
Write functions to subdivide an m/z : rt space into rt bins. See how this affects classification performance

In [1]:
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import numpy as np
%matplotlib inline

Start with MTBLS315, the malaria vs fever dataset. Could get ~0.85 AUC for whole dataset.

In [2]:
# Get the data
### Subdivide the data into a feature table
local_path = '/home/irockafe/Dropbox (MIT)/Alm_Lab/projects/'
data_path = local_path + '/revo_healthcare/data/processed/MTBLS315/'\

## Import the data and remove extraneous columns
df = pd.read_csv(data_path, index_col=0)


Almost everything is below 30sec rt-window

In [3]:
# Show me a scatterplot of m/z rt dots
# distribution along mass-axis and rt axist

plt.scatter(df['mz'], df['rt'], s=1,)
plt.title('mz vs. rt')

In [4]:
# Check out the distribution of rt-windows to choose your rt bin
rt_dist = df['rtmax'] - df['rtmin']
# Choose to use 40 second bins...?

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x7f421fff28d0>

In [ ]:

In [ ]:
# Divide m/z and rt into windows of certain width

def subdivide_mz_rt(df, rt_bins, mz_bins, samples, not_samples):
    GOAL - Subdivide mz/rt space into a grid of defined widths. Sum entrie sof the grid
    IPUT - df - dataframe from xcms (rt, mz, patient names as columns)
    OUTPUT - Matrix containing summed intensities
    NOTE - Do adducts play a large roll here? Uncertain. Could choose your rt-widths based on
    # Define the bins based on separation criteria
    # todo this is hacky and will always round down
    rt_window = df['rt'].max() / rt_bins
    rt_bounds = [(i*rt_window, i*rt_window+rt_window) 
                 for i in range(0, rt_bins)]

    mz_window = df['mz'].max() / mz_bins
    mz_bounds = [(i*mz_window, i*mz_window+mz_window) 
                for i in range(0, mz_bins)]
    # Tidy up by converting patient labels to column using melt
    tidy = pd.melt(df, id_vars=not_samples,
           value_vars=samples, var_name='Samples', 
    # Go through each sample and sum intensities onto grid
    grid_dict = {}
    for sample in samples:
        # Initiate empty dict with shape mz_windo x rt_window
        grid_vals = np.zeros([mz_bins, rt_bins])
        df_sample = tidy[tidy['Samples'] == sample]
        # use floor, b/c zero is the start of indexes, not 1
        # TODO Deal with 
        y_vals = np.floor(df_sample['rt'].div(
        x_vals = np.floor(df_sample['mz'].div(
        df_sample['rt_bin'] = x_vals
        df_sample['mz_bin'] = y_vals
        # Go through each row and add intensity to the correct 
        # grid-entry
        for idx, row in df_sample.iterrows():
            grid_vals[row['rt_bin'], row['mz_bin']] += row['Intensity']
        # Add to grid dict
        grid_dict[sample] = grid_vals
        ax = sns.heatmap(grid_vals)
    # Create matrix to add intensities to
    # Get the number of bins by finding hte max values of m/z and 
    return grid_dict

not_samples = ['mz', 'mzmin', 'mzmax', 'rt', 'rtmin', 'rtmax',
              'adduct', 'isotopes', 'npeaks', 'pcgroup', 'uhplc_pos']
samples = df.columns.difference(not_samples)
print 'max:', df['mz'].max()
rt_divisor = 50 # base this on distribution of rt-widths..?
mz_bins = 5
rt_bins = 5
print mz_bins
print rt_bins
grid_dict = subdivide_mz_rt(df, mz_bins, rt_bins, samples, not_samples)

max: 994.676397959
/home/irockafe/miniconda2/envs/isaac_revo_healthcare/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:41: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy
/home/irockafe/miniconda2/envs/isaac_revo_healthcare/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipykernel/__main__.py:42: SettingWithCopyWarning: 
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/indexing.html#indexing-view-versus-copy

In [92]:
# Make shit tidy
test_df = pd.DataFrame({'mz': [10,20,30,100], 'rt':[100,200,300,1000], 
                        'A': [1,2,3,4], 'B': [10,20,30,40],
                       'C': [5,15,25,35]})
print 'Original: \n', test_df
tidy_df = pd.melt(test_df, id_vars=['mz', 'rt'], value_vars=['A', 'B', 'C'], 
       var_name='Subject', value_name='Intensity')
print '\n\n Tidy:\n', tidy_df

feature_table_df = pd.pivot_table(tidy_df, index=['mz', 'rt'], values='Intensity',

print '\n\n Unpivoted, step 1:\n',feature_table_df

print feature_table_df

abc = tidy_df[tidy_df['Subject'] == 'A']

   A   B   C   mz    rt
0  1  10   5   10   100
1  2  20  15   20   200
2  3  30  25   30   300
3  4  40  35  100  1000

     mz    rt Subject  Intensity
0    10   100       A          1
1    20   200       A          2
2    30   300       A          3
3   100  1000       A          4
4    10   100       B         10
5    20   200       B         20
6    30   300       B         30
7   100  1000       B         40
8    10   100       C          5
9    20   200       C         15
10   30   300       C         25
11  100  1000       C         35

 Unpivoted, step 1:
Subject   A   B   C
mz  rt             
10  100   1  10   5
20  200   2  20  15
30  300   3  30  25
100 1000  4  40  35
Subject   mz    rt  A   B   C
0         10   100  1  10   5
1         20   200  2  20  15
2         30   300  3  30  25
3        100  1000  4  40  35

In [120]:
a = np.zeros([2,6])
a[0.0,2.0] += 3

IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-120-07d12ca3195f> in <module>()
      1 a = np.zeros([2,6])
----> 2 a[0.0,2.0] += 3
      3 a[0,2]+=7
      4 a

IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices

In [84]:
# divide feature table into slices of retention time
def get_rt_slice(df, rt_bounds):
        Given a tidy feature table with 'mz' and 'rt' column headers, 
        retain only the features whose rt is between rt_left 
        and rt_right
        df - a tidy pandas dataframe with 'mz' and 'rt' column 
        rt_left, rt_right: the boundaries of your rt_slice, in seconds
    out_df = df.loc[ (df['rt'] > rt_bounds[0]) & 
                    (df['rt'] < rt_bounds[1])]
    return out_df

def sliding_window_rt(df, rt_width, step=rt_width*0.25):
    # get range of values [(0, rt_width)
    #get_rt_slice(df, )
    rt_min = np.min(df['rt'])
    rt_max = np.max(df['rt'])
    # define the ranges 
    left_bound = np.arange(rt_min, rt_max, step)
    right_bound = left_bound + rt_width
    rt_bounds = zip(left_bound, right_bound)
    for rt_slice in rt_bounds:
        rt_window = get_rt_slice(df, rt_slice)
        #print rt_window.head()
        print 'shape', rt_window.shape
        raise hee
        # TODO Send to ml pipeline here? Or separate function?

print type(np.float64(3.5137499999999999))
a = get_rt_slice(df, (750, 1050))
print 'Original dataframe shape: ', df.shape
print '\n Shape:', a.shape, '\n\n\n\n'

sliding_window_rt(df, 100)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-84-6b138b998900> in <module>()
     15     return out_df
---> 17 def sliding_window_rt(df, rt_width, step=rt_width*0.25):
     18     pass
     19     # get range of values [(0, rt_width)

NameError: name 'rt_width' is not defined

In [16]:
# Convert selected slice to feature table, X, get labels y

mz mzmin mzmax rt rtmin rtmax npeaks uhplc_pos X1001_P X1002_P ... X1061_P X1062_P X1064_P X1065_P X1066_P X1067_P X1068_P isotopes adduct pcgroup
37 104.106489 104.106064 104.106715 769.177526 768.010462 778.193106 67 55 329070.128055 396227.894115 ... 473247.278829 588871.216421 426270.960560 572473.584864 569940.613228 315394.476526 944484.900497 NaN NaN 442
38 104.106481 104.105924 104.106715 797.843875 796.921036 799.168518 53 51 65338.750793 79133.729755 ... 185880.697595 128276.011237 205495.778470 231927.971052 210661.425303 164378.532642 274995.481829 NaN NaN 33
44 112.627395 112.626903 112.627604 768.882724 768.164720 769.627506 34 34 0.000000 2512.603634 ... 17939.896362 19085.291535 24771.295474 34058.985162 59346.107589 43265.770580 90047.112008 NaN NaN 11
87 117.988387 117.987919 117.988599 912.162783 903.569648 919.857546 58 34 316999.738260 557646.282622 ... 413286.737731 392384.888350 969722.728147 241978.478925 401799.805418 402536.825821 387827.492260 NaN NaN 968
92 117.988391 117.987949 117.988588 895.832264 889.220909 902.494494 49 32 443674.518761 360580.907258 ... 278985.527029 296287.274749 274575.084114 255087.820263 248857.829020 274409.550916 243281.723691 NaN NaN 57

5 rows × 72 columns

Show me the distribution of features from alzheimers dataset

In [88]:
### Subdivide the data into a feature table
local_path = '/home/irockafe/Dropbox (MIT)/Alm_Lab/'\
data_path = local_path + '/revo_healthcare/data/processed/MTBLS72/positive_mode/'\
## Import the data and remove extraneous columns
df = pd.read_csv(data_path, index_col=0)
# Make a new index of mz:rt
mz = df.loc[:,"mz"].astype('str')
rt = df.loc[:,"rt"].astype('str')
idx = mz+':'+rt
df.index = idx

a = get_rt_slice(df, (0,100))
print df.shape
print a.shape

(1417, 262)
(517, 262)