Simpact/MaxART: population density and health care facilities

In this examples, we're not going to run an actual simulation but we'll just let everything initialize to have coordinates for each person and facility. We'll then create a 2D map of the distribution of simulated persons, both for the Hhohho region and for Swaziland itself. In a final plot, we'll indicate the health care facilities and their positions on the Hhohho map as well.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import pysimpactcyan
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors

In [2]:
# First, we'll need to tell the Simpact simulation engine to use the MaxART-specific simulation
simpact = pysimpactcyan.PySimpactCyan()

Setting data directory to /usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/

In [3]:
# In a first simulation, we'll just initialize the number of men and women to 150,000 each.
# Relationships are disabled by setting population.eyecap.fraction to 0, to speed up initialization
# and to reduce memory requirements, and the simulation is told to stop after one event. These
# settings will already allow us to plot a histogram of the simulated person positions, which
# should then resemble the population density from the Hhohho region.
cfg = { "population.nummen": 150000,
        "population.numwomen": 150000,
        "population.eyecap.fraction": 0,
        "population.maxevents": 1,
        "facilities.randomization": "${SIMPACT_DATA_DIR}/maxart-randomization-fake_1.csv" }
r =, "/tmp/simptest")

Using identifier 'maxart-2016-10-16-18-23-33_8690_2HKibqwB-'
Results will be stored in directory '/tmp/simptest'
Running simpact executable...

# read seed from /dev/urandom
# Rng engine mt19937
# Using seed 2028324209
# WARNING! Ignoring negative values when reading /usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/SWZ10adjv4.tif
# Performing extra check on read configuration parameters
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key facilities.geo.coords (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/maxart-facilities.csv')
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key facilities.randomization (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan//maxart-randomization-fake_1.csv')
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key population.agedistfile (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/sa_2003.csv')
# mNRM: using advanced algorithm
# Release version
# Simpact version is: 0.20.0rc1
# Current simulation time is 0
# Number of events executed is 1
# Started with 300000 people, ending with 300000 (difference is 0)

In [4]:
# We'll read the person log, and create a histogram of the X and Y positions of each person
persons = pd.read_csv(r["logpersons"])
plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,8))
plt.hist2d(persons["XCoord"], persons["YCoord"], bins=100, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm());

/home/jori/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/core/ DtypeWarning: Columns (8) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  interactivity=interactivity, compiler=compiler, result=result)

In [5]:
# In a second simulation, we'll do the same thing but we'll use person coordinates based on
# the full Swaziland population density information. In the 'person.geo' settings, the default
# is to use the Swaziland map, but by using a mask file only the Hhohho region is selected.
# To again obtain locations from the entire Swaziland country, this mask file is disabled in
# the settings below
cfg = { "population.nummen": 600000,
        "population.numwomen": 600000,
        "population.eyecap.fraction": 0,
        "population.maxevents": 1,
        "person.geo.dist2d.discrete.maskfile": "",
        "facilities.randomization": "${SIMPACT_DATA_DIR}/maxart-randomization-fake_1.csv"
r =, "/tmp/simptest")

Using identifier 'maxart-2016-10-16-18-23-42_8690_vMB01r3a-'
Results will be stored in directory '/tmp/simptest'
Running simpact executable...

# read seed from /dev/urandom
# Rng engine mt19937
# Using seed 1343286928
# WARNING! Ignoring negative values when reading /usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/SWZ10adjv4.tif
# Performing extra check on read configuration parameters
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key facilities.geo.coords (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/maxart-facilities.csv')
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key facilities.randomization (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan//maxart-randomization-fake_1.csv')
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key population.agedistfile (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/sa_2003.csv')
# mNRM: using advanced algorithm
# Release version
# Simpact version is: 0.20.0rc1
# Current simulation time is 0
# Number of events executed is 1
# Started with 1200000 people, ending with 1200000 (difference is 0)

In [6]:
# Plotting a histogram of the person locations will now produce a density map that resembles
# the one from Swaziland
persons = pd.read_csv(r["logpersons"])
plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,8))
plt.hist2d(persons["XCoord"], persons["YCoord"], bins=100, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm());

In [7]:
# In a final simulation, we'll again use the same settings as the ones used to plot
# the Hhohho region above. We'll also specify that the facility GPS coordinates, translated
# such map coordinates, should be written to a file.
cfg = { "population.nummen": 150000,
        "population.numwomen": 150000,
        "population.eyecap.fraction": 0,
        "population.maxevents": 1,
        "facilities.outfile.facilityxypos": "${SIMPACT_OUTPUT_PREFIX}facilitypositions.csv"  ,
        "facilities.randomization": "${SIMPACT_DATA_DIR}/maxart-randomization-fake_1.csv"
r =, "/tmp/simptest")

Using identifier 'maxart-2016-10-16-18-24-18_8690_4xZhA0Rv-'
Results will be stored in directory '/tmp/simptest'
Running simpact executable...

# read seed from /dev/urandom
# Rng engine mt19937
# Using seed 1859039539
# WARNING! Ignoring negative values when reading /usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/SWZ10adjv4.tif
# Performing extra check on read configuration parameters
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key facilities.geo.coords (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/maxart-facilities.csv')
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key facilities.randomization (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan//maxart-randomization-fake_1.csv')
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key population.agedistfile (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/sa_2003.csv')
# mNRM: using advanced algorithm
# Release version
# Simpact version is: 0.20.0rc1
# Current simulation time is 0
# Number of events executed is 1
# Started with 300000 people, ending with 300000 (difference is 0)

In [8]:
# We'll again create a histogram of the X and Y positions of each person, and on this
# map we'll indicate the locations of the health care facilities used in the MaxART study
# by using red circles. 
# In a final step, we'll also draw labels for these facilities

facPos = pd.read_csv(r["facilityxypos"])
persons = pd.read_csv(r["logpersons"])
plt.figure(1, figsize=(8,8))
plt.hist2d(persons["XCoord"], persons["YCoord"], bins=100, norm=matplotlib.colors.LogNorm());
plt.plot(facPos["XCoord"], facPos["YCoord"], 'o', color='red', markersize=10)

# Let's add some labels
for label, x, y in zip(facPos["Facility name"], facPos["XCoord"], facPos["YCoord"]):
        xy = (x, y), xytext = (-20, 20),
        textcoords = 'offset points', ha = 'right', va = 'bottom',
        bbox = dict(boxstyle = 'square,pad=0.5', fc = 'white', alpha = 0.35),
        arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle = '->')

In [ ]: