Import our modules or packages that we will need to scrape a website, including requests
and bs4
and csv
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Make a request to the webpage url that we are scraping. The url is:
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Assign the html code from that site to a variable
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Alternatively, to access this from local file in html/ dir, uncomment the next lines
r= open('../project2/html/movies.html', 'r')
html =
Parse the html
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Isolate the table
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Find the rows, at the same time we are going to use slicing to skip the first two header rows.
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We are going to the csv module's DictWriter to write out our results. The DictWriter requires two things when we create it - the file and the fieldnames. First open our output file:
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Next specify the fieldnames.
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Point our csv.DictWriter at the output file and specify the fieldnames along with other necessary parameters.
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#loop through the rows
#grab the table cells from each row
#skip the blank rows
#create a dictionary and assign the cell values to keys in our dictionary
#write the variables out to a csv file
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#close the csv file
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