• 29 Aug. 15: Picos 1.1.1 Released Minor release with following changes:

    Initial support for the SDPA solver (with the option solver='sdpa', picos works as a wrapper around the SDPA executable based on the write_to_file() function; thanks to Petter Wittek )

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
from __future__ import division

In [ ]:
import picos as pic
import cvxopt as cvx
import control as con

from numpy import linalg as LA
from scipy.special import comb as nchoosek # n Choose k (n ueber k)
import optim_tools as optim_tools#own file with helper

In [ ]:
# Hydraulischer Aktor     #

A0 = np.matrix([[0,   1,       0],
                [-10, -1.167, 25],
                [0,   0,    -0.8]])
print "Eigenvalues: {}".format(LA.eigvals(A0))
#a = -A[-1,:].T ### !!!!!
#print a
b0 = np.matrix([[0],[0],[2.4]])
c0 = np.matrix([1, 0, 0])
d0 = np.matrix([0])
u_max = 10.5
n = 3

X00 = [np.matrix([-20.0, -10.0, -10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([-20.0, -10.0,  10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([-20.0,  10.0, -10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([-20.0,  10.0,  10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([20.0,  -10.0, -10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([20.0,  -10.0,  10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([20.0,   10.0, -10.0]).T,
       np.matrix([20.0,   10.0,  10.0]).T,

#print "A:\n", A
#print "a:\n", a
#print "b:\n", b
#print "c:\n", c

# Convert to Normalform
(A1, b1, c1, d1), T1, Q1 = optim_tools.get_Steuerungsnormalform(A0, b0, c0.T, d0)
a1 = -A1[-1][:].T #!!!!
print "T1:\n", T1

# Convert to Normalform
ss, T2 = con.canonical_form(con.ss(A0, b0, c0, d0), form='reachable')

assert np.allclose(T1*X00[1],
"own Steuerungsnormalform Transformation not equal python control version"
#print "x_r1:\n", T1*X00[1]
#print "x_r2(backwards):\n", optim_tools.reverse_x_order(T2*X00[1])

A = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.A))
a = -A[-1][:].T #!!!!

b = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.B))
c = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.C))
d = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.D)) # == 0!

print "A:\n", A
assert np.allclose(A, A1)
print "a:\n", a
assert np.allclose(a, a1)
print "b:\n", b
assert np.allclose(b, b1)
print "c:\n", c
assert np.allclose(c, c1.T)

X0 = [T1.dot(x0) for x0 in X00]
#print "X0:\n"
#for x0 in X0:
#    print x0
#print "A1:\n", A1
#print "a1:\n", a1
#print "b1:\n", b1
#print "c1:\n", c1

In [ ]:
pmin = 0.1
# Testsystem aufsetzen import control as con # pt2 System K = 1 d = 0.5 T = 10 delay = 0 a0 = 1 a1 = (2 * d * T) #16 a2 = (T**2) #100 b0 = K # Polynom tf_1 = con.matlab.tf(K, [a2, a1, a0]) #print tf_1 # Zustandsraum #ss_1a = con.matlab.tf2ss(tf_1) #print ss_1a # Füge Zeitversatz zu d_num, d_den = con.pade(delay, 1) tf_delay = con.tf(d_num, d_den) ss_delay = con.series(tf_delay, tf_1) ss_1a = con.matlab.tf2ss(ss_delay) ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ ############################################################ # Sammle Systemteile A0 = ss_1a.A b0 = ss_1a.B C0 = ss_1a.C d0 = ss_1a.D # Max output u_max = 0.1 # Einzugsgebiet (convex) X0 = [np.matrix([-1, -0.1]).T, np.matrix([-1, 0.1]).T, np.matrix([1, -0.1]).T, np.matrix([1, 0.1]).T] #print len(X0) # Transformation in Regelungsnormalform ss, T = con.canonical_form(con.ss(A0, b0, C0, d0), form='reachable') A = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.A)) a = -A[-1][:].T #!!!! b = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.B)) C = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.C)) d = optim_tools.reverse_x_order(np.matrix(ss.D)) # == 0! print "A:\n", A print "a:\n", a print "b:\n", b #print C n = b.size
# !!!!! # This Section is disabled # !!!!! ############################## # Boris Paper UBoot # ############################## A = np.matrix([[0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 1.], [0., 0., -0.005]]) ############### TODO ################### ############### CHECK ################## #last line of Regelungsnormalform (characteristical polynom coefficients) in a colunm vector a = -np.matrix(A[np.array(A).shape[1]-1])[np.newaxis].T b = np.matrix([[0], [0], [1.]]) d = 0 c = np.matrix([[1], [0], [0]]).T print np.matrix(con.matlab.pole(con.matlab.ss(A, b, c, d))).T u_max = 2.5e-5 X0 = [np.matrix([-10, -0.05, -0.0046]).T, np.matrix([-10, -0.05, 0.0046]).T, np.matrix([-10, 0.05, -0.0046]).T, np.matrix([-10, 0.05, 0.0046]).T, np.matrix([ 10, -0.05, -0.0046]).T, np.matrix([ 10, -0.05, 0.0046]).T, np.matrix([ 10, 0.05, -0.0046]).T, np.matrix([ 10, 0.05, 0.0046]).T] x_max = [10, 0.05, 0.0046] #simulation time T = 1.0/200.0 #Introduced for fun u_max_sys = u_max #a_hat = np.matrix([[4.4469e-8], [2.3073e-5], [4.9148e-3]]) #a_hat_star = np.matrix([[1.073e-7], [4.919e-5], [10.4078e-3]]) #R1 = np.matrix([[1.6021e-5, 3.26098e-3, 0.4031], # [3.2698e-3, 1.5666, 163.46], # [0.4031, 163.46, 40.713]]) ##### Entwurf parameter ##### beta = 2 # beta >=1 !

In [ ]:
import picos;picos.tools.available_solvers()
###################################################### # Helper for Constraint variant (4.65) -> Q_sum # ###################################################### # TODO: Was ist m? Kann man das berechnen oder wird das festgelegt m<=2n-1, meistens n+1? from scipy.special import comb as nchoosek # n Choose k (n ueber k) def get_a_list(a, Q, z, m): n = len(a) # dim of a, z, Q(nxn) m = m # Is this to choose or somehow given? l = m+1 # length of the array with all a_i in it i:{0,m} H = lambda k: optim_tools._H(k, n) # Convinence function to fix n and make specialized H(k) N = optim_tools._N(n) a_list = [np.zeros((n, n))] * l for i in range(0, l): # m eingeschlossen if i <= (m-1)/2.0: # 0 <= i <= (m-1)/2 for k in range(1, i+1): a_list[i] += a.T * H(n+k-i)*Q*N*H(n-k+1)*a - z.T*N*H(n-i)*a elif i <= m: # (m-1)/2 < i <=m for k in range(1, 2*n-i+1): a_list[i] += a.T * H(k)*Q*N*H(2*n-i-k+1)*a else: # this branch is currently not possible in this program print "i={} < m={}".format(i, m) a_list[i] = 0 return a_list def trans_a_list(a_list, eps): l = len(a_list) m = l-1 #biggest index in a_list a1_list = [np.zeros(a_list[0].shape)] * l for j in range(0, l): #for each in a_list for i in range(j, l): # for each coefficient including m a1_list[j] += nchoosek(i, i-j) * ((1.0+eps)/(1.0-eps))**(i-j) * ((1.0-eps)/(2.0))**i * a_list[i] return a1_list def calc_a_Sum(a_list): l = len(a_list) # number of matrizen in a_list m = l-1 # Index of Q_m n = a_list[0].size[0] # shape of each matrix, first element if m is 0: a_sum = cvxpy.bmat([[2*a_list[0], np.zeros(n)], [np.zeros(n), np.zeros(n)]]) elif m is 1: a_sum = cvxpy.bmat([[2*a_list[0], a_list[1]], [a_list[1], np.zeros(n)]]) else: # e.g. m is 2 or more a_sum = cvxpy.bmat([[2*a_list[0], a_list[1]], [a_list[1], 2*a_list[2]]]) for i1 in range(3, l, 2): S_new_col = cvxpy.vstack(np.zeros((((i1+1)/2-1)*n, n)), a_list[i1]) if i1 is m: S_new_row = cvxpy.hstack(np.zeros((n, ((i1+1)/2-1)*n)), a_list[i1], np.zeros((n,n))) else: S_new_row = cvxpy.hstack(np.zeros((n, ((i1+1)/2-1)*n)), a_list[i1], 2*a_list[i1+1]) a_sum = cvxpy.bmat([[a_sum, S_new_col], [S_new_row]]) a_sum = -0.5*a_sum return a_sum def calc_lmi_cond(a_sum, n): k = a_sum.size[1] / n # This dimension is from Boris. Dilyana does not specifiy the dimension though J = np.hstack([np.zeros((n*(k-1), n)), np.eye(n*(k-1))]) C = np.hstack([np.eye(n*(k-1)), np.zeros((n*(k-1), n))]) return np.vstack([C, J]), n*(k-1)

Define and solve optimations problem

In [ ]:
# Objective variant (4.66) -> max(det(Q)) #
# Volumenmaximierung -> geomean(Q)        #
# Problem
prob_451 = pic.Problem()

# Variables
QQ = prob_451.add_variable('Q', (n, n), vtype='symmetric')
zz = prob_451.add_variable('z', n)

# Constants
XX0 = pic.new_param('X0', X0)
N = cvx.matrix(optim_tools._N(n))

# Constraints
prob_451.add_constraint(QQ >> 0)

prob_451.add_constraint(QQ*(A.T+a*b.T) + (A+b*a.T)*QQ - zz*b.T - b*zz.T << 0)

prob_451.add_constraint(QQ*N+N*QQ << 0) 

prob_451.add_list_of_constraints([((1          & XX0[i].T) //
                                   (XX0[i]     & QQ      )) >> 0
                                       for i in range(0, len(X0))])

prob_451.add_constraint(((u_max**2 - a.T*QQ*a + 2*a.T*zz & zz.T) //
                         (zz                             & QQ  )) >> 0)

In [ ]:
# Constraint variant (4.64)               #

m = n

                        [nchoosek(i, k) * a.T * optim_tools._P(0, i-k, n) * QQ * N * optim_tools._P(0, k, n) * a - zz.T * N * optim_tools._P(n, i, n) * a
                             for k in range(0,i)], 'k', '[0,1,..,i]')>=0
                                   for i in range(1, m+1)])
########################################### # Constraint variant (4.65) -> Q_sum # ########################################### m = n # Preparation for constraint (4.65) a_list = get_a_list(a, Q, z, m) # Matrizes of Polynom coefficients: S(p)=S_0 + S_1*p + ... S_n*p^n a1_list = trans_a_list(a_list, pmin) # Intervaltransformation p:[0,1] -> p1:[-1,1] (S1 -> S^tilde) a1_sum = calc_a_Sum(a1_list) # S^tilde_sum Matrix (30) CJ, l = calc_lmi_cond(a1_sum ,n) # "Selection matrizes" of (31), l=dimension of P and G # Further variables of optimization S = cvxpy.Semidef(l) #symmetrical G = cvxpy.Variable(l,l) #skew # Constraints on new variables constraint_G = G + G.T == 0 # skew symmetry constraint_S = S == S.T # symmetry # Actual constraint constraint_465 = a1_sum << CJ.T * cvxpy.bmat([[-S, G], [G.T, S]]) * CJ

In [ ]:
# Objective disabled because problem is not feasible with the objective anymore :-/

#ss = prob_451.add_variable('s', 1)
#prob_451.add_constraint(pic.geomean(QQ) > ss) 
#prob_451.add_constraint(pic.detrootn(QQ) > ss) 

#prob_451.set_objective('max', ss)

In [ ]:
print "Objective: {}\n".format(prob_451.objective)
prob_451.solve(verbose=1, solver='cvxopt', solve_via_dual = None)

In [ ]:
# Output
print "Status:", prob_451.status
print prob_451

Q_451 = QQ.value
R1_451 = LA.inv(QQ.value)
a_hat_451 = R1_451.dot(zz.value)

print "Q:\n", Q_451
print "R1:\n", R1_451
print "z:\n", zz.value
print "a_hat:\n", a_hat_451

In [ ]:
import numpy as np
print "Checking constraints (no output is ok!)"
eig_459 = np.linalg.eigvals(QQ.value)
if np.any(eig_459 <= 0): print("Q not pos definit: {}".format(eig_459))

eig_460 = np.linalg.eigvals((QQ*(A.T+a*b.T)+(A+b*a.T)*QQ-zz*b.T-b*zz.T).value)
if np.any(eig_460 >= 0): print("4.60 not neg definit: {}".format(eig_460))

eig_461 = np.linalg.eigvals((QQ*N+N*QQ).value)
if np.any(eig_461 >= 0): print("4.61 not neg definit: {}".format(eig_461))
eig_463 = np.linalg.eigvals(((u_max**2-a.T*QQ*a+2*a.T*zz & zz.T) // (zz & QQ)).value)
if np.any(eig_463 <= 0): print("4.63 not pos definit: {}".format(eig_463))

In [ ]:
# Objective variant (4.70)                #
# Max. Abklingrate                        #
# Problem
prob_452 = pic.Problem()

# Variables
QQ = prob_452.add_variable('Q', (n, n), vtype='symmetric')
zz = prob_452.add_variable('z', n)

# Constants
XX0 = pic.new_param('X0', X0) #We also point out that new_param() converts lists into vectors and lists of lists into matrices (given in row major order)
N = cvx.matrix(optim_tools._N(n))

# Bisection parameter
beta = pic.new_param('beta', 0) # sign='positive'

# Constraints
prob_452.add_constraint(QQ >> 0)

prob_452.add_constraint(QQ*(A.T+a*b.T) + (A+b*a.T)*QQ - zz*b.T - b*zz.T << 0)

prob_452.add_constraint(QQ*N+N*QQ << 0) 

prob_452.add_list_of_constraints([((1          & XX0[i].T) //
                                   (XX0[i]     & QQ      )) >> 0
                                       for i in range(0, len(X0))])

prob_452.add_constraint(((u_max**2 - a.T*QQ*a + 2*a.T*zz & zz.T) //
                         (zz                             & QQ  )) >> 0)

In [ ]:
constraint_471 = prob_452.add_constraint(QQ*(A.T + a*b.T) + (A + b*a.T)*QQ - zz*b.T - b*zz.T + 2*beta*QQ << 0, ret=True)

In [ ]:
# Constraint variant (4.64)               #

m = n

                        [nchoosek(i, k) * a.T * optim_tools._P(0, i-k, n) * QQ * N * optim_tools._P(0, k, n) * a - zz.T * N * optim_tools._P(n, i, n) * a
                             for k in range(0,i)], 'k', '[0,1,..,i]')>=0
                                   for i in range(1, m+1)])

In [ ]:
def bisect_max(l, u, func_solve_with_param, prob,
           bisection_tol=1e-3, bisect_verbose=False):

    #if (u is not None):
    #    # cross check bound
    #    if (u < l): raise ValueError("upperBound({}) < lowerBound({})".format(u, l))
    #elif (u is None) and (l is not None):
    #    # First iteration to find upper bound
    #    u = l + 1.0
    #    if bisect_verbose: print "processing upper bound: {}".format(u)
    #    parameter.value = u
    #    problem = accurate_solve(problem, solver, **kwargs_solver)
    #    uStatus = problem.status
    #    while 'optimal' in uStatus:
    #        #if u >= l: # shift upper bound if found feasible, this condition is always true
    #            #l = u
    #        u = 2.0*u
    #        if bisect_verbose:
    #            print "processing upper bound: {}".format(u)
    #        parameter.value = u
    #        problem = accurate_solve(problem, solver, **kwargs_solver)
    #        uStatus = problem.status
    #    print 'found bounds: [{}-{}]'.format(l, u)
    #    raise ValueError("Not implemented")
    # check validity solution of l is optimal, solution of u is infeasible
    val_opt = l
    problem_opt, lStatus = func_solve_with_param(prob, l) # Set lower bound and solve, shall return (problem, status[True/False])

    problem, uStatus = func_solve_with_param(prob, u) # Set upper bound and solve, shall return (problem, status[True/False])

    if lStatus is False and uStatus is True:
        raise ValueError("UpperBound({})={}, LowerBound({})={}".format(u, uStatus, l, lStatus))

    while u - l >= bisection_tol:
        val = (l + u) / 2.0 # Solve for parameter in the middle of upper and lower bound
        ## solve the feasibility problem
        problem, status = func_solve_with_param(problem_opt, val)

        if bisect_verbose:
            print "Range: {}-{}; parameter {} -> {}".format(l, u, val, problem.status)

        if status is False:
            u = val
            l = val
            val_opt = val
            problem_opt = problem #Store last (optimal) solved problem

        # Solve it a last time with the last optimal value, to set the status of problem (since it is not a copy but a ref)
        problem_opt, _ = func_solve_with_param(problem_opt, val_opt)
    return problem_opt, val_opt

In [ ]:
def picos_solve_with_param(problem, val):
    global constraint_471
    #beta = pic.new_param('beta', val) # sign='positive'

    constraint_471 = problem.add_constraint(QQ*(A.T + a*b.T) + (A + b*a.T)*QQ - zz*b.T - b*zz.T + 2*val*QQ << 0, ret=True)
    problem.solve(verbose=0, solver='cvxopt', solve_via_dual = None)
    return problem, problem.status == 'optimal'

In [ ]:

problem_opt, val_opt = bisect_max(0, 2, picos_solve_with_param, prob_452)
print "Objective variant (4.5.2) -> Bisection(Max. Abklingrate)"
print "Bisection Param:", val_opt

# Output
print "Status:", problem_opt.status
#print problem_opt

Q_452 = QQ.value
R1_452 = LA.inv(QQ.value)
a_hat_452 = R1_452.dot(zz.value)

print "Q:\n", Q_452
print "R1:\n", R1_452
print "z:\n", zz.value
print "a_hat:\n", a_hat_452

Helper functions to run simulation

In [ ]:
T = np.arange(0, 5, 1e-2) 

#s: input, e.g., step function with amplitude of 0.2
s = np.zeros(len(T));

p_init = pmin

# Initial state
x0 = np.matrix([[20.],[10.],[10.]])

p_t = np.zeros(len(T))

In [ ]:
# Skalierte Version! aus Yankulova

# k(v) (4.5)
def get_k(v, a, a_hat):
        v = v.squeeze() # This is weird, needed for minimize for some reason
    D_inv = optim_tools._D_inv(v, len(a))
    #print D_inv
    k = D_inv.dot(a_hat) - a
    return k

# Fixing a and a_hat for convinience
# func_k = lambda v: get_k(v, a, a_hat)

# G(v) (4.4)
def get_g(v, x, R1, u_max, a, a_hat):
        v = v.squeeze() # This is weird, needed for minimize for some reason
    D_inv = optim_tools._D_inv(v, len(x))
    R = D_inv.dot(R1).dot(D_inv) # R(v) = D^⁻1 * R1 * D^-1
    k = get_k(v, a, a_hat) # k(v)
    e = (u_max**(-2)) * (k.T.dot(LA.inv(R)).dot(k))
    #assert e < 1.0
    g = e*(x.T.dot(R).dot(x)) - 1.0
    #assert g <= 0, "g = {} > 0".format(g)
    # Update 2016: As of python 3.5, there is a new matrix_multiply symbol, @:
    # g = x' @ D^-1 @ R1 @ D^-1 @ x - 1.0
    return g

In [ ]:
from scipy.optimize import minimize
last_p = p_init

def contr_func(y, s, x, u_max, a, a_hat, R1, T1=None):
    global last_p, pmin
    # Transformation in Regelungsnormalform
    if T1 is None:
        T1 = np.eye(len(x))

    x_R = T1*x
    func_g = lambda p: np.absolute(get_g(p, x_R, R1, u_max, a, a_hat))
    res = minimize(func_g, last_p, method='Nelder-Mead') # find 0 -fzero
    # Saturate if too small
    if res.x < pmin:
        p = pmin
    elif res.x > 1.0:
        p = 1.0
        print "WARNING: p=({})>1! -> p is saturated to 1.0".format(res.x)
        p = res.x


    last_p = p
    ## Calc K according to p
    K = get_k(p, a, a_hat)

    # Calc u
    u = s-K.T.dot(x_R)
    # Saturate u
    u = optim_tools.sat(u, u_max)
    #print "u", u
    return u

Simulation of WSVC Control

In [ ]:
a_hat_x = np.matrix([[14.345160], [14.837268], [3.598276]])

R1_x = np.matrix([[1.677977, 0.543373, 0.140299],
                  [0.543373, 0.32290,  0.062725],
                  [0.140298, 0.06272,  0.026148]])

In [ ]:
p_t = []
p2_t = []

y, u, u_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: contr_func(y, s, x, u_max, a, a_hat_451, R1_451, T1), s, T, umax=u_max, x0=x0)
y1, u1, u1_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: contr_func(y, s, x, u_max, a, a_hat_x, R1_x, T1), s, T, umax=u_max, x0=x0)
y2, u2, u2_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: contr_func(y, s, x, u_max, a, a_hat_452, R1_452, T1), s, T, umax=u_max, x0=x0)

#y1x, u1x, u1x_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: contr_func(y, s, x, u_max, a, a_hat_x, R1_x, T1), s, T, umax=u_max, x0=x0)
#y1, u1, u1_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A1, b1, c1.T, d1, lambda y, s, x: contr_func(y, s, x, u_max, a, a_hat), s, T, umax=u_max, x0=T1*x0)

#y2, u2, u2_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: s-get_k(1, a, a_hat_451).T.dot(T1*x), s, T, umax=u_max, x0=x0)
#y3, u3, u3_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: s-np.matrix([-0.0833, 0.0828, 0.76068]).dot(x), s, T, umax= u_max, x0=x0)
y4, u4, u4_sat = optim_tools.simulate(A0, b0, c0, d0, lambda y, s, x: s-np.matrix([13.25659, 7.097648, 4.0502]).dot(x), s, T, umax= u_max, x0=x0)

In [ ]:
%pylab inline
pylab.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10, 6)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

line0, = plt.plot(T[:], np.array(y[0,:].T), 'b', label='WSVC 451')
line1, = plt.plot(T[:], np.array(y1[0,:].T), 'y*-', label='WSVC x')
line2, = plt.plot(T[:], np.array(y2[0,:].T), 'r-', label='WSVC 452')
#line2, = plt.plot(T[:], np.array(y2[0,:].T), 'r-', label='linear(v=1.0)')
#line3, = plt.plot(T[:], np.array(y3[0,:].T), 'g-', label='linear')
line4, = plt.plot(T[:], np.array(y4[0,:].T), 'g-', label='y4 lin, apx evo')

#first_legend = plt.legend(handles=[line1], loc=1)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
plt.title('Closed Loop Step Response')

#line0, = plt.plot(T, u_sat, 'b', label='u')

#line0, = plt.plot(T, u1x_sat, 'b', label='WSVC x')

line0, = plt.plot(T, u, 'b.-', label='WSVC 451')
line1, = plt.plot(T, u1_sat, 'y*-', label='WSVC x')
line2, = plt.plot(T, u2_sat, 'r-', label='WSVC 452')
#line2b, = plt.plot(T, u2, 'r.-', label='u fixed')
#line3, = plt.plot(T, u3_sat, 'g', label='u, linear')
#line3b, = plt.plot(T, u2, 'g.-', label='u lin')
line4, = plt.plot(T, u4_sat, 'g-', label='u lin, apx evo')

#>first_legend = plt.legend(handles=[line1, line2, line1b, line2b], loc=1)
plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc=2, borderaxespad=0.)
plt.title('Output values')

line6, = plt.plot(p_t, 'r', label='p')
line7, = plt.plot(p2_t, 'r.', label='p')

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