Example of a 'funnel' distribution using the 'agegapry' hazard

This notebook illustrates how the importance of the preferred age difference can be made age dependent in the agegapry hazard. This property allows you to create a distribution of the formed relationships that has a funnel-like shape.

In [1]:
# First, we'll load some modules that we're going to need
%matplotlib inline
import pysimpactcyan
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

In [2]:
# Create an instance of the PySimpactCyan class, which we can then use to run simulations
simpact = pysimpactcyan.PySimpactCyan()

Setting data directory to /usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/

In [3]:
# This is a helper function that runs a simulation, analyzes the generated data
# and creates a plot from it: a point in the figure indicates a relationship,
# the X-axis is the age of the man when the relationship was formed and the Y-axis
# is the relationship of the woman

def showAges(cfg, path="/tmp/simptest", seed=-1):
    ret = simpact.run(cfg, path, seed=seed)
    rel = pd.read_csv(ret["logrelations"])
    ppl = pd.read_csv(ret["logpersons"])
    numRel = rel.shape[0]

    agesMen = []
    agesWomen = []
    for r in range(numRel):
        idm = rel.iloc[r]["ID1"]
        idw = rel.iloc[r]["ID2"]
        t = rel.iloc[r]["FormTime"]
        tobm = float(ppl[ppl["ID"] == idm]["TOB"])
        tobw = float(ppl[ppl["ID"] == idw]["TOB"])

    plt.figure(1, figsize=(6,6), dpi=80)
    plt.xlabel("Age man")
    plt.ylabel("Age woman")
    plt.plot(agesMen, agesWomen, 'o')

In [4]:
# First, we'll run a simulation with all the default settings. This uses
# the 'simple' formation hazard with settings that do not specify any 
# particular age difference.

Using identifier 'simpact-cyan-2016-08-11-08-37-46_29863_Wg3CD9lP-'
Results will be stored in directory '/tmp/simptest'
Running simpact executable...

# read seed from /dev/urandom
# Rng engine mt19937
# Using seed 1053946534
# Performing extra check on read configuration parameters
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key population.agedistfile (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/sa_2003.csv')
# mNRM: using advanced algorithm
# Release version
# Simpact version is: 0.20.0testing4
# Current simulation time is 15.0116
# Number of events executed is 3140
# Started with 200 people, ending with 185 (difference is -15)

In [5]:
# In the following example, we're going to use the 'agegapry' hazard. To be able to
# use this, we also need to specify that the reference year is synchronized periodically.
# By default, the 'agegapry' hazard expects that this sync is performed at least yearly
# (the default value of 'formation.hazard.agegapry.maxageref.diff' is 1), so we'll set
# 'syncrefyear.interval' to 1 as well.
# In the hazard, we're not going to change the slope of the resulting distribution, but
# we're going to set the parameters that make the importance of the age gap term dependent
# on the age of the person. This way, we get a funnel-like shape of the distribution.

cfg = {}
cfg["population.simtime"] = 50
cfg["population.nummen"] = 400
cfg["population.numwomen"] = 400
cfg["syncrefyear.interval"] = 1
cfg["formation.hazard.type"] = "agegapry"
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.baseline"] = 0.1
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_man_const"] = 0
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_man_exp"] = -0.7
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_man_age"] = -0.06
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_woman_const"] = 0
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_woman_exp"] = -0.7
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_woman_age"] = -0.06

Using identifier 'simpact-cyan-2016-08-11-08-38-22_29863_qx84Kb8t-'
Results will be stored in directory '/tmp/simptest'
Running simpact executable...

# read seed from /dev/urandom
# Rng engine mt19937
# Using seed 363828277
# Performing extra check on read configuration parameters
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key population.agedistfile (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/sa_2003.csv')
# mNRM: using advanced algorithm
# Release version
# Simpact version is: 0.20.0testing4
# Current simulation time is 50.0072
# Number of events executed is 8172
# Started with 800 people, ending with 240 (difference is -560)

In [6]:
# This is a simular example as before, but instead of getting less picky as they
# age, in this simulation people will put more importance in the age difference
# as they get older.

cfg = {}
cfg["population.simtime"] = 50
cfg["population.nummen"] = 400
cfg["population.numwomen"] = 400
cfg["syncrefyear.interval"] = 1
cfg["formation.hazard.type"] = "agegapry"
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.baseline"] = 0.1
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_man_const"] = 0
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_man_exp"] = -0.05
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_man_age"] = 0.03
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_woman_const"] = 0
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_woman_exp"] = -0.05
cfg["formation.hazard.agegapry.gap_factor_woman_age"] = 0.03

Using identifier 'simpact-cyan-2016-08-11-08-38-51_29863_JGImAu9W-'
Results will be stored in directory '/tmp/simptest'
Running simpact executable...

# read seed from /dev/urandom
# Rng engine mt19937
# Using seed 1081041240
# Performing extra check on read configuration parameters
# WARNING: ignoring consistency check for config key population.agedistfile (config value is '/usr/local/share/simpact-cyan/sa_2003.csv')
# mNRM: using advanced algorithm
# Release version
# Simpact version is: 0.20.0testing4
# Current simulation time is 50.0205
# Number of events executed is 9727
# Started with 800 people, ending with 306 (difference is -494)

In [ ]: