FPLCPlot (FPLC Chromatogram plotting tool)

Interactive Jupyter notebok interface to FPLCPlot.

An interactive Jupyter notebook to plot chromatograms outputted from GE Life Sciences / Amersham Biosciences UNICORN 5.X software. To use this notebook, simply output an .XLS file from the UNICORN software, containing all curves / traces (i.e. UV absorbance, conductivity, Temperature, etc.). Save this file in the same directory as the .ipynb file for this notebook, and re-run the cells.


  • Python 2.7 or newer
  • Matplotlib
  • Seaborn
  • NumPy
  • Pandas
  • ipywidgets

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
from fplcplot.chromatogram import plotTraces

Importing Excel files in current directory

By default, all Excel files in the current directory are loaded into a Python list, which will be overlay plotted on the same figure. To exclude an Excel file, simply move the file temporarily to another directory.

In [11]:
file_list = !ls *A.xls

['Protein A.xls']

To plot your figure, simply run the below cell to generate a series of iPython widgets as interface to FPLCPlot. Any changes made to the parameters on the plot are shown after pressing the Run plotTraces button. (Note: Interactive widgets are not visible in online notebook viewers such as on GitHub. Launch this notebook locally to view the widgets.)

Overview of widgets

Name Description
Title Title for figure. Latex supported by enclosing in $$
Save file? Check to save file in same directory. File name is according to first Excel file used in plotting figure.
File format File format for outputted file. .PNG or .PDF supported.
Lower y-limit Lower limit on y-axis for UV absorption trace
Upper y-limit Upper limit on y-axis for UV absorption trace
2nd trace Choice for plotting curve on second y-axis.
buffer_b plots the percentage of buffer B on the second y-axis
buffer_b_abs plots the actual concentration resulting from mixture of buffer A and B (This requires correct values in the buffer B sliders below).
conductivity plots the percentage conductivity on the second y-axis.
*Buffer A (mM) The absolute value in concentration for competitor in buffer A in mM.
*Buffer B (mM) The absolute value in concentration for competitor in buffer B in mM.

*Note: Values for Buffer A and Buffer B must be correct when plotting using the buffer_b_abs setting, as these values are used to calculate the actual concentration of the competitor in solution (e.g. imidazole).

In [12]:
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed
import ipywidgets as widgets

from IPython.display import display

interact(plotTraces, file_list=fixed(file_list), 
         title=widgets.Text("Protein A $E. coli$", description='Title:'),
         output=widgets.Checkbox(value=False, description="Save file?"),
         f_format=widgets.Dropdown(options=['.png', '.pdf'], description='File format:'),
                                   description='Lower y-limit:'),
                                   description='Upper y-limit:'),
                                            description='2nd trace:'),
                                   description='Buffer A (mM):'),
                                   description='Buffer B (mM):'),

Protein A.png outputted.

In [ ]: