

  • A string is more than a sequence of bytes
  • A string is a couple (bytes, encoding)
  • Use unicode_literals in python2
  • Manage differently encoded filenames
  • A string is not a sequence of bytes


In [ ]:
import os
import os.path
import glob

In [ ]:
from os.path import isdir
basedir = "/tmp/course"
if not isdir(basedir):

Song of Childhood

Als das Kind Kind war, ging es mit hängenden Armen, wollte der Bach sei ein Fluß, der Fluß sei ein Strom, und diese Pfütze das Meer. Als das Kind Kind war, wußte es nicht, daß es Kind war, alles war ihm beseelt, und alle Seelen waren eins.

"When the child was a child,
characters were bytes, and
strings list of bytes."

When the child was a child It walked with its arms swinging, wanted the brook to be a river, the river to be a torrent, and this puddle to be the sea. When the child was a child, it didn’t know that it was a child, everything was soulful, and all souls were one.

Encoding is a map

Encoding is a map between typographical characters and byte-sequences.

Decoding is its reverse map.

char -> utf8 cp1252 ascii
y -> [121] [121] [121]
z -> [122] [122] [122]
{ -> [123] [123] [123]
¢ -> [194, 162] [162] -
£ -> [194, 163] [163] -
¤ -> [194, 164] [164] -
¥ -> [194, 165] [165] -
Ɓ -> [198, 129] - -
Ƃ -> [198, 130] - -
ƃ -> [198, 131] - -

In [ ]:
# Py3 doesn't need the 'u' prefix before the string.
the_string = u"S\u00fcd" # Sued

In [ ]:
# the_string Sued can be encoded in different...
in_utf8 = the_string.encode('utf-8')
in_win = the_string.encode('cp1252')

# ...byte-sequences
assert type(in_utf8) == bytes

In [ ]:
# Now you can see the differences between 
# and

In [ ]:
# Decoding bytes using the wrong map...
# ...gives Süd results

In [ ]:
# Filenames are actually binary data
#  we should be careful when our scripts read
#  eg from a vfat filesystem.

# To make Py2 encoding-aware we must
from __future__ import unicode_literals, print_function

# Create 3 windows-encoded filenames in

# using the provided function
from course import create_espana

In [ ]:
# Just list the newly created files
# and check that they are not showing correctly (unless we have windows :D)
!dir {basedir}

In [ ]:
from glob import glob as ls 
#expands wildcards like ls

# To avoid encoding issue like the following...
files = ls("/tmp/course/*.txt")

#UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode
# byte 0xe9 in position 5: # remember ñ in cp1252
# ordinal not in range(128)

In [ ]:
# We must explicitly use bytes prefixing with "b"
files = ls(b"/tmp/course/*.txt")
# And the file names are shown with bytes.

In [ ]:
# Exercise: don't run this cell! 
# Which outcome do you expect from the following instruction?

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