Regressão Logística


In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
import sys
import csv

Preprocessing data

In [34]:
input_filename = ""

att = pd.read_csv(input_filename, sep=',', header=None)

H = att.iloc[:,0:-1] # Get content to be trained
H = np.c_[np.ones(len(H)), H]

y = np.where(att.iloc[:,-1]=="Iris-setosa", 1.0, 0.0)

label = list(["Iris-virginica/versicolor","Iris-setosa"])

Compute norma:

$\left| \left| \nabla l(w^{(t)}) \right| \right| = \sqrt{\displaystyle \sum_{i=1}^{m} \left( w_{i}^{(t)} \right)^{2} }$

I implement Logistic Regression based on Multiple Linear Regression implementation.

In [3]:
def compute_norma(vector):
    norma = np.sqrt( np.sum( vector ** 2 ) )
    return norma

Compute sigmoid

$\sigma (x) = \displaystyle \frac{1}{1 + e^{-x}}$

In [16]:
def sigmoid(x):
    sig = 1 / ( 1 + exp( - x ) )
    return sig

Compute step gradient to train Multiple Linear Regression

$\frac{\partial l(w)}{\partial w_{j} } = \displaystyle \sum{ \left( y - \frac{1}{1+e^{-\theta^{t}x}} \right) x }$

In [17]:
def step_gradient(H, w_current, y, learning_rate):
    diff = y - sigmoid( H, w_current ) )
    partial = np.sum( ( diff * ( H.transpose() ) ).transpose(), axis = 0 )
    norma = compute_norma(partial)

    w = w_current + ( learning_rate * partial )

    return [w, norma]

Compute complete gradient ascending:

In [21]:
def gradient_ascendent(H, y, learning_rate, epsilon):
    w = np.zeros((H.shape[1])) #has the same size of output
    num_iterations = 0
    gradient = 1
    while(gradient > epsilon):
        [w, gradient] = step_gradient(H, w, y, learning_rate)
        num_iterations += 1

    return [w, num_iterations, gradient]

Running the logistic regression:

In [22]:
learning_rate = 0.0053
epsilon = 0.001
[w, num_iterations, norm_gradient] = gradient_ascendent(H, y, learning_rate, epsilon)
print("Norma: {0}\nw: {1}\nnum_iterations: {2}\n\n".format(norm_gradient, w, num_iterations))

Norma: 0.000999996847564
w: [ 0.98421228  1.6321127   5.21835306 -8.47674735 -4.2136109 ]
num_iterations: 217613

Computing the coefficients with Scikit-learn

In [31]:
# C value is used as regularization factor
# This is a inverse function, a high C value turn off regularization
reg = LogisticRegression(C=1e15)[:,1:], y)
print("\nCoef with scikit-learn: {0}".format(reg.coef_))
print("\nIntercept with scikit-learn: {0}".format(reg.intercept_))

Coef with scikit-learn: [[ 1.51526204  4.92414975 -7.80941844 -3.81889579]]

Intercept with scikit-learn: [ 0.90113843]

Predict function

In [104]:
#Return the flower name and probability
def predict(w, x, label):
    pred = sigmoid( w, x.transpose() ) )
    class_name = np.where( np.round(pred), label[1], label[0] ) #Flower name
    pred = np.where( pred<0.5, 1-pred, pred ) # Flower probability
    return [ class_name, np.around( pred*100, 3 ) ]

In [105]:
#             Iris-virginica       Iris-versicolor      Iris-setosa                                 
x = np.array( [[1,7.2,3.2,6.0,1.8], [1,5.0,2.3,3.3,1.0], [1,5.1,3.8,1.5,0.3]] )

[class_name, prob] = predict(w, x, label)

for name, p in zip( class_name, prob ):
    print("Class: {0}, probability: {1}%.".format(name, p))

Class: Iris-virginica/versicolor, probability: 100.0%.
Class: Iris-virginica/versicolor, probability: 99.998%.
Class: Iris-setosa, probability: 100.0%.