CLIENT'],
All_Dist_MILES = All_Neigh_Dist * float(10000/90) * 0.6214
seconds = round(time.time()-t1, 4)
print seconds, 'seconds'
print 'Client [i] x Service [j] Matrix Shape --> ', All_Dist_MILES.shape

8.8014 seconds
Client [i] x Service [j] Matrix Shape -->  (500, 500)

2. Mathematical Optimization

2.1a Gurobi Set Cover test

In [15]:
t1 = time.time()

#     1. Read In Data
# Cost Vector
Cij = All_Dist_MILES
# Create Aij: Determine Aij (nodes within S)
# S --> 1 = served; 0 = unserved
Aij = []
for i in np.nditer(Cij):
    if i <= S:
        outtext = 1
        outtext = 0
rows, cols = Cij.shape
Aij = np.array(Aij)
Aij = Aij.reshape(len(Cij),len(Cij[0]))
client_nodes = range(len(Cij))
service_nodes = range(len(Cij[0]))

#     2. Create Model, Set MIP Focus, Add Variables, & Update Model
mSCLP_GUROBI = gbp.Model(" -- SCLP -- ")
# Set MIP Focus to 2 for optimality
gbp.setParam('MIPFocus', 2)

#     3. Add Service Decision Variables
serv_var = []
for dest in service_nodes:
                                ub = 1,
# Update Model Variables

#     4. Set Objective Function
                            for dest in service_nodes), 

#    5. Add Constraints 
#Add Coverage Constraints  
for orig in client_nodes:
                            for dest in service_nodes) >= 1)        

#     6. Optimize and Print Results
t2G = time.time()-t1
print '\n*****************************************************************************************'
selected = []
dbf1 = ps.open('shapefiles/RandomPoints_SERVICE.dbf')
NEW_Records_SCLP_GUROBI = []
for v in mSCLP_GUROBI.getVars():
    if v.x > 0:
        var = '%s' % v.VarName
        for i in range(dbf1.n_records):
            if var in dbf1.read_record(i):
                x = dbf1.read_record(i)
        print '    |                                                         ', var
print '    | Selected Facility Locations ---------------------------  ^^^^ '
print '    | Coverage (S) in miles --------------------------------- ', S
print '    | Client Nodes ------------------------------------------ ', len(client_nodes)
print '    | Facilities needed for 100% coverage of client nodes --- ', len(selected)
print '    | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) -------------------------- ', t2G
print '    | Date/Time --------------------------------------------- ', dt.datetime.now()
print '*****************************************************************************************'
print '\nJames Gaboardi, 2015'

Changed value of parameter MIPFocus to 2
   Prev: 0   Min: 0   Max: 3   Default: 0
Optimize a model with 500 rows, 500 columns and 27105 nonzeros
Coefficient statistics:
  Matrix range    [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Objective range [1e+00, 1e+00]
  Bounds range    [1e+00, 1e+00]
  RHS range       [1e+00, 1e+00]
Found heuristic solution: objective 21
Presolve removed 500 rows and 500 columns
Presolve time: 0.01s

Explored 0 nodes (0 simplex iterations) in 0.01 seconds
Thread count was 1 (of 4 available processors)

Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04)
Best objective 1.600000000000e+01, best bound 1.600000000000e+01, gap 0.0%

    |                                                          x4
    |                                                          x6
    |                                                          x55
    |                                                          x93
    |                                                          x139
    |                                                          x149
    |                                                          x175
    |                                                          x194
    |                                                          x198
    |                                                          x264
    |                                                          x287
    |                                                          x298
    |                                                          x317
    |                                                          x359
    |                                                          x387
    |                                                          x436
    | Selected Facility Locations ---------------------------  ^^^^ 
    | Coverage (S) in miles ---------------------------------  0.5
    | Client Nodes ------------------------------------------  500
    | Facilities needed for 100% coverage of client nodes ---  16
    | Real Time to Optimize (sec.) --------------------------  11.0103869438
    | Date/Time ---------------------------------------------  2015-08-19 15:52:42.973560

James Gaboardi, 2015

2.1b Instantiate Selected Gurobi Set Cover shapefile

In [16]:
SHP_SetCover_GUROBI = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Points
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_SCLP_GUROBI:
    SHP_SetCover_GUROBI.point(float(x), float(y))
# Add Fields
# Add Records
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_SCLP_GUROBI:
# Save Shapefile    

2.2a Cplex Set Cover test

In [17]:
t1 = time.time()

#     1. Read In Data
# Cost Vector
Cij = All_Dist_MILES
# Create Aij: Determine Aij (nodes within S)
# S --> 1 = served; 0 = unserved
Cij = All_Dist_MILES
# Create Aij: Determine Aij (nodes within S)
# S --> 1 = served; 0 = unserved
Aij = []
for i in np.nditer(Cij):
    if i <= S:
        outtext = 1
        outtext = 0
Aij = np.array(Aij)
Aij = Aij.reshape(len(Cij),len(Cij[0]))

# Indices & Variable Names
nodes = len(Cij)
Nodes = range(len(Cij))

all_nodes = len(Cij) * len(Cij)
ALL_nodes = range(all_nodes)
x = 'x'
cli_var = []
for i in Nodes:
    for j in Nodes:
        temp = x + str(j+1)
client_var = np.array(cli_var)
results_var = []
for i in Nodes:
    temp = x + str(i+1)

#     2. Create Model and Add Variables
# Create Model
mSCLP_CPLEX = cp.Cplex()
# Problem Name
mSCLP_CPLEX.set_problem_name('\n -- Set Cover Location Problem -- ')
print mSCLP_CPLEX.get_problem_name()
# Problem Type  ==>  Linear Programming
# Set MIP Emphasis to '2' --> Optimal
print mSCLP_CPLEX.parameters.get_changed()
print '\nProblem Type\n    ' + str(mSCLP_CPLEX.problem_type[mSCLP_CPLEX.get_problem_type()])
# Objective Function Sense  ==>  Minimize
print 'Objective Sense\n    ' + str(mSCLP_CPLEX.objective.sense[mSCLP_CPLEX.objective.get_sense()])
# Add Client Decision Variables
mSCLP_CPLEX.variables.add(names = [cli_var[i] for i in Nodes],  
                        obj = [1] * nodes,
                        lb = [0] * nodes, 
                        ub = [1] * nodes, 
                        types = ['B'] * nodes)

#    3. Add Constraints 
#Add Coverage Constraints
for orig in Nodes:       
    coverage_constraints = cp.SparsePair(ind = [client_var[dest] 
                                            for dest in Nodes],                           
                                            val = [Aij[orig][dest]for dest in Nodes])
    mSCLP_CPLEX.linear_constraints.add(lin_expr = [coverage_constraints],                 
                                senses = ['G'], 
                                rhs = [1]);

#    4. Optimize and Print Results
t2C = time.time()-t1
solution = mSCLP_CPLEX.solution
selected = []
dbf1 = ps.open('shapefiles/RandomPoints_SERVICE.dbf')
NEW_Records_SCLP_CPLEX = []
for v in mSCLP_CPLEX.variables.get_names():
    if (solution.get_values(v) >
        var = '%s' % v
        for i in range(dbf1.n_records):
            if var in dbf1.read_record(i):
                x = dbf1.read_record(i)
# solution.get_status() returns an integer code
print 'Solution status = ' , solution.get_status(), ':',
# the following line prints the corresponding string
print solution.status[solution.get_status()]
# Display solution.
print 'Selected Facility Locations = ' , solution.get_objective_value()
print 'Determination Time to Build Model in Python and Optimize (sec.):  ', mSCLP_CPLEX.get_dettime(), 'ticks'
print 'Real Time to Build Model in Python and Optimize (sec.):  ', t2C
print '****************************'
for f in results_var:
    if (solution.get_values(f) >
        print '    Facility %s is open' % f
        pass #print '    Facility %s is closed' % f        
print '****************************'
print '\n----- Date/Time ------------------- ', dt.datetime.now()
print '\n----- Cplex Set Cover Loation Problem -----'
print '\n-----\nJames Gaboardi, 2015'

 -- Set Cover Location Problem -- 
[(parameters.emphasis.mip, 2)]

Problem Type
Objective Sense
Found incumbent of value 500.000000 after 0.00 sec. (0.10 ticks)
Tried aggregator 3 times.
MIP Presolve eliminated 495 rows and 495 columns.
Aggregator did 5 substitutions.
All rows and columns eliminated.
Presolve time = 0.01 sec. (6.76 ticks)

Root node processing (before b&c):
  Real time             =    0.01 sec. (6.88 ticks)
Parallel b&c, 4 threads:
  Real time             =    0.00 sec. (0.00 ticks)
  Sync time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
  Wait time (average)   =    0.00 sec.
Total (root+branch&cut) =    0.01 sec. (6.88 ticks)
Default row names c1, c2 ... being created.
Solution status =  101 : MIP_optimal
Selected Facility Locations =  16.0
Determination Time to Build Model in Python and Optimize (sec.):   21.495631218 ticks
Real Time to Build Model in Python and Optimize (sec.):   1.62907910347
    Facility x4 is open
    Facility x6 is open
    Facility x19 is open
    Facility x93 is open
    Facility x115 is open
    Facility x132 is open
    Facility x139 is open
    Facility x149 is open
    Facility x175 is open
    Facility x194 is open
    Facility x264 is open
    Facility x287 is open
    Facility x298 is open
    Facility x317 is open
    Facility x387 is open
    Facility x436 is open

----- Date/Time -------------------  2015-08-19 15:52:44.894380

----- Cplex Set Cover Loation Problem -----

James Gaboardi, 2015

2.2b Instantiate Selected Cplex Set Cover shapefile

In [18]:
SHP_SCLP_CPLEX = shp.Writer(shp.POINT)
# Add Points
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_SCLP_CPLEX:
    SHP_SCLP_CPLEX.point(float(x), float(y))
# Add Fields
# Add Records
for idy,idx,x,y in NEW_Records_SCLP_CPLEX:
# Save Shapefile    

3. Selected locations

3.1 Gurobi & Cplex Set Cover Selected locations

In [19]:
# Draw Network Actual Roads and Nodes
nx.draw(g, ntw.node_coords, node_size=5, alpha=0.25, edge_color='r', width=2)
# Draw Graph
nx.draw(g1, ntw.node_coords, node_size=10, alpha=0.5)

# Gurobi Set Cover
SetCover_GUROBI = ps.open('shapefiles/Selected_Locations_SCLP_GUROBI.shp')
points_SetCover_GUROBI = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(SetCover_GUROBI):
    points_SetCover_GUROBI[idx] = coords
    GUROBI_setcover_g.node[idx] = coords
nx.draw(GUROBI_setcover_g, points_SetCover_GUROBI, 
        node_size=600, alpha=1, node_color='g')

# Cplex Set Cover
SetCover_CPLEX = ps.open('shapefiles/Selected_Locations_SCLP_CPLEX.shp')
points_SetCover_CPLEX = {}
for idx, coords in enumerate(SetCover_CPLEX):
    points_SetCover_CPLEX[idx] = coords
    CPLEX_setcover_g.node[idx] = coords
nx.draw(CPLEX_setcover_g, points_SetCover_CPLEX, 
        node_size=300, alpha=1, node_color='r')

# Draw Graph of Random Service
nx.draw(GRAPH_client, points_client, 
        node_size=15, alpha=.5, node_color='k')

# Draw Graph of Random Service
nx.draw(GRAPH_service, points_service, 
        node_size=50, alpha=1, node_color='k')

# Legend (Ordered Dictionary)
LEGEND = OrderedDict()
LEGEND['Network Nodes']=g
LEGEND['Graph Vertices']=g1
LEGEND['Graph Edges']=g1
LEGEND['Gurobi Optimal Set Cover']=GUROBI_setcover_g
LEGEND['Cplex Optimal Set Cover']=CPLEX_setcover_g
LEGEND['Client Nodes']=GRAPH_client
LEGEND['Service Nodes']=GRAPH_service
legend(LEGEND, loc='lower right', fancybox=True, framealpha=0.5)

# Title
title('Waverly Hills\n Tallahassee, Florida', family='Times New Roman', 
      size=40, color='k', backgroundcolor='w', weight='bold')
# North Arrow and 'N' --> Must be changed for different spatial resolutions, etc.
arrow(-84.281, 30.507, 0.0, 0.01, width=.0003, head_width=0.0012, 
          head_length=0.002, fc='k', ec='k',alpha=0.75,)
annotate('N', xy=(-84.2815, 30.52), fontstyle='italic', fontsize='xx-large',
            fontweight='heavy', alpha=0.75)

<matplotlib.text.Annotation at 0x11726a590>

3.2 Optimized Values

In [20]:
print '********************************************************'
print ' | Total Facilities to be opened for [ S =', S, ']'
print ' |  | Gurobi ------------------ ', mSCLP_GUROBI.objVal, '       '
print ' |  | CPLEX ------------------- ', solution.get_objective_value(), '       '
print '-------------------------------------------------------'
G_val = mSCLP_GUROBI.objVal
C_val = solution.get_objective_value()
if G_val == C_val:
    print ' | Gurobi and CPLEX chose the same number of facilities'
    print ' | Gurobi and CPLEX chose different numbers of facilities'    
if NSG == NSC:
    print ' |        ***' 
    print ' | Gurobi and CPLEX chose the same facilities'
    print ' |        ***' 
    print ' | Gurobi and CPLEX chose different facilities'
print '-------------------------------------------------------'
print ' | Total Time to Build Model and Optimize: (seconds)  '
print ' |  | Gurobi ------------------ ', t2G, '       '
print ' |  | CPLEX ------------------- ', t2C, '       '
print '********************************************************'

 | Total Facilities to be opened for [ S = 0.5 ]
 |  | Gurobi ------------------  16.0        
 |  | CPLEX -------------------  16.0        
 | Gurobi and CPLEX chose the same number of facilities
 |        ***
 | Gurobi and CPLEX chose different facilities
 | Total Time to Build Model and Optimize: (seconds)  
 |  | Gurobi ------------------  11.0103869438        
 |  | CPLEX -------------------  1.62907910347        

3.3 System Information

In [21]:
print '********************************************************'
print ' | Platform Specs:                                    |'
print ' |  | OS X Yosemite v10.10.4                          |'
print ' |  | MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)       |'
print ' |  | Processor: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7                |'
print ' |  | Memory: 16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3                     |'
print '********************************************************'
print ' |  | Date/Time --------- ', dt.datetime.now(), '|'
print '********************************************************'

 | Platform Specs:                                    |
 |  | OS X Yosemite v10.10.4                          |
 |  | MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015)       |
 |  | Processor: 3.1 GHz Intel Core i7                |
 |  | Memory: 16 GB 1867 MHz DDR3                     |
 |  | Date/Time ---------  2015-08-19 15:52:45.305925 |